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Posts posted by diana47

  1. my best passage is from 1peter"

    the savior agony was not brought on by his own sins,for he had done.it was for our sins he was nailed to the cross.because he has suffered for our sins once for all,we should neber allow ourselfs to get into the postions where we have to suffer for them.the fact that he died for them should cause us to die to them.and yet,it is not simply a matter of negative goodness:we should not only die to sin but live to righteousness.

    that my passage i like cause it reminds me that i have a god who loves me and he sent his only son to die for our sins,that is alot of meaning to me.

  2. "our sins were judged at the cross of calvary,and we can confidently sing"

    death and judgement are behind me,grace and glory lie before;all the billows rolled o;er jesus,there they spent thier utmost power.

    just as judgement is passed for him,so we are beyond the reach of condemnation.because we have come to know gods love we have no fear of persahing.there is no fear in love:but perfect love casts out fear.it is his perfect love that cast out fear.i am assured of the lords love fist of all,because he sent his only begotten son to die for me.secondly,i know he loves me he dwells in me.

  3. paul knows that he is addressing himself to intenlligent people who understands what he is saying.

    the cup of blessing refers t the cup of wine which is used at the lords supper.

    it is a cup which speaks of tremendous blessing which has come to us through the death of christ;therefore it called the cup of blessing.the clause which we bless means "for whichwe give thanks."whe we take that cup and press it to our lips,we are saying in effect that we are participants in all the benefits that flow from the blood of christ.

    when paul says that u cannot drink the cup of lord and the cup of demons partake of the lord table and of the table of the demons.,he does not mean that it is a physical impossibilty,for instant,for a believer to go to an idol temple and to particpate in a feast there.but what paul means here is that it would be morally in consistantit would be an act of treachery towards the lord jesus

  4. here john resumes the subject of love for ones brother,he emphasized that love is a duty,consistent with the character of god.as has been mentioned previously,john is not thinkng of love that is common to all men,but of love to the children of god which has been implanted in those who have been born again.love is of god as to its orgin,and everyone who loves is born of god and knows god.he wo does not love god and know god ;for god is love.it does not say that god loves.that is true,but john is emphasizied that god is love.

  5. "ad whatever we ask of him we recieved from him,because we keep his commandments and do those things that are pleasing in his sight".

    to keep his commandments is to abide in him.it is to live in close,vital intimacy with the savior.when we are thus in fellowship with him,we make his will our own will.by the holy spirit,he fills us with the knowledge of his will.in such a condition we would not ask for anything outside the will of god.when we ask according to his will,we recieve from him the things we ask for.god commandment is that we should believe on the name of his son jess christ,and love one another,as he gave us commandment.

  6. what does it mean for me to lay down my life for my brethens and sister,it means i would do anything for them.jesus said to turn the other cheek and follow him,well why cant we do this?

    its i8n the story of cain/abel,god love abel so much cause he was righteousness in the lord eyes,cain wa walking in wickedness by hating his brother.

    so we need to remeber the story of cain/abel.

  7. john goes back to the first recorded instance of a man who did not love his brother.cain showed that he was of wicked one by murding his brother,abel.the underlying reason for this is given in the words"his works were evil and his brothers righteous."

    it is the basic principle in human life that wickedness hates rihteousness,and this explain why the world hates the believer.

    the righteousness life of a christian throws the wickedness of the unbeliever into sharp relif.the latter hates this exposure and instead of changing his wickedness behavior.

    our lord jesus gave us the ultimate example of love when he laid down his life for us.christ here contrasted with cain.god love us.

  8. the sin ofering was appointed for a redeemed people.it does not speak of a sinner coming to the lord for salvation,but of a israelite in covenant relationship with the lord,seeking forgiveness.it has to do with sin committed unconsciously or unintentionally.

    duties of offering?{in general,the offering brought the animal to the gate of the tabernacle court,presented it to the lord,laid his hand on its head,killed it,and removed the fat,the kidneys,and the fatty lobe above the liver.}

    for himself and for the cngregation,the high priest carried the blood of the sacrifice into the holy place on the tabernacle,sprinkled it seven times before the veil and on the horns of the golden altar of incense.then he poured the rest of the blood at the base of the altar of burnt offering.

    the person who brought a sin offering was acknowledging that he had sinned unintenionally through weakness or negligence.he sought forgiveness of sins and ceremonial cleansing.

    the sin offering points symbolically to christ,who was "made sin"for us,though he knew no sin,that we might be made the righteousness of god in him.

