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About wondering04

  • Birthday 04/21/1952

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  1. We are told to encourage each other, and often in our walks in life, there are times when we feel the enemy is stronger, or we get discouraged, or we look at those who are either so far ahead of us or those who are struggling. We need to know that once saved we have all that we need - the love of the Father, the knowledge of God, strength in Him, and a defeated foe. With that information we can continue walking forward toward where God wants us to go.
  2. Hate and unforgiveness cripple us spiritually - we see everything through the veil of hate. The only way to escape that is to forgive. Forgiveness is freedom from bondage. As long as you are hating someone, you are perpetually tied to them and can never escape the hurt. I know, I had to forgive my parents of abuse before I could heal and move forward in Christ. It was the best move I ever did. Little did I realize the freedom I had. For I was not carrying them around with me anymore.
  3. The Pharisees had so many laws and customs that had to be kept, that no one could keep them. Jesus wrote the laws on our heart and took all the laws and made them two - Love God and love your neighbor as yourself. If we keep those two commands we keep all the laws naturally. We also keep our focus on Jesus, knowing that without Him and the Holy Spirit we could never keep the law - that keeps pride out of it and the root of legalism and judgment is pride. How can we have a self righteous attitude when the free gift of salvation was given to all, and we did nothing to earn it. We are all sinners saved by grace. Heather
  4. If we do sin, we have an advocate - Jesus who will intercede for us. It is comforting to know that He has covered my sins, but I also know that for love of Jesus and what He sacrificed for me, I do not want to sin. I want to obey Him. Practically too, I have learned that God's plan for my life is the best plan, and when I get outside of His covering I only make my life worse, not better. So I want to stay in His protection and obedient to Him. Heather
  5. When we confess our sins it means that we see where we don't line up with God's Word and we openly admit those sins to God and to others, and we ask God's forgiveness for what we have done that is displeasing to God. FOrtunately, if we confess our sins, God will forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. When we confess our sins, we can often repeat the same sins, but as God's Word begins to wash us we become cleansed, and become more and more like Jesus. Our pastor tells us that we should be sinning less the more we are in Christ, and also asking for forgiveness quicker for we will more quickly recognize when we are out of line with God's will. I love this verse for in the two years I spent talking with my pastor before I got saved (had a hard time dealing with God at that time) he often quoted this verse to me - for I thought God could never forgive me or want me in His kingdom. Heather
  6. We cannot walk in fellowship with one another if we are walking in darkness - we can make an outward appearance of being holy, but God knows our hearts. I have been reading Isaiah and Jeremiah and know that God does not condone the lies that come about by walking in darkness. What is sad is that it takes only a little bit of light, a little bit of truth to banish the darkness. We think we are doing sins in secret - but in reality God is fully aware of what we are doing, we are only deceiving ourselves. The way to get back to the light is 1 John 1:9 - to confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Heather
  7. As with any group there are those in the Church that have superficial relations and others who seek the deeper relations. Only, if we focus on Christ, can we ever hope to get beyond the superficial. 1 John speaks of Jesus as the Word. Our pastor often tells us that as people come into the church and get more Word into their lives, then the sin comes out, and they become more transparent in Christ. If we are more externally focused we have the fleshly issues of pride, ****, emotions, judgment, etc. start in play. Only when we seek Christ and seek to be more like Him, can we grow closer IN CHRIST. The truth is that we are all part of the Body of Christ, and God did not make us to be Lone Rangers. Heather
  8. I just spent six weeks doing Beth Moore's Bible study on the Psalms of Ascent, and part of that lesson was writing out the Psalms as personal prayers. This has blessed me so much that I am inspired to continue doing it with the other Psalms and will do so after I finish these lessons. God cares so much for us, and I am grateful that He gives us the Psalms as model prayers.
  9. God, cleanse me of all idols and things that I might put above you. Let the waters of your Holy Spirit fill me to overflowing. May I be so filled with Your Presence and love that I can share this with others. Let no one be untouched by Your love. God let my walk be what you want me to do, not one step to the right or to the left. In Jesus' name, Amen
  10. If we are not humble we could end up exalting ourselves above God. We need to remember that God is sovereign and Believe HIM. If we do not have faith it is impossible to please God. So we need both humility and faith to keep us open for blessings. If one quality is missing we are unbalanced in our relationship with God. Too prideful leaves us open for those fiery darts of satan, and if we are not believing God we are also open for doubt and unbelief which blocks blessings.
  11. I am so grateful to think that God knows me. He knows the plans He has for me to prosper me, the number of hairs on my head, my name is incribed in His palms, and knowing that God knows this I can feel safe even if there is chaos and problems all around me.
  12. God Responds to praise and worship, the onl way to escape hurt and pain is through praise and worship. Praise and worship build us up in faith and remind of of who God is. We can be honest with God, but we can't escape our circumstances if we are focusing on them, so instead focus on God and remind our circumstances that God is bigger.
  13. God's grace and mercy gives David and us the courage to ask from God. God loves us, even when we are in sin. David repented and turned back to God, and God knew that David had a heart for God. God redeemed him, but David still paid a price in the physical for his sin - but did not lose the Holy Spirit and God's blessings. God (Jesus) died for our sins - past, present and future. And we are told in 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all iniquity. God is very good.
  14. Right now there is a revival going on in our area and has been going on for 8 weeks, as I attend the meetings and the classes, I am finding myself more and more convicted to spend time in prayer and worship of God. One of the songs I sing to God as I go about my daily duties is "Come let us worship and bow down." The more time I spend with Him the more I feel His presence and the more I am able to reach out to others and help them find the joy of the Lord - it really is our strength. God has been healing areas of my past because I am spending time with Him, and He has helped me sort out many areas in my life. Heather
  15. There are so many reasons to give praise to God, for He is so worthy of praise. This Psalm details just a few of them. He has done marvelous things, salvation, he has remembered His love and faithfulness, He will judge the world in righteousness and equity, He has saved us marvelously, He will set injustice right, and bring our final salvation. Personally, God is just so good and Holy, there is none like Him, and He has given so freely of Himself for us, without Him nothing would be possible. Heather
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