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Everything posted by JoanG

  1. A person must admit that a sin has been committed. The peson must actually want forgiveness for the sin The person must be willing to make compensation for the sin. Pay the price for the crime. There needs to be a peace offering for the sin. There needs to be the sacrifice of the peace offering by the person to make it personal. At one time the blood of the sacrifice needed to be given to the priest. However,this is no longer done. In animal offering, the fat was burned on a special alter. Or in some instances the whole animal was burned. The meat was eaten. The only parts of this that are no longer done are the burning of the fat and blood on the alters. We no longer need to sacrifice animals to God because of the ultimate sacrifice of His Son for our sins. There still might be the eating of a meal together with the one that you are asking to forgive you.
  2. Modern people are far to use to having many luxuries in life. They do not thing about anything. They take a lot of things for granted. They really do not think about anything. They take a lot of things for granted. They really do not understand how food gets to the grocery stores. In their minds it is just there. But when things get put right before them, they get all upset about it. They find that it bothers their way of thinking. People only know what they want to know. I feel many people have become very soft in their ways of dealing with the world. Many people have blinders on because all they know is what is on TV. They do not realize that animals are still sacrificed today for their meals.
  3. After taking the course "7 Last Words of Christ", I find I have a very much more deeper feeling for the Lord's Supper. I can visualize the more advanced meaning of these words to what happened after them. Jesus is telling us that this is His body. But I feel that He is talking sybolically. He wants to give us a visual way to remember what the start of this new religion was all about. He allowed His body and spirit to be broken for us during His death. He loved us so much that He gave His all for us. The reference of the blood and cup, makes me think of all His blood that was shed for me and how I need to be more willing to give of myself for other people. Jesus used the cup to try and seal the New Covenant that He was making with us. He was starting to get us to realize that we are to be part of this new life on earth. We have a lot of work to do.
  4. with Paul's statement that we were raised up with Christ and sit with Him next to God. We were given the power to rule over the spirits in the heavenly realms and below. We no longer have to bow down to them, they are to bow down to us. The Ephesians have had all of their fears alleviated by this simple message. They now have the ability to overcome all of their yths about the strength of the other realms.
  5. gave thanks- we are to thank Jesus for the sacrifice of His life for our salvation and the grace that we are given for the forgiveness of our sins. broke- this is the reminder of the breaking of Jesus body and spirit while being crucified and hung on the cross. gave- Jesus gave up everything willingly to us. eat and drink- to get the nutrition we need both physically and spiritually.
  6. By telling the church that God is in a heavenly realm and that Jesus was sitting at Hir right hand, Paul was stressing the heirarchy of the spiritual realm. He was letting the people know that Paul understood their thoughts, their inherent beliefs and that there is a way to incorporate the new teachings into their abilities to understand and comprehend the truths of Christianity. Paul is stressing that God and Jesus rule over all the other Spirits on all other planes of existance.
  7. Paul wants God to allow the Ephesians to see what kind of power that is out there for them to be able to use. He wants them to have the ability to grasp the concepts of this power. He needs God to open up their minds to be able to understand that power. People have a very hard time to understand that which can not be seen with the human eyes. He wants them gto be given a chance to "see" what power is from God. The power in 1:19 comes from God. It is in a direct supply for us to use when we pray to Him and ask Him for help. Paul uses the resurrection of Jesus to describe the type of power that is for the whole church.
  8. I believe that the resurrection of the righteous will lead to those people living during the Glorious days of the Lord when there will be no evil on the earth.
  9. I believe that Job is starting ot see the concept of life after death. He is starting to maybe see the concept of heaven and hell. He might be coming to the realization that there is more than just this life on earth. Progressive revelation is when ideas or concepts are given to start with. And then more ideas or concepts are given after a period of time or after the origional ideas and concepts are understood.
  10. John was sent to tell of the coming of Jesus. He was to be a fore runner in changing the hearts of the people. He was bringing the ideas of injustice, of spiritual emptiness, of corruption of the religious leaders at the time. I am to live my life as an example of the ways of Christ and His teachings. I am to share my beliefs in Christ with those around me. I am to help people understand the mistakes they are making in their lives and how to find salvation in God. I am to help them to repent their sins. I am teaching bible study classes in my church. I try to help people with their problems as a Christian Counselor. John the Baptist was put into prison and killed for his beliefs and teachings. This might happen to me or others if we offend the wrong people or our government out laws Christianity for a government controlled religion.
  11. Jesus is the second person in the Trinity. He is the Son of God. However, Jesus is also the Word. He is the fulfillment of all the promises in the Old Testament. He is the word made perfect. One can say that the whole bible was written about Him. A look at Isaiah 55:11 is a statement telling us that God will send Jesus to us and He will not return to the Father till all is accomplished. His ministry was designed before His birth. It was as if God knew the hearts of the men at the time and knew we would not be able to do it on our own. He wanted to give us the best chance of salvation. He knew when the time was going to be right to send His Son to teach us again what it was to live life to the fullest with grace and love.
  12. I believe that a person needs to know the fact that their life is empty. They are missing a key to find inner peace and happiness. A person must find that they long for justice for all people. They are upset by the wrong doing. They see the corruption of men all around them. They feel that there is more than just the things of the world. They need more. They need some deep inner purpose of being.
  13. The two parts of each beatitude are: the condition and the reward. I feel that the Beatitudes were made to describe the people that Jesus was here to save. Each one of these talk about the heart and soul ahd condition of the person. I feel that Jesus was saying that He dd not come here to those that worshipped the material things of this planet. He actuallyh came to save those that felt thyat they were missing something in their personal lives. These are the people that had more of a longing in their souls. They needed more than the church had to offer at the time. The relationship between the Beatitudes and the Fruit of the Spirit is as follows: I believe that the fruit of the Spirit is the help that the Holy Spirit gives us once we acknowledge that we are the ones described in the Beatitudes. We are given the internal help in our lives with His presence.
