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Everything posted by lighthouse2014

  1. According to 1 Peter 5:7, we are to cast all our fears on to the Lord. The reason we are to cast our fears on the the Lord is because he cares for us. The manner in which we are to cast our fears on the Lord is by prayer. Appling the above verse on my life I will not worry about today or tomorrow for today has it's own worries and we can not change things.
  2. Acts of humility are of a low social status, modest and a humble attitude. We can discern a persons attitude and humility before putting them in a leadership roll. If we fail to observe or test a person's humility they may become greedy, lording themselves over others. Acts of humility for church leaders is helping others in spiritual trouble. They keep the flock well informed of the word of God.
  3. To keep pastor's or elders from becoming power mongers, wwe must remind them of their duties to the Lord. If they continue to be power mongers, they can be removed from leadership. A person can perhaps be tested before taking an office of leadership to see if their heart is right with the Lord's will.
  4. Twisting a person's arm to serve in the Lord's church is acting against the willingness of a person who does not want to serve in that particular position. Positioning a person in an office or ministry he does not want will cause the person not to follow the Lord's will or in another way, the Lord' will, will not be done. This could damage a church by not following the will of the Lord. This will most likely produce a poor or incompetent leader.
  5. In 1st Peter 5:1-2 we learn about the responsibilities of elders, pastors and overseers, they are to care for the sheep, their spiritual needs, healings and protection from the enemy. The thing that stood out the most when considering the roll of a pastor is to assure the spiritual needs of those they are caring for.
  6. Willing to die for Christ during persecution shows our persecutors our faith in the Lord. If we avoid persecution as Christians we will be showing others we are not true servants of the Lord. What ever suffering we go through for Christ will be showing our faithfulness in the Lord our Creator.
  7. If we are never persecuted for Christ then others may say we are not true believers in Christ. Persecution should make us feel joy because we know we are suffering as Christ suffered.
  8. As being a partaker in the suffering for Christ can only show our faith in him and would perhaps lead others to Christ.
  9. If we avoid suffering for Christ we will never mature in our faith. I have been distracted in my faith not necessarily physically but by things in my duties to keep me from serving the Lord. Physical suffering for Christ in other Christians has been serious for some of my brothers and sisters in the Lord, mostly by physical health to keep them from their duties for the Lord.
  10. People who always promote themselves and bragging how God is using them appears they are prideful even when God is given the praise. The Lord uses them for his glory, not for their self-promoting. Their sense of self-worth, maturity, realism and humility, though they are saying they give all the glory to the Lord for their gifts are still being prideful, they are not matured in their gifts. I have no idea what spiritual gift the Lord has given me. I just try my best to do what needs to be done at home and at the church.
  11. Non-Christians do not like the idea of giving an account for their actions because they want a god to love them and not be judgemental of their actions. They hate feeling guilty and think they can get away with their sins. They do not like a god who has rules and is judgemental. We Christians do not like being judged because the Lord will judge us according to our actions, for we should try to be holy as Christ was holy. Knowing that Christ paid for our sins with his life should inspire us to live a life of righteousness. We should try to be holy as Christ was holy. We should live a life as Christ died for us, following him and doing his will.
  12. Non-Christians try to get us to sin along with them because if we condone what they are doing then we are confirming that we are not true Christians. We are tempted to go along with them because we do not wish to be out cast from their group. We can resist their temptation by not participating along with the non-Christians.
  13. When we arm ourselves as Christ did against sin we should remember that he had to resist temptation just as we do. He obeyed God the Father's will. So, also we should obey the will of the Lord so that we can resist temptation. Following the will of the Lord is what we need to do in order to resist evil.
  14. Having come to faith in Jesus Christ, baptism was my outward display in my belief and being a disciple that would witness and bring others to the knowing grace God has provided for the forgiveness of our sins.
  15. After reading the word of God I came to the realization that he loved me enough to send his only Son to shed his blood and die for me on the cross before I even knew him. This was a love that was totally unfathomable to comprehend. I asked Christ to forgive me of my trespasses and to come and dwell within me by his Holy Spirit. He is my comforter and establisher of my faith, now without a doubt I know I have an eternal fellowship with God and will be with him forever in the Kingdom of God. Knowing that God has provided a way for me to be with him in all eternity and the love he has for me is comforting, to say the least.
  16. It can be hard for us to witness when we are being persecuted because we may be tempted to return insults for insults. When our surrounding environment is chaotic we may try to deliver the word of God, but because tempers have flared and attitudes are at their worst, peace should be sought before trying to deliver the gospel. In the above situation, compassion and a harmonious atmosphere would best suit our purpose for delivering the word of God (witnessing) to the individuals.
  17. Of the qualifications Paul mentioned that are most evident in our church is being affectionate to our brothers and sisters. Compassion would be the one quality that is most needed in our church. I and my friends could be more sympathetic compassion one for another.
  18. Treating your wife wrong can hinder one's prayers because he is after all held accountable before God. just as a husband who treats his wife wrong and it hinders his prayers, so also if a wife treats her husband wrongly it can hinder her prayers to the Lord.
  19. A husband should relate to his wife with knowledge and wisdom because though she is physically weaker with him she still his equal in the marriage. By honouring his wife he demonstrating his love and respect for her. This also shows that her husband has not lost his respect for her even though later in life she will lose her outer beauty. Some men try or do dominate their wives because they consider them to have the lesser intelligence and importance. Dominating a person is of course against God's nature. The Lord is not a respecter of individuals but sees all people of equal importance.
  20. A person can cultivate inner beauty by being obedient and having faith in the Lord and his promises. A person can gain character by being obedient and living a righteous life for Christ. A true character is important to God because they are obedient to husbands and God. Thier faith continues to grow by remaining in the word of God, thus becoming righteous in the daily living. By having a good character a woman can earn the respect of her husband and the society around her. For she is living a life that is a true witness of her faith in Christ.
  21. Women should try to look their best for their husbands. As time passes their inner beauty should radiate because their outer beauty has faded. Some women may try so hard to look their outer best that they have ignored their jobs, husbands and the Lords work. The balance is to groom themselves so that they bring honour to their husbands and God. Grooming should be done modestly to radiate beauty in the outer and inner self.
  22. Submission is difficult for us human's because we have too much pride to submit to the Lord, we would rather do things our own way. Even though we are submissive to the Lord we should not be totally silent when we agree or disagree with the things that are taking place in the church or in our community. Humbly we could express our opinions, but remembering we servants to the Lord. Submissions would be wrong for Christians when we asked to go against Gods moral commands.
  23. Though Jesus set us free from sin, we are still tempted to sin. But, through Christ and the Holy Spirit we have the power to overcome temptation and sin. According to 1 Peter 2:24 we are to die to sin and live for righteousness. In everyday language righteousness means living as Christ lived, he was holy so we are to be holy, striving to be righteous.
  24. The significance that Christ bore my sins on the cross helps me to know that he loved me enough to take my punishment due to me for my sins. All I have to do is, through faith, is to know that for me his love has saved me from eternal damnation and separation from God.
  25. It is an important that we realize Jesus was a sinless person so he could interpose himself between us and the Father. Jesus suffered for our sins because he was a sinless person. He suffered for our guilt and punishment that we should have received. A sinless man, Christ could stand this kind corruption (suffering) because he obeyed the Father even unto death.
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