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Posts posted by Pearl

  1. Can we really know God until we can trust him with our whole lives?

    Have you surrendered your life to Jesus Christ? If not, why not now?

    If you have, what has that surrender entailed for you?

    How has God blessed you in return?

    I think we may know Him, but not in a deep way. Just as we get to know people better the more time that we spend with them.

    No, I have not surrendered my total life to Christ. I am trying and will ask Him to help me. Sometimes I goof off at work and go on the internet. Although, I am a fast and accurate worker this is still no excuse.

  2. Q1. What effect does Satan want trials to have in our life? What effect does God want them to have? The effect really depends upon how we respond to the trial. Have you ever been through a trial that strengthens and invigorates you at the end? Have any of your trials inspired others or have you been inspired by anothers trial?

    Satan wants us to act according to the flesh which would only bring out the worst in us.

    Yes, I have just come through a trial that has strengthened me. It has helped me in those areas where I was weak. Areas that I had asked God's help in and did not realized that it took going through a trial in order for me to come face to face with what I needed to do to move forward in my life.

    I have been inspired by a close Sister in Christ. She asked God for unconditional love for her spouse when going through marital problems. I have never seen someone who can love like she does. To me she has unconditional love for people. She had that unconditional love for me and this drew me closer to Christ.

  3. Q3. In what ways has God blessed Abraham in this difficult chapter 21? Given what we know about Ishmael's character (16:12; 25:18), how has Abraham been blessed that he sent him away? How has Isaac been blessed? What might have happened if Ishmael hadn't been sent away? Have you ever been rejected or sent away? Were is God in all of this?

    God has blessed Abraham with a son who is his rightful heir. He also made Sarah and Abraham laugh in their old age. God also assured Abrahm that He would bless Ishmael. Abraham knew that God keeps His promises.

    Abraham has been blessed by sending Ishmael away because Sarah is at peace because Ishmael is not around to cause Conflict and share the inheritance with their son Issac. Issac was blessed in that he did not have to be around to be in constant conflict with Ishamel because Ishmael would constantly keep something going on between them.

    I have been rejected a lot and it hurt because it was mostly by my sisters and brothers in Christ. I must say that it turned out to be a blessing because of course I am not perfect myself and probably brought some of this rejection on. It really has made me a stronger person and when others reject me whether it's in the church, or outside of the church, the sting of rejection is gone. I know that people really don't realize what they are doing, so I have forgiven them. I have done things out of ignorance myself. I rejected a lot of people earlier in life because of fear of closeness and lack of trust, but the Word has broken me free of that ignorance. Thank God for repentance and being set free.

  4. Q2. (21:8-10) What motivates Sarah to demand Ishmael's expulsion from Abraham's family encampment? Is she righteous in this? Have you ever tried to force your spouse to act against his or her principles? Have you ever been forced yourself?

    Sarah feels as if Ishmael is making fun (maybe), or mocking Issac.

    I think that Sarah is righteous in that Issac is the spiritual heir.

    No, my spouse always had a mind of his own.


  5. Q1. (21:5-7) The name Isaac means "he laughs." What is Sarah's laughter like now compared to her laughter in 18:12-15 and Abraham's laughter in 17:17? What does this tell you about God's sense of humor?

    Sarah's laughter is one of joy with belief. Before her laughter was laughter that doubted that this could happen to her. I think this really lets us know that God probably laughed because of Sarah's unbelief and all he wanted to do was put a little more joy in Sarah and Abraham's life by blessing them with a son. God's thoughts and ways are much higher than ours. We must believe Him and only Him!

  6. Q4. (19:30-38) Why did Lot's daughters turn to incest? They wanted someone to carry on the family name and they did not see how it could happen since no other male was in sight.

    What does this tell us about their values? They had none. They obviously had not been taught any values.

    About their faith? They did not have enough faith to wait on God.

    Why does Lot turn to intoxication? This is the way that Lot coped with life.

    What does this incident tell us about his faith? He did not trust God to make everything alright for him and his family.

    His hope? no hope

    His influence? He was not setting a good example for his daughters.

    His choice of residence? What lessons should we learn from this story?

    He did not go to a place where he could look up and trust God. He settled for less. We should learn to keep our trust in God and He will direct our paths. We cannot lead ourselves.

