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Everything posted by Yvy

  1. The angel ordered Mary and Joseph to name their son the perfect name of Jesus because it means "Yahweh saves", which is exactly Jesus's mission. Jesus's mission is to save us from our sins. I think that the angel told them independently because it would show just how important it was that this be carried out. The angel had their undivided attention, and it was even more personal this way. I think about a professor giving instructions to a class of 10, 30, or even 100 students. How many people walk away actually understanding the lesson/instructions the professor, in detail, had given them? There are distractions all around, and maybe even fear of asking a "stupid" question in front of others for clarity. Then I think about that same professor taking time out to go over the instructions of an assignment with each student, with undivided attention, and room for questions if needed. That student knows exactly what they are expected to do. At first, I did not fully understand the importance of the angel talking to Mary and Joseph, each on their own, until I looked at it this way. How powerful even the smallest act or detail is!
  2. Mary's life could have taken a few turns. She could have been stoned, or at the least, shunned. She could have run away to another city, but in her time, this wasn't even a real option as it was not the custom for single women to be living on their own. Women were to be living and helping with their own family until they began to grow a family of their own with their husbands. Joseph's decision to divorce her quietly shows to us that he was a mature, noble and gentle man who did not want to ruin Mary's reputation. It shows the great love he had for her even though he suspected adultery, and he demonstrates the love and respect that should be found in all marraiges - and this example of love took place 2000+ years ago.
  3. Humility was the first word that came to me when thinking of these two questions. Jesus learned everything about the trade from His father, including the social aspects of it, no doubt. Philippians 2:8 reads: "And being found in fashion as a man, He humbled Himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross." How perfect a trade for the Son of God to grow into! It is not an easy one, it is one of hard, tedious labor. God could very well have chosen for His Son to be born to a king and queen, or of another highly respected, high paying official. But to be fashioned as a man, Jesus was humbled from the beginning (carpenter's son) in order to reach and affect all the people that He did throughout His time on earth. Being a carpenter's son, He encountered all different types of people. How often do you hear of kings or high up officials interacting with commoners on a daily basis?
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