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Everything posted by lighthouse2014

  1. 1 Corinthians 16:4-7 Paul teaches us that when we make plans it would be a good idea to pray and as if the Lords will, will permit us to do what we intend to do the following day, the Lord may have other plans for us. As Paul states, "if the Lord permits" , we know not what time the Lord may require our souls to depart the realm of the living.
  2. 1 Corinthians 16:2 teaches regular giving back a portion to the Lord and the Church should be a normal incentive for the wages we receive for our labors. After all everything we receive comes from the God Himself, unless of course we are imprudent, go against the Lords will and reap those benefits. As gentiles we are not commanded to give a percentage of our income. 11 Corinthians 9:6-7 teaches that he who sows sparingly will reap sparingly, he who sows generously will reap generously. Let each one give as he has made up in his own mind and purposed in his heart, not reluctantly or sorrowfully or under compulsion, for the Lord loves a cheerful giver. Though the Lord provides all our needs we still have to live and pay bills, it is a good idea to set aside a predetermined amount to the church. This way our giving will be steady and faithful. To wait to the last minute in giving is cheating ourselves, we throw in what is in our pocket and this helps no one, the Church or ones that are needy in the congregation.
  3. We as believers often become discouraged do the work of the Lord, though we pray and hope for help, we get distracted in by other people or circumstances around us. We see some believers not doing anything at all and we become over worked and discouraged. Satan tries his best to convince us that God is not listening to us or our prayers are not in the will of God. Things like this should all the more encourage us to work harder, trying our best to share the gospel and help our brothers and sisters, knowing that the Lord will return at anytime. Keeping our attention on the Lord and letting His Holy Spirit guide us, praying in all faithfulness and asking the Lord to give us knowledge, understanding and the wisdom to do His will.
  4. 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 teaches us that at anytime when we least expect it, the Lord will return, at the sound of the last trumpet He will appear in all his glory. Those believers who have passed away will be first to be resurrected and meet the Lord in the air. We believers who are alive at the time will be changed in an instant into a glorified body, we also will meet the lord in the air. Christ coming again, although we not the time, we should always be ready to meet Him. We are continually to work diligently to share the gospel with non believers, and stand firm for the word of God. For the devil knows his time is short and will work hard to keep as many souls from going to heaven as possible.
  5. All things were created and are sustained by Christ, He stepped down from heaven in order to reconcile all men to God by proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom of God. After His death, resurrection and ascension into heaven He is seated at the right hand of God. The Father has put all things under Christ feet until He has defeated the devil. Then Christ will present the Holy Church to the Father and the Church and Christ will be all in all with the Father. God the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit are part of a triad, the Son and Holy Spirit being subordinate to the Father, Christ stepped down from heaven and humbled Himself to be obedient to God unto death. the Holy Spirit has the work of glorifying Christ by convicting man of his sin and leading the individuals to Christ. These explanations seem kind of crude, but I hope it gets the point across to work of Christ and the Holy Spirit.
  6. The core of the gospel according to 1 Corinth. 15:3-7 Isaiah 53, Christ has died for our sins (crucified on the cross); he was buried and on the third day He rose, being the first fruit of the defeat of sin and after resurrection was seen by the apostles and as many as 500 people at one time. To paraphrase, Jesus Christ was the Son of God according to Matthew 3:17, baptized and preached the good news of the Kingdom of God. He was crucified and died for the sins of the world. He rose on the third day and was seen by His apostles and many others. He ascended into Heaven and will return again to gather His own and put an end to evil and Satan.
  7. Continuing in faith is important to our salvation because without faith and hope we end up going back into the world and our sin. We must have faith in what Christ has done for us on the cross and His resurrection. Perseverance of the saints is important because we must ho;d fast to the gospel, to hear and retain it. We must encourage one another to have courage and hope and stand fast to the end.
  8. In our congregation to keep people in biblical balance is that most gifts are displayed after the praise and worship service. It is important that all be quite during prophetic speaking and in tongues, provided they do it in order. If some speak in tongues with no interpreters then they usually speak low and to themselves.
  9. Paul's instructions for those who use the gifts of tongues and prophecy were specific; tongues, only two or three where to speak one at a time and someone must interpret. If no interpreter then they should keep quite. Prophecy, only two or three should speak, the congregation should be instructed and encouraged by the prophecy. Tongues is usually a self edifying gift where as prophecy instructs, encourages and edifies the church. In church services today, usually after the praise and worship service the spirit usually moves for some to speak in prophecy gifts to the congregation for edification and instruction however, the spirit can prompt anyone to speak during the service.
  10. The value of speaking in tongues generally benefits only the one speaking in tongues. Biblical benefits of speaking in tongues is praise and worship to God, the only benefits for others is if there is a person who can interpret the tongue speaking person. The Corinthians, who excelled in the gift of tongues were somewhat over zealous with the gift, no one in the church congregation were being edified.
  11. The advantage of prophecy over the gift of tongues is that using tongues only the individual is edified by the use. Using prophecy, which everyone can understand, strengthens, encourages and comforts individuals and the church. Using tongues, which is usually prayer and praise by the intercession of the Holy Spirit. If tongues is interpreted it can also encourage and comfort the church.
  12. Paul's argument contending that the greatest gifts will become obsolete because Christ Himself will be upon the earth to establish His Kingdom, we will live under His rule and guidance. We will know Him as He is. The importance of love as Christ has for us is so that we may love the Lord with our whole heart and soul and love our neighbors as we love ourselves. With out this love we are just clouds without rain. In love our gifts will be in balance with Christ and one another. We will build each other up, edify and strengthen the church.
