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Everything posted by jbwalya

  1. Ephesians 4:11) From a strategic point of view, why is it vital that pastors focus on "equipping the saints for the work of ministry" rather than on serving as paid chaplains to the flock? A pastor serving as a paid chaplain to the flock is no different from a company doctor who seats in his consulting room for patients to bring in spiritual ailments so that he can fix them, hoping to see them when they are sick again. From a strategic point of view, pastors should focus on teaching and training others for the works of service, because in doing so they will not only reduce the number of patients but will train more servants who will in turn train more servants and the chain will continues (2 Timothy 2:2). What actions might this equipping involve? Equipping the saints may involve, teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16) In what ways is "equipping ... for ministry" similar to what Jesus did when he trained his disciples? Equipping the saints is similar to the Lord
  2. (Ephesians 4:11) How do pastors and teachers work to build up the Body? Pastors and teachers help in building God
  3. (Ephesians 4:11) What does an evangelist in a local congregation look like, in your experience? In my experience, an evangelist is one whose particular interest and commitment is in preaching the message of salvation. The local church evangelist functions by proclaiming the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. How does a local church evangelist function? How does he or she build up the Body? The local church evangelist functions by bringing people to faith in Christ. Thus the local evangelists work in building the church is gathering living stones for building God
  4. (Ephesians 4:11) How did (do) apostles and prophets build up the Body, in your opinion? We read in Ephesians 2:19-20 that God
  5. (Ephesians 4:7) In what way does verse 7 teach that all Christians have received spiritual gifts? (See also Romans 12:6; 1 Corinthians 12:11; 1 Peter 4:10). All Christians have received different gifts as the Lord has determined for the administration of His grace. If all have received spiritual gifts, what is the implication of this in light of the clause in Ephesians 4:16 that mentions "each/every part"? The implication of receiving spiritual gifts is that all who have received these gifts must do put them to use by doing their work.
  6. Q5. (Ephesians 4:5) In what sense should "one baptism" unite us rather than divide us? You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. Gal 3:26-27(NIV) One baptism is a mirrow expression of saying One body. Thus one baptism should unite us because in baptism we all get united to one body of the Lord Jesus Christ. How can we maintain the unity of the Spirit and still disagree with other Christian groups about the administration of baptism? If I truly understand what real baptism is, I should say there is no need for us to focus so much on the outward administration of it and miss the real thing. We are likely to get out of focus if we concentrate on the shadow of water baptism and but we shall be united if we concentrate on the truth of baptism found only when we unite ourselves to Christ by faith. It is like putting so much emphasis on how the wedding should be organised and missing the real thing about marriage. Should striving for unity blur our faithfulness to Biblical understanding? How do we balance the two? We can not sacrifice the teaching of Scripture just for the sake of dead unity because even for unity to to function it needs the good grounds of the word of God, which is the sword of the Holy Spirit who ultimately gives us peace. However, every disaggreement must be do in love, with gentileness and patience.
  7. Q4. (Ephesians 4:4-6) What are the seven elements that unite all Christians mentioned in verses 4 through 6? These are: One body One Spirit One Hope One Lord One Faith One Baptism One Lord and Father of all Which one or two are most compelling to you? Why? The one which is most compelling is that we have one God and Father-this is because if we belong to one household we need to live as one family under one Father.
  8. Q3. (Ephesians 4:3) According to verse 3, who brings about the unity? The Holy Spirit brings unity in the body of believers since all the attitudes and charateristics that bring about unity are part the fruit of Holy Spirit. Who is to maintain it? We the believers have to maintain the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace by yielding to counsel of the Holy Spirit. What is a "bond of peace," do you think? The bond of peace is that which brings people into a unified relationship. Jesus is our bond of peace. Thus we submit to one another out of revelence for Christ. In Christ we have one Lord, one baptism, one hope and one God and Father of us all. According to the wording in verse 3, is Christian unity to be a prime goal or a secondary goal for us? Oh yes! It has to be our prime goal because if we live in unity, then we shall be able to minister to the world about the love of Christ. Thus we have to make every effort to live in unity and make the joy of the Lord complete. How blessed it is when brothers dwell in unity...there the Lord commanded a blessing!
