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Everything posted by Barbiemac

  1. Psalm 22) What similarities do you see between the words of Psalm 22 and the events of Jesus' crucifixion? Do you think Jesus understood Psalm 22 as referring to himself? Why do you think the Spirit inspired David to pen these words? There are many similarities between the Psalm and the cross because it is prophetic of Jesus. Jesus was well versed in scripture. He teaches us to pray scripture. Jesus would have know that this psalm is referring to him and maybe gave Him some comfort because He knew the result of the crucifixion. I believe the spirit inspired David to write these words to show us that the Father has everything planned out.
  2. Psalm 22:1) Why do you think Jesus spoke the words of Psalm 22:1? What was he seeking to express? What was he feeling? How did God answer his plea? I believe Jesus spoke the Psalm to help us understand how the Old Testament relates to current times. Also Jesus was fulfilling prophecy. I think Jesus was feeling rejected by His Heavenly Father. God answered Him because He realized. God did not answer.
  3. Q2. (Psalm 110) Why do you think that Jesus asked the Pharisees about verse 1, "If then David calls him 'Lord,' how can he be his son?" What point was Jesus making? How does Jesus combine the roles of Warrior-King and Priest in his ministry to us and to this world? How do you reconcile the violence suggested in verses 5-6 with Jesus as "Prince of Peace" I believe Jesus brought up Psalm 110 because the Pharisees thought they had understanding that the Messiah would be conquering during His first coming, however His purpose and position was different. Jesus was trying to point out who He is. I believe Jesus first coming set Him up as Priest to go before the Almighty on our behalf. He will be the warrior King at his second coming. Jesus has to conquer the evil rulers of this world to take over rule and bring peace.
  4. Q1. (Psalm 2) What does Psalm 2 teach us about Yahweh's "anointed" king? Why do you think the apostles saw this passage as referring to Jesus the Messiah? What does the passage teach about the importance of submission to Jesus the Christ before it is too late? He is God's son that will rule with an iron scepter . He will conquer the nations and reign forever more. The apostles could see this as Jesus because Yahweh calls him his son and the references to the future when He will be king. It is important to follow the messiah now so we will rule and reign with Him.
  5. Daniel 6:21-23) How does Daniel use his experience in the lions' den to testify about God? What might have happened if, in his response to the king, Daniel had focused on the injustice done to him? Daniel tells the king that God sent an Angel to shut the mouths of the lions because God found him innocent. He did not say anything about the injustice, if he had it would have destroyed his testimony.
  6. Daniel 6:10-11) How would you characterize Daniel's prayer practices? Which of these have you adopted? Which might help your prayers if you adopted them. Daniel was consistent, praying three times a day, not for show but in his home, gives thanks and praise to God. My prayer life is something I do alone yet off and on during the day. I'm not one to pray around others.
  7. Daniel 6:4) What do we learn about Daniel's character qualities as a government official from verse 4? How do such qualities reflect on Daniel's God. Daniel was trustworthy and diligent. We are a reflection of who or what we worship so this gives a picture of God's character.
  8. Daniel 3:28-30) How does Nebuchadnezzar sum up their faith and commitment? Are you willing to disobey a command or law to be faithful to God? Are you willing to lay down your life to be faithful to God? What might hold you back. They trusted in [their God] and defied[98] the king's command and were willing to give up their lives rather than serve or worship any god except their own God." (3:28b) I believe that I would be faithful to God and lay down my life, I feel that staying close to Him and in His word He would give me the strength needed at the time.
  9. Q3. (Daniel 3:19-27) What effect does their deliverance have on their government official colleagues? What effect does it have on the king? What kind of glory does God receive? The officials cannot believe that their clothes were not singed or their hair. The king shows awe and amazement and even respect now for the God they serve.
  10. Daniel 3:16-18) How do the Jews answer Nebuchadnezzar? What is their attitude? How do they witness about their God? Do they face death with resignation or defiance? Characterize their faith. They replied our God is able to deliver us but even if he doesn't we will not bow down. They have an attitude of total faith in God no matter how things turn out. They witness about God by their steadfastness in following His commandments, they face death with an attitude of God is the one in control so His will be done. They show total trust in God.
  11. Daniel 3:8-15) Why do the Jews’ fellow government officials report them to Nebuchadnezzar? Why is the king so angry? What is his motivation to have people bow to the statue? The fellow officials report the Jews because they are jealous of their positions. The king wants loyalty and to be worshipped. He was angry because they did not bow down and worship the idol.
  12. Q3. (Daniel 2:44) What does verse 44 teach us about the kingdom that the God of heaven will set up? What kingdom is this? When does this kingdom come? How is this related to Mark 1:15? When will it destroy all other kingdoms? God's kingdom will be eternal He will destroy all other kingdoms. God's kingdom will fully be here when Jesus returns. In Mark it is referring to Jesus first coming and bringing the kingdom to earth through Him. He destroys all other kingdoms when hHe returns.
