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Everything posted by Karen11

  1. We have been set FREE from sin, we have been set FREE from this "world", FREE from guilt, FREE from shame, So that we may live with eyes open wide and love like we never knew.
  2. We cannot believe that something so wonderful could be ours. That nothing is for free. God has set us free with his favor and never ending love.
  3. It means that we are with him in heaven forever. That God's Grace is enough. That we have the same spiritual authority as Christ, he has given us that as born again believers.That we should enter his gates with Thanksgiving and go boldly to the throne.
  4. When we put God last instead of first, when life becomes so busy that we try to get through without God. When we know we are sinning against God, and still do what we know not to do. Because we as children of God know better.
  5. In spirt, in Christ, I have heard people say they believe there is a Jesus but don't believe the bible is all truth only bit's and pieces. My life is different, I have a savior the scales have fell off and I can see, I believe in what the bible tells me, I'm not perfect but my savior is. Share Jesus with them with a humble heart.
  6. WE forget that "Greater is he that is in us then who is in the world" That it is Christ's battle. We forget Jesus is in us, we can do nothing apart from God. Have Faith
  7. We fail to see it, to believe it, to have faith, to stay close to the HOLY SPIRIT. It is inadequacy with our Faith, Faith comes by hearing, hearing comes from the word of God.
  8. Yes I think it would, in the sense that I would be looking forward to the day that life would become a little easier as far as bill's go. Looking forward to God's inheritance far out weighs money of any amount, I'm excited to know I have a great inheritance in God's presence. It should effect our fellowship with them to come closer and humble.
  9. I look forward to Jesus return and being swept up to Heaven. To be joyful, and our decisions and our life style should be pleasing to our God. Our hope is in the one who made us the one who we will spend eternity with, an non-believer has nothing to look forward to and that is sad, we must tell them about Jesus.
  10. The end term is when Jesus second coming, when he comes to gather us and take us home. We receive the Holy Spirt when we accept Jesus as our Savior,the Holy Spirt lives in us and guides us to live as Children of God.
  11. To praise God. To live as Christ so that who ever see's us see's God, that our light of God will shine. "Im gonna let it shine"
  12. The end time, when Christ gathers us up. God's plan Gentiles and Jews will be together. God will rule over all.
  13. I have been set free,I am no longer a slave to sin. I don't know if I would be here, the weight of my sin. What future, without Jesus there is no future. My children would not know how much God loves them.
  14. It shows how much God loves us We are heir's of God's family, we are now his son's and daughters. Nothing can separate us.
  15. I have given my life to Jesus he is my Savior, God see's me "holy" and I am his, I have asked for forgiveness from my Savior, God see's me blameless.
  16. The thought that people I know and love may not be with me in heaven. To know my home is with Jesus. To show us God is the God of us all. That God is in CONTROL.
  17. What does it mean to be in Christ to me?...To be a new person forgiven, free, forever loved and someday welcomed in to heaven with him. What are the implications of this for your life?..Knowing I have a personal relationship with him, that I can talk to him and know he hears and understands, to know he will teach me.
  18. Jesus as your Lord and Savior, to have faith and believe that God is working for you not against you. There is no limit to THE PROMISES that God has given us. Everything, knowing My LORD is taking care of me, that I don't have to worry. To give is to receive.
  19. When God told us to give and it will be given unto you, it is a promise that God will never forget and he will bless you. Every time you give for God it will come back a 100 fold.
  20. Jesus and only Jesus. Not at all, it gives motivation to his ambition. Staying strong in the Lord always putting the Word first.
  21. Never have false exceptions..I believe God blesses us financially,when we give our life to God and have faith to let hm take care of us.Teach those who are rich in this world not to be proud and not to trust in their money, which is so unreliable. Their trust should be in God, who richly gives us all we need for our enjoyment. –1 Timothy 6:17 - ----Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me. Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing. –John 15:4-5 - God does not not want his children lacking anything,,that is what the Scriptures mean when they say, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him. But it was to us that God revealed these things by his Spirit. For his Spirit searches out everything and shows us God’s deep secrets.” –1 Corinthians 2:9-10 - As richly as we receive from God we should give.
  22. [ If your mind wonder's to anything you miss what God is telling you. If you let your mind wonder your thought's torment you. Bible Scriptures It works very well, it gives me peace, and calms me down.
  23. Talking to God,telling him your worry's, anxiety's you start to build your trust in him,knowing he is alway's there. If you trust and have faith in God, the promise of his peace is there with you.
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