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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Kim E.

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Everything posted by Kim E.

  1. Most people have made God into what they want Him to be. They never read their Bibles so they have no idea what God wants from them or who He really is. When you share the gospel with them it definately confronts them. They become defensive because they might have to accept that they are selfish, sinful and they are definately proud of their created god of the world they want to live in now. God gave His only Son so that we should not perish. He tells us right there in John 3:16-21 that perishing is going to be the result of not believing, trusting and following Jesus. "Light has come into the world but men love darkness." Here is summed up His love for us and the reason for judgement I believe. Jesus is truth and the light. We come into the light when we believe and repent. If we want to hide in our sins then we remain in darkness and we will perish. We deserve judgement but God has given us the gift of life through His Son. There is nothing to the gospel if you leave out judgement. If you don't believe in Jesus you are condemed already. It is simple, believe or don't believe, light or darkness, condemnation or eternal life. Condemnation or eternal life is a choice. If you leave that out of the gospel you are not telling anyone of the wonderful choice of the gift they have in Christ. That's the point. I choose Christ.
  2. Called to be holy. Called by God, saved by Jesus, counseled by the Holy Spirit. I would have to say that all of these are present in holiness. Knowing that these things are true through faith I know I have been called to be a holy child of God. God loves me so much that He has provided me with an extrodinary sense of holiness. The Holy Spirit directs me to have respect for my body, Gods' temple, to keep it holy. I must have the saving grace of Jesus and the direction of the Holy Spirit to clean my house so to speak. In the world we should recognize what is not holy and flee from it. At one time in my life, I either didn't recognize what was unholy or I didn't want to see it that way. Now I'm filled with joy to flee from unholiness. That's how I know that God is working in me. He has called me, I have repented and He has given me to His Son and the Holy Spirit has been counseling me to bring me to the holiness God has set me aside for. I have found in Gods' Word a wealth of lessons for the someone who is willing to follow Christ. He even tells me how to follow Him. If I can follow Jesus, I can be obedient and holy in this world. My biggest struggle with holiness is now just being obedient to Gods' Word. His work in me has begun and I am but a babe I fear, but in my longing to be in Gods' will I sometimes run ahead of Him and get myself in hot water. He is always and I mean always telling me to not get ahead of Him. I've paid with some heartaches because I have this tendency to run ahead of the Lord. I pray God will lead me to a sensible, loving, patient, simple, holy life in Christ everyday.
  3. I must be prepared to meet Jesus. I believe He has a lot for me to learn before I meet Him. Jesus is going to want to see what He has specifically accomplished in me. I pray that I get to read the whole Bible and understand the instructions I'm to get from the Holy Word before I leave this world. Have you ever heard that the BIBLE stands for Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth? Everyone needs Basic Instruction before attempting anything. The hope and expectation of Christs' return inspires me to know Him better and to strive to have His life lived through me. No one can function on the level Jesus wants us to strive for if they can't keep their head in the game. You never reach any goal or even strive to reach a goal when you let distractions come between you and what you strive for. This is the most important thing you will ever do. When I get lazy I do things that I don't want to do. I think about not studying one day or that I might miss church to watch TV. That's just small potatoes. Try to imagine if Jesus decided to take the day off? He could have just stayed in Heaven instead of coming here to take our place on the cross. Wouldn't that have been the worst procrastination in all of Heaven and earth. I'm telling you right now, I don't want to think about how hopeless life would be if Jesus had been a procrastinator like me or if He had started this most important thing in our lives and didn't finish it.
  4. I have pure joy knowing God loves me so much that He gave His Son Jesus to die for me. The happiest moments of my life can not match that. No matter what my mood (moodiness happens) I can lean on the Lord and know He will provide me with the ability to get through the day. Of course it's easier when I'm happy, but each day is successful because of the joy I have through faith. The truth is far more important than being emotionally happy all the time. Truth is joy. It shows when you know the truth. When faced with trials lately, I've noticed in myself a calmness and peace. It seems almost as if . . . . and that is the inexpressible and glorious joy!! I know God is with me.
  5. Sometimes I feel like I'm in a trial everyday of my life. I've got a lot of growing up to do. When your spiritual life takes a back seat for a good part of your life to self-interest you lose a lot. God has used some pretty extrodinary things to get me back in line. One almost ruined my life and the lives of those involved. Although this trial was threatening to ruin my life I leaned on my faith in God at that time and He answered me. God knew I was lost but He carried me home. The long road to change my life after that is still going on right now as we speak. I have many trials ahead, probably several today. But there is rejoicing in heaven now that I'm found. I believe that and I lean on God to help me through everything. Jesus name will be glorified in the example He is helping me to set. If I, a lowly sinner can have this hope then so can all who accept this gift of salvation.
  6. God promises us that if we believe and have faith He provides us protection. "My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish, no one can snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Fathers' hand. I and the Father are one." That says alot to me!!
  7. Forgiveness takes away all that guilt for past sins, which we do not deserve and instills in us a thankfulness so great that if we truly have faith we will go and sin no more. I'm so thankful for forgiveness, I need it everyday. But forgiveness is only the beginning. Jesus had a profound ministry and message for us all. It will lead you to obedience. It will also set you free. With such a wonderful gift available to us, how can we not be thankful and obedient. Some people live dangerously thinking they can expect forgiveness but not obey or not forgive others also. True faith in Christ will bear the fruit of love and forgiveness and obedience to Gods' Word. If you are forgiven and obedient you will want to be a servant. That is what Jesus was. To be the greatest you must put yourself last. That means serving others. I thank God every day for His Son and for forgiveness.
  8. Hi I'm Kim E. from Texas. I'm just figuring all the posting stuff out, think I said hi in the wrong place. I was searching for some clarification on some study in Luke and found this site. I'm really glad to be here with you all. I hope to learn a lot from all of you. Internet study is new to me. I'm in church in my community with my husband Mark. I'm already getting a great deal out of the studies in 1 Peter. Just started today, trying to catch up.
  9. Hi, I'm Kim E. I just joined today from Texas. I'm reading the first lesson from the 24th today to catch up. I found my way back to the Lord just about a year ago. I've been away for quite a long time. I'm attending church again with my husband and I study the Word of God every day. I'm of course having some pretty tough times with understanding every sacrifice I must make for the Lord. I have tried to "put my hand to the plow and look back". It became painfully clear to me because of my fear of losing the friends I've had, that I have a long way to go. This is right up there with being worldly. The Lord has been gently but steadily leading me. I've given my life to Jesus but He has to teach me and mold me and given the time I've been gone, He has a lot to do!! Please pray for me that I will come to recognize when I'm being worldly (beyond the obvious) and be able to escape that snare when it comes with Jesus help. When faced with the loss of old friends I reacted by trying to pray that the Lord would change them. That in itself is not bad, but He will do it in His own time. I was trying to run ahead of the Lord, so I tried to do it myself. I wish I could describe my experience in a more beautiful way, but I find I can only express it based on what happens to me. I'm hoping you will understand. I really like the way Gail B. expessed her thoughts. That same post would express mine also.
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