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Ms. Joanne

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Everything posted by Ms. Joanne

  1. Jesus was the stone that the builders rejected. Jesus is the stone, the main thing that holds us up. He was rejected by those in power. However the common man heard him and understood his promises. Jesus came to this earth, to represent God. We are blessed as we are now part of Jesus' family. He entered Jerusalem with people waving palm branches and celebrating him. We are to do the same, celebrate Jesus because his truths are how we should live.
  2. Jubilation and adoration and humbleness and thankfulness. This is a psalm I should use in the mornings after I awake to ready my day of openness towards the Lord. We are his and he will protect and guide us. priase, worship, thankfulness those are our commands towards our Lord God in heaven.
  3. Broken abd contrite, this is something that I need to ask for daily. But if I do ask for forgiveness, I must change my whole being. My heart must undergo a transformation.
  4. I never knew that one could have a pure heart after great sin. A pure heart is to have God forgive you of your sin asking him for his mercy, but at the same time knowing that, as like David, God may have some kind of penance for your sin. I have done a great sin, I believe that God as forgiven me, but I must accept that forgiveness in order for me to have bee washed clean. Acceptance of God's grace is sometimes a hard thing to do. My question is why do we continue to punish ourseleves,knowing how God has forgiven us. I continue to pray to God for forgiveness and to accept his grace and mercy so that my heart is one with the Lord.
  5. Our sins, when we do not acknowledge them will only serve to keep us in emotional turmoil. This is a cost to our peace of mind. Sometimes the cost is physical. When asking forgiveness, there is a cost as well. It may be one to our reputation, especially when the confession is made in public. However, the emotional turmoil is taken away. Once Jesus absolves us from our sins we then are released from all guilt and our emotional well being is restored. Even though we maybe persecuted for our FORGIVEN sins by humans, we will have peace that our father in heaven has forgiven us. We resist seeing the truth about our selves, because denial is easier than facing the facts. We do not want to see the harm that is being done. Sometimes, events or other people will tell us why we need to see.
  6. Now that the passages and words were explained to me, my "eyes" have been opened. Jesus was persecuted by many. The passages pointed out that is what is to,happen in the days leading up to his crucifixion. As he hung from the cross he felt a deep,seperation from his father. Vs. 14 talks about his blood draining from his body, he was thirsty, he was nailed to the cross, he can feel the pain through out his body, and people gambled for his clothing. The Holy Spirit inspired David to write these words to foretell the coming messiah and what would transpire.
  7. Jesus was speaking to God as an appeal for reassurance that his father is still there even though he felt greatly separated. He wanted some hope as he was suffering. He was expressing a need for his father, like a young child crying out for his parents to come rescue them. Jesus was feeling alone and abandoned. His father did rescue him by taking him up into heaven. As any father, God had compassion on his son.
  8. God wanted them to think about Jesus and question who they thought Jesus was. That is challenge them with a puzzle. He wanted them to think beyond wanting an earthly King and acknowledge that Jesus was His son as well as the messiah for the whole of man kind. For vs. 5-6. It is talking about Jesus coming back to earth and getting rid of those leaders who oppose him and interfere with people who seek to worship him. He will vanquish those leaders who seek to mislead people that Jesus is not the ultimate messiah. Only then can he reign over us is peace. He does not want to destroy, but will if these leaders interfere with our coming to belief in Him.
  9. Hmmmmm. After reading this lesson twice, the concepts are difficult to grasp. There seems to be much deeper meaning than what is presented. But here it goes.....our anointed King is Jesus, one whom is from God our Lord in heaven. Jesus came directly from God in human form. However if we do not acknowledge Jesus as our Messiah, then we deny God as our king. Jesus was made ruler of all on this earth. If we do not acknowledge Jesus, we then will set a path to our own destruction.
  10. Love and worthiness go hand in hand. Without worthiness you cannot love.,. Because there would be no trust and without trust we would not find God deserving of our love and praise. Thus was important to the people of the Old Testament times, because they needed God to get them through their tough times. Someone who was steadfast and with them always. Maths New Testament speaks of love, trust, faithfulness, steadfast, everlasting, forever and ever, ever faithful.
  11. In Exodus, the Israelites learned that their God was a loving and forgiving God. But a God who wants to worshiped and obeyed. Though their sins and ours are so grave their is nothing that they or we can do that he will not a onion them/ us. That is the very foundation of our faith that we are never abondoned nor unloved. There are no limits to God's forgiveness.
  12. Once God has brought about joy and good times, he will once bring it about. We must remember this during our down times. Our problems will not last forever. Mat the same time we must hold on to those small bits of joy that occurs during our down times. Mhanging on to Jesus is at times all that we can do.
  13. Ascribe to the Lord is to praise for his attributes to give all glory to him. If we do not glorify God we are then being egocentric. We are not relying on God. Praising God is what we SHOULD do to keep us grounded to the fact that God is sovereign.
