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seeking HIM

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seeking HIM's Achievements


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  1. GOD is my keeper by His protection. I could have and probabaly should have been dead as to the near miss accidents that have occured in my life also with domestic violence with my husband and throughout my child hood. GOD watches even hovers over and around be to keep me from physical harm and He watches over me to keep me. I am His investment and He keeps tract of my commings and goings, He allows me to make my own decisions yet He leads me in the right direction though I don't always chose the correct path. GOD continues to have authority and shelter for me.
  2. GOD is a rock meaning He is solid unshakable, firm the foundation that doesn't crack or crumble. GOD as rock also represents shadow, refuge, and hiding place. A rock in Palestine is the foundation, shadow and shelter from hot sun.
  3. GOD is my shield in which He catches the darts thrown at me by satin and his angles. GOD wraps me in His love and covers me with His mercy to protect me from anything that is too great for me to deal with, even the trials and struggles I go through GOD sorts them before they get to me and allows the ones that He knows will strengthen me, and even sometimes tear me down if i am to focused on self and not Him. GOD is my glory as every good change in and through me is credited to Him, I can do: and am nothing without Him. GOD is the lifter up of my head by keeping my eyes and hopes fixed on Him. He is the lifter of my countenance and allows / reminds me that He is the ultimate one in control. No matter how bad things get or look GOD only allows certain things to pass through His grasp to come to me. This teaches me that I can depend on GOD!!!! HE is trust worthy!!!!! He is a keeper of His word!!!! GOD's protection strength and guidance oversee all that enters my life and appropriates at which time and for how long. This helps me to know that without GOD i am doomed, He is my everything, and by His power and might alot of things get accomplished through me. I am a vessel and tool for GOD
  4. As a child of GOD I am to dwell/abide and live in GOD, trust Him. placing my hope in Him an His promises. Spending time with GOD reminds me of His presence around and in me. Run to GOD hide in the shelter and protection He gives. metaphors used are secret place, shadow, Most high, refuge, fortress, deliverer, shield and buckler, deliverer,
  5. By confessing Jesus is Lord places Him first and foremost in your life. It allows Him authority to rule over you to be your guide. GOD is a gentle man though He could make us follow and serve Him; He chooses to give us freedom to choose, When we confess His Lordship in our lives it give Him complete access to every area of our life as we yield it over to Him. This confession gives acknowledgment of our submission to His authority. This is necessary in order for GOD to take His rightful places in our lives. as supreme ruler, judge and King. without this confession we continue to live in accordance to our own self and don't submit or seek GOD for our daily needs. We don't walk in His plan for us.
  6. GOD as King means He is supreme ruler in all areas of my life. GOD owns all things and gives as He deems best. submission to and, understanding GOD is ruler. Jesus being Messiah means He has come to deliver us from the bondage of slavery to sin. He has come to set us free!!! Being subject to GOD as King allows me to have access to all that He has and owns. To submit to GOD on a daily basis means to put Him first in all that I do. That the plan that GOD has for me should be my first priorities. He is king and His commands are unretractable to be followed out completely. We reject GOD as king by serving self and living prideful seeking selfish gain and prosperity. We should be seeking His kingdom and allow GOD to give us the rest.
  7. when the people called for a king GOd granted them as the y desired. As GOD set up a kin gHe also set up rules to follow as GOD does being a GOD of order. These rules included bringing 10% of first fruits to the king for payment. GOD had previously required the firstfruits be given to His house to provide for the servants called by GOD to do the work in His house. Tithing is a priveledge for us to be able to give unto the house of GOD, and be able to see all that GOD does with the remaining 90% is a mighty blessing. Jesus said we should give to ceasar what is ceasar's and give to GOD that which belongs to GOD. Tithing of our first fruits doesn't only mean material things. When we awake each day we have been given 24 hrs to enjoy. How much of that belongs to GOD? The people in the old testament gave 10% of animals, grain, harvest and payment after selling things. We can't even decide if we should tithe, Then we argue over whether we should tithe on gross or net. Have you been blessed with an inheritance? How much of that belongs to GOD. How fast did you ponder it because you didn't give Him His share. Not that GOD needs it it is just out of reverance and respect for Hima s oru GOD and King. How are we to have churches, missions, Christ centered schools, pastors and teachers without any monetary contribution from the members. I believe not only should we be giving our 10% but as GOD blesses us we should give above and beyond. GOD teaches that freely we have received and freely we should give. Give out of love for GOd and adoration to HIM not as duty or expantancy that He is going to return that which you give in greater amounts. The things GOD gives isn't always material things you can hold or gain a profit for. As the widow gave a small might yet it was considered a greater gift thanall because she gave out of her need and not just something that would probably be wasted any way. We should give out of love, respect obedience and adoration, give as GOD Himself directs you to give, Don't compare your gifdt to others just give and allow GOD to manage others gifts to Him.