  14. Anger is appropriate to sin because our hearts become inflamed by the wrong doing of the other people. Their actions cause us to becone bitter because of the way they hurt us. Uncontrolled anger just hurts. It causes us to lash out against the person, not their actions. We want to hurt them back just as they hurt us. This type of anger breaks the heart and spirit of all who are involved. Now for what I like to call the positive anger. This is the type of anger that pulls on our human cords. It causes us to brecome angry but it causes it to be for the good. We want change. We want to make the condition better for those that had been wronged. We want to call those who did the wrong on the carpet for their actions, but we only want them to change for the better. We want them to right what they did wrong. This anger gives way to forgiveness and positive change in the future. It is a very healthy reaction to pain.
  15. Like it was stated in the text, Lambs were used in that time as sacrifice for sin. In the Old Testament times, the priests would take a lamb, lay on it the sins of the people and then sacrifice it. In the book of Leviticus, it states how many animals needed to be sacrificed for what kind of sins took place. I do not think that the Jewish people at that time were able to understand thye concepts of all people being forgiven with the sacrificr of a single animal. It was possibly impossible for them to grasp the true meaning of this.
  16. I truly feel that when people start to take their hearts out of worship, they lose all of the meaning of the service, the Gospel and all the elements that are used. An extreme symbolic interpretation would be easy for these people to justify their own views that it means nothing. It is only part of the service that needs to be done at a certain time. I personally think that it is all in the heart of those that are receiving the elements. It is up to individuals how they feel within themselves.
  17. I take more of a figurative view with the elements of communion. Jesus said, "this is MY blood given for you." I believe that Jesus was showing those at the Last Supper that He was freely giving Himself up as a sacrifice for them and all people. And He was commissioning them to share in this new type of sacrifice. He was preparing them for the new thpw of religion that He knew would take place. When the words "This is My blood of the New Covenant, which is poured out for many," Jesus was letting those at the table know that He was going to die for us. It was His way of letting us know what was going to happen. I feel He was giving the people a way to visually remember His ultimate sacrrifice Himself.
  18. Many people believe that there is a spirit inside of each human. And once we die this is released from our body and travels up to heaven or elsewhere. With His work as a human being done, the spirit inside of Jesus is gong to be released with His last breathe. Jesus is going to be sending His spirit to the care of His Father. He knows that it will be cared for by a very loving Father. I feel very comforted by this statement because being a sister to Christ, I realize that my spirit will also be safe and cherished by a loving Father in heaven.
  19. Jesus "finished" the work that His Father had commissioned Him to do. He came to earth, He taught, He healed and He transformed people. Then He was crucified and died for our sins. He came to save us and to open the gates to us by salvation and forgivness. Unlike Jesus, I find that I am very scattered in my thoughts and deeds. I find myself wasting time on things that bring no purpose or even satisfaction to my life. I find that I need to try and focus more on the paths that will fulfill God's purpose for me.
  20. Once again, Jesus was letting us know that He was indeed human and not heavenly. He was feeling all the effects of the sacrifice He was making for us and our sins. We see that her wanted to fulfill all of the Old Testament prophecies that concerned Him and His life and His death. His love for us was so great that He endured all of this for us.
  21. I feel that all the trials and tribulations are going to be very hard on a lot of people. I understand that a lot of people have turned theirs hearts from God and that they havre never really believed in Jesus. I know there is a lot of corruption in the world and I understand that the judgement must take place. People havre a chancer to be protectedc from all of these things. They just have to be reborn again. They have to accept Jesus into their hearts. There is hope if people are only willing to repent and accept. It is easier to reject ideas than to try to understand things. People do not want to learn about new ideas. They want to stay where it is safe for them. They want to stay where they feel that they have control of their lives. They do not want to have faith that someone will actually take care of them.
  22. Jesus knew the love of the Father like no one else. He was always very close to Him. On His dying words, He called the Father God. He knew that the Father was there somewhere, but He was not abler to see or feel Him. Jesus knew what was going to happen to Him. He knew how He was going to have to suffer for us and for our sins. He knew it was not going to be easy, but He was going to go through it because the Father needed Him to do it. Jesus loved us so much that He was willing to die for us. There is no other way to describe this kind of love. To me, I really havr a hard time describing the love and closeness I feel to Jesus and to the Father after studying this lesson. I want so much to be found worthy of this love every moment of my life. I so much want to change my life to ber a proper follower of Jesus.
  23. Jesus knows that He could trust St John to look after His mother just as if she were his own mother. He knows the love that John is capable of giving and how caring He is. Even as He was dying, Jesus was taking care of those people that He loved thre most. He wanted to make sure that His mother had all that she would need. No matter what, we should take care of our parents in their old age. We should also take care of all of our family. We should extend our love to them even when it is difficult.
  24. Jesus knows that He could trust St John to look after His mother just as if she were his own mother. He knows the love that John is capable of giving and how caring He is. Even as He was dying, Jesus was taking care of those people that He loved thre most. He wanted to make sure that His mother had all that she would need. No matter what, we should take care of our parents in their old age. We should also take care of all of our family. We should extend our love to them even when it is difficult.
  25. God had all of the things planned out from the start. He is a very just God who will not forget those that were faithful to Him till the end. He will not harm those that are still very faithful. The 144,000 are to be spared God and all of His ways.
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