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Everything posted by sangra

  1. What are the seven elements that unite all Christians? One body - of which each believer is a part One Spirit - which all Christians have indwelling them One hope - to live eternally with God, forgiven One Lord - Jesus Christ, our common Lord One faith - that Christ died for our sins, was buried and on the third day was raised One baptism - the ceremony demonstrating to all our desire to be united with Christ One God and Father- from whom we all have our beginning Which one or two are most compelling to you and why? I have chosen One Lord and One Faith because these two elements are the foundation of my theology. That is, that Jesus is truly God in human form, fully human, but much more - at the same time fully divine. This is most completely demonstrated for me in the Easter event. All of the other elements of course are almost as important in building up my faith, but the two I have chosen are the cornerstone, foundation, basis, starting point for what I believe.
  2. Who brings about this unity and who is to maintain it? It is the Holy Spirit working in each believer who allows this unity to come about. Therefore, the christian community in general and myself in particular have the power to maintain or destroy this unity. What is the bond of peace and is unity to be a primary or secondary goal? Taking the word sundesmos (bond) to mean shackled together gives me an image of a chain gang. In a sense, Christians are also bound together with chains - of love, not iron. Being bound together requires harmony, love and peace and a certain rhythm lest we all fall in a heap. Just one person out of step (unity) in a chain gang and there would be chaos (lack of peace). Therefore, I believe that unity must be one of the most important goals of a christian community.
  3. What characteristics or attitudes are necessary for maintaining unity with other Christians according to verse 2? Which is the most important and which the most difficult? Humility and gentleness, patience and tolerance, all wrapped up in loving acceptance of each other are the requirements for Christian unity. Loving acceptance of each other is the most important, I think. And for me, the most difficult is patience especially 'bearing up under provocation'!
  4. What does 'living a life worthy of your calling' have to do with maintaining unity in the church? Jesus called me to follow him and I have done so. Therefore, my living needs to reflect the One whom I follow. Sometimes it's a struggle and I don't always get it right, but I am grateful that Jesus called me and mindful that he has called many, many others as well, who no doubt also struggle from time to time. It's important for me to learn to accept them as they are - fellow children of God - and to try not to judge them. What is worthy about unity? Taking the meaning of worthy as equating to appropriate, I think it is appropriate that Christians live in unity as a witness to the unconverted that we are living out the gospel of Jesus, namely that he came to unite all people and to re-unite all to God. What is worthy about separation from fellow Christians? It is not worthy of our calling to allow divisions to occur, since we have the one Creator, Redeemer and Spirit, let us concentrate on the things we hold in common. What is our calling? Our calling is from Christ to follow him.
  5. In what ways should your congregation be a 'dwelling place for God in the Spirit'? My congregation tries to be more than a club with worthwhile programs. It wants the Spirit of God to 'dwell' in each person - to inhabit the praises of God's people; to be united by the one Spirit present in each individual; to live harmoniously; to provide a place where the 'head' of the family, God, wants to be. How do members of the congregation help bring this about? By loving God with our whole being and by loving each other. 'My dear children, let's not just talk about love; let's practise real love.' The Message 1 John 3 What shape should this take in your own life? In my life, I try to reflect the power and glory of God to others. In the life of your congregation? Where two or more are gathered together in God's name, God is present and when the fulness of the power of God that is in us is realised, we see many wonderful answers to prayer.
  6. The scriptures, hich I love to read, are full of words, actions and experiences of the apostles and prophets. What was true for them is true for me today. They inspire me to keep going when life gets tough and impress me with their faithfulness. The church family to which I belong would not exist were it not for the foundation laid by the apostles and prophets. It is amazing to remember that the church has existed in an unbroken chain from their day to mine, spreading out and putting down roots 'to the ends of the earth' even to where I live in Australia. The congregation rises up to become a holy temple in the Lord through the constant worshipping and serving of God faithfully week by week and by inviting more and more people to belong to the family of God. The Holy Spirit's work is to make God's faithful people holy and sanctified, set apart from the standards and culture of the secular community.
  7. The Church is described as God's household. The individuals within this household may be very different in character and nature, but all are bound together by their personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Since God's nature is love and since God loved the world so much that he sent his son to provide a way through Christ's death to unite all people, we are all, whether formerly aliens or not, wanted by God to be in God's family. Since God treats all people as equals and invites everyone to join the family, everyone 'belongs' and has as much right as anyone else to worship God. Therefore, we are tolerant, respectful, caring and loving towards all members of our local congregation. Just as 'family reunions' or 'relly bashes' are bonding times, so a christian who doesn't fellowship with the local congregation is missing out on the giving and receiving of love. I suppose it also means that person is not fulfilling his or her responsibilities that go along with the privileges of membership in God's family.
  8. If we are fellow citizens with the Jewish believers, what are we citizens of? We are citizens of God's kingdom. Previously, the Jewish race was called God's chosen people, now citizenship is opened up to all. It no longer depends on race but on faith in Jesus Christ. In what sense are we 'holy' or 'saints'? We are consecrated to God's service.
  9. Direct access to our Father means we can place our requests personally at God's feet without any need for an intermediary. I imagine that I am outside the huge iron gates of Buckingham Palace, which are firmly locked. But then Jesus Christ unlocks the gates and invites me to follow him straight into the throne room where I can tell God what I need and thank God personally for all God has done for me. If we are travelling in a foreign country and our homeland has established diplomatic relations with the foreign country, we are entitled to go to the consulate and request safety, diplomatic immunity and other special privileges. Our access to the Father is possible because Christ has broken through the barrier of sin which separates humans from God, opening a way for us to reach God. The Holy Spirit makes the Father known to us and helps us put our requests to God. The Spirit also helps us to understand what God is saying to us.
  10. I think that the emphasis is on Christ being the head - not any humanly devised structure. It would be very sad if a church were to exclude Christ from its organisation, its mission goals and its decision-making processes. After all, the Church represents Christ in the world. The Church is Christ's body and should always bring glory to its head. Where Christ is head over everything for the Church, the Church will surely grow spiritually and increase numerically.
  11. 3. My eyes have been enlightened to know the hope Of that which Jesus called me to The riches of his glorious inheritance I know the word of God is true Far above all rule and authority Power, dominion and might I'm seated with Jesus Complete in his fullness And victory is now my right. The words of this chorus have been running through my head all day and I think they summarise my answer quite well.
  12. The significance for the Ephesian Gentile Christians of Paul saying that Christ is seated at God's right hand in the heavenly realms is that they had always believed in a hierarchical order for spirit beings, both good and bad. Paul is saying that Christ is enthroned with God in the most honoured position of all and that all other spirit beings were subject to Christ. He said this to help them understand Christ's supremacy in a way they could relate to. In what sense are these beings and powers 'under his feet'? Either the spirit beings recognised for themself the supreme authority of Christ and bowed down and worshipped him, or they were forced to subjugate themselves to Christ as conquered powers. In any case, Christ is so far above them that they are now in a position described as 'under his feet'.
  13. Why does Paul pray thar God will open the Ephesians spiritual eyes to discern God's great power? Paul wants the Ephesian believers to experience for themselves the fullness of God's power, so that they can encourage more and more converts through signs, wonders and powerful, couragious preaching. What is wrong with their eyes? Their spiritual eye were not aware that the same power that raised Jesus was available for all believers. They knew in their minds the good news that God raised Jesus but the implication that they could also tap into that same power had not yet been revealed to them. Where does this power operate? The power is directed towards believers, not only disciples and apostles; nor only ministers and specially gifted peoople, but to all who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. What miraculous event does Paul use? The raising from death to eternal life of Jesus.
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