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Posts posted by Pearl

  1. Q4. (Genesis 35:9-15) Why do you think God appears to Jacob yet another time?

    After Jacob built the altar, for this was a time of renewal and closeness to God.

    I believe that God appears to Jacob to encourage him and to remind him of the promises that he had made to Jacob earlier.

    What are the primary promises that God renews to Jacob?

    The primary promises that God renews to Jacob:

    "A nationa and a community of nations will come from you, and kings will come from your body." 35:11

    "The land I gave to Abraham and Issac I also give to you, and I will give this land to your descendants after you." 35:12

  2. When the Israelites disobeyed God and intermarried with the Cannaites, they were influenced by strange Gods and were no longer a holy people unto the Lord.

    Why do you think God commanded them not to intermarry?

    God commanded them not to intermarry because they would be influenced by gods other than the one true and living God who is none other than Jehovah Jirah, (our Provider).

    Was this racial or spiritual or both?

    This would create a spiritual problem, because the Israelites would no longer be the set apart people who were being prepared for the soon coming King, Jesus Christ. How would they know him, if the other gods had so much influence in their lives.

    Why are Christians to marry

  3. Jacob may have been silent because he may have been in shock.

    I think that he should have talked to his sons and also to the man's father who raped his daughter.

    I believe that what was right about his sons' reaction is that they did have a right to be angry. They just acted on how they felt instead of wisdom.

    It was wrong for them to lie to the men about being circumcised, leading the men to think that this would in someway begin to amend the situation.

    The family faces the threat of being over powered or attacked by the inhabitants of the land.

  4. Esau has changed in that he no longer has a grudge against his brother.

    Jacob has changed in that he is wise.

    I think that Jacob's craftiness is now wisdom and in order to appease or reconcile with Esau, he offers him gifts.

    Jacob realitzes that he has a family because of God and that he now looks to God for his very life and safety. I think that Jacob is being humble and wise at the same time.

  5. The man who Jacob wrestled with was a manifestation of God Himself.The wrestling represents a struggle. Jacob began struggling from the womb in that he grabbed his brother Esau's heel.

    The wrestling was symbolic of his encounter and humbling before God. It was also a physical remnant of the stuggle too.

    Jacob is left with a permanant limp for a remembrance of an encouter with God. A mark reminded him about the seriousness with which he served his God, a mark of faith which he carried to his grave.

  6. Jacob's prayers let us know that he is afraid of what Esau may do to him, therfore he asks for God's salvation and God's protection from Esau. Jacob admits his fear for himself and his wives and young children.

    Jacob's prayer also lets us know that he has come to know God. He reminds God of his promise to him and to his ancestors, that God would prosper him and make him fruitful. This is a prayer of faith.

    Jacob has grown in that he is no longer deceitful. He is authentic and he prays faith filled prayers.

  7. God sent the Angels so that Jacob could be reassured that God is with him. When Jacob sees the angels he recognizes that this is the camp of God. He kknew that God had promised that He would watch over him wherever he went and he knew that God had not forgotten.

    Jacob called the place Mahanaim (two camps) because of his small encampment of wives and children, servants and livestock is matched by God's nearby encampment of an army of angels.

  8. Jacob and his family left without saying good-bye to Laban because Laban would have never let them go. He saw how blessed he had become because of Jacob's presence.

    They deceived Laban in that they left when he went to shear his sheep and he was expecting them to be there when he returned.

    Really the only thing that they did was leave. I think that they really had no choice in leaving the way that they did because Laban was an unjust man.

    Rachel was the one who did something unjust in that she stole her father's gods.

  9. Jacob knows that God is with him. He did all that he knew how to do, but he realised that it was God Himself who blessed his work.

    According to Deteronomy 8:17-18, It is God who gives us the power to get wealth. We have to realize that if we begin to think that it is us, we can fall into one of the deadly sins, which is pride. We have to acknowledge God in all of our ways and He will direct our paths.

  10. Because God needs to deal with Jacob's serious flaw of deceit. Sometimes the only way that we can see something is to experience it. Because Jacob reaped what he sowed, he can now realize the consequenses of his sin.

    This is a time of character and family building. God is raising up for Jacob the beginnings of the great people that He promised Abraham. God began the Israelite people with five individuals, three of them closely related (Jacob, Leah, and Rachel), and two of them completely different, the servant girls (Bilhah and Zilpah).

  11. Jacob knows that God will supply and that all resorces are ultimately God's. His tithe is the recognition of that.

    After Jacobs awoke he was no longer the same. This was his conversion He had a mind-expanding glimpse of God's infinite greatness.

    Jacob's tithing is a vow of loyalty and submission to the Lord as his King and God.

  12. Setting up a stone to Jacob was an entirely appropriate way to honor and remember God's revelation of Himself in this place.

    Anointing meant cleansing and consecrating to God.

    Jacob sets up the stone as an act of dedication of himself in worship, a way of remembering God's presence in this place.

    He anoints it as an act of cleansing and consecration, setting it and himself apart for God.

    Jacob promised God :

    Yahweh will be his God

    The pillar will be God's house

    He will give God a 10th of all God gives him.

  13. The angels ascending and descending signifies a ladder or stairway to heaven, (a gateway to heaven)

    God's blessing to Jacob confirms to Jacob, the third generation, God's promises to Abraham.

    When awakes from his dream, he is profoundly moved. His father and his Grandfather's God has just now become his own. God now becomes the one he lives for. He no longer takes what he wants for himself. This is Jacob's conversion.

  14. Yes, this happened to me when I was growing up and it took me until I was in my 40's to overcome it. I know that my mother loved me and some things people are just ignorant about. I did the same thing to two of my children and did not face it at the time. Although I went to church, I did not serve God, but now I have a relationship with God and I know that it takes a relationship with God in order for us to be more aware of what is going on in our lives and in our children lives.

  15. I think Rebekaah was a spiritual woman. She prayed and asked God about what was going on inside of her during her pregnancy and God revealed to her that two nations were within her.

    Issac was a spiritual man because he prayed for his wife that she would become pregnant and his prayer was answered.

    Jacob stayed around his mother and understood his destiny. He realized the importance of the birthright.

    Esau was spiritual in that he knew a blessing was involved and he did ask to be blessed but he lacked what so many of us lack or lacked at one time and that is patience.

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