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Everything posted by sunshine1962

  1. If I met a Christian who had no assurance of his salvation, I would go through the steps of salvation with him, then pray the Sinner's prayer with him, then rejoice with him. If they are not sure whether or not their salvation is there ir not, then they have no salvation.
  2. I believe that prophecy may be frowned upon now, because there are so many people claiming to be prophets. They talk out the side of their mouths and nothing spoken is true or becomes true. We should pray about what is spoken and also read our Bibles for ourselves.
  3. We need to give thanks to God at all times. There is not a situation that is imaginable that thanks and praise should not be given.
  4. When people are revenge seekers, God temporarily takes His hands off them (I believe) until they come back to their senses. If they don't forgive others, God will not forgive them. If a congregation is unloving to outsiders, that congregation will not grow and God will not bless them. An unloving attitude does not reflect Christ in any kind of way. If the congregation begins to change into the type of congration it should be, Christ steps back into the picture and they begin to receive their blessings again.
  5. When others show a lack of respect whether it's for a leader or someone older than them, it shows their upbringing (or lack thereof), that they don't care, they don't know know the Bible, and just how mature they really are. When their disrespect spreads to others, members may leave that church, the children in the church learn from the disrespectful, discord amongst the members of the church will flare up, andthe leader may leave. Getting rid of the leader will not fix the problem, bbecause the problem lies much deeper and will have to be found to correct the problem.
  6. We should always be ready for His return. We should always live our lives like He will be here in the next minute or so. To be self controlled means that we stop be stop and think about our actions before we react or that we ask ourselves "What would Jesus do" before we take action. We also need to seek opportunities to let lights shine and to be a witness for Christ.
  7. There will be no warning. We are to always be ready for we know not when He will return. As stated above there will be no warning.
  8. He will call them from their graves to be with Him when He comes back. The angels will also be with Him.
  9. Daniel sees Christ returning from heaven in the clouds Christ has been given dominon over the entire earth with authority, glory, and power. His return will be majestic. Christ referred to himself like that, because He wants everyone to see Him as human (so all will know that He suffered the same things we suffered). He also wanted to fulfill Daniel's prophecy and connect with us all.
  10. Paul mentioned such severe punishments for sexual immorality, because it's a sin against the body which is the temple of God. A sin is a sin. There is no large or small sin. All Christians should listen to and take heed of Paul's warnings.
  11. Humans can control their sexual urges if they choose to. These out of control people are that way, because they want to be out of control. First of all, if we don't control ourselves sexually within our marriages, we sin by committing adultery. Secondly, we can bring all types of sexually transmitted diseases home. If we are not married, we still sin. When sexuality has no boundaries, sin takes over and we mess up God's "temples", marriages are broken, children hurt, our spirits are downtrodden, and our bodies damaged.
  12. To be sanctified is to be made holy; to be set apart as God's very own. We are holy now, because God has already separated us from the world for His own purposes. We are in the process of becoming "holy", because we are works in progress. We can't be immoral sexually and holy in all other aspects of our lives.
  13. If we live by rules, that's it---we won't do anything to break the rules. If we are trying to please God, we live our lives according to what God wants. If we live by what God wants, we won't have to worry about breaking the rules. Living a God-pleasing life is stronger. Love is stronger than rule-keeping. Paul is speaking on the authority of God.
  14. Special speakers are on the outside looking in. They see things that the congregation can't see. So, not only can they reveal things to help the pastor strengthen his/her congregation and uplift him/her, they can also help strengthen and uplift the congregation. It's difficult to have one preacher Sunday after Sunday, because there is no stability. It's important however, if a church is without a pastor, because the itinerant preacher can touch on things that the pastor (especially a new one) may not feel comfortable enough approaching.
  15. Persecution might discourage those Christians whose faith is not strong. It might seem like (to them) that the Christian journey is just too hard and not worth the struggle. So, they do their good service behind closed doors where only God can see. It matures them by allowing their services to be turned into blessings beyond measure for them. It shows whether their underlying motives are about God and what He wants or a way of getting what they want for themselves. It shows what they are truly made of. With every temptation, we are given a decision whether to do right or wrong. It's God's way of testing us. Satan's time has not come yet.
  16. Timothy's role as strengthener or encourager is impo, because Paul could not go back to Thessalonica himself. He had been put out. Paul was concerned about the new believers and wanted someone to go check on them and see if their faith was still strong. It was sensitive in that Timothy was a fairly new convert himself and had never been given a task of that magnitude before. It helped Timothy in his faith walk with Christ. Delegating ministries helps the overall enterprise of Kingdom building by strengthening everyone's faith and allowing everyone a hand in the Kingdom building project.
  17. We are only human and it's in human nature to want to be rewarded for our works. Christ rewards those things that we have done that are good and in His will. He gives us a crown of life and openly welcomes us to heaven with him. He doesn't reward those things that we have done that are not in line with His will or salvation (that is free). Showing accountability to our Master shows that we have been working on Kingdom building projects and not just sitting around being lazy. It feels good to be able to boast to our earthly boss that we have been busy working and give an account of what we have done. Just think about how good it will feel for God to boast about what we have done.
  18. The role of the Word of God in molding the new disciple is to mold the new disciple into a true follower of Christ. This person will be one who is not afraid to witness for Christ wherever he/she is and will be true to God. I believe it does have a power of its own. It operates thru the Holy Spirit. It gives you a conscious that lets you know you are doing wrong or have done wrong. If they are true disciples, when they are convicted on the Spirit, they will repent and try to straighten out their wrongdoing.
  19. Man is supposed to be the head of his house as well as God's. If the new disciples see him living an ungodly life, then they will loose their faith and in turn not make good disciples. I don't think women can adopt these traits effectively, because they are meant for men. I do however, believe that women can be supportive and help guide the men as they fo their share to make good disciples out of the new converts.
  20. New.disciples are "babes" in Christ, therefore they need tender loving care. They need to be treated like a mother would treat her newborn baby. If they are nurtured and taught how to live a Christian life, they can't say they didn't know when they slip. They also need to be taught that we all slip and what to do when they slip. Male disciples cannot play the role as mother, but they can help the mother out and support her while she does her part to nurture the new disciple.
  21. I believe it is reputation or fame. People want to feel good about themselves and want others to say that he or she is doing an excellent job. I can keep those flaws from overtaking me by staying focused on the larger prize which is Christ, staying in the Word, having an active prayer life, and not going into places I am not suppose to be in (resisting temptation).
  22. We cannot evangelize without courage, because we will be afraid to stand up to those who oppose us. Without courage needed for a congregation to grow, it will not grow and eventually it will not be a congregation. The doors will close. God is calling me to be a light in the midst of darkness, to use the courage He has given me to be His witness, to help my congregation stand, and to be a TRUE DISCIPLE.
  23. We as disciples will face opposition at every turn. Some of this opposition will come from family and friends, those that don't believe as well as from satan himself. Of we don't have the vou courage needed to face this opposition, that will tell all that our faith in God is weak and that we have doubts ourselves. It will also hinder our fight to win other souls over for Christ.
  24. We as disciples will face opposition at every turn. Some of this opposition will come from family and friends, those that don't believe as well as from satan himself. Of we don't have the vou courage needed to face this opposition, that will tell all that our faith in God is weak and that we have doubts ourselves. It will also hinder our fight to win other souls over for Christ.
  25. This verse teaches us that Christ is coming back again; He did indeed rise from the dead; God is going to judge all for the sins they committed; and to be patient and live Godly lives while we wait for His return. B. To me, the most important element is the fact that we need to live Godly lives, because Christ is sure to return. C. Christ's return is under emphasized by our church today.
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