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Everything posted by PressThrough

  1. I don't find this scene frightening. I look forward to that day, not because I am sinless. For I do sin at times, and by which I am very sorry for the poor decisions I make, but I grow up and learn from those times, as well as the good times. I look forward to that day because I get to go home to my Abba Father A few people I have testified of God to, get down right mad at the thought of what I call a Loving God riding around on a horse judging people. That is an exact quote said to me. In Gods' defence I explain that Gods children do not have to worry about judgement, and that if their name is in the book of life, for having accepted Jesus as their Savior and follow Him, then the other stuff is blotted out. So for those who fear it, the fear is because they do not want to believe that they need a Savior and try to justify their selfs. I think they really do believe there is a God, but they don't want to make a choice. They want God, but also want to live as the world does without consequence for having not made a choice. I do also explain to them by their refusal to accept God, that they have made a choice, and encourage them to study their Bible and to ask should they have questions, that I will do my best to help them get understanding, and if I lack in understanding of the questions, then I will look it up with them in The Word and find the answer, while showing them how to do the same. That is if the question wasn't just some off the wall question designed to throw me out of line with The Word and trap me into an unGodly conversation!!!
  2. Pharaoh and his houshold got sick for abducting Sarah and got sick as a result, and being nothing else would stop them from their pagan ways, it is possible He was leading them to repentance. But is that so? For God also hardened Pharaoh's heart, to demonstrate His Power & Majesty over all and to all.
  3. God is the King of Kings and Lord of lords period. He is life! And not just my life but over ALL. Hallelujah! Amen!
  4. Abraham & his family, like you so clearly pointed out in the exposition of this weeks study, in their sojourning was very dangerous, as they were facing a people with no fear of God, that would do to them what ever they felt in order to have their own way, including raping, beating, killing, and any other grotesque thing the locals of the many places they went desired. I am some what a sojourner in my own land and community, for the heart and my love for God, opposes the many here who are following the way's of the world, and I pose a threat to their life style, so they watch, and wait for me to slip up and do something like they would, no matter how minor or major the pore decision. They take every opprotunity to pounce on God's own with violent words, and sometimes even physical violence, should they get the chance. That's not always the case. If guilt can not be found of or in some thing, then they'll make it up from something shared about my life before I accepted Christ as my savior, in attempts to empathize with those with my testimony. Praise God that He didn't leave me alone for the wolves to devour. There are a other sojourners where I live. Some from a different city in the same country, and some from different countries. I never asked "why did you come here" (thanks for pointing out that I need to pay closer attention), so I can't answer that part of the question, but as for me I got here by following what God put on my heart to do. On the rare occasions we meet up with each other, it is evident by conversation that they are beaten down as well, for any reason, or no reason at all. I have not yet found a church to be a member of. I would like to take a moment here and Thank All those who heeded my call for prayer in the last post of last week in this study. Your advice is much appreciated, and the biggest thing I learned so far is that as I struggled to figure out why I was angry, I started out by throwing the blame on others (Abraham & Sarah specifically). Oh, and also, I asked you all to pray for me, yet I did not pray to God before responding to that question in the first place. God reminded me that anger is fear, and so I ask myself: self , what are you afraid of? I am afraid that I do not know. I can't put my finger on it. I have been praying, and I am affected very deeply, but the answer/s has not come. I'm not perfect and that bother's me. For Jesus said to be ye therefore perfect, as I am perfect. Now I understand that to be of the consious, because according to man's standards, we can never be perfect, but according to God we Can. In our conscious, and I transgress against the Lord by emulating them in retaliation as I get brought down by those who do not Love God, and feel the sting of their very hurtful words and sometimes actions, but mostly I feel the sting from that which I caused myself. Vengeance is mine saith The Lord. Amen!
  5. I am encouraged to Press Through the mess here on earth. The picture is one of glory in heaven, as opposed to the lake of fire in hell. And stands as a warning. A kind of reverse physcology if you will when portrayed as a warning, in which God spelled it out for us very eloquently, the options we have. I choose God Amen!!!