  9. it excels in the natureof the victim.whereas the sacrifieces of judasims were irrational lambs,the sacrifice of christians is the lamb of god.

    it excels in te efficacy of the work.whereas the sacrifices of judasims onlbrought sin to remebrance every year,the sacrifices of christianity took away sin by the sacrifice of himself'.

    it excels in the scope of its operation.whereas the jewish sacrifices were intended for the benefit of one nation only,the sacrifices of christianty is intended for all nation;'it takes away the sin of the world.;

  10. we cannot go on battle everyone sin,or manifest it either,john told us that we cannot sin and do lawfull wrongs to one another.john teaches us about love,law,and holy spirit.we are to become like jesus,and walk in his footsteps,

    from the begininng of the christiandispensation,it has been taught that we should love to ones brother or sister is a divine obligation.love here is not used in the sense of friendliness or mere human affection,but it is divine love.it is loving others as christ loved us.

  11. 'whoever abides in him does not sin.whoever sins has niether seen him,nor know him.this verse contrast the true believer with one who has never been born again?it defentily be said of the true believer that he does not go on sinning.john is not hear speaking about isolated acts of sin,but rather continued,habitual,characterize,behavior.the question naturally arises,'when does sin become habitual?john does answer this,rather he puts eac believer on guard,and leave the burden of proof on the christian himself.

  12. it is a matter of continual behavior, expressed by the present,continous tense. it is possibleto have sin even if there is no law.sin was in the world between the time of adam and moses,but this was before gods law had been given.thus it is not entirely accurate to say "that sin is a transgression of the law"but rather that sin is lawless.it is insubordination to god,wanting ones own way,and refusing to acknowledge the lord as rightfull sovereign.in essence it is placing ones own will above the will of god.it is oppostion to a living person who has the right to be obeyed.

    a christian cannot go on practicing sin,because that would be a complete denial of the purpose for which the lord jesus christ came into the world.to go on sin,therefore,is to live in utter disregard of the reason for his incarnation.again a christian cannot go on in sin because that would be a denial of the whose name he bears.

  13. anger is a sin to god.,we need to remeber that we do not get alot out of angerf towards other people{god said to love your emenies}.we need to reliaze what were doing before we judge other people actions.god is displease with us when we our angery all the time.take the time to ponder what yourgonna say before it comes out of your mouth and before u hurt someone else.

  14. behold the lamb of god who bears the sin of the world?the lamb was a sacrifice animal among the jews.god taught his chosen people to slay a lamb and to sprinkle its blood as a sacrifice.the lamb was killed as a substitute and its blood shed so that sin might be forgiven.god would one day provide a lamb who would actually take away the sin.all own through the years godly jews had waited for the coming of this lamb.now at last the time has come, and john the baptist triumphanytly announced the arrival of the true lamb of god.when he said that jesus bears the sin of the world,he did not mean that everyones sins are forgiven.the death of christ was great enough in value to pay for the sins of the whole world,but only those sinners who recieve the lord jesus as savior are forgiven.

  15. everyone who practice righteousness is born of god.

    because god is righeousness,it follows that all h does is righteousness,and therefore everyone bornof him is righteousness.the thought of being born of god arrest john wth wonder,and he calls on his readers to take a look at the the wonderfull lov that brought us into the the family of god.

  16. john wrote thus to take young bliev ers concerning the false teachers by way of warning.

    he does not have fears as to the eventual outcome when he remebers,that his readers had received...the anoiting from the lord jesus.as mention early the antoining is the holy sspirit,and here we learn that the holy spirit abides in you.this is a postive statement once you receive the lord it cannot be taken away.

  17. how can a young believer know what is truth and what falsehood.?

    the answer is that we have an anoiting from the holy one,and....know all tings,and this anoiting refers to the holy spirit and is from the holy one,the lrd jesus christ.when a person is saved,he receives the indwelling holy spirit.so it is when a person is bornagain.he has at that moment all faculties that he will ever have,although there will be endless possibilities for developing them.

  18. 1=the **** of flesh refers to such sensual bodily appetites as proceed from within our evil nature.

    2=the **** of eyes applies to such evil desires as may arise from what we see.

    3=the pride of life is an an unholy ambition for self-display and self-glory.these three elements of worldliness are illustraded in the sin of eve.

    the tree was good for food;that is the **** of flesh.

    the tree was planted to the eyes;that is the **** of the eyes.

    it was a tree to be desired to make one wise;this describes the pride of life.

    as the devil is opposed to christ,and the flesh is hostile to the spirit,so the world is antagonistic to the father.that is they do not procced from the father,but find their source in the world.

    worldliness is the love for passing things.the human heart can never find satisfaction wit things.

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