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  • 8 months later...

1. This is just a short glimpse, a few verses, a couple of minutes in Jesus' entire lifetime. Why was it so important that it was preserved for you and me to read? 
I think Jesus has an important lesson for us. Jesus is telling us to watch out that we are not too busy with other things. That is, there is no time to think about God, no time to do God’s work, no time to pray, no time to read His Word. We may find ourselves anxious and troubled, like Martha was, about many things, about temporal things, that there is no room for spiritual matters, for things that really matter. In other words, we have to get our priorities right in this life. Our text contrasts Martha and Mary, and we notice Mary is a picture of a Christian who sits at the feet of Jesus and listens to His Words. Our top priority should be to put God first in our life. If not then other things can quickly become more important to us. “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matt 6:33). If we put God's interests first in our life, He will guarantee our future needs. 


2. Martha was a spiritual woman. How was she seeking to honour Jesus? Mary was a spiritual woman. How was she seeking to honour Jesus? 
Both Martha and Mary loved Jesus and acknowledged Him as Lord. Martha was seeking to honour Him by having invited and welcomed Jesus to her home. Also, by trying to be the perfect hostess for THE most important guest and His disciples. I’m sure there must have been at least a few of the disciples, if not all of them, present with Jesus. So much to do! Mary was seeking to honour Jesus by listening to His will; by sitting at His feet and listening to His Words of wisdom. What a great privilege! Not to do so would have been impolite. Therefore, Mary did exactly the right thing and showed the utmost respect and courtesy to her guest. 


3. How is Jesus' treatment of Mary astonishing in His culture? Why do you think He said the unexpected? 
A woman being taught the Torah was frowned upon and not done in the Jewish culture. Besides a woman’s place was in the home preparing the meals – being more concerned about household chores. So, one would have expected Jesus to side with Martha, but He does the unexpected and sides with Mary. I think He does this to caution us that our service to Him can, if we are not careful, degenerate into mere busywork that is devoid of devotion to God. It even may be tainted with pride and self-importance. We are too busy doing things for Jesus (Martha) that we are not spending any time with Him (Mary). 


4. In what ways do you sometimes find yourself busy, upset, and troubled like Martha? 
Not anymore. I’m in my mid 80’s and retired, living with my wife for over 59 years. Looking forward to our 60th anniversary in March 2022 (God willing). But when I was younger and had my business it was another story. Staff shortages and/or staff problems, patient/client problems, work overload; these all can contribute to the feeling that one is not coping. Therefore, I can sympathise with Martha for I know exactly how anxious and troubled she must have felt.  


5. What patterns and practices could you institute in your daily life that would make you more like Mary? 
As mentioned in question 4 I’m retired and I now use about 80% of my free time doing Bible Studies. As a matter of interest, the other day I looked up the number of Bible Studies I’ve done through Joyful Heart Renewal Ministries, and I counted 46. For which I’m most grateful to Dr Ralph Wilson. I thank my Heavenly Father every day for people like Ralph for the time, effort and research he puts into every lesson. These lessons have been a tremendous help and I feel I’ve grown spiritually and much closer to my Lord Jesus Christ. A big THANK YOU to Pastor Ralph!

  • 2 weeks later...

1.  This is just a short glimpse, a few verses, a couple of minutes in Jesus' entire lifetime. Why was it so important that it was preserved for you and me to read?

It is so easy to put serving as top priority on our list of "what is important". It is important. But from this incident we see that simple serving is good enough sometimes. Then there is time to also sit and listen at the Master's feet. 

I guess we need to take a look at our motive behind the "fancy serving" also. Exactly the same as our motive for sitting at the Master's feet. 

I think that is why it has been put there for us to read, that we can examine ourselves and see what is important to us. Is it sitting and listening to our Lord and Saviour or is it being so busy (we actually start getting into a tizz about it) that we have no time to listen to Him. 


2.  Martha was a spiritual woman. How was she seeking to honor Jesus? Mary was a spiritual woman. How was she seeking to honor Jesus?

