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  1. "Can you remember any instances in which God used difficult circumstances to refine and purify your faith?" God continues to test us daily. There have been numerous occasions when life's distractions, tragedies, and difficulties seemed almost overwhelming, but Faith continued to carry me through the tests. "What did God accomplish in your life?" He has shown me that true Faith overcomes all obstacles. Believing in God, obeying the scripture and constant prayer (discussion with God) really works. Getting me to understand and comprehend that has probably his greatest accomplishment. "How, exactly, does genuine, tested faith bring glory to Jesus?" It's great testimony to others when they see you react with Faith, compassion and understanding during difficult times.
  2. Understanding and knowing God's grace, mercy and love provides us with true joy. Our happiness shouldn't be based on material possessions, whether or not we're having a good day, or how people are treating us at any particular moment. It should be based entirely on what God has done and continues to do for us each day.
  3. The seal is the authentic indication that the "obedient" servents of the Lord will be protected. Kind of like the "Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval." Obey God, defy the evil one, and you will be saved. Praise God
  4. Jesus broke the seal and it is directed towards man. It is just because scripture talks about mankind being called to repent. If we do not repent, we face damnation and total destruction. God's judgement is alwasy just.
  5. What do we learn about the Church from what is revealed in the Fifth Seal? Where are these "souls" at the time of this scene? What does their proximity to the altar signify? Why do they ask for vengeance? Is that a Christian prayer? What does the white robe represent? What do we learn from their instruction to "wait a little longer"? I just completed a seminar on "Know What You Believe" dealing with the end times. They talked about martyrdom and persecution occuring routinely. The "souls" appeared to be close to God, near the altar, and because of this proximity, were sacrificed to God as soldiers involved in spiritual battle. Their cries of vengence is a means of asking God to act with judgement and vindication, avoiding any more bloodshed resulting from their testimony. I believe the prayer is Christian because they are trusting the Lord to do what is right and just. The white robe appears to signify the cleansing of sin by Christ's blood. By waiting we are practicing our faith in God. Everything happens according to God's plan and we must be patient and obedient.
  6. Jesus entered the earth as a common man. He walked amongst the common people, listening, observing and teaching God's truth. John's vision displayed Jesus as the Holy one, the Almighty, in all His glory. It also serves as a reminder to us that the Lord is coming back to us someday and that, by our faith in Him, we will know happiness and joy in eternity, at His side. Amen!
  7. Religious persecution occurs in our back yard. You can just about pick any country in the world and you'll find some, but I would imagine the greatest persecution occurs in the Middle East, Asia, Latin America and Africa. No matter where we are faced with persecution God rewards those who "keep the faith."
  8. This passage reminds us that the Trinity does exist. God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one and are eternal. He became man in the form of Jesus, to suffer and die for us, but he is Lord and Spirit as well. Praise God!
  9. We grow in faith as Christians and in character as human beings when we witness to others. Our testimony and the way we live our lives is the best way to convey our message. We are what we do! Living Christ-like is the best example for non-believers to follow. Jesus set the example, we simply need to follow in order to show others. With this walk, however, comes persecution from the secular world. That's just the way it is. It comes with the territory. If we are concerned or bothered about others labeling us as "wierdos" or "Bible-thumping freaks" we're missing the point. As believers we are essentially rebels, trend setters, we're breaking the mode and we should look forward to it. Just as we look forward to the rewards in Heaven. We need to let it all hang out. God will glorify the faithful.
  10. Actually, I used some of the material provided when hosting my own small group Bible Study at my house. I really enjoy these studies and look forward to them with great zeal and energy. This particular message helped to reinforce the message about God's grace, love and mercy. As a result, our small group, and even our Church overall, is a more loving and forgiving unit. We continue to learn over and over that it's not about how many ministries we can join, or how great we can dress up on Sunday morning, or how nice a car we drive to Church, etc. It's about glorifying and worshiping God. We are here for God's pleasure and need to be good disciples, givers, and evangelists every day. God is definitely alive and the Spirit is moving within our Church and many other Churches here in paradise. Lives are being saved and hearts are being healed...all by the blessing and joy manifested in Jesus. Praise God! Darrell in Honolulu
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