  14. For me praise is difficult in the midst of my troubles,. E use it is my natural tendency to turn towards the negative and troublesome worries and thoughts. To praise during those times, I must consciously turn my thoughts towards God. However once I start to praise, although, those worries are in the back of my mind, I start to look at the positives and let God thoughts seep into my being. My faith in God kicks in and his thoughts or advise nets seep into my mind.
  15. Currently I am able to walk my dogs daily along the river. Watching th fish jump and birds sit along the river's edge is calming. Just sitting along a stream bank and watching the waters flow quickly and quietly is a calming influence. So the very image of streams within the Bible evokes that same calmness. It is almost as if the flowing water is washing the anxiety away and helps to slow me down and think. Therefore, Be still and know that I am God" tells me to calm myself, talk to God wait for his answer. Do not react in anxiety and go about solving the problem myself. Do not and speak my mind,mthunk about the response and use my words to reflect Jesus.
  16. Into your hands I commit my spirit. Wpild bring peace to someone by letting them know that if they trust in God and leave things up to him, that He will bring peace that is sustainable. My times are in your hands....." Let's me know that everything I do, or experience is God driven and directed. He will be with me every step , every minute, every hour, every day. Nothing goes unnoticed by my God.
  17. 1. The Lord is our Shepherd our guide. 2. He meets all of our physical and emotional needs. 3. He protects us. 4. He guides us through tough times 5. He feeds us and is our gracious host. 6. His love for us liberal and abundant. 7.he promises his love for now and in the future.
  18. David quiets himself by humbly and humility goes to God. He acknowledges that he is but a humble person only worthy to come before the Lord with faith that he will be listened to. However he does not go to him in begging mode but in faith mode. Humility, humbleness, we do not have to understand all. We must acknowledge that God will provide for us even though we do not understand all. Trust and confident expectations that God will provide for us.
  19. These Psalms serves to reassure us that we will have God's protection in all ci cumstances. They also serve to remind us that if smithing g happens God will make it good. Which may mean we might be going to h acne sooner than we expect. It is our fifth that will help us to laser focus on God in times of deep distress. I think that believers are protected, it is whether we are focused onGod and whether we recognize if we are protected by him. Dear God, we are protected by you,whether we rognize it or not. The lesson we learn is in faith and trust in you whenever we face any kind of adversity/ danger. Quelll my anxiety, and turn my thoughts to you as I face danger or conflict. Amen
  20. Leaning on the everlasting arms of God. I have always felt that God is watching over me, especially those times driving on the freeways during high traffic hours. But the song and the verses remind me and gives me a picture of myself with Jesus' arm around me.
  21. WOW. So much more in this Psalm than I first thought. When I had read this Psalm prior to this Bible Study, I knew it had to to do with protection......but now I know it also has to do with our faith exchange with Him. He protects us day and night both during danger, but also during calm times. I can't help but think that those times while traveling or going about my business how he has protected me from situations that could have caused harm or injury. Especially during those times that I am aware. God has given me authority over Satan. To rebuke those demons who are trying to lead us through the path of destruction. God gives us many promises, to loves us, to protect us, to comfort us, to keep us safe from dangers, to hide us, to cover us.
  22. The Rock (God) solid. Losing strength ( my heart grows faint)...... Both images remind me that hanging on to something solid, massive and immovable gives me an anchor so that eventually I will regain my strength. Or more so gives me something steady to hang on to when I am at my most anxious moments. Refuge, a shelter to hide out until I can regroup and thinks things through. My protector, (wings)....like as a mom like me who held on to my children during a storm.
  23. 2chr 7:14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways,mother I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Dear God, I am sorry for making you a religion. A religion of disagreement and dissatisfaction. I want to make apologies for all those in our church for making you an object. Not enough of us have truly seeked you out. None of us have actually turned to you while we grapple with with our lowering numbers and deciding how to discipline our you loung kids. Come to us Holy Spirit, listen to our questions and requests. Forgive us for. It coming to you enough. amen
  24. If I am not humble when I ask for help from the Lord; then I am arrogant. Lack of humility creates a demand or want. It is like saying I deserve this, now give me what I want. Therefore an expectation of assistance sets us up for disappointment. However, when we go to the Lord in humbleness; we are saying I trust you. I trust (have faith) that you will do what is best....not what I think is best. We are saying lord you are sovereign, hear my plea, I trust you to do what is best for this situation.
  25. Dear God, I have not focused on you enough. My thoughts and faith are so small compared to your love for me. I have not gone to you right away in my times of distress. I have not trusted you nor turn my thoughts to you when anxiety raises its ugly head. Although my troubles are not like the hose of David's, not heels they are troubles. Lord I pray that I developed the faith of David, of Abraham, of Paul and all those others who have given their whole lives to you. Even though they faced great troubles they always, and automatically turned to you. If I would only learn this.
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