  13. I believe that the words "when perfect comes" is relating to the time when Christ himself returns to the earth. I interpret this to mean that when Christ has returned to earth we will no longer need the gifts of the spirit, because He will be among us in person, known by all, no longer needing the special gifts. He will be here and establish his Kingdom, we will know Him as He knows us.
  14. Patience is the test of agape love I would have. With many demands placed on the shoulders to get things done on time and in some type of order. Especially if one feels physically ill. Yes, when you feel the worst patience is usually in very short supply. I feel many times to just time out and say a few prayers to Lord helps a whole lot. It may not decrease the pressure but sure helps with patience when you know the Lord is there to help. Starting the day out with praise and worship to the Lord helps keep the day in order, if I start out walking in His spirit. Keeping habits of praying first off the bat getting up helps, and of course many times short prayers during the day help us to keep walking in the spirit of the Lord.
  15. The result of the greatest spiritual gifts done without love are are of no use to the Lord. We using our gifts selfishly and for public recognition. The Lord would rather we have love than the some of the spiritual gifts. What good are these gifts if they satisfy no one or the unity of the church. Having gifts which the Lord has given us makes us more spiritual if we use them in the fruit of the spirit, which is love for others. With out this love we are useless to the Church, only showing our own self interest.
  16. Those who do not use their spiritual gifts for one reason or another are not only hurting themselves, by not strengthening one own spiritual growth, but hurting others by not edifying and strengthening their spiritual growth. If we were to share our gifts the whole congregation could become one in unity in Christ. The people's lives would be much richer in the understanding, knowledge and wisdom of Christ. This, in turn would encourage the community to become believers by witnessing our rich life and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
  17. The lessons we learn from verse 11 is that we believers all receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit. These gifts can very from individual to individual, each person receiving that gift best suits the person and the Spirit. The role of the Spiritual gifts granted to us should be used to build up the Church. The Holy Spirit has a plan for each of us that will edify the church to bring it into unity as the body of our Lord Jesus Christ.
  18. I must admit that Lord has not used me in any of the nine gifts, at least not to my knowledge, well I do pray in tongues on occasion. I do not know if my gift of praying in tongues has helped or not.
  19. It is legitimate to use Jesus as an example of the use of spiritual gifts because He said greater things would we do because he was ascending to the Father and would Send the Holy Spirit to be with those who where His believers. Jesus was different from us in that He was the Son of God, but he showed us how to be compassionate and loving in kindness. He is the head of His church and our example we are to follow.
  20. The purpose of spiritual gifts are to build up the body and strengthen God's people. This gifts can help in healing, both physical and spiritual, edify and lifting those of the church and also be a sign to the non believers. If people do not use their spiritual gifts then the church is left out of some of the blessings it have if the gifts where used. It would be wrong for them to use these gifts for their own personal advantages. If a church full of people start using their gifts at one time a non believer would think they were a bunch of lunatics. However, if everyone would use their gifts in order or as needed it would help strengthen the body of Christ and form unity of the church.
  21. The self examination that would be appropriate at the Lord's table is for us to examine our conscious for the sin's we have committed, to repent and remember what the purpose of the breaking of bread and drinking from the cup means to us. By confession and repentance we have remembered our sin's we have committed against our brother's and the Lord. If need be to find our offended brother or sister and ask for forgiveness. Also to ask the Lord for our forgiveness for sin's against Him. Confession and repentance are important to our spiritual health, it's clears our conscious and allows us to do the work the Lord has for us to do. It creates a good character for representing the Lord and shows our fellow man of His mercy and loving kindness.
  22. The Lords supper is a proclamation of the Lord's death, resurrection and return to earth to receive His saints. We celebrate this keeping His institution of gathering together and breaking of bread and drinking the cup in remembrance of His death for the sins of the world. This proclamation is made to we believers and to non believers, who may not partake, but gain understanding into what the Lords death means to us. This is in important because if we did not celebrate the institution the Lord set up then His remembrance would only become historical and His death of no importance and for sure we would still be guilty of our sins with no forgiveness. If the church's central proclamation shifts to a different theme, then we lose our ability to gather and celebrate the institution He set up for us. His death and resurrection for our sin's becomes second to the theme of the church. This would be a prime target for Satan to inject into the church, losing souls for Christ.
  23. The cup of the new covenant in His blood means that this the cup of wine represents His blood He shed for our sins on the cross. Gods covenants were sealed in blood, as Moses did at Mt. Sinia, by sprinkling blood upon the people. The Old Covenant which was a promise between God and His people, was that they were to obey Gods commands and covenants. The Ten Commandments were given to the people and also the feast days which He ordained. Only through the remembrance of their sins by the sacrifice of oxen, sheep and goats could the people come before the Lord for the remission of their sins. Being the Old Testament was was inefficient, did need to make a new and ever lasting covenant with His people. The provisions of the New Testament are that we believe that Jesus is the one and only Son of God, who died for our sins and on the third day was resurrected by God our Father. He commanded us to Love God with our whole heart and mind, to love our neighbor's as ourselves.
  24. It is very important that we remember the Lord by taking part in the institution He set up. Christians are to gather together and celebrate the new covenant He instituted. By doing this we bring into remembrance His death, resurrection and await His return. In breaking of the bread we remember His broken body, which was offered up for our sins. In drinking of the cup of wine we are brought into remembrance of His blood shed for sins. By celebrating the breaking of bread and drinking of the cup we celebrate His new covenant and wait for His return.
  25. When an ambassador is in a foreign land, he represents his state or country. The property that the embassy is on also belongs to the country he represents. The responsibilities of an ambassador are to represent his country and take care of all those in the foreign land that belong to his country. As an ambassador for Christ, we represent His Kingdom and all the citizens of that Kingdom. We are also responsible to defend our Kingdom and to disclose the rights and privileges of that Kingdom.
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