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Everything posted by jonesjp

  1. Q1. (1 Samuel 24:1-15) Why doesn’t David kill Saul when he has the chance? What motive do he and his men have for killing a king who is trying to kill them? What is David’s rationale for sparing Saul? What does this tell us about David’s character? About his faith? What does it say about David’s leadership ability that he is able to dissuade his men from killing Saul? David knows that it would cause him to be out of God’s will if he was to do anything to one of God’s anointed. There is no motive for him or his men because it would only be for self-gain or someone may say for his defense but God is his defense and if David follows God as He directs him, the battle belongs to the Lord. Saul is God’s anointed and David shall not touch God’s chosen. David is a great example of a leader and one who is moving under the direction of God and not himself. This gives his men a fine example to follow and it also helps them to respect a faithful leader like David.
  2. Q4. (Psalms 18, 34, 54, 56, 58, 59, 142) In these ascriptions to these psalms, how many celebrate happy occasions? How many arise from struggles? What does this tell you about David’s relationship with God? What does this tell you about his faith during trials? Which is your favorite among these psalms? Why? I believe 2 celebrate a happy occasion and the rest arise from struggles. David knew the Lord and trusted him realizing were his help comes from. Truly he was a man of faith in order to stay connected during these trials of life even when he seemed overtaken by them God delivered him. Psalms 34 because It reminds me that regardless of what one may encounter if you trust and believe in God He will deliver you from your enemies.
  3. Q3. (1 Samuel 23:14-18) Why does Jonathan visit David in the wilderness? What risk is there for David? What risk is there for Jonathan? What do you think it meant to David? Have you ever received a visit from a friend when you needed it most? Jonathan visits David to help encourage and strengthen him. They are both at risk because if Saul finds either of them helping one another he will be outrage. I know that David is encouraged by his friend and a brother in the Lord, whom he has developed a covenant with. All this running and hidding takes alot away from a person and eventhough I know he trusted God, but the Lord know exactly when and how to intervene. I do recall sisters in Christ who when I needed most some encouragement has encouraged and helped me to stay focus and on tract.
  4. Q3. (1 Samuel 23:14-18) Why does Jonathan visit David in the wilderness? What risk is there for David? What risk is there for Jonathan? What do you think it meant to David? Have you ever received a visit from a friend when you needed it most? Jonathan visits David to help encourage and strengthen him. They are both at risk because if Saul finds either of them helping one another he will be outrage. I know that David is encouraged by his friend and a brother in the Lord, whom he has developed a covenant with. All this running and hidding takes alot away from a person and eventhough I know he trusted God, but the Lord know exactly when and how to intervene. I do recall sisters in Christ who when I needed most some encouragement has encouraged and helped me to stay focus and on tract.
  5. Q2. (1 Samuel 22:20-23:12) What did Abiathar and the ephod have to do with “inquiring of the Lord?” Why did David inquire of the Lord? What huge advantage does the person have who seeks God’s will before acting? How can you find God’s will at key points in your life? The ephod is part of the high priest's garments that include the Urim and Thummim. David now has the ability to seek God's will about key decisions. David asked the Lord if he should persue the Philistines. The advantage that David has is that the Lord is leading him. Anyone who is being directed and led by God is in line for success and not failure. If we continue to have fellowship with God through His Word and prayer then we will remain in line with His will and we will prevail in all things. Quote MultiQuote
  6. Q1. (1 Samuel 22:2) Why were David’s men attracted to him? What did they have in common? What kind of men were these? What difficulties do you think David probably had in leading them? They were attracted to David because I am sure that they have heard of him just as everyone else has. Their common bond was that they all were on the run for their lives. They were running from Saul and his army. These men were distressed, in debt, and discontented and they were being pursued. The most common difficulty would be trust and belief. As we will see as the story continues.
  7. Q4. (1 Samuel 20:35-42) What is the nature of the covenant between David and Jonathan? What does David receive? What does Jonathan receive? Who benefits the most from this covenant? Is it self-serving – or not? What is the significance that God is witness to the covenant? The covenant is a binding contract or oath between the both of them. David receives his word that he will not reveal anything to Saul and Jonathan receives his word that he would not forget him or his descendants when the time comes and he is appointed king. They both benefit from this covenant. Because as long as God is leading David he will overcome these trials and Jonathan himself will not live to see the benefit of the covenant but his descents will. It is self-serving because each individual gains from this oath. Because at times we may want to break a contract but when we put God as a witness between the covenant then we know that the author and finisher of our faith is watching.