  8. God is not a respector of race or creed, there is neither Jew nor Greek slave nor free we are all ONE in Christ Jesus. we can know and understand the righteous and upright GOD because He tells us if any lack wisdom to ask Him and He will give it freely. As we spend time in GOD's presence we can begin to understand HIS thoughts and ways, although not competely because GOD's thoughts are not our thoughts yet He reveals Himself to us as we draw near and nearer to Him. We can boldy declare the gospel of GOd as he tells us to. when we are filled with the holy spirit we are baptized with power and might. As we allow GOD to use us as a drink offering poured out on His behalf, He gives us words to use. Testify about what GOD has done in your life, How He changed you. tell of the miracle of your salvation and how it can pertain to anybody who wants it too. walk as you believe not just bible thump. the picture you paint is more declaratin of who GOD is then all the words you can manage to utter. LET ME SHOW you who GOD is to me what He has done for me how my life is changed. how He provides, loves and cares for me. be an active worshipor not just particiate in the act of worshipping. live breathe and be as GOD is to you to others. We are commanded to go into the highways and byways and preach the gospel. GOD doesn;t command us to do anything He isn't going to do through us. open your mouth and He will give you words to say. GOD provides the opportunities the situations the circumstances, and power to be His witnesses all we have to do is be faithful to Him, know His voice and follow His lead. Through His power He brings salvation to others we are just the tools He uses so we can be blessed by honoring nad glorifying Him.
  9. As Isaiah recognizes GOD's holiness he immediately recognizes he is not worthy to enter into GOD's presence, Isaiah is reminded of his sins against GOD and is immediately feeling guilt and shame. I believe Isaiah is afraid because he believed that no none can see GOD and still live. he thought he was going to die and he was guilty of sin. Isaiah was made holy with fire on an coal. he believed GOD mad attonement for him and he released his feelings of guilt unto GOD. After being made holy Isaiah responds to GOD in adoration and worhip ready to serve as GOD leads.
  10. I see that faint weary and strength are all repeated in these verses. as disciples we can gather that as we wait on The Lord He gives us the strength we need to go from moment to moment and day to day.when we get tired and weary His neverending, strength carries us to the next level. This passages implies that we will all grow tired and weary and be without strenght at some point in our lives. Yet as we trust in GOD and rely on Him to renew us He will make sure we make it through. Be strong and courageous in HIM.
  11. 1- rock of our salvation. 2- great GOD. 3- great King. 4- above all gods. 5- He holds all thing in His hands. 6- powerful as the strength of the hills is His also. 7- creator/maker. 8-Lord our maker. 9-our GOD. 10-shepard as we are the people of His pasture. we are called to knee and worship, also to listen for GOD's voice. these actions are appropriate because worship draws into the presence of all mighty GOD and glorifies Him for all He is. Not to mention brings great joy and contentment for us.
  12. The potter can make; destroy and recreate or reform at His discretionany time any way he so desires. this effects my life by reminding me that I was created by all mighty GOD! He designed me with purpose and destiny according to His word. My self image is only as good as my knowledge of who I am in Christ Jesus and as I line up with scripture. my sense of purpose is also defined in GOD's word. The more I study and ask GOD to open my eyes so I can see myself with His eyes the more self esteme obtain and purpose is revealed. The great news is that as The potter GOd is when I screw up my life and the plans He has for me then He is more than capable to reform me where I am when I remember to call upon, and follow Him.
  13. nothing that is made has the intellegence of the maker, creator. designer. we are just vessles to be used by GOD for His purposes. As a christian and nonchristians alike. seek paths that we feel will provide us with the most prosperity looking for material posessions and not kingdom principles. We ask why am i in this family why couldn't i have been born elsewhere. How come i don't have?, Why do they get?, continually crying for fairness and not appreciating the justness of our almighty GOD. An attitude of thanksgivng and appreciation towards GOD is by far greater then grumbling and /or complaining all the time. GOD rains on the just and the unjust alike! We just have to remember that GOD doesn't allow us to take on any more than we can bear or tolerate. When things get difficult we should call upon and look towards GOD for help and or deliverance. Also remember GOD doesn't always remove the situations or circumstances alot of the time GOD brings us through them which makes us stronger and wiser. Remain humble esteeming others above yourselves. PRAISE PRAISE PRAISE!!!!!!!!!! at ALL times. in every circumstance.
  14. David knew his GOD was alive and greater than all things?obsticles, like getting beat up when you are little and going to get your big brother to help you knowing he would be able to win the battle, David had extreme confidence in the living GOD as opposed to the empty hoe that was in the idols. this implies to me/us as obsticles/giants tend to enter into our lives, as long as we stay focused on GOD alive and well working all things to our good and not on the problem presented before us we too can be victorous. As i/we stand in awe of our living GOD and in His unconditional, neverending, undying, love, mercy, and grace we must also recognize that we can't take these charicheristics of GOD for granted. Just doing whatever we want to. We are accountable for our actions/reactions, deeds and words, to others. I/we have to be reminded that GOD does get angry and we sould remember that His wrath destroyed whole towns and cities (Sodom & Gomora) because of sin. I for one don't want GOD to deal with me in His anger or wrath. however just knowing that GOD also has that side of Him helps me to stay focused on things I should be doing to glorify Him not to disgrace Him. Not that GOD always punishes me/us for our faults or even bad choices and sin but to know that if we continue to do something after GOD has instructed us to change might bring about some of His anger and or wrath.
  15. First and last imply that GOD always was there is none before Him and He will always be none will be after Him either. being first and last and I am relate as not only is GOD from beginning to end but He is also EVERYTHING inbetween. GOD Was GOD IS GOD Will be!!!!!!!!! All is said and done that settles it.
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