Jesus had been invited into Martha's home. Her way of honoring Him was to make scrumptious meals and placing those before Him and His followers. It just took time and I guess help would have been appreciated from her side. 

Mary in turn was not in charge of getting a meal in front of the guests so she honored Jesus by sitting at His feet and listening to what He was teaching His listeners. 

I think if Martha had gone about doing the meal etc with a joyful heart and not complained about Mary, it too would have been ok. I think it was her attitude towards Mary that was at fault. 


3.  How is Jesus' treatment of Mary astonishing in his culture? Why do you think he said the unexpected?

Mary, as a woman, would under usual circumstances not have been encouraged to listen to what a rabbi was teaching his followers. In those days the women were not taught the Torah, in the same way the boys/men were. 

Jesus did not dissuade Mary from sitting at His feet and joining the men as they listened to His teachings. 

The usual thing would have been for Mary to help with the preparation of the food for the guests. Jesus did not send her to do that. I think firstly He knew that she desired to hear His teaching from a pure heart and secondly Martha could have possibly even joined them if she was not so concerned with the fact that Mary was not in her 'rightful role'. Because of that it all just took much longer. Jesus probably said the unexpected so that it would be remembered and not ignored. He knew that women were seen as inferior and not important enough to be able to listen and learn. 


4.  In what ways do you sometimes find yourself busy, upset, and troubled like Martha?

Years ago, yes, it was easy to find oneself in such a state when something needed to be completed urgently and there was no help forthcoming from anyone.  

Now still when not enough information is given and you are expected to complete a task, it is easy to get upset instead of staying calm. 


5.  What patterns and practices could you institute in your daily life that would make you more like Mary?
Make time to listen. It is very important not to only serve Him, but to also spend time to love Him and listen to Him. To worship Him. 

  • 1 month later...

Q1.These few verses are short but they carry a very important message for us as Christians. No amount of service for the Lord can take the place of spending time in His presence studying His word,  talking to Him and taking time to listen to what He has to say to us. In this way we honour and worship Him. This is the highest form of honour we can give Him, and the kind of worship He desires from us. We must realise that nothing else in our lives is more important.

Q2.Martha was seeking to honour Jesus by inviting Him into her home to stay and then to make Him feel comfortable and welcome she was preparing dinner for Him and His disciples.If Martha was not a spiritual woman she would not have issued the invitation, but she didn’t realise that it was more important to listen and soak up every word that Jesus said. Mary didn’t bother herself with helping Martha but sat at Jesus feet holding onto everything that Jesus said. This was Mary’s way of honouring Jesus.

Q3.When Martha told Jesus to get Mary to help her, Jesus went against all the accepted cultural norms by telling Martha that Mary was correct in what she was doing, nothing was more important than listening to Him. It was unusual for women at that time to listen to teaching of the Torah, that was reserved for men only. Jesus went against this cultural expectation to emphasis the importance for both men and women to listen, learn and obey His teachings and so to honour Him in this way.

Q4. I identify totally with Martha I have struggled with this passage for years but finally understand what is important. I think I would have still sat at Jesus feet and have been preoccupied, wondering how I would manage to prepare the meal! Nowadays I think I would have planned to issue the invitation and be well prepared in advance. 
Q5. I need to have planned times with the Lord, It is definitely easier now I am retired. I also find it is important to have a plan if I need to be somewhere at the usual time I spend with the Lord, otherwise it would not happen. I try to have a constant supply of spiritual books which also teach me more about God. I try to meet with other Christians for prayer, this has been harder recently but I have used Zoom for this. I make sure I get to our weekly Bible study, reading group etc. 


  • 1 month later...
  1. This is just a short glimpse, a few verses, a couple of minutes in Jesus' entire lifetime. Why was it so important that it was preserved for you and me to read?

I think, this teaching is teaching me that I should make time at the feet of Jesus hearing him through His written Word and also talking to Him through prayer

  1. Martha was a spiritual woman. How was she seeking to honor Jesus? Mary was a spiritual woman. How was she seeking to honor Jesus?

Martha sought to honour Jesus by serving Him a befitting meal while Mary sought to be at His feet hearing Him preach.