  13. Daniel 2:27-28) How does Daniel show humility in this situation? How does he use this situation as an opportunity to witness before the king to his faith in God? According to 1 Peter 5:5-6, should we try to exalt ourselves? If we do so, what will happen? Daniel shows humility by giving God the credit and explaining that no man could do what the king had asked for. In doing this he is introducing the king to the Almighty. We should humble ourselves before God and He will lift us up in His time.
  14. Q1. (Daniel 2:17-18) Why does Daniel ask his friends to "plead for mercy"? According to Scripture, is intercessory prayer important? Is it effective? How can we implement intercessory prayer in our churches? Daniel and his friends prayed so that they wouldn't be killed. Prayer changes, the fervent effective prayer of a righteous person changes things.
  15. Psalm 145) Which aspects of God's character mentioned in Psalm 145 stand out to you in particular? Why is it important for "every creature," every human being, to praise him? What are you doing to help that happen? He is near to us like a relative or neighbor. Praising Him helps us to understand His greatness and draws us closer to him. When we observe all created things it becomes overwhelming His greatness.
  16. . (Psalm 103) Which one or two aspects of God's character mentioned in this Psalm stand out to you? Why do you think the Exodus was so foundational in Israel's understanding of God? According to Psalm 103:10-12, what are the limits to God's forgiveness? God's compassion to us as his children, he knows we are dust and he forgives us all our sins. When God rescued Israel from Egypt he showed them his great power, He took care of all their needs and protected them . He became more a personal God. God's forgiveness is amazing, He removes our sin as far as the East is from the West.
  17. Psalm 24) How do verses 1-2 establish the Lord's right as King? What do verses 3-6 tell us about the requirements of the King? What do verses 7-10 tell us about the glory of the King? How does this psalm speak to you in your situation? The first two verses make know that the earth is the Lord's and all who dwell here. He requires of us clean hands, and to be pure in heart, not to be worshipping an idol or not to swear deceitfully. He is our warrior King, King of the armies. Watching what is happening in our world and seeing prophecy fulfilled it makes me want to shout hallelujah I worship a warrior King!
  18. Psalm 126). In this psalm, the nation is going through some kind of crisis. How does the memory of God's deliverance in verses 1-3 prepare them for the prayer of verse 4? How do you understand the two metaphors of deliverance: (1) a wadi or dry gully and (2) sowing and reaping? How do these metaphors help you in your situation? Remembering how God has delivered you in the past can bring joy to your heart knowing that He will deliver. Experiencing a sudden fast flowing dry gulley is an example how God can turn things around quickly. The sowing is our part in what needs to be done and God gives the reaping. We pray expecting along with continuing to do what is necessary on our part and God takes care of the rest.
  19. Q2. (Psalm 96) What does it mean to "ascribe" to God attributes of glory and strength? What happens when we fail to ascribe such qualities to him? In what sense is praise to God "fitting" or "worthy"? To ascribe to the Lord his attributes of glory and strength is to reflect back to him the wonder and awe we feel when we behold his creation or experience his love and protection. When we fail to do this we lose site of who he is and place the focus on ourselves. He is our creator and savior He is more than worthy of our praise. This is what we were created to do.
  20. Q1. (Psalm 57) Why is praise difficult in the midst of trying circumstances? How does praise affect our faith? Our attitude? Our motivation Praise is difficult during trying times because there is such a sense of defeat, when we take a step of faith and start to praise it has a way of healing that sense of defeat and our attitude improves which helps us to fight the battle.
  21. Q4. (Daniel 1:8-16) What is Daniel's first approach to eat a different diet? What does he do when his first attempt failed? What is his demeanor towards those over him? In what ways do you think God affects the outcome of Daniel's request? Daniel makes a request and when that doesn't work, with respect to those over him, he gives a challenge. I believe God blessed them physically because they were honoring Him in everything.
  22. Daniel may not have wanted to partake of the King's food and wine because of the way they prepared the food and not knowing how that was done. He wanted to be faithful in every area of his life.
  23. It is important to have quiet time with God to fully experience His rest. Resting in God is having peace during all seasons of your life.
  24. What I see in this Psalm is prophetic of what is coming on the earth, for us who believe we can find refreshing in the thought of that life giving stream in the city of God. Be still and know that I am God has stilled my heart during times of turmoil in my life. Acknowledging that He is in control and if we trust Him it brings peace in the storm.
  25. Committing your spirit into the hands of the Lord is a statement of faith and trust that you accept his will in whatever happens. Peace comes knowing That death is being born into eternal life to be forever with our Lord. The statement "our times are in your hands" is also realizing that God has everything under control and no matter what happens we can rest that He will do what is best for us.
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