  6. I don't know what it is, but my nerves are wracked over this question. It's not hard, not hard at all. I'm not answering it, and maybe I'm being stubborn, I don't know. I actually feel angry. Lord forgive me. I know that I am not above such a question. Just for some reason I feel angry and like it's a waste of time. I am not usually lacking in patience, (studying Gods' Word doesn't even require patience). I don't know what's up, but I have felt this way on every question of this study so far. I feel the spirit of depression coming on me, and can't quit crying over it, and I do not know why. Please you all Pray for me on this. All's I can say is what I have. I'm feeling like I'm going to drop out of this particular study. I don't want to though, but I don't know how to deal with the anger welling up inside me. I don't know why I feel angry and can't quit crying. I know where the anger is coming from. Praise God. I'm not mad at God or myself. It is Abraham. I Praise God for establishing His covenant with Abraham, and there is no but's about that, but I know why I am angry. Abraham is called the Father of Christianity. That may be true, but Christianity wasn't a religion then. Christianity came about through Paul, Father of the Gentiles, which came about by his being taught by and following JESUS. So to me Jesus is The Father Of Christianity. Also Abraham did Not believe God when God told him he would be the Father of Nations, and he had sex with his wife's slave, yes on Sarah's wish that it be so, but he could have said no to Sarah's request and just waited. But still Abraham did not believe God. So he begat Ishmael through Hagar, ultilmately causing more division. Abraham fell on his face and laughed at God. Abraham was a liar to save his own life. Now Adam is the cause of turmoil, in which he could have repented, yet did not, and so because of him, life is how we know it. Abraham did not help matter's and further caused more division by his disbelief, that seems so casually ignored, or something that our Pastor's won't address, even his lieing to save his own life. So in a nut shell, I am upset with my adoptive parents (Abraham & Sarah). Reason's just stated. God obviously Loves them, and didn't hold the short-comings against them, and so neither do I. I just needed for this to come out of me, so as to not answer the question's of this study without considering all I know about the subject matter. <span style='font-family:Times'>Further more I don't know why these things I have stated about Abraham are never adressed, maybe they are beside the point, the point being He is the Father of Nations. For some reason I can not just let it go, and pretend any reason for lieing and or disbelieving God is acceptable. It is not acceptable. God said people like that have there place in the lake of fire. Maybe they repented and it was just not included in The Word.<span On another note: I am not upset with Abraham either, for as I was reminded also that we all faulter, and thanks for the reminder bonita. I did not mean to get out of line with the question/s. I just had to identify what was happening inside of me as a result of this study. The issues I meantioned about Abraham, have been addressed over and over again. In that he wasn't perfect, and neither are we, and although he faultered, he remained with God, and blessed us, and I also bless him In Jesus Name. Thank You Amen!!!
  7. The balance is in our personal relationship with God. Coming out of her happens when we receive Christ as Lord & Savior.
  8. We praise God day & night continually. Making God the beginning, center, & ending of all we do in Him & for His Name Sake. For He is Worthy to receive the Glory, Honor, & Power. He is our Creator. And the only one that can open the Book of Life which contains the names of His priestly Kingdom. There are many contemporary songs of worship that I recognize for having coming from the Book of Revelation.
  9. Special Faith????? Well, I guess Faith could be classified as Special. For some other words for Special are: studious, learned, bookish, exceptional, gifted, studentlike (just to name a few that I thought relevent to the question). After all we are being taught and guided by The Holy Spirit. We are Gods' students and children and friends, as well as His bride. Faith & doing the Will of God go hand in hand. We don't do the Will of God just to see how it will turn out. That sounds like testing God out of disbelief, and who are we to test God! I have done something very recent, that if not done in Faith that God will provide, would set me back in a very hard way. God is Faithful, and won't let me fall. He started the work in me and will provide for the completion of the task. In Jesus Name Amen!
  10. Everlasting punishment is not difficult for me to understand. God's plan is not mysterious or secret. Through drawing close to Him in an personal relationship, He reveals the more depth's of His Truth as I grow. And I understand Abba Father to be all about Love, even in His Wrath. I can't speak for why other people refuse to accept Christ. I'm not even going there. For me to try and guess why people hate Christ put's me in the same frame of mind as them, if I dare go there. And I do not, will not go back there. I lived without the Lord evident in my life for long enough. I'm not here to give my opinion of why or why not somebody else does or does not love Christ, or what they believe period.
  11. Abraham was blessed to be a great nation. Personal blessings. His name was made great. He was a blessing to others. He was blessed with wealth. An heir in Isaac. The people blessed him. The people of the earth have been blessed by Abraham conveying the incredible blessing of Salvation through Jesus. This work continues to be a blessing today because it is the Truth & Life, so for those who receive The Lord, also receive the blessing of Abraham.
  12. I have, but did not stop. I completed the task against all the odds, to move forward but by the time I finnished, so was my body, rendering me not able to do that which God lead me through, in order to move on in a career. Depression over this sometimes tries to creep in my mind and take over, but I hold on to God and remain in Him, and have a good cry once in a while. God comforts me & will completely heal my body when He's ready . And ahhhh, having a firm foundation in My Lord I believe is the reason behind the turn my body took. And that is A OKAY with me, for being in one accord with My Lord is all I wish to do. People come that need help with that which The Lord has provided me an education for, and is a wonderful opprotunity for me to Promote God and give my testimony, as I help in that which help was hard to find in times of need for me. And really, the only plan that I myself had for even asking God what I was going to do before He reminded me of a thought when I was 10 years old, was to give back. For in life, in times of need, God caused people to come from nowhere and help me, and when He reminded me of the thought when I was 10. I knew that was it, that is what I would give back to society, along with what ever else I can In The Name Of Jesus. On another note. God has prompted me to write, and so as for part of my education, I learned to write. All glory be to God, the very first paper I wrote in my very first writing class in college, I submitted to a Poetry contest not long ago; 9 years after I wrote the original paper, and about 3 weeks ago. The Selection Committee loved it. They said it was an Excellent Poem and are publishing it in book. Wow. The results came in yesterday The whole way this came about is completely directed and guided by God, All The Way. I prayed to God right before the Teacher said "start writing" for what to say on the topic. It came from soul, and now is being published. The title is "Light" and The Glory Is Gods. Hallelujah!!! Amen!
  13. I was looking at the number 144,000 and decided to break it down to the lowest whole number w/o any thing left over, and it came out to 5. And if I remember correctly, I do believe that the number 5 represents The Holy Spirit. So my thought will go from here as I ponder the 144,000 in another direction. Sqrt of 144,000 = 379.47331922020551983986722533193 (all of the numbers past the whole number of 379 adds up to 5) which when included with the 379 adds up to 4 (completion). God created the lights in the firmament of heaven to shed light on the earth on the 4th day of His creating earth. The squar root of 144 = 12 X 5 = 60 Sqrt of 60 = 7.7459666924148337703585307995648 All of the numbers behind the whole number of 7, equals 163 or rather 1 <<New Beginnings. (The sqrt's that were not whole numbers are as large/small as my calculator would go). 24X12/2=144 (The 24 here is representing the Profit's & Elder's, the 12 representing the 12 tribes) & (2 is the lowest common denominator) bringing us back to at least the 144 out of the 144,000, and if you add the 144, it comes out to 9. Nine being the end of an era. Bare with me on my thought here. Something's coming Going back to the sqrt of 144,000 and adding all of the numbers together and coming up with 4 (completion) gives me an Ahhhhh. So the 144,000 represents the complete number of the children of God. Not 144,000 literally but completly. Now, what were the 144,000 doing up there in heaven for us to emulate? They were before the Throne of God in Righteousness. These are us who won the race So it is not them that we emulate, but God, for we, the children of God, are them. So we boldly approach the Throne of God and Love Him for He first Loved Us Yes! Amen!
  14. The study of 2 Pt & Jude, like all of my Bible Studies draws me closer to God. There was one week through this study that I lost my focus. I know why, and so does God. I was being lazy and repent of that. I only stagnate my own growth when I get slack on my answeres. I can't see any improvements on your work Dr Wilson. You have done an excellent job presenting the Truth in many fine studies. Although the question's are confussing at times, that is good, because I found if I didn't settle for a fague answer, then God brought profound understanding as I strived to understand the wholeness of the questions. Wow, the questions! Really deep if "one" allows them to be! I appreciate deep. Thank You. I also apologize that I can not at this time give you a summary of this study in what it has meant for me. I had 2 studies going on this time. And although all the thoughts are on and for God ultimately, I see why you suggest only one study at a time. It gives "one" a chanse to Focus, when plenty of time for inner silence. I'm glad I did the two together though because 2 Pt & Jude just goes right along with Revelation, providing for more insight into one and the other. Gods Word is Awesome. Thank You again, and I look forward to the next "Life of Abraham"! Have a nice weekend
  15. This states it better than I could sum it up >> 2Th 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
  16. No matter how alone I think I am, I am not. He knew me before the world I became corrupted by the ways of the world, and hey I must be alright if God called me He washed me clean with His Blood to cover the multitude of sins in my life. He substituted His life for mine. WoW Amen
  17. To keep myself in God's Love is to Love and Obey God in all that I do. To strengthen my relationship with God, I talk to Him. I realize and remember that God created all things, as they are, to build up and strengthen me as I am prepared to inherit the nations through the overcoming of trials & meaness of this world with a Pure Heart for God. Amen! Hallelujah!
  18. I apologize but I'm not getting anything cosmic here. To me cosmic suggest's that the battle is done elsewhere, like in the universe somewhere. The "Battle" is within "ones" self and is between the spirit and the flesh. The flesh appears to win more then the spirit, because you can see the rewards of the flesh more readily. But store not up for yourselves treasures of the earth on the earth, but rather store up for yourselves Spiritual treasures that are Heaven bound, where our Love & Joy in Christ are kept safe and where no one can break in and steal or destroy It. Hallelujah, Amen!
  19. It is up to me to "build up" my faith, as God has given it to me, to grow up in Him. To build up my faith I study God' Word as well as hear His Word preached. "Better" comes with time and maturity in God. So more time would better help me to buid up the faith God has bestowed on me.
  20. Whomever interpreted the Word, in order to add enlightenment to "It", well the effort is much Appreciated and Blessings, but the Scriptures speak for Themselves Rev 11:3 And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth. Rev 11:4 These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth. ...Who are the temple of God, and the alter, & who worship therein. (So we are worshipping God & found doing so when the measurement is taken.) Rev 11:9 And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves. The theme is that of being humble in Sweet Adoration (Worship) of Abba Father! Putting off the flesh completely, being set apart to the Word of God! You can see by Rev 11:9 above, that our very own kindred & tongue of our nations will be against us. This is said else where in The Holy Bible as well. ex. mother's against daughters, brothers against sisters, kids against their partents.....So it's not going to be easy in the sense of acceptance. But Gods' Yoke is easy & His burden light. We don't have to worry about the persecution if we live virtuous lives, humbled before God. Persecution will come, and count it a joy. For the overcomer will "Eat Of The Tree Of Life" with God .....
  21. Being "called by God", ah foremost captures my desire because I couldn't have the rest of Him had He not called and Loved me first, and encouraged me to trust and follow Him! Hallelujah!!!
  22. The impact of Christ's return and coming judgment is that of being prepared to go home at all times.
  23. Repentance that leads to a sin free life, causes "one" to judge their self and make some changes. People who are against this, are so because they like the sin they are living in, or they don't like it but have heard false doctrine so long, and do not study God' Word for their self, and through up all kinds of reason's why they just can't do it, or won't believe that they must. Today, as a Christian, repentance is hard for me when I am guilty of transgression. It is hard because of the shame, and it also throughs me off track with God. Letting go of "it" quickly is hard to do. I tend to beat myself up with it for a while, and that's not good either. God/Love went to hell and back that we may live free - in Him - with eachother in righteousness, in the Spirit and for me to live contrary to God is a crime within a crime that hurts way more than myself to the worst degree.
  24. God is giving All People a chanse to come to repentance. God Loves us so much that He's not willing that any should perish. God is Precious, and doesn't do anything in a hurry Sorry about my lack of focus. I will at another time come back and expand on this post, as well as the last one
  25. To understand "perish", is to understand finality. I have more in me on this subject. I am just having problems focusing. So will at a later time, come back and expand on this.
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