  7. Q2. (19:15-16) Why did Lot and his family hesitate? Have you ever hesitated when you should have been fleeing a danger? What is the lesson for us?

    Lot and his family hesitated because they did not want to leave what was familier and comfortable to them.

    Yes, I have hesitated when I should have been fleeing danger.

    The lesson for us is that no matter how we feel, do what our Heavenly Father tell us to do because He knows what it best. We have to be lead by the Spirit and not by our feelings.

  8. Q1. (19:4-11) How can Christians keep balance on the issue of homosexuality in our day? We keep balance with homosexuality by sticking with the truth of God's word. We do not have to balance God's word with sin. Just tell the truth.

    Is it really possible to be loving and compassionate toward practicing homosexuals at the same time as you condemn the sin? It is really possible to loving because just like Jesus, we can love the sinner, but hate the sin.

    Should the church be silent about homosexuality? If not, what should we be saying? Where should we be saying it? (Be gentle and loving as you discuss this subject -- please!)

    No, the church should not be silent about homosexuality. We should say that it is a sin. If asked by a homosexual we should tell them the truth that it is a sin, but that we do love them, but we all have sinned and fall short, but if we confess our sins, God is faithful to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

  9. Q4. On what ground does Abraham so boldly address God?

    He boldly addresses God this way because he has a relationship with God and because of His belief in God.Afterall Abraham is God's friend.

    Do you think God desires us to do the same?

    Yes, because God likes us interceding for our sisters and brothers in Christ and God likes Abraham's persistance.

    What will it take for us to please him in our prayers?

    To be bold and persistance and to ask for those things that are in His will. We will find His will in His Word.

  10. Q3. (18:19) In your own words, describe what a lifestyle of "keeping the way of the LORD by doing what is right and just" looks like in the twenty-first century.

    It looks as if the person is looked up to as an example of what Christians are like and how one may carry himself.

    In what ways is this difficult?

    It's difficult if we are not leaning and trusting in God.

    In what ways is this easy? What are the special challenges?

    It is easy when we trust God. Special challenges may be trying to fit in with the incrowd. Sometimes it is hard to stand alone, but through a relationship with Christ, we can become better and stronger people who are more than conquerers!

  11. Q2. (18:16-19) How can fathers and husbands strike the right balance -- of being godly, caring leaders without being dictators?

    By being an example and by having an ongoing relationship with members of the family. This will only come with time being spent with the family as a unit and time being spent with each member of the family unit.

    How can mothers and wives strike the right balance -- of being submissive and at the same time being open about their needs and desires?

    By respecting the mate and asking God for that unconditional love.

  12. Q1. (18:14) How can we tell if we really believe in God's present willingness to do miracles in our day?

    By our faith, trust and belief in Him.

    Is there any indication in Scripture that God will stop doing miracles?


    Is there any indication that God continues to do miracles? How can we regain an active faith in the God of miracles?

    Yes, when we wake up in thr mornings in our right minds, that in itself is a miracle.

  13. Q3. What does it mean to have your heart circumcised? To have a heart turned towards God, to have a lifestyle that pleases Him. To live for Him on the inside and this living on the inside shows on the outside.

    Why is this a necessity for all true believers, both Jew and Christian?

    It is necessary because it we are showing that we are now living unto our Father in Heaven, who resides not only in heaven, but on the inside of each of us.

    How can we keep our faith active as an inward expression of love rather than become only an external religion? By staying in the Word of God and not only being a hearer, but a doer.

    Have you ever struggled with this?

    Yes, when I did not study the Word like I should, I was only an actor, but God forgave me for my ignorance, because I truly desire to know Him in a greater way.

  14. Q2. (17:11) What does circumcision signify for Abraham, his household, and his descendents?

    The circumcision signified a covenant between Abraham and his decendant with God.

    Why is some kind of definite act on Abraham's part important to confirming the covenant?

    The act shows that Abraham is in agreement to this covenant.

    What does Abraham's obedience the very same day signify?

    It signifies that Abraham if faithful and believes God.

  15. Q1. (17:1-2) When God tells Abraham, "Walk before me and be blameless," is he requiring moral perfection? What kind of blamelessness does he require of Abraham? Does he expect more (or less) of Christians under the new covenant?

    I think that God is requiring moral perfection. God is requiring Abraham to be obedient to the things which He has asked him to do.

