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Posts posted by diana47

  1. we are planily warned n ot to love the world or the things that are in the world,for simple reason that love for the world is not compatible with lovbe for the father.all that the world has to offer may be describe as the **** of flesh,the **** of the eyes,and the pride of life.

    it is the will of god that delivers us from the temptation of passing things.

    he who does the will of god abides forever.;

    we need to stay focus on what the lord taught us about love,love your enemies with all your heart.

  2. first john embrace the whole family with expressions little children,.john is speaking to all who belongs to the lord,because your sins are forgiven you for his name sake.

    fathers are describe as those who have known the old who is from the beginning,mature believers who have know the lord has his sweet companionship.

    when john repeats his address to the fathers,it is the same as at the first.this is because they have achieved maturity in spirirtual experience.again the young men are address as those who are strong in the lord and in the power of his might.

    the lord jesus was able to defeat satan in the wildreness by quoting the scriptures.this emphasiz the importance of us feeding on the bible and turning away from satan.the lords jesus has come into our hearts and we love all those who are in spirit with lord.

  3. we have the contrast between love that is false and that whic is tru.if one professes to be a christian and yet hates those who are truly christians,its is a sure sign that such a one is still living in darkness.

    te one who loves his brothers/sisters abides in the light.thus the darkness is passing away whenever men recieve the light of the gospel.the arkness has not all vanished because many have notcome into christ,the true light,is already shinning,and whenever sinners turn to him we are all saved,that the true meaning of frgiveness.

  4. i thirst;to me its means that jesus gave his last breath and lifted himself up to the lord to be with.

    it was this time that jesus forsaken by god as he suffered te penality of our sins.his cry ;i thirst;;indicated real,physical thirst,which was intensified by crucifixion.

    but it also reminds us that,greater than his physical thirst was his spiritual thirst for the salvation of the souls of men.

  5. jesus was telling his father i cmmand my life into your hands,jesus knew he will be sitting at the right hand of his father.

    it significant events symbolized of christs work.at christs death,the barrier between god and man split into two.now all people can approach god directly through jesus christ.

    when i pray to the father and say {into your hands i commit}it means to mean that all of my problems will be in gods hans.

  6. jesus died for our sins,and confession is something we all need to do.

    weconfess our sins cause we feel guilty,.

    when i confess my sin t god i feel very good knowing he forgave me.

    there alot of sinners out there that doesnt know the meaning of confessions,and we need to help them.

    my lord why have u forsaken me?that the question we need to worry,when we do wrong the lord is not happy with us,but we can always confess to him the lord is always with us.

  7. jesus made john responible for taking care of his mother,whom jesus love the most.

    john knew how hard it would be for mary,so i think that the love of jesus and his discipled taught us how to love one another.

    also the love we have for our mother and father are so greatly desrve we our bound by the law to obey the commandment that was given to us

    love thy mother and father?

    that the love i have for jesus he gave to us.this tells us that jesus trusted his disciple john from the begenning of his ministry.

    we need to apply this kind of love that jesus had for everyone.we can become better christians by following in his steps.

    the lord hath shown the light and the love.

  8. i found my relationship on the surface is so complete with the lord.

    we need to see why we as christians have thepurpose divinde to helpthers with fellowship.

    te lord taught me to be a rightousessman to do the will of gods words.

    we need to remeber that we are gods children,and we loe everyone,my fellowship with my bible studies friends are just like a light shinning to help those who need help.

  9. my god will always be there for me,if i sin i know god didnt give up on me,but i know right from wrong,and we are not perfect.

    we are his children and we will have the faith of gods words to guide us through our problems.

    me, i have my fellowship to help me.we christians needs to help others that have little faith and we can bring them closer to gd.

  10. confession our sins,gives us hope that we our forgiven and that we mean every word we are confessing to god is true.

    to me,if i stop confessing my sins then i feel guilty and i dont have the truth in me anymore,

    my promis that jeus gave me ill walk with you my child through every sin u done and walk with you through my trails.jesus loves me and he died for me,my love for him i so great.

    we need to pray alot,go to church,and read our scriptures god is always beside us .,that the love jesus has for us.be in the light listen to him.

  11. we christians we keeping walking in darkness we will get no where,yes jesus is with us when we fail or slip up,but we have to be honest with ourselfs and let go of the darkeness that we keeping following,we need to stand up and let the lord guide us spiritually,and let go of satan.

    when we waqlk in the light we are praising the love we have for jesus hes walking with us side by side footsteps toghether.

    we need to love the words we are hearing,we are god childrens we need his faith jesus cleanse us from our sins ,now we need to follow our fellowship and help those who need our help.

  12. our fellowship with the lord are on the surface of us being true to our own words.

    we need to be closre to god and be supoorted of those who do not understand what jesus words are meant to tem.

    we are supposed to be true christians,we need to look the other way andhelpm those who want help.believe in his words,read the scriptures get invlved with others on bible study.love everyone as jesusnloves us.

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