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Everything posted by PressThrough

  1. Because open your eye's. God performs very evident mircles everyday, all around us and even in us. All of His creation is a miracle. No where in the Scriptures does it say that God won't! (well God does tell us what He won't do, but that's up to us individually) All Things Are Possible Through Christ Who Strengthens Us!!! Keeping your mind on the things of Christ will keep "ones" faith active, or remind them. I Love God with all of my heart, mind, & soul, but let me tell you, sometimes I forget to pray. Sometimes I don't even think to bring my questions to God. But He is so Awesome because He answer's them anyway, as although sometimes I forget, I am still pressing through to Him! Hallelujah. Wow I just want to add an unrelated note here. The Revelation study is being revealed & making more sense now. It's not something I know because God said it in His Word. I'm seeing it. I feel it. Woe to the hardened heart. There is a sadness on me big time. I count it Joy though because The Holy Spirit comforts me. All Glory Be To God!!! Hallelujah!!! Amen!!! I do need your all's prayer support though too, for I am feeling weak and finding it hard focus and stay on track. Thank you. Love Lisa
  2. I don't have my own words. They all came from some place else. This question was answered in the exposition that came with the study, so how can I have my own words. I read the exposition before I started, and also Jesus said it in the Bible. So I have no words that are my own. Thanks for asking though. Ugggg, that kind of statement always got me good in formal school too. The teacher gives you an answer by telling you about something and then ask's a question to which the answer was already given, and say's to say it in your own words. Okay, let me see if I can say it a different way, that I thought of . When I was a teenager I thought circumcision was done to males to make cleaning it easier, to prevent infections. That must of been just kid talk/guessing or something an adult said because they really didn't know why, or maybe a Doctor told them that. Okay this is what I know about it now; that circumcision was an outward sign of/in the flesh of one's obedience in God. But wait there doesn't seem to be a choise here for those babies either. It means nothing now anyway, the same with baptizing a baby, it means nothing to the child anyway, they don't know what they are doing, the same with those in the first covenant that had it done because of who they were in relation to Abraham and it was ordered to be done, yes by God, but could it really be just for a sign of who their Abba is? To prove who they were to eachother? God knows his own regardless of circumcision. When somebody was approached did they have to drop their pants or lift their robe to prove something? I can see how the heathen took that to town. Baptism by water, also ordered by God concerning the inward man, was done by people consiously making the decision to "Follow Christ", there by dieing to/of the flesh (going under) and rising up from that death (out of the water/resurrection), leaving the Old man behind and walking hence in the New, in Truth & Love for God & Eachother, thereby the veil of darkness is dissipated. Hmmm, when Adam was made, He was made from the dust of the earth and God breathed life into him. Was blood present at that time? Eve was formed from the rib of man. The rib only or dust as well? Is this when blood came into the picture? How long were they in the garden before the fall? Did they have children while in the garden? How was the birth process done? Or did blood come into the picture after the fall when mankind was seperated from God? Why blood & the pain inflected from the shedding of it to attone for sins? (I did that study and understand the words, I'm trying to go deeper here) In my own words, I do not understand this or the pain. While in the womb, we are in a bag of water for an appointed time, sustained by a cord. Blood, Water, Earth, & Oil to keep the fire burning (that is the Holy Spirit ) What does it mean? These kinds of questions never seemed important to me so I didn't venture to go there, but could there be something here/there that if once I understand it will draw me closer to God? All's I know for sure is that I Love God with all my being, and when I transgress against my Abba I just can not stand myself and it is very hard to get over although I appear to on the outside. Why Why Why Why. I understand what God say's about it in the Bible, and I understand other's answer's to these questions in various Bible Studies. But I feel there is "More" and "That" is what I want to know. But how do I ask a question that I do not understand? If I understood what to ask, then I wouldn't need to ask. Any one here willing to go deeper?
  3. To have your heart circumcised is what God meant by turning a heart of stone, into a heart of flesh. Woooo, something else is coming in here, but I haven't received the full message yet. Ohhhh, I'll tell ya when I know more It has to do with "the fall" and when "blood" entered the picture. That's all I know right now. We keep our faith active as an inward expression of love rather than it becoming only an external religion, through knowing. By knowing Abba. By, ohhhh, drawing near to Him always. Yes!!! By Understanding Him, what Love is. Who He is!!! All the rest well, finds it's place as a result of our Love & Desire to be with God, in Love, and for the sake of Love for Him & Eachother. I'm not going to try to purposely sit here and remember the struggles. God lifted me out of that, and I'm leaving those thoughts way back yonder. I don't think sharing my struggles is uplifting. Revealing the Truth is what counts, and that is that GOD IS EASY & HIS YOKE LIGHT!!! Hallelujah Amen I don't think I need to go backwards in order to go forwards, so no thanks on this part the question. God Bless You, With Agape Love, Lisa
  4. I found this 3 point meaning of the covenant in Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible. I agree with it and hope that you don't mind that I included it here: "1. It is established; not to be altered nor revoked. It is fixed, it is ratified, it is made as firm as the divine power and truth can make it. 2. It is entailed; it is a covenant, not with Abraham only (then it would die with him), but with his seed after him, not only his seed after the flesh, but his spiritual seed. 3. It is everlasting in the evangelical sense and meaning of it. The covenant of grace is everlasting. It is from everlasting in the counsels of it, and to everlasting in the consequences of it; and the external administration of it is transmitted with the seal of it to the seed of believers, and the internal administration of it by the Spirit of Christ's seed in every age." I have no thoughts of my own to add here. Many thoughts go through my mind, but not in an order that I can readily convey. Also, I do not want to speak from my mind, so I will leave this response "as is" and so will wait on The Lord to reveal it to my heart. I will say this though; I am greatful that Abraham didn't waste any time on being obedient .
  5. If what you mean by "Moral" is upright and sincere, then Yes this we must be in order to be blameless in our Walk with God!!!
  6. Q4. What lesson is God teaching you out of Hagar's experience? Which situation that God is calling you to is most difficult for you to submit to? You know what. It wasn't even Hagar's fault that she became pregnant in the first place. She was just taken at somebody elses command. Then when she was with child, she probably gloated, maybe stuck her tongue out at Sara, because nananananana. But as I understand, she was still a child herself. I don't know where I got that, but I feel it's true. Anyway, Abraham & Sara didn't believe God, took the situation in their own hands, and then......Sara could have loved her even though she was showing off, and broke that cord of discontent, but either way, because of what they did & didn't do, Hagar's children were destined to rebellion, to being hated. I'm not trying to get down on anyone. Shoot, Adam had the chance to repent and turn it around, but chose not to and started the blame game instead. And now look what's happened. Mankind has sunk so low and not just now. Yet God still Loves us. That right there brings my motivation back to Christ!!! If these concubines & multiple wives was so acceptable & writen down in the law of man as okay, then why isn't it now. Praise God it's not! I see it over and over again though. Mankind is okay with some type of whatever and it's okay, until they decide it's not, and then it's not acceptable. Where's the heart through out history, through out the generations. On the sleeve maybe? The thing that is most difficult for me to do, is being patient, although I thought I was a very patient person. I found out that I am not. I'm trying. I just have to get out of myself as I wait & do the things of God in trust, with humility and compassion in Christ. As He is compassionate for us, and has not given up on us. Actually for right at this moment, I think this particular Bible study is the hardest for me to submit to. I can analyse my anger all day over this, and what I find is me playing the blame game as I try to figure out what happened back then and what the purpose of it was. I don't even know why I got angry with this study. I thought I figured it out a few times, but none of that was it, because it's still there. I'm trying not to sin over it though. Maybe I'm feeling Gods anger.
  7. Q3. (16:13-14) What is the significance of Hagar's name for God -- El Roi, the God Who Sees? What does it mean to a person who is discouraged and losing hope? What does it mean to you personally? The significance of Gods' name of El Roi is that He sees. He know's what's going on. What it means to me - one who is discouraged and losing hope, is that "hang on", the battle is my head, and I need to turn it over to God. He sees & knows all, and all's I have to do is hand it to Him and trust Him. I have & He has taken it, and released me from the depression that was coming over me. Hallelujah!!! I don't understand how it was happening, but it was like something (a heaviness that zapped my energy & motivation to reach out and help others) came over me. All's I wanted to do was go home to God (I still do want to go home), and not deal with this anymore (but will deal with it as long as God has me here). This, being life on earth. This, being the horrible way Jesus was treated, just because people would rather hate. They hate/d Him and eachother. I understand that God/Jesus/Holy Spirit had to go through that to release us from the darkness we brought on ourselves through disobedience in the garden and then every where else. And I Praise Him for it. God is so Wonderful & I Love Him beyond mear expression. But what God went through and goes through for us over and over again, seems so stupid to me. Not God being stupid. I Praise Him for doing it, and because He loves us so much He continues to take on our pain. Mankind is stupid! I apologize, I'm not calling anyone stupid. But to worship a piece of dead wood, or even if it was green and a tree still standing, and statues, and bugs, & anything He created, including eachother. That is stupid and only names a few of the dead things people worship. I mean, really, how much more crap does God have to go through to prove the point of Love. Please. God don't deserve what we put on Him. God is our Creator, our Love, our Life. Yes, He can handle it, and helps us to turn it around, and He gives us wisdom about it, about Him. It hurts me that people hurt, and that people hurt God, and I hope I, yes, the hope inside of me still lives. I just hope that I truely am growing up in Christ, and not cold towards my fellow brethren.
  8. ((((Q2. (16:7-9) Why does the angel ask Hagar something that the angel already knows? To show her He knows her. He sees her real situation -- and cares for her. ("Where have you come from, and where are you going?") so she could examine her self, and her purpose Why does he send her back to Sarah? To fulfill her calling))))<<<<This section is a copy of what "ccs" said. I apologize you all for taking that short cut. And actually everyone said what I would have. I usually post my answer first and then read the other posts, but so far this week I haven't. I don't know what it is, I'm just feeling kind of tired, but not sleepy. Have you ever reacted and got yourself out of the place God wanted you? I have reacted to many of situations and got out of em. I got out of them though because I don't think that's where God wanted me. I just can't see God wanting me to stay in an abusive situation, and although some were not directly abusive to me. God was being slandered and I just cannot tolerate that and won't stay near a group of people doing it or accepting it. If that makes Lisa all alone (with out another physical being hanging around me) then so be it. I would rather be alone, with God & His Angels then be around people trying to drag me down or worse yet saying anything bad about my Abba. There are things God has placed on my heart to do, or rather my love for God propells me to do, and I did what I could to get the ball rolling, and it came to a stand still, so I am waiting and staying in His Word in the mean time. Although I haven't been reading my Bible to much lately. Hardly at all. But I do talk to Him daily & often daily. I think I'm at a resting point, because I Love the Word Of God & that's where I want to be - in God always. God Bless You All & Thank You!!!
  9. Ditto on what Helen Spaulding said. I couldn't say it any better or different. Thanks Helen . God Bless You All!!! Lisa
  10. The only reason I can see God going through the covenant ritual with Abraham or whoever, is because mankind counldn't conceive truth beyond a piece of paper! So God wrote it down & prospered us much for believing Him through the darkness of our own hearts. God know's why He chose to bless us through Abraham. It's part of the over all picture on bringing us back home. I'm just glad that Abraham believed Him and went marching on for the Glory of God!!! I don't know what the significance of blood is. Besides that without it, our bodies wouldn't live. I know that Jesus shed His for us, and I thank Him beyond measure or expression for His suffering. I study The Word and I understand the Type's & Figures, and such in The Word. I understand English! Comprehension isn't hard if you have common sense, and common sense tell's us that everything basically works off of and from the same principle. What goes around, comes around!!! You can't have one without the other. Did I say something new here? NO!!! Yes, I get my cake and I get to eat it too The significance of these questions, have no significance to me anymore. They are no longer questions. Desperately seeking God and what He mean's beyond His Word is no longer. I knew God as a very very young child. I talked to Him, and although He did not out loud talk to me. He assured me that I would be okay and that He loves me and that I wouldn't be alone. I know it in my heart, well, in my head too!!! I didn't have guidance in The Lord from a church or my immediate family, so I know that what I know (Love) was written into my being from God. I didn't figure it out on my own, like I thought and even said so. (Oh Father Forgive me & Thank you for Forgiving me). God made me who I am, it is just up to me on who am I going to follow - God or the way's of the World!!! Now having said that. The World is Gods'!!! So I must and do care for it. For You!!! I don't know for sure why I have not answered the question plainly or even at all. I enjoy the Bible Studies, and hearing what you all know about Christ. I look forward to when we meet in Gods' Glory!!! For the most part I would just be repeating what you all have already written here. And so I can not answer. I want to, but can't. I don't know why so I just started writing things from my heart, hoping for the Words to say what I do know about this subject. The exactness hasn't happened yet. But I feel in my soul that the choise Word is near. Love!!! God gave us many examples from the History of mankind to get understanding with. That is Understanding this life, and how to overcomve it. With Love!!! But to take His Word and disect it into mear words doesn't do God justice. Mear words is what I hear. I hear understanding. To bundle God up into understanding History, is SAD. Sure Gods' Glory is in it and all about it, but there is more to God then just understanding why man does what he does. Rituals & whoopla!!! An Added Note: Just because I say that I am not desperate to understand God doesn't mean I don't love Him & can't wait to go home. Because I love God with a passion that consumes me beyond my being able to tell, and I look so forward to Heaven with God. I am just not desperate, I am growing up in our Adoni and Peace has taken the place of Desperation! Hallelujah!!! Amen!!!Do you need any help? Getting things done - someone to trust - Godly companionship? Contact me I will do what I can!!!God Bless & Keep You!!! With Love, Lisa
  11. There has been times in my life where I immediately pointed to God and said "why" or "why not" was something like what I requested done or not done, and then ..... but that never revealed much. I have found that waiting for Gods' responce is always the best way to go, for He know's why He answeres real quick like or makes me wait, and if I do wait, then happy am I that I waited for.....because by the time God brought it around, the whole senerio already changed and what ever it was, wasn't what it was made up to be.....anyway!!! There is not really so much to do in life that anything more than what's already been done, can be done. oh, i'm not saying that people can't get stupider or even smarter about how they do something. It's just all repetition and vanity even if it's a new discovery - there is nothing new about it!!! I'm fed up with having to deal with evil people and their stupidity just because they don't feel like believing God. I'm tierd of the pain people so carelessly through about, oh, just because they didn't make good decisions and got hurt them selves. No, most of it probably wasn't their fault, but what people do with the pain so carelessly inflicted on them, even if someone took great care to inflict them, it is an individual's choice what they do with it there after. There is nothing left for me to do. Jesus said "It is Finnished", so I wait for the grande finale. And why I wait, God gave me His Word for to hold on to, to know Him, to have Peace - His Peace while we wait for reentry into The Temple Of God. I must have had much confidence in Heaven, before I was born in the flesh, to tell God that I could do this and will make a difference. I didn't realize the evil potential of the mind, or even of those with me up there. But God knew and is weeding out the space in Heaven so that we don't have to be surprised by such evil people. I see one hand holding on for dear life to the ankle of God as He said, "okay you can go", and I realized that I would be here without His protection, and decided I didn't want to come. But God said Go!!! Make a difference, You can do it!!! And so I am here. Where are you? p.s. I didn't mean to imply that God doesn't protect me. He does!!! I just wish He didn't have to!!!
  12. What I am doing now is a result of my believing that Jesus Christ is coming. He is coming quickly for each and everyone of us, for ever and ever more Amen!!! Now I have much improvement to do and by far am not perfect, but that is why God is so gracious and gives us time to work the kinks out, because He Loves Us!!!
  13. Abraham did not take of the spoils of war from the King of Sodom so that the King couldn't at anytime say the he himself made Abraham rich. Abraham did not go wage war on a city for it's riches, he went to rescue his brother & family and their own possessions, not to get greedy. Abraham's heart is pure towards the Lord & his family with his intentions. His character, one to be desired: is motivated for God. Now I'm not sure yet what the lesson by Abraham refusing a tithe is, but let me look closer. Now I think "why not", let me explore the King of Sodom.... Ahhh, well the Kings of Sodom fell in the slimepits during this battle. But I guess that being The King of Sodom now want's to give to Abraham of the riches of Sodom, that Sodom was restored to the King of Sodom as well.... Hmmm, I think everything was Abraham's already for overtaking the city, but being that all was restored to there rightful places, and Abraham only did this thing to rescue his own, that if he were to accept tithes from the King of Sodom, then the whole purpose of the battle could stand to get lost in the divy. Like when I do something for somebody who needs the help, (my intention being to help when I can & if I can, not to get rich) and they try to pay me or give me some thing for what I have done, takes the meaning out of it (God Provides), and instead of whom ever I helped giving God the Glory for having received help, they instead try to buy me off, and my good intentions just to help, turn into a job where by the receiver of my help, now expects it without reverence to God or me. They just want what they want when they want it no matter what. They want to think that they are in control of that which God directed! Just like some people who try to leave their things behind after a visit to me in my home. I have found this to be a deceitful way to come back, because something that is their's is in my home. They try to stake claim by leaving their things in my care, even without my being aware of it. There has been times where I caught it right away, and was able to chase them down to give them what they forgot , and the expression proved my point. They were, more times then not, set back by my not holding their thing/s, and even almost said it, "oh I was g..", and then just stop and say thank you. Other time's I had to call them on the phone and tell them they left something, and again, for the most part, it is the same answer. Now my door is open and all who know me know it. I have figured it out, the hard way, about people like that - sneaking into my life that way, and feeding me all kinds of lines of bull in order to through me off track with God. But because I Love God with all my heart & soul, he showed me the good in these kinds of actions, and that is of The Spirit - if they are or not. So then for them, I am better prepared on feeding them. Is it milk or strong meat, when we meet again. p.s. not everybody who leaves something behind because they forgot it or whatever has any intentions at all with doing so, they just forgot it. It's easy to know, by paying attention to somebody, if they are receiving The Holy Spirit or not. And We Are Paying Attention
  14. The whole Word is about Salvation by the Grace of God and it is exciting to find Jesus through out the Old Testament as well (Hidden Manna), when The Holy Spirit points out things that were at one time not obvious because of looking for specific answeres or referencing scriptures back & forth for clarity on a specific answer. All of the sudden He show's you more, in that I find it amazing that for the most part, I already knew what He has showed me, or rather Reminded me of If we are not living Holy Lives, and we are trying to get to Heaven, then we are trying to sneak in some other way, and that's not happening!!!
  15. It is my understanding that we tithe to our Pastor's, so they may feed their families, as they are set apart to feed the flock! If we don't give to them first, even if it's set aside in our minds as we pay the bills, because the money can quickly get gone and tithe goes unpaid if we don't look at it with Top-Priority! Now I am looking at it with top-priority, but it goes unpaid for truely I start each month in the hole and out side of just the norm bill's, there's not enough left to tithe, and then the cycle starts all over again. I'm working with it though, and am pleased to say that it's beginning to turn around. Something Good Is About To Happen! In Jesus Name! Amen!
  16. As I do this study, I have found out some things about myself....misplaced anger, fear, and my disobedience in putting off on the putting off of the **** of the flesh in a certain area. I praise God for revealing these things to me, and repent that as I tried to understand what was causing me to be angry, that I first tried to blame this anger on Abraham & Sarah. I was not upset with them in the past, and I am not going to try to find fault in them now. I also am not going to try and emulating them, although in a sense I do. It is Jesus that I am to emulate. God didn't say "be ye perfect as Abraham is perfect", He said "be perfect as I am perfect". And that's what has been bugging me about this particular study. Focusing on somebody else. Hey, I appreciate history, but if I follow history, then I'm just going to end up back there yet again. I'm following Jesus. With & In Love With Jesus, Lisa Amen! Now I love finding the hidden manna through out the whole Word of God, in all of the examples that God saw fit, through the lives of many, to reveal His Glory, and I appreciate the time and effort put into creating this study, I just wish it was focusing on God Himself. I mean if I have to try and focus on and be like somebody else, then please Give Me Jesus!!!
  17. The water of life represents Wisdom. Quoting Adam Clarke here, "as the world cannot subsist without water, so it is impossible that it can subsist without wisdom". It is free in the sense that we do not have to spend money for it Through those of us who have The Spirit of Christ, we are to invite people to Jesus, that by Him they may be saved and prepared for The Kingdom in Heaven.