    As Christians we are expected to live a moral and righteous life through God's Son, and this can be done if we put our trust in Him.

  16. Q4. What lesson is God teaching you out of Hagar's experience? Which situation that God is calling you to is most difficult for you to submit to?

    I know God is teaching me to be submissive and no matter how hard the situation looks, go through. I am gradually learning, but submission has been my problem all of my life. I have let the enemy have the upper hand, but NO MORE Devil, NO MORE.

  17. Q3. (16:13-14) What is the significance of Hagar's name for God -- El Roi, the God Who Sees?

    The signifWhat does it mean to a person who is discouraged and losing hope? What does it mean to you personally?

    The significance of Hagar's name for God is that she now knows that God sees her, not only does He see her, but He knows about her circumstances and He is with her. This is very encouraging for Hagar who felt so alone.

    It means a lot to a person when he or she knows that God is with them. It invigorates us to keep moving. I am going through something on my job, but I am trusting God and the more I trust Him, the more confidence He has given me to walk in this situation that He is bringing me through in victory. I have my joy, peace and hope knowing that He will never leave me nor forsake me.

  18. Why does the angel ask Hagar something that the angel already knows? ("Where have you come from, and where are you going?")

    The manifestation of Yahweh wanted Hagar to acknowledge her place. He wanted her to be honest, just as He asked Adam in the garden "Where art thou?' I believe that if we are honest with God we can accept truth more readily, and Yahweh wanted Hagar to know that He knows her and cares about her and her circumstances.

    Why does she send her back to Sarah?

    He sent her back to Sarah, because sometims in order for us to become stonger we need to go through difficult situations. She now knows that Yahweh is looking out for her.

    Have you ever reacted and got yourself out of the place God wanted you?


  19. Q1. (16:1-6)

    Why does Sarah take her anger out on Abraham?

    Sarah takes her anger out on Abraham because Hagar became pregnant, and rather than face truth, until we reach a level of maturity in our walk with God, we tend to blame others for our mistakes.

    Why does she take her anger out on Hagar?

    I belive that Sarah is jealous of Hagar because she conceived without any trouble. Hagar was prideful about herpregnancy and began to despise Sarai.

    Is she trying to get rid of Hagar or the baby?

    I think that Sarah now wants Hagar out of her sight because she realizes that Hagar hates her.

    In what sense is Hagar's pride Abraham's fault?

    I believe that this is Abraham's fault in that he did not try to correct Hagar.

    In what sense is Hagar's affliction Abraham's fault?

    Abraham took a passive attitude and did not try to stand up to Sarai.

    What situation in your family does this reminds you of?

    I tried to fix many situations before I fully understood about trusting God. To say the least, they all flopped.

  20. Q4 (15:17-18a) Why did God go through the covenant ritual with Abraham, with the divided carcasses? Why does God bind himself to a solemn promise? How does Abraham respond to God's promises (15:6)? What promises has God made to us that affect our futures? What significance does blood sacrifice have in those promises?

    God went thru the covenant ritual with Abraham because it sealed the relationship with promises of blessing for kepping the covenant and curses for breaking it. A covenanat must be cut because the slaughter of animals was part of the covenant ritual.

    God binded Himself to the promise making it a unilateral promise that God pledges to fulfill in the most solemn and binding way.

    Abraham's response is that he believed God.

    God Himself bears in teh borken body of His innocent Son the penalty for man's breaking of the covenant.

    Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins.

  21. Q3. (15:16) Have you ever been frustrated with God for not fulfilling his promise to you immediately? Why does God sometimes delay the fulfillment of his promises to a future time?

    Yes, I believe I have been frustrated with God for not fulfilling His promise to me, but it was lack of understanding on my part. I needed to be in the right place spiritually to receive what God had for me, and I'm still trying to get there. Thank God for His tender mercies and loving kindness.

    God sometimes delay His promises because although we may think we are ready, sometimes we aren't sometimes it takes doing a work in us.

  22. Q1. (15:1) What does it mean to you personally to call God your "Shield"? What does it mean to you that he promises to you (as heir of the promises to Abraham) "an exceedingly great reward"? What does it mean to you to call God your Suzerain or Sovereign?

    To personally call God my shield means that He is my Protector.

    It means that I am entitled to the same promises as Abraham since I am Abrahams's heir. I am blessed because Abraham was blessed.

    It means that God offers me a great reward.

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