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Everything posted by Greta

  1. Both brothers have grown up and have complete lives - all animosity has gone. I believe though that Jacob's conscence still troubles him, knowing that he was responsible for the split in the first place. Esau is glad to meet his brother again as an equal. Jacob realises that he must show Esau that he submitts to his brother and does so with wisdom, making peace with Esau, but still maintaining the purpose of living a seperate life. Jacob was humble and crafty at the same time, but his faith is in God who will not abandon him. Love Greta
  2. Isn't it funny how other people can see our blessings while we are still struggling to come through the problems? I have said it to others and they have said it to me, "You will be stronger or wiser because of this, when you come through" In the midst of our struggles we have the hope and assurance that God is our helper and in Him there is victory. Love from Greta
  3. The Mizpah monument is to remind Jacob and Laban to keep their distance from one another. A kind of 'agree to differ' but with more seriousness. God watches over both parties to make sure they don't cause trouble for each other. Love from Greta
  4. Jacob and his family left without saying good-bye to Laban because they thought they would be prevented from going otherwise. They deceived Laban by leaving without a word, and Laban was father and grandfather to the family. Unjust? Rachael stealing the household Gods was wrong - unjust. They were unrighteous in that they were not truthful in their actions, BUT, they were righteous in that they were obeying God. Love from Greta
  5. I think that Jacob realised that God would enable the right coloration of livestock At The Time he spoke to Laban about his wages. God had promised Jacob, long ago, that he would be a wealthy man, and the few animals that would be born with the right colouring (in the natural) would not be sufficient to make him wealthy. His faith in God gave him great expectation that God would make a way for him and that God already had everything in hand, and so He had. Every time Laban changed the wages, God had already pre-planned the colour of the livestock that were just about to be born. We have to be very careful when our finances improve and give all the credit and glory to God - for it is God who gives us wealth and the strength to work for our living. Love from Greta
  6. I think that God allows Jacob to be tricked into 14 years of labor for 2 wives because Jacob had a lot to learn to be transformed. There was a lot of character building to do; leadership training and lessons in understanding and kindness and he had to get to know God more closely, and this all takes time. Likewise, Moses spent many years in the desert while God prepared him for the role of bringing God's people out of Egypt. Saul, after being converted to Paul, spent many years in seclusion with God, being transformed and trained for his ministry. Jacob's main task was to produce a large family for God, fulfilling God's promise to Abraham. Rachel was only able to give birth twice (+ 2 more sons from her slave girl). Leah gave birth to 6 sons, and there were also 2 more sons from her slave girl. Four women gave birth to the sons of Israel (Jacob). I think this might make their future decendants healthier, as they would need to marry their cousins in years to come. Love from Greta
  7. When Jacob promises to tithe it shows that he really means business, for once he has promised this to God there is no going back on his word. He does this to show that he has submitted himself to God. Jacob will have believed in God all his life for he was brought up to do so, but God was not a prominent figure who he would obey, until after he met God face to face and became converted. Tithing to God is a privilige given only to His own people. When we tithe, the money goes into the store house (our own church) and is used for many different things, especially missions. We have someone to give our tithe to and they administer the details. Here, Jacob is a man alone at this particular time although he later becomes the head of a large tribe. He has no one else to hand his tithe to, so do you think that he will handle it himself? Maybe in the beginning by offering sacrifice to God? Always keeping a tenth of his substance apart from the rest so it can be used for Godly purposes? Our time can also be tithed, so perhaps he will set apart a certain time to worship and pray to God? Love from Greta
  8. Jacob set up the stone because he wanted to remember the exact place where he had met with God. It was a sacred place and very special. He anointed the stone with oil, consecrating it to God. The foot of the staircase was in this spot and the top of the staircase opened into heaven - he wouldn't want to loose this place. I think that in his promise to God, Jacob is not using the word 'if' as we might use it. I think he is saying, "BECAUSE God has promised to do all these things, He will be my one and only God and this place shall be His home. I will also give a tenth of all my wealth to God". Love Greta
  9. Jacob's dream of angels ascending and descending from heaven convinced him that God is real and that he has just had a heavenly experiance. God's blessing confirmed to Jacob that the first two blessings really were meant for him and then, to receive even more personal blessings from God, that He will be with Jacob always - well - what a blessing and a reassurance that would be to this young man. Yes, a conversion experiance indeed. Previously Jacob had known about God, - now he KNOWS GOD. Hallelujah! Love Greta
  10. I think that Isaac will have realised later, that when he first blessed Jacob that it was God speaking through him, and as he talked with God afterwards, God would confirm this. Isaac now realises that Jacob is God's chosen one for the covenant blessing, and so he gives this blessing freely. It is a blessing for many descendants, a promise to possess the land of Cannan and a promise that God will bless all nations through Jacob. The same blessing as was given to Abraham and Isaac is now given to Jacob. Love Greta
  11. While I identify with parts of all four people, I am afraid it is Esau whose character flaws most resemble my own, but I don't want to stay that way. At the moment I seem to have a lot of stress in my life and I am turning to food, time after time. I haven't actually sold my birthright for a bowl of soup, but I realise that if I am not careful, food could become an 'idol' which could come between God and me. Like Esau, I have made some wrong choises, which I have regretted later and wanted to change. I am so thankful that Jesus forgives our sin and restores us, giving us a fresh start. Since realising what is happening, the Lord is showing me to turn to Him more and more, and He is getting me to come to Him first before making choises. Love from Greta