  1. How is Jesus' treatment of Mary astonishing in his culture? Why do you think he said the unexpected?

The culture at the time of Jesus did not allow women to sit with men listening to preaching. thus for Jesus allowing Mary to sit at His feet instead of being in the kitchen to help Martha was astonishing as regards the culture of that time.

  1. In what ways do you sometimes find yourself busy, upset, and troubled like Martha?

I currently spend time to circulate a Daily Devotional on line to hundreds of people every morning. This takes very much of my attention and time that it robs me of quality time with the Lord through meditation and prayer. Now I am reminded that it is good to serve but much better to be at the feet of the Lord. I will reorganise my schedules to give priority for time for and with my Lord. So help me Lord God Almighty.

5.    What patterns and practices could you institute in your daily life that would make you more like Mary?

See the my last statement on question 4.

  • 2 months later...

Martha was a spiritual woman. How was she seeking to honor Jesus? Mary was a spiritual woman. How was she seeking to honor Jesus?

This is an interesting question to me.  Obviously, Martha is seeking to honor Jesus by inviting Him into her home and providing a large meal for Him and His guests.  I'm not sure that Mary was seeking to honor Jesus, but she did honor Jesus.  She honored Him because she sat at His feet and listened in what I can only imagine was rapt adoration.  I believe she was worshiping Him.  Maybe she wasn't bowing down, but when our hearts are completely open and hanging on the words of our Savior, that is worship.  It reminds me of the verse "Obedience is better than sacrifice."  Martha was making a sacrifice to open her home and work hard to produce a large meal (albeit with resentment festering in her heart), but Mary sat obediently listening at Jesus' feet.  Mary would later know the lessons Jesus taught and be able to live by them and teach them to others.  

  • 4 months later...

1. This is just a short glimpse, a few verses, a couple of minutes in Jesus' entire lifetime. Why was it so important that it was preserved for you and me to read?

2. Martha was a spiritual woman. How was she seeking to honor Jesus? Mary was a spiritual woman. How was she seeking to honor Jesus?
Martha wanted to serve Him by making Him a meal and hosting Him and His disciples in her home. Mary did it through sitting at the  feet of Jesus and spending time in His word.

3. How is Jesus' treatment of Mary astonishing in his culture? Why do you think he said the unexpected?
Most women in His day were told that their wives and daughters had to be in a separate part of the temple to be taught. In order to show them that true obedience is being fully submitted to God.

4. In what ways do you sometimes find yourself busy, upset, and troubled like Martha? Doing more things that are worldly and they need to be prayed for before doing them.

5.    What patterns and practices could you institute in your daily life that would make you more like Mary?

Sitting quietly at the feet of Jesus and listening to Him.


  • 1 year later...

This is just a short glimpse, a few verses, a couple of minutes in Jesus' entire lifetime. Why was it so important that it was preserved for you and me to read? We need to be sure we are performing as the Holy Spirit wishes. Are we to hear the teaching, or serve the house and care for the gift and the company in prayer for other work for the service.

Martha was a spiritual woman. How was she seeking to honor Jesus? She took on the burden of hostess to Jesus party. And the use of her home forcthe meeting. Mary was a spiritual woman. How was she seeking to honor Jesus? Though a sister to the hostess she came to be taught not to assist her sister. Jesus makes clear you must chose one thing only of the many. On thecside is Jesus peacecwould remain on the house for hosting him and his party. Martha already had her coming blessing and was completing her service. But she was evidently not worried only about the dinner.

How is Jesus' treatment of Mary astonishing in his culture? He was a Rabi she a woman. Rabi only dpoke to wife or mothervor perhaps sisters in the cultur at yhe time. Why do you think he said the unexpected? We too must make choices in a welter of options. And so must chose the best thing.

In what ways do you sometimes find yourself busy, upset, and troubled like Martha? Entagled in cares of the world always works to intrude on God’s space in out life.

What patterns and practices could you institute in your daily life that would make you more like Mary? Consistent set aside time for the things of God. Especially Bible reading, prayer, and quiet time alone with God.

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