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Paul Irving

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About Paul Irving

  • Birthday 11/22/1970

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    God, lifting weights, cooking, reading, using google, working at my job, studying the Bible, praying to God, quiet time with God

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  1. Because He is our personal savior and is also our mediator to God. Fruit connected to Jesus Christ is the good fruit. Produced by righteous people who are God fearing Christians who do the commandments. Yes, the good fruit is what God wants on both earth and heaven now and the new earth and heaven that He will create in the future after judgment day. Fruit can become corrupt by the devil if they are tricked by him. Then become rebellious non-Christians and fall out of Christianity.
  2. It is becoming more difficult for Jesus to pray to His Father uninterrupted because of all the multitude of people seeking Him. Yet, He still goes away from crowds to a mountain or other desolate places. Because Jesus Christ is finishing the work that God sent Him to finish. God gives Jesus power to work all the miracles for the day and what to speak to the people for the day. Because it’s the Holy Ghost that has God’s plan for Jesus Christ to work.
  3. Absolutely it is alright to use Jesus Christ as an example, He is the perfect example. He had all of the spiritual gifts and never failed at doing anything. We should try to be more like Jesus, even though we will never be as Holy as He is as the only begotten Son of God. God in the Old Testament is showing His Devine knowledge throughout the entire Old Testament. He chose the people He wanted to be prophets, kings, and wise men. The gift of knowledge continues in the New Testament as Jesus Christ’s knowledge of God’s is used to ward off the devil. Then Jesus used His knowledge to minister to the people and to lead them.
  4. No they don’t, because they are denying Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. The people that have a personal relationship with God and Jesus Christ with the Holy Ghost as well. Be kindhearted, teach them about God and His love. Pray for them, love them. They both bring us closer to God. The temple is a sacred place and God takes His temple very serious. It guides us through life through the easy times and the hard times, it refines us. We have to set examples to other believers. It shows the world that we belong to Christ and God.
  5. Both can send the Holy Ghost because of the unity of the Holy Trinity. God sent the Holy Ghost to Jesus Christ when He was on earth, for times He would really need it, like when the devil tempted Jesus. The Bible says Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost was led into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. Jesus promised His disciples that He would not leave them comfort less He would send the comforter the Holy Ghost to them. I don’t think it matters if God or Jesus sends the Holy Ghost to you, because the Holy Ghost does not change, nor does God or Jesus for they are Holy and there is no sin in anywhere in the Holy Trinity.
  6. By both being the Son of God and the power of the Holy Ghost in Him. God was with Him always as well as the Holy Ghost for the three are one. This concept is hard for us to understand, but it is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. They always have unity and never disagree with each other for they are one. God wanted to make sure He will destroy the devil and evil for ever when Jesus Christ died on the cross. A innocent man unjustly accused by a traitor, a devil Judas Iscariot. It’s important for us to know that Jesus is with us for He gave His apostles power over the enemy and the power to cure infirmities. Jesus Christ said to His apostles, you could do nothing without me. Jesus set the perfect example as a true leader, a Holy man, with power over all evil, He fed thousands with just a few loaves of bread and a few small fish and He did that on two separate occasions. He cured all kinds of sicknesses, He made the blind to see. He’s the Lord. Amen
  7. Jesus Christ always said my Father does the works, it was Jesus’s faith that gave Him the power to do miracles. As He said the Son can do nothing by Himself, but the things He see’s the Father do He will do likewise. It indicates how Jesus Christ had unity with the Father and that He was not of this world, but came from Heaven, to finish the works God sent Him to finish. Because He is more than a man, He is the Son of God our Lord and Savior. Jesus had the faith and the works that prove He’s Devine. He came from Heaven to become a man like one of us, He humbled Himself being the Son of God to a mortal man. Who now is immortal, and will never die again for He is alive for evermore.