  12. I have been very blessed, for my parents loved all 4 of us children equally, and I followed by loving all three of my children equally. We still had our ups and downs as is common in all family life, but we are all 'there' for each other. God bless. Love Greta
  13. I think that Isaac could not reverse the blessing because he realised that the blessing came from God and not from himself (Isaac) Isaac's role in the blessing was that of being a mouthpiece for God. God's role in the blessing shows that He will bless who He wants to bless, just as He can curse who He wants to curse. God already knew who was to have each of the two blessings. Love Greta
  14. It doesn't excuse Rebekah's plan to deceive Isaac. When God says He is going to do something, then He is able to carry it out without anyone else's help - unless God specifically asks you to do something. Jacob bears the same amount of responsibility as his mother for the deception. They are both in it together. God bless. Love Greta
  15. Yes, Rebekah was a spiritual woman. She prayed to God and believed He would answer her. She also believed His answer, that Jacob would be the leader, even if (like Abraham and Sarah) she tried to help God to make it happen. Isaac was also a spiritual man. He was brought up by Abraham and Sarah and was used to Godly ways. I always picture him going up the hill with Abraham, knowing that something was to be sacrificed, but even as his father tied him to the alter. he had perfect trust that all was well. He was a praying man and I believe very close to God. Of the two, I think Isaac was more spiritually sensitive than Rebekah. Esau: I don't see him as spiritual, for he was carnal and put food and pleasure before God. Jacob: I think his spirituality came later. He wanted the birthright and the blessing of the first born, so he had insight and knew how important both these things were. At this particular time in the scripture though, I think Jacob wanted these things more for himself, just as Esau wanted the soup for himself. God Bless - love Greta
  16. Esau shows that he puts no value on his rightful place in the family and community. His appetite is more important than his position and he rejects the gift given by God in exchange for a bowl of soup. He lives for the moment without any thought of the consequenses. Jacob showed that he is a man who will sieze the opportunity when it is presented to him. The birthright didn't belong to him but he took it. He didn't attempt to show Esau the error of his ways, but took advantage of the situation. Love from Greta
  17. Diotrephes tends to be a 'control freak' who has to have his own way, and the final word. He will think that he is always right. I think that underneath, he really feels insecure, for he will not allow anyone else of equal or superior status to come near him. Yes, a person can become a strong pastoral leader without developing these traits, but he would need to submit and humble himself daily to Christ. Tendencies towards pride and a controlling spirit need to be fought against. Ask God for help and be guided by Him. Confess your need of God and love Him and others more than you love yourself.
  18. We should support the missioneries/Christian workers because they are working for Christ and when we support them, we are also working for Christ. As a co-worker assisting the Christian workers, we receive the same reward that they do. They can still be effective, but will reach more people if they have our help.
  19. We are to refuse hospitality to false teachers so that we do not become affected by their wrong ways. To a congregation, refusing hospitality would mean that we are not giving these false teachers a chance to speak/preach in our churches. As Jesus said, "A very small piece of yeast quickly spreads through the whole dough". The border between tolerance and stupidity? Well, the verse says that anyone who welcomes him shares his wicked work (or is giving approval)- in which case it would be better not to be tolerant at all. The only exception being if you are strong enough for God to use you in the conversion of this person.
  20. When we 'run ahead' of Christ, we end up where God doesn't want us to go. We are in danger from (figerative) wild animals who want to devour us, and false teachers who want to fill our minds with wrong thinking. When we run ahead of Christ's guidance, we are really running away from Him and making our own choises. We must be very careful or we will find we will end up back in the world again. To abide in Christ and His teaching is where I want to be always. To abide within Him is safety, love and knowing we are in the right place.
  21. John exhorts us to "keep ourselves from idols" because they would draw us away from God and God will not tolerate anything to come between Him and His people. Anything that we put before God is an idol. Idols that I have to beware of are the computer and TV and food. One that has now been removed was a close friend who I used to turn to (often before turning to God)
  22. The two conditions for answered prayer are that we pray what is God's Will, and that we are obedient to God. We determine God's Will by reading the bible and growing closer to Him, then we will know that what we ask for is His Will. When our main motive is to achieve our will, our prayers will not be answered.
  23. We can only have LIFE in Christ Jesus, not in anything else at all. We can have faith that when we sit on a chair, it will not collapse - this is natural faith. But when we have 'Faith in Jesus' we know that we can rely on Him through thick and thin and he will never let us down. He will give us eternal life and take us to the Father. This is spiritual faith.
  24. With a defeatist mentality we get what we have believed - defeat! When we believe that Christ has overcome the world, and we believe in Christ, then we are also overcomers, because we are in Christ. Hallelujah!
  25. The fear of God we should have is reverence, respect and awe in the presence of God. The fear that is extinguished by His love is a 'slavish fear', an intimidating alarming force, a fear of punishment and abandonment. We should welcome the Day of Judgement as fulfillment of this blessed hope and long to see Him face to face.
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