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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Patricia A. Conti

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Everything posted by Patricia A. Conti

  1. Sin is a conscious choice a person makes to do wrong or not to do right. When we sin we choose to turn away from God in a very conscious manner. Anger is an appropriate response to someone from God when that person sins. God gave us everything. He even let His Son come to give us a way to come to him. He gave us rules for our own well-being. A conscious choice to not follow God can only be followed by anger. Although God is quick to forgive and when you ask God to forgive you (and you mean it) God will forgive. He is a loving God with righteous anger. Uncontrolled anger is when you react to a situation on the spot. Whatever happens happens. Controlled anger is when you choose to react in a specific manner for the purpose of correcting the situation. God's love for us is expressed at times through his righteous anger as he strives to teach us the way to him.
  2. The lamb has been an animal of sacrifice thoughout the old and new testament. It was the sacrifice which preceeded the exodus from Egypt. It was a sacrifice that had meaning beyond the mere killing of an animal. This sacrifice allowed God to save his people from sure death and destruction. It would be a general way in which to think about a lamb when used in conjucntion with the Lord. The Jewish poeple had presecribed laws and traditions that guided all of their lives. The Scribes and the Pharisees judged the others when it came to their sin and imposing punishment. The scribes and the pharisees, a lot of the time were very self-righteous and considered themselves above the law (or sin). People were judged on their personal sin and sin was used to explain all sorts of things like blindness and deafness, etc... When Jesus came, he was not coming just to atone for your sin or my sin. Neither was he coming just to atone for the sins of the pharisees or the scribes. Again he did not come just to atone for those who went before, or the dead as they were then. He came to atone for the sins of the world - that would be the whole concept of sin. Sin exists in the world and we are all tempted by it. God knew that sin would affect every person born before, now or in the future. Jesus came to atone for all sin. Sin exists in the world and affects not just our persons but the very world we live in. Jesus came to atone for all sin. It would be a very foreign concept to those whose lives revolved around the rules that guided their lives. It was all in black and white. Everything was prescribed in the here and now. But sin isn't something that can be legislated against or wiped out . Sin exists and we turn toward or turn away from sin everyday. That is why Jesus is the Messiah, the Savior of all. He is my Saviour and your Saviour. He was the Saviour to those who came before me and is the Saviour of those yet to come. It is a hard concept that I cannot completely comprehend. But I believe it because God said it. That is faith.
  3. Hello again. I'm Pat and I live in Waterloo, IA. This is the third bible study I've taken part in. I really enjoy these studies and sharing with all of you. The Lamb of God is my Savior, Praise God! Pat
  4. Hello again. I'm Pat and this is my third bible study. I really enjoy these studies and sharing with others on the forum. I have 6 adopted daughters, all with disabilities. God gets us through everyday. I am looking forward to this study. I live in Waterloo, IA. I am happy to be here.
  5. This is an interesting question. First off, if you are a disciple, that means you are a follower. You will be following what your told to do. So a disobedient disciple doesn't seem to ring true. However, many a disciple has been led astray for a time by not being strong in their faith. At that time you are not acting as a disciple. However, when you realize the error of your ways and return to God, you exercise your discipleship again. It's kind of like being part of a family. Sometimes, like the prodigal son, you might go away and reject all that you have been shown and all that your family holds dear. However, you are still a part of that family. You just are not actively part of the family. And, if you return to the fold, as the prodigal son did, you are welcomed back into the bosom of the family once more. Gideon had a choice to either follow God's command or not to follow God's command. We have that same choice everyday. God wants us to follow him freely. He will not force us. He has given us freewill. We must choose to follow. He wants willing, loving disciples. I know for myself, I must make that choice for myself everyday. There's a lot out here in the world that would try to draw me away from God. It is a choice everyday what I give my loyalty and love to. I choose God. There are times when I might be led astray without really realizing that is happening. It is important to pray for wisdom in my choices. Then, when I find I'm straying, I can renounce whatever it is that has drawn me away, and return to the God that loves me.
  6. We are to honor our father and mother because the Lord God commanded us to do so. They are our leaders. They teach us right from wrong. They have a charge from God to raise us upright and in his paths. However, when our parents turn away from God, we are commanded to follow God above all. We must choose to follow God and leave our parents, sons, daughters, etc... if they should interfere with following the Lord, God.
