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Everything posted by iam4_1god

  1. Q4. Why are we so afraid to obey God when he puts on our heart to do something decisive? How are we to deal with fear when we feel it? What is the relationship of fear to courage? Why is courage required in leaders and disciples? We are afraid of rejection, and we are afraid of retaliation. We don't want to anger anyone, especially when it comes to our "religion". When I feel afraid, I pray, and ask God to help me do the task. I can't do it on my own. Fear is trying to find a way out, and courage is deciding to do whatever is required, and asking God for help. Leaders need courage to ask for help, cause that seems to be a very hard thing for humans to do. We don't want to admit that we need help. And then, leaders have to find a way to get others to follow!
  2. Q3. (Exodus 4:13-14a) Why is God angry with Moses? What is Moses
  3. Q5. (Hebrews 13:16, 20-21) What are the actual requests being made of God in this great benediction? What "pleases" God according to verses 16 and 20? Why should we "make it our aim to please him" (2 Corinthians 5:9, NRSV)? God requests that we do good and communicate. He loves it when we sacrifice ourselves to reach out to others with love and encouragement. I want to please God because of all that He has done for me, and continues to do! He is so worthy of all our praises, and all our love! Why would we not want to please Him?
  4. Q4. (Hebrews 13:15-16) Though the sacrifice for atonement have been completed in Christ, what kinds of sacrifices or offerings are Christians called upon to make? What effect do these offerings have on God? God wants our praises! He wants grateful hearts! We receive so many blessings from Him-many go unnoticed! Also, God wants us to do good to others, and that way, we show our love for Him. Not works for salvation-just being grateful! Thank You, Jesus! God is very happy with His children when they praise Him! What parent doesn't enjoy the thanks that his children give him or her?
  5. Q3. (Hebrews 13:8) What is the significance of this verse for the original readers? For you? For understanding just who Jesus is? For believing in the power of God for today? This verse speaks to me about Jesus being the same today as He was back when He walked the earth! He never changes, and what He did back then, He will do now! That is so wonderful to know! God's power is just as real today as it was back when the Israelites were wandering through the dessert! Glory to God!
  6. Q2. (Hebrews 13:5-6) How can we recognize greed in ourselves? What will be the signs? What is the antidote for greed in our lives? What would be the earmarks of a greed-free life? If not money, what should be the basis of our security for the future? What promises do you find in verses 5 and 6? For me-I can see greed in myself when I feel jealous of what someone else has. Or, I think about taking something that doesn't belong to me. Being happy with what I have would be one mark. Not being sad because I can't buy the things that I want, because I don't have the money would be one. I am trying to get used to going to God for things that I need-that's what He wants us to do. The promise is that there is nothing to be afraid of-God will help us when we need it!
  7. Q1. (Hebrews 13:1-3) How do hospitality to strangers and visiting prisoners relate to brotherly love (philadelphia)? Where are you strong in brotherly love? Where are you weak? Jesus reached out to all people! It didn't matter who they were, or what station in life they had-He died for all of us, and He wants us-His chosen-to be loving and kind to others. I am not strong at all. I am ashamed to say that I need alot of work in this area! I am definitly a work in progress! Help me, Lord!
  8. Q5. (Hebrews 12:25-29) Is a fear of God healthy? If so, how? When does fear of God become unhealthy? How does the fear of God fit with 1 John 4:18? Yes, if it is reverential fear. Respectful, awe-inspired fear is good. Respect God for the Father and Creator that He is. Beware of the fact that God can and will destroy both body and spirit in hell for those who refuse to repent. We can not escape punishment, no matter how hard we try, or how far we run. That is unhealthy fear.
  9. Q4. (Hebrews 12:14-17) Is the writer of Hebrews teaching salvation by being holy? Why or why not? 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 and Galatians 5:19-21. Can habitual sin deprive us of heaven? If so, how? If a person is really saved, that person will want to do the right thing. That one will desire to be holy. We can;t be right until we are with God, but we can trust God to work on us until such time as we are with Him, and in right standing. In the meantime, sanctification is God's way of dealing with our "godliness". If we are not living right, and we are steeped in sin, then eventually, we will fall away. We can not be a child of God and keep sinning. It doesn't work that way. That's why I have to confess and repent many times a day! I make mistakes! But-God is faithful and just to cleanse us from all unrighteousness! Hallelujah! Please don't sin! If you keep doing it, you will eventally fall away, and be punished!
  10. Q3. (Hebrews 12:5-7) I've sometimes heard, "God never punishes anyone." Is that true according to these verses? If so, how does punishment fit into the larger overall concept of discipline and child-rearing? What is the purpose of God's discipline? It is not punishment. Sometimes we get ourselves into trouble-make stupid choices, and God lets us wallow. But, He is merciful, and just wants us to learn from our mistakes. God wants us to mature as Christians. We must "grow up"-therefore we have to endure hard times.
  11. Q2. (Hebrews 12:5-11) How does it help when you to look at your struggles and hardships as the Father's discipline and training? What are the benefits of such discipline to the Christian? I understand all this from being a child with both parents! When I misbehaved, I got spanked! Hard! But, I understand that my parents were trying to teach me things, and behaviors that are appropriate for "right" living. Obeying the rules meant that I would be able to enjoy the "benefits that good children experience from time to time. With God, obedience means that I will enjoy being in His presence, