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Q6. Whole-heartedness

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Q6. (1 Kings 3:5-15) What does Solomon’s answer to God’s question tell us about Solomon’s heart at this time? Do you serve Jesus for what he can do for you or for what you can do for him? Why is singleness of heart so important to true discipleship?

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Solomon's answer to God's question in 1 Kings 3:5-15 provides insight into his heart at that time: Humility and Dependency on God: Solomon's response reflects humility and a sense of dependency on God. He acknowledges his own limitations and inadequacies, recognizing that he is young and inexperienced in comparison to the great task of governing God's people. This humility is indicative of a heart that is open to God's guidance and direction. Desire for Wisdom: Solomon's request for wisdom demonstrates his understanding of the importance of discernment and sound judgment in leadership. He prioritizes wisdom above all else, recognizing that it is essential for governing God's people justly and effectively. This desire for wisdom reflects a heart that values righteousness and seeks to honour God in his leadership roleFocus on Serving Others: Solomon's ultimate goal in seeking wisdom is not self-serving but rather centered on serving God's people. He desires wisdom so that he can govern and judge the people of Israel with fairness and justice, ensuring their well-being and upholding the principles of God's law. This focus on serving others reveals a heart that is aligned with God's purposes and committed to the welfare of his people.

Regarding the question of whether we serve Jesus for what he can do for us or for what we can do for him, the answer lies in the orientation of our hearts. True discipleship involves a shift from a self-centered focus to a Christ-centered focus. When we serve Jesus for what he can do for us, our motives may be driven by a desire for personal gain, blessings, or success. However, when we serve Jesus for what we can do for him, our motives are rooted in love, obedience, and a desire to honour and glorify him. 

The following scripture explains exactly what happens when a person does that. Matthew 6:33: "But seek the Lord first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you."  

Singleness of heart is crucial to true discipleship because it reflects a wholehearted commitment to Christ. A single-hearted devotion to Jesus means that He occupies the central place in our affections, priorities, and pursuits. When our hearts are undivided and fully devoted to Christ, we are better able to follow him faithfully, serve him wholeheartedly, and experience the abundant life that he offers. Singleness of heart guards against the distractions and temptations that can lead us astray and ensures that our allegiance remains steadfastly with Jesus.

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Solomon’s answer is surprisingly wise for a young man – I have two twenty-something sons and am quite certain they wouldn’t ask for wisdom! That’s just not the sort of thing most young men think about. Thus, Solomon’s answer sets him apart from and above the typical male at that age, particularly considering he is a young man invested with great power. It is true that Solomon had expected to follow his father’s footsteps, to be a king. He must have been schooled by people around him including his father for the great responsibility he would assume. Still, think of all the egoistic, power-hungry, young kings … Solomon was different.

Did Solomon talk to God as David did? I don’t see him having the same sort of intimacy with God as did his father. Scripture doesn’t record everything, and perhaps the dream that he had was just the tip of the iceberg of his relationship with God. I hope so. Clearly, Solomon recognized God was speaking to him in a dream, and he did so while dreaming! That’s amazing.

God was pleased with his answer. But could he have asked for something better? I wonder what his father would have answered if asked this same question. Solomon could have asked for great faith, or the faith and intimacy of his father's relationship with God ... multiplied by ten, for example. That would have pleased God, but would it have pleased God more than his real answer? 

God was pleased for his request for wisdom enough to give him wealth and honor. He did NOT get a long life, however, because of his disobedience. It's interesting that God took this from him and not something else.

To be honest, I serve God both for what He does for me as well as what I can do for him, though I feel that what I do is insignificant. I want to serve him more. And more deeply. By this I mean I want him to speak to me as he did David, leading me and telling me clearly what I should do.

Singleness of heart is a phrase that means “focus.” Focusing on God, not myself or my needs, is very difficult when my needs are overwhelming. He is teaching me -- right now -- to not be distracted by my own desires and needs but instead focus on Him. I am trying to obey, but fear of the future loom large in my mind. It's a constant battle to focus on Him. I've learned that focusing on the tasks at hand, humble and insignificant though they may be, keeps my mind on Him.

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Q6. (1 Kings 3:5-15)

What does Solomon's answer to God's question tell us about Solomon's heart at this time?

Solomon wants to please GOD. Solomon wants to serve God's people as best he can in the best possible way that pleases GOD. 

As David the father of Solomon has said to him "only do what is right in GOD's eyes" Solomon has that longing just to fulfil his fathers words. 

Do you serve Jesus for what he can do for you or for what you can do for him?

JESUS already done everything for me, I have received it as a gift and now I am HIS to do what HE wants me to do.

Why is singleness of heart so important to true discipleship?

There will be only one thing to on your heart and mind, to serve GOD with everything that is with in us. 

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Solomon was truly into the responsibility of being made king after his father king David. He humbly acknowledge  his need of help to tule over this great nation .When God gave him the opportunity to ask , Solomon  Opened his heart and asked the most appropriate help- wisdom .

I serve Jesus for who He is to me , my Saviour and my Master  to obey his will  also my Provider in strength and all that I need  to fulfill his purpose for me on earth

Serving Jesus with an undivided heart leads to victory that honors his Name which we carry as his disciples on earth. 


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Q6. (1 KINGS 3:5-15) 
What does Solomon's answer to God's question tell us about Solomon's heart at this time? Do you serve Jesus for what He can do for you or for what you can do for Him? Why is singleness of heart so important to true discipleship? 
A very caring heart, one that loves the Lord admitting his own inexperience, and his concern that he might not be able to rule justly in obedience to the Lord’s commandments. Also, acknowledging his dependence on God by referring to himself as God’s servant (3:7-8). He truly loved the Lord. I love to think that I serve the Lord Jesus Christ my Saviour, out of my love for Him, and not for any selfish motive. The heart of a true disciple must display an intense love for our Lord. A love that desires to obey and serve Him; to glorify His name, and a deep grief when one fails to obey. 

