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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Marilyn Rivington

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Everything posted by Marilyn Rivington

  1. If we take the bread and wine without forgiving others and asking forgiveness for ourselves we dishonour God and bring condemnation on ourselves. Jesus established the feast. He provides the reason for the bread and the cup - His death. He is right in the midst with us (Matthew 18:20) Jesus poured out his blood for the forgiveness of sins for all. Jesus tells us that unless we forgive others God will not forgive us. So one cannot take the Eucharist unless we have made ourselves clean. If we do we in fact sin against the very body of Jesus.
  2. Drinking Jesus' blood and eating his flesh is a continual remembrance of His death and the benefits which we receive. It is more, however, than just a memorial. Eucharist is one of the deepest mysteries of our faith. Christ in some way unknown to us imparts to our souls the life-giving gift of His broken body and shed blood. Through the Eucharist we are united with Him. This was Jesus' last meal with his disciples. What He was saying was a shocking message for them. They were forbidden (Leviticus 17:10,11) from drinking blood. Somehow they knew that Jesus was saying something radically different from the previous meaning of the Passover meal. Because they did not understand some disciples "turned back and no longer followed Him." We partake in the Eucharist because Jesus commanded us to and something miraculous happens to us when we do.
  3. The Canaanite religion was very political, so an attack on a god was seen as an attack on the local government supporting that god. If caught, Gideon would face serious social problems and physical harm. Gideon took a great risk by following God
  4. God promised Gideon, "I will be with you!" This spiritual principle applies to me - even when sometimes it does not feel like it! I would like to add these two Scriptures to the ones already quoted by others - John 14:16 - "And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever." Revelation 21:3 - "Now the dwelling of God is with man, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God." What promises! Abba, Help me always to remember that you are with me, no matter what the circumstances. Amen. Marilyn
  5. Hi, I live in Ontario, Canada. This will be my first internet Bible Study. I look forward to sharing and participating with you.
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