  8. Q3. (1 Samuel 19:18-24) What does it tell us about Saul’s faith that he pursues David even when he has sought the sanctuary of the prophet Samuel? Why do people prophesy when the Holy Spirit comes upon them? What is the relationship between this incident and the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2) It is obvious that Saul is swallowed up by this evil spirit he possess and has lost anything good about him. He knows that God is leading David but yet he continues to pursue him as though he is pursuing God for denying him the kingdom. They prophesy because they are under the control of the Holy Spirit and the Spirit is guiding their tongue. It is apparent that the same spirit that moved Saul and his men to prophesy is the same Spirit that blessed them all on the Day of Pentecost.
  9. Q2. (1 Samuel 18:18-22) Which of the following is David’s chief motive for marrying Michal, in your opinion? Argue for the motivation that makes the most sense to you: (1) pride in his military prowess,(skills) (2) obedience to Saul’s desires, (3) love or desire for Michal, or (4) enjoyment in killing Philistines. I would have to say that David's chief motive for marrying Michal is love or desire for Michal. I know that he had great military prowess because it is obvious through all the winning battles but if we could remember in chapter 17 David asked, "what shall be done for the man who kills this Philistine and takes away the reproach from Israel?"(NKJV) and he was given the answer "the man who kills him the king will enrich with great riches, will give him his daughter, and give his father's house exemption form taxes in Israel."(NKJV) David sees a clear tunnel to receive his reward and he goes for it at least he knows that he has earned it fair and square even though it should have been his from the beginning. But now he has the foreskins to give as a gift to the king for his bride.
  10. Q1. (1 Samuel 18:13-16). Why does Saul send David into battle? What is the result? To what does the narrator attribute David’s success? Saul sends David into battle to get him away from him because David is a constant reminder of his failure and also to send him into to battle. David is an overcomer because he is victorious in all his battle and also he is a great leader because God is with him.
  11. Q3. (1 Samuel 17:47) Why do we so often forget that “the battle is the Lord’s”? What does that phrase actually mean? How can we avoid the arrogance of pulling God into our battles (“God is on my side”), rather than engaging in His battles (“I am on God’s side”)? We tend to only look at ourselves when we are faced with challenges. We forget that only through God we can concur anything. If we seek God in all we do then we know that what every situation befalls us God will direct our path and guide us in the right direction. The only way we can avoid the arrogance of pulling God into our battles is to allow God to lead us and order our steps and any battle that comes against us will not be ours but God's and we will be on His side.
  12. Q2. (1 Samuel 17:34-37) What does David’s explanation to Saul of his combat experience say about David’s faith? How lethal is David as a warrior? Why do you think Saul allows him to go out to battle Goliath? Does Saul have faith? If so, what is the source of it? A young man of great faith who trusted his God and knew that God would deliver him out of any situation. David was very lethal. If God is for us who can be against us. He looked on David and saw the faith that this yound lad had and by the way he was the only one who was willing to come forward and stand for his kingdom. Regarding Saul's faith maybe from David's eagerness to stand before this giant gave him some hope. To see the faith that David had in God and no fear to stand for his country I know that I was inspired knowing how great of a man Goliath was.
  13. David realize that Goliath's is not only rediculing the children of God but he also feel that Goliath is trying to redicule God because the Phillistine's know the God of Isreal. Eliab feels threatened himself by Goliath taunts and now his little brother is the only one among these military men who has the strength to stand up for Judah. Size and strength should not cause fear in a person as long as you know who God is in your life. Regardless of what may come up against you just continue to trust in the Lord and know that if He has brought you through one situation He is faithful to bring you through another as long as you keep Him before all things.
  14. Q1. (1 Samuel 15:22-23). What is rebellion? In what way is rebellion as bad as witchcraft or occult practices? What does rebellion have to do with arrogance? What can we do when we find rebellion against God in our hearts? What happens if we do nothing? Rebellion is doing what the flesh wants you to do and not following the voice of God to direct you. When a person knows the truth and uses the truth to misguide others or uses it to practice wrong then it is the practice of witchcraft. Arrogance is the spirit of pride or boastfulness. It prevents the individual from reasoning so that they are not able to see their wrong because they are totally self-centered. We should seek God the more and ask Him to remove that spirit from us. Get into the word and pray the more because that spirit will if continued lead to destruction.
  15. David makes the statement that he would like to remain in the presence of God and his sanctuary, where he finds peace, love joy, longsuffering, happiness, etc. In whatever situation, David looks to the Lord for guidance. He wants to be able to see the presence of God working in him and through him. The only confidence that we have is knowing that God is our refuge, our light in this dark world. If we continue to seek after Him we will enjoy the goodness of God in this lifetime. In our waiting we will be strengthen and given the power to endure until the coming of the Lord. Let patients have its perfect work in our lives.
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