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Q6. At this time Solomon loved the Lord wholeheartedly. He wanted to serve and please God. His desire for wisdom above anything else shows that he wants to serve God, in a wise and discerning way. He was not self serving but wanted to serve God and his people wisely and with discernment. It also shows Solomon humility that he had enough insight to see that he needed God’s wisdom. 
I hope I serve God to show my thankfulness for all that Jesus has done for me, and does every day. Singleness of heart is essential to being a true disciple of Jesus. This is what Jesus requires of us. We cannot have one foot in the world and one foot in church. To develop a relationship with Jesus requires time spent daily in His presence, praying reading scripture and studying His Word. Faithfull  attendance at church and too the things of God is also important, laziness and complacency have no place in a true follower’s life. 

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On 3/18/2024 at 7:15 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q6. (1 Kings 3:5-15) What does Solomon’s answer to God’s question tell us about Solomon’s heart at this time? Do you serve Jesus for what he can do for you or for what you can do for him? Why is singleness of heart so important to true discipleship?

He was humble, loved God, and wanting to please Him.  He  acknowledged his privilege to be King but knowing he needed wisdom to rule rightly. 

I have served Jesus in what I can do for Him but I can be better at it.  I have been sick from Covid since October 2021 and in my apt. a lot.  Being healed little by little. Just started going back to church and working on my one on one relationship with Him and getting to know Him. Needing to pursue Him.  He is not a superficial God.  More and more, total healing is coming in His presence.

Singleness of heart is important because it is having our heart fixed on Jesus and not on the world or ourselves.

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Solomon excercised humble trust in God. He had no pretensions: he had that tender love for the Lord as described in the Song of Solomon.  He had the counsel of Zadok, and must have been instructed the various laws and judgments in the Book of Deuteronomy.  Solomon abandoned himself to the Providence of Almighty God.  However; it was made very clear that he must persevere in obeying the Lord.

What I can do for the Lord-has been my principle for years.  I did not pursue ministry for monetary gains, fame and fortune.  Nor spent time in private prayer and outdoor evangelistic preaching to gain fame.

Singleness of heart is crucial.  Without it-backsliding is inevitable.  This happened in the Ephesian church.  Apostle Paul lamented the fact that so called friends abandoned him.  A number fell into serious doctrinal errors, others were consumed by the worldly desires.   Sadly lack of singleness was the demise of the gnostic philosophical Christains and the Arians.  Today the virtue of singleness is absent amongst those who espouse serious doctrinal positions.  Educated clerics indeed but don't believe in the unadulterated Word of God once delivered to the saints.

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Q6. (1 Kings 3:5-15)

What does Solomon's answer to God's question tell us about Solomon's heart at this time?

Do you serve Jesus for what He can do for you or for what you can do for Him?

Why is singleness of heart so important to true discipleship?

Solomon was sincere in his following the Lord.  He recognized his youth and inability to rule a people properly and also recognized his need for wisdom, to be able to do so for peace to reign.  Solomon also recognized the responsibility of it not just being any people, but God's People.   At that time Solomon truly wanted to live right before God.  He was 'small' in his own eyes.  

My sincere desire is to serve the Lord with all my heart, mind and soul.  To truly live for Him and Him alone.  For Him to use me as He sees fit,  in whatever capacity that can be.  

Singleness of heart is very important to true discipleship as we are the "Bible" the outsider reads.   We are the one whose actions are watched and copied or eventually seen to be worthy of copying or taken to be hypocritical of the God we claim to follow.

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I believe that Solomon had pondered in his heart often about providing the best leadership for his people.  He did not have the counsel of his father to rely on and probably because of all that he had gone through to become king, he did not place a lot of trust in his direct reports.   He was indeed young but he was not naive to the level and depth of the responsibility he had as king.  The people loved his father David and he had to gain and maintain their respect.  God being omniscient, knew exactly what Solomon's desires were.  I believe that God had asked the question to Solomon to see if he was going to cite his desires or not.  Solomon followed his heart and it pleased GOD. 

Too often when I serve the Lord, I do it for what I can gain from Him.  I seek His guidance, and His help in having a strong imitimate relationship with Him. I seek His forgiveness for my sins, and those things I did that were against Him and heaven.  Nevertheless, there are times when I seek what I can do for Him because I consider it to be a privilege and honor to be chosen by Jesus. 

Singleness of heart is so important in a follower of GOD because it does not give way to distractions or even things of the world.  We are not to conform to the things of the world and allow distractions from the events and things in our lives that do not give honor to GOD to take precious space in our minds and hearts.  We are to cast our cares on our Lord and Savior Jesus. When we are burdened down, it gives way to the enemy to sow a seed.  To combat adversity, we must diligently seek the Kingdom of GOD and all His righteousness by praying, fasting, and studying. 

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Q6. (1 Kings 3:5-15) What does Solomon’s answer to God’s question tell us about Solomon’s heart at this time?

ANSWER: Solomon asked God to give him  an understanding mind to govern his people, that he may discern between good and evil, for who is able to govern this your great people (verse 9). It pleased the Lord that Solomon had asked this. God delights to give wisdom to those who truly seek it. Also because Solomon didn’t serve Jesus for what He can do.

Do you serve Jesus for what he can do for you or for what you can do for him?

ANSWER: I serve Jesus for what I can do for Him to glorify His name.

Why is singleness of heart so important to true discipleship?

ANSWER: Singleness of heart so important to true discipleship, because it's exclusive, it's special.  Singleness of heart mean it is the ideal of having sole devotion to a task or endeavor.

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