  7. God told Gideon to tear down the altar to Baal so the people might turn from the false God and back to the Lord. He told Gideon to build an altar to the Lord God so the people might have that altar in front of them, remember the goodness of the Lord and all he's done and turn back to him. Gideon did this at night because he was in danger of losing his life if he were seen doing it. I don't think it is a show of weakness but a prudent choice to be able to do what the Lord commanded.
  8. Gideon sees himself as weak and unable to stand against anyone. God tells Gideon he is strong because God is with him. It is God's strength in Gideon that will deliver the people. God's strength will be enough. God has told us that his strength will be enough (or his grace will be enough). We cannot do all things on our own but, through God, all things are possible. I think the Lord's Prayer is a good prayer to go with this principle. God's will be done.
  9. God calls Gideon a "might warrior" and Gideon's response is anything but affirmative. Gideon points out that he is from a weak tribe and he himself is weak. Gideon is looking at what he can do by himself. God, however, sees what Gideon can be with God. God tells him that he will be with Gideon. Therefore Gideon will be acting with the strength of God and not his own. Like Gideon, we see ourelves as weak and unable to affect circumstances. We feel no control over our own lives. We forget that God is with us. In God all things are possible. We need to ask for God's strength in those situations that we feel helpless. We need to rely on God to help us through each day. We need to thank God for loving us and being with us through each second of our lives. In God all things are possible.
  10. The Prophet told Gideon that the people were told to worship God and have no other gods before them. That is the first commandment. They, however, chose to worship the idols of the land they occupied and thus disobeyed God's command to them. Today, in a lot of respects, we do the same thing. When anything becomes more important in our lives than worshipping and following God, we. in a sense, are worshiping other idols. At times, I believe that happens without our fully acknowledging it. When God does bring it to our attention, which he will either in prayer or through another or simply examining our lives, we must renounce that idol and turn back to God, perhaps asking God for the help needed to renounce that idol. Money, sex, class, race, etc... are some of the "idols" we deal with today. Praise God we have the ability to turn to him for help. He will always be there!
  11. Gideon blamed God for all that was happening because he believed God had turned his back on him. In reality, God's people had turned away from God. God had always been there but the people were not of a mind to follow and received God's direction in an obedient manner. Therefore, they stumbled and paid the price for relying on themselves. They were overcome by others stronger than they were. Gideon talks about how God had done marvelous things for their ancestora. However, they stumbled for forty years in the desert because they did not have the faith in God and chose to worship others. When the people cried out to God, he sent them a prophet. He then instructed Gideon to save his people. Again Gideon doubted God and needed a sign to believe. I think it is easy for us to blame God for all the ills in the world and especially for those ills that befall us personally. However, we reap what we sow and instead of blaming God for all our woes, I believe we should remember to praise and thank God for his Hand in our lives. All good comes from God and we all have some good that we can point to and be thankful for. Sometimes we tend to overlook what God is doing in our lives or we just can't see it. In the life of my family, I have 6 adopted daughters, all with disabilities. Some of my friends see our family and say, it must be hard. How do you do it? I could never do that. I think, my God has blessed my with 6 wonderful daughters and I freely accept the task of raising them. My 12 year old has brittle bone disease. God didn't cause that to happen. It just happened. However, I was told she would probably not reach her first birthday. As I said in the beginning, she is 12. I thank God for all the care he has shown my daughter. He has protected her during times she could have died. She has a strong spirit and a great personality. She is here because God watches over her. If something happens to change the course of our lives, I would hope to still be able to recognize God's loving hand and praise and than him for the joy he has brought me. Sorry this is so long, but it is a question I have grappled with many times and feel very strongly about. Thank you. Pat
  12. Hi. I'm Pat and I'm from Waterloo, Iowa. I first stumbled onto this Bible Study while looking through the internet. I really enjoyed the study on Luke, although I didn't post much. I'm Catholic and I love the Lord. I have several special needs children at home, so it is hard for me to get out on a steady basis. I am grateful to be able to study on line. Thank you for the opportunity to be part of this group.
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