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Everything posted by Karen11

  1. I think we don't value meditation and prayer because we let the world pull us into so many other directions we are running and running. I think he values all times but for me the morning is the most peaceful, when the day is anew and quiet. The Lord guides her and gives her direction.
  2. For some it could be they have not accepted Jesus as there savior, the unknown, for some it might be not wanting to let go of this world. They were fulfilled through John the Baptist, at Judgement day.
  3. All of them, cause each one means something to me, either saved me, taught me, showed me something..I need them all, I need of of Jesus. Jesus humbled himself to serve and not to be served, when in actuality he is King and should be treated as one. As birth is a miracle and from God, for God to become man is also a miracle from God himself.
  4. The Angel had told them, they did just that, the Shepherds sought him out and found him as they had been told. Mary took all they had said thought on them words and put them in her heart.
  5. I also would be shocked, to see such radiant glory in the darkness who have taken me aback. God is not going low key when the savior of the world is born. That the savior of the world is born. They went and found Jesus wrapped as the Angels said he would be in a manger.
  6. So we know why Mary and Joseph went through what they went through also as we read on in the Bible we can see where and why it started there. They faced ridicule and embarrassment having been unmarried and with child, having to travel so far in the dessert with Mary being pregnant and little money. His ways are higher than our ways, maybe to have them depend on God more than themselves. So that we will depend on God more than this world.
  7. I doubt know why God sent Jesus at that time, but I know God's timing is perfect. He redeemed me from my sins from the life I was living. I am now a child of God and my inheritance is everlasting life.
  8. Love is shown in times of peace, when everything is good. Our value should not be in winning but in Jesus Christ. By living love as Jesus did it will bless me and everyone I come in contact with.
  9. God knows their heart, the poor are humble and often cry out to God. Anyone can be unloved, overlooked and looked down on, so in my life I try to always be kind and helpful to everyone.
  10. Always seems to be something else that takes my time, I start and read the Bible everyday then time enters and night I blame being tired. Every time I'm in pain I'll go to my bible which makes me feel even worse because I feel guilty, there is always excuse for not spending time in the word. Seeking Good first thing!!
  11. Jesus is sitting at God's right hand ,he is also with us through this life. "The LORD says to my Lord: 'Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.'" To teach us, to let us know who is The Way, The Truth, The Life. Jesus is the me mediator between God and Man.
  12. I think deep down they know Jesus exist, but are afraid, they know the life they live and are mad because they want to do what the want to do and not answer to anyone. They want to live in sin, they do not want anyone telling them what to do. Run to the the Bible, GET IN THE WORD. To surrender all to him, to love him with all your heart all your mind and all your soul.
  13. It tells us that Joseph was a God fearing man, strong and not touched at what the world thinks. It I'm sure put a strain on his reputation, and looked down on.
  14. Living forever, with no corruption, everything will live forever, flowers trees that for some is very hard to understand. So many have such a love for money and power, to be with out that would be rare. Justice against our enemies, justice for the poor and persecuted .
  15. Our Wonderful Counselor guiding us everyday, Our Mighty God so strong to lift us up when we fall, Our Everlasting Father who will be with us for eternity, Our Prince of Peace who gives us peace when the world around us is shaking. It should draw us closer to him, to rely on him and surrender all to him.
  16. Some People rather live in sin, some to do not believe in the light. In sin they enjoy the fruits of the darkness. People The people became full of love and forgiveness I have become more loving and forgiving
  17. To all nations. They both were willing to sacrifice there son's, to give.
  18. Strong and powerful...Leading Tribe of Judah...He is the son of God. It is hard for us because Satan prowls around we fight between good and evil that is why we must stay in the Bible. It is important, God wants and needs us to be obedient, he can't Bless us unless we are.
  19. They both were blessed by God with a Miracle, so they both were understood what no-one else could. Elizabeth is older and wiser, she can teach Mary many things. Mary is a comfort to Elizabeth, Mary can also be a help to Elizabeth.. being that she is younger and they are cousins. To my family, I hope I was to my Father who I looked after when he was dying of lung cancer in 2015.
  20. The honor to be Jesus mother, there is no higher honor. The owner cost her her reputation in the community and at first A chance to lose Joseph to be your husband. Her response immediately was yes anything that God she would honor. it teaches me to trust God and whatever you ask of me or send me to have faith and trust.
  21. Because they have opened their hearts to God and accepted Jesus in to it.They know there is a God the Father and Jesus the Son. They have been blinded by their sin. By accepting Jesus as their savior.
  22. Because the world does not seek righteousness, they want to go and do what they please, and get angry when you seek to righteousness. Seeking to do what is right, to live right. That if we seek righteousness with our hearts we will find it and be blessed.
  23. The world's ideal is being a push over walk all over, but that is not it at all, the way I see it is to be non confrontational, not to let the world get the best of you. It's important because we are to be like Jesus, and to have humility is following Jesus.
  24. Because then and only then will you realize you need a savior. A mourning of one self of the life we lived on our own without God, to rid ourself of the "World" The mourning of evil of this world. To watch the news and see how sin destroys do many lives.
  25. Who will be Blessed and How we will be Blessed So that will would understand, He who has ears let him here. The Blessing comes to those who have the Fruit of the Spirit.
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