  18. Yes, Abraham's material wealth does reflect Gods' Blessings & Promises to do so in Abraham's life. Quite frankley Yes I do believe material wealth always reflect's Gods' Blessings. Even if it is a lack of. God is Merciful & Gracesious. All is His ! Now some people do not give credit where credit is do - To God!!! and they loose it, and will answer to that, as we all will & do. God is in control of His plan for all of us and we are blessed indeed with the chance to be here to do Gods' Will, through easy street & the wilderness. To return Home to His Glory, which Is our Glory in Him! Hallelujah! To receive our reward & place in The Kingdom Of Heaven. Oh Yes, how fun!!! To grow up in God! Thank You Abba Father! Like I stated above, poverty is in Gods' control as well, and is a matter of the heart, which true wealth is also, a matter of the heart. We can make things better or worse for ourselve's as we use Gods' Blessings for His Glory - For Good! Now life on this earth period is a result of rebellion which lead to the curse. And I'm not trying to sound repeatitive here, but it's up to us how we receive His Majesty! God didn't say that He would curse us more, He said that the plagues (which are already a result of the curse) will come on us all the more if we do not turn from our wicked ways. It is finnished!!! The rest/next is yet to come, we must deal with what's on our plate here and now to determine our destination beyond, and to spread the good news of Gods Grace, out of heart & compassion for eachother in Him, using the gifts He so freely gives, to bring hope, a shinning light for the lost to see in the midst of a dark & troubled world.
  19. That God will be with us in His physical body, dwelling with us there in Heaven. Hallelujah!!! 21:4 can only happen in Heaven because Heaven is the end result of the beginning here, which is the beginning I look forward to the day/s I get to sit with Abba, to see and touch His Majesty, and to eat with Him and talk. I wonder if Abba has a favorite color....
  20. I usually answer the questions first, and then read other replies. Today I did the opposite for I couldn't answer the question. I saw a couple of responces that although they sounded good at first, the lasting impression was not. I can't see God using people in a hurtful way, just to prove a point. And then I came across another that totaly hit home with me, and that is that all though Abraham & Sarah either forgot that God would protect them, or just didn't think that God would in every kind of situation. That no matter our poor decisions at times, God is Faithful and does as He promised. I also know why I have been so upset lately. And that question I wouldn't answer, but inadvertantly did, was "What does it mean for me to call out on the name of the Lord?" Although I try to deny admitting fear. I am afraid because of my transgression's, that The Lord has turned His face from me and that He won't hear me. I deny those thoughts and don't like to relay them because I know it is not true. But the doubt is still there, even if in the tiniest form, but it's not tiny, it's HUGE even if the transgression is not obvious. But it is very obvious because I can't do one without the other. My love for God is not silent. Mixed with transgression though, makes me a lier & false teacher no matter the reason. I would rather die right now then hurt anyone with The Word/Love, or in any way period. And the one's who know of that which I turn for what ever reason that is opposite of what God would have for me (I am not positive that God has not provided this thing for the purpose I use it), also are not living godly lives, and so by my saying this: God is Love & Provides, but doing that: looking outside of God for relief. So I am hurting them, telling them the truth yes, but remaining in the flesh myself because of my own rebellion once upon a time, is like the teachings of jezabel. So people hear me, but don't think they need to change. But ohhhh, if they could only see the change that God graced me with. They know something is there but refuse to hear what I have to say on Gods behalf, because if I can be kept in agreement with them over this one thing, then they can continue to be guilty of as much as they choose in front of me, and what can I say? God has proved to me over & over again that He is listening, and is in control, and He provides for me in the midst of it all. So what's my problem? Fear! I didn't think I was afraid, but well, I am. I am afraid that my whole life has been a waste of exsistence, and although I love, and do what I can when I do to help other's, and pray for their health & prosperity, and that people are good & Love Jesus. I struggle with this on the deepest level. There it is, with out the it! I had to change my signature because I don't feel seperated unto the Gospel of Jesus Christ with this thing hanging over my head. I am sorry everyone. I want to be better. I do Love God more than I can possibly explain.
  21. Well I do believe I answered this question already. Things/feelings about certain behavior came through by which I wasn't even aware of. In which I learned they are not the cause of my sadness, but for why I am blessed. Trying to focus on them being right or wrong, or judging their faith threw me off track and out of line with God. So the lesson for me is to follow Jesus by The leading of The Holy Spirit. Press Through and keep going forward in Love with God, and not to let the humaness of the flesh side track me. Focusing on other people, in what ever they did or didn't do for Christ, or as a responce to Gods call in their lives does provide for examples on dealing with situations, but my trust is in God and He is who I am following. Amen!
  22. Book of Life/Salvation. Jesus is my assurance. Amen!
  23. God hates Adultery, so much as other's have listed here, that it is 1 of the 10 commandments; spelled out very clearly. Not only does it reck families, it spreads disease. Adultery is about death and hell fire (summing it up). God is about LOVE & LIFE. Oh yes, God can and does forgive the repentant heart/soul. Amen!
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