  9. Q2. (Ephesians 4:2) What characteristics or attitudes are necessary for maintaining unity with other Christians according to verse 2? These are: Humility Gentileness Patience Forebearance Love Which of these do you think is most important? Which is most difficult? Love is the most important and is the most difficult, because greater love has no man than this that he died for his friends.
  10. Q5. (Ephesians 2:22) In what ways should your congregation be "a dwelling place for God in the Spirit"? Our congregation should be a place of manifestation of God
  11. (Ephesians 2:20-21) How do "the apostles and prophets" contribute to your life today? The apostles and prophets contribute in my life by providing fundamental teaching which defines they way of the Lord that I should walk in this my life. To the life of your congregation The apostles and prophets contribute to the life our Church too because their teachings are essential in, correcting and training in righteousness so that Christians are thoroughly equipped. The teaching of the apostles and prophets set a standard for sound doctrine (2 Timothy 2:16) In what way should Jesus Christ serve as a cornerstone to your congregation? The Lord Jesus Christ is a Cornerstone because He is the binding force in our congregation. We submit to one another out of reverence for Christ (Ephesians 5:21) and He should be the center of all activities in a congregation. 2. In what sense does a congregation "grow" (KJV, NRSV) or "rise" (NIV) into a holy temple in the Lord? In what way does growth occur to bring this about? The congregations grows as God
  12. We are members of the same household because we we are deeply bonded together in Christ. The Church is a single Family whose Father is God. Therefore, our fellowship with one another ought to be based on unconditional love, brotherly love, because with our fellow Christians we share a common inheritance. As for the Christians who do not have fellowship at a local church, they are missing out on family love and are depriving the family of their contribution.
  13. Q2. (Ephesians 2:19a) If we are fellow-citizens with the Jewish believers, what are we citizens of? We are fellow citizens in the Kingdom of God where we share equal privileges. In what sense are we "holy" or "saints"? We are holy because we have been dedicated or set apart for God
  14. Q1. (Ephesians 2:16- Access to the Father is important because it gives us an opportunity to enter His presence and present our needs. In what way is access to the Father similar to having diplomatic relations? Access to the Father implies that the line of communication with the Father is open. We have ready access to Him. We can go in His presence at any time, day or night. How did we obtain this access? We obtained this access through the death of the Lord Jesus who is the Way to the Father (John 14:6) 18Extra credit: How does this access fulfil the two greatest commandments (Matthew 22:36-40) and God's purpose for us? Why is "access to the Father" important? Access to the Father makes it possible for us to express our love for Him and with the loves that He show us we can also love others.
  15. Q5. (Ephesians 3:20-21) Where does God's power work according to verse 20? God
  16. Christ is head for the Church: We read in Scripture that in the old covenant, God had chosen the nation of Israel to manifest His glory. Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine, you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.' These are the words you are to speak to the Israelites." Exodus 19:5-6 (NIV) Now in the new covenant, we are spiritual Israel of God. God has called us to be priests: But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 1 Peter 2:9 (NIV) We are called to the holy priesthood for the display of His splendour Isaiah 61:3
  17. All of us who have been baptized into Christ share in His glory if we share in His suffering. Paul
  18. By stating that the Lord Jesus Christ is seated at the right hand of the Father, the apostle Paul was bringing to attention of the Ephesians the position of authority the Lord Jesus Christ had attained in the heavenly realm. Seating at the strong arm of God the Father signifies that the Lord Jesus Christ was crowned with all power, all honour, all glory and all authority. Thus His foes have been subjugated and disarmed and thus they can
  19. i. Paul prays for the eyes of the Ephesians to be opened, so that may have full knowledge of the hope to which God had called them, the glorious riches of all that they were to inherit in Christ. ii. Paul prays that God would open the Ephesians' eyes to discern "his incomparably great power" because their natural eyes have limited ability to see, not only in the physical realm, but much more so in the spiritual realm. For instance, we can
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