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  1. To be reconciled to God means to be changed, not only us by God. Our sinful nature is changed and God's attitude to us changes, we are no longer of the enemy but of God. Though we were reconciled by Jesus' death, we are even more so by His resurrection. Christ lives in us, continueing to cleanse us that we may approach our Holy Father.
  2. [it is important that we understand and remember that Christ died for the ungodly "while we were yet sinners" because our salvation is due solely to what Christ died for us and nothing to do with how "good" we are. This proves that the enemy is wrong when he places doubts before us that we can never be good enough for God.
  3. We should rejoice in all that God gives us, including our trials and tribulations. It is through overcoming these trials, that we become stronger (much as a weight lifter can only become stronger by lifting more and more weights.) As we overcome these trials, our faith becomes stronger - this stronger faith produces character. Character is the quality of being approved by God. This brings us closer to God, who is our Hope. Our hope is found in God and in the Holy Spirit who lives within us.
  4. Abraham believed in God and believed in God's word. Abraham trusted God to take care of him and to keep His promises. Abraham's trust and belief were such that God made Abraham His own, using him to fulfill His ultimate promises to mankind. Abraham was God's before the covenant was in place and before the Messiah came into the world, so his belief and trust were all he had to offer God. We, however, have Jesus Christ. We are told that He is the way, the only way. Our faith is in Jesus Christ -- the son of God and the son of man, born of the virgin birth, crucified on the cross, died, buried, and risen after three days. This is the only way we are justified. The justification given to us by Jesus Christ bridges the gap of sin between us and God. There is no way we could ever bridge that gap alone. Jesus Christ gives us the right to approach our Father and to know that we are His.
  5. While I've registered for other Bible studies with Pastor Ralph I have never fully participated in any of them, choosing instead to complete them on my own. I am looking forward to this one as an active participant. I have completed a Beth Moore study on Paul in general and know I will be better for delving deeper into specific scripture. I'm from the Mississippi Gulf Coast, have two daughters, a wonderful son-in-law and two granddaughters who are the joys of my life.
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