  8. When the angel Gabriel informs Mary that the Holy Ghost will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you. That Holy thing shall be called the Son of God. When Jesus was being Baptized by John the Baptist, the Holy Ghost in the shape of a dove was upon Him and God spoke and said you are my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. The Holy Ghost is a great and powerful ally when we are battling sin. The Holy Ghost leads us and keeps us safe from evil. When Jesus Christ was tempted by the devil, He was full of the Holy Ghost. Our Lord Jesus Christ had to be full of the Holy Ghost to rebuke Satan and the great temptations he offered Jesus. After Jesus Christ had been tempted by Satan, angels came and ministered to Him because it probably took a lot out of Him. The devil is by no means powerless, that’s a trick he’s very smart and cunning. He knows what’s in man and the desires of people, for don’t forget that one third of the angels followed Satan and are now demons.
  9. It will be like nothing we’ve ever seen in this world. Streets of gold, 12 different valuable stones. The names of the twelve tribes of Israel, the names of Jesus’s twelve apostles on the twelve foundations of the Holy City. And that Holy City will be like a bride adorning for her husband. There will be no more darkness, for the Glory of God and the Lamb of God will lighten up the city. And God will be a Father to those that are saved, and we will be sons and daughters to Him. And the gates of the City will always be opened and never shut. Also no evil will exist there, for those that have done bad and did not repent or have any remorse will be in the lake of fire and brimstone tormented for ever!!
  10. With reigning with Christ comes suffering as the Lord Jesus Christ suffered for us, but He also reigns. The wicked bow before the righteous, God even said it, tread down the wicked in their place. We reign with Christ in that He has made an everlasting covenant with us in His flesh and blood. When Christ returns, He will be so glorious He will light up the earth with the brightness of His coming. We shall rule and reign with Him as promised and was prophesied. His Kingdom is not of this world but Heaven, which when He returns in the Glory of God, and His own Glory and of the holy angels.
  11. Then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in Heaven. Then all of the tribes of the earth mourn for they have refused Him. They shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of Heaven with power and great glory. And He shall send His angels with the sound of a great trumpet, and they shall gather His elect from the four winds, from one end of Heaven to the other. Daniels Son of man is synonymous with this glorious happening. In the book of Daniel, he speaks of the Son of man coming in the clouds with power and great glory.
  12. We represent Christ by doing good deeds, charity, meekness, gentleness, mercy, love. We should share the Word of God to those that need it, the wicked bow before the righteous. The world would be a more peaceful place to be in. There wouldn’t be so many hate crimes. People would live peacefully with each other, just look at the example Jesus Christ showed us, even though the world hated Him He was peaceful all the way to His death on the cross. We will reign with Him in His Heavenly Glory, peaceful goodwill towards one another. Evil won’t exist anymore, the devil and his angels and his slaves will be in torment in the lake of fire and brimstone.
  13. My faith has been tested time and time again, my spiritual authority is based on Jesus Christ the Lord of Glory. I have overcome the devil every time he’s tried to get me, my guardian angels have always been there for me. Really it’s God sending His angels to protect me. I think because sometimes are unsure of what powers we have been given and don’t want to be mocked if we can’t perform a miracle. But and if we can’t perform a miracle, there are other powers God has given us.
  14. Because they have had experience in suffering for the Lord. People can tell a true believer from a fake one if they have the wisdom to discern the difference between the two. It’s the power of God in our earthly vessels through Christ. The Holy Ghost is the treasure inside ourselves, He guides us through life and teaches us what to say and how to say it. You should believe in God more than you believe in yourself because God knows all, and will never abandon His children.
  15. Jesus said we are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill can not be hidden. To let your light shine is to glorify our Heavenly Father by doing good deeds. Do good and your whole body will be full of light, but and if your deeds are evil your whole body will be full of darkness. The eyes are the light of the body. Charity, do all of the Ten Commandments, be meek, gentle, love your enemies, bless those that curse you, be kindhearted to all people, all of these things the Lord God loves. We are God’s creation and He loves us. Christ prays for us, and if we don’t do good works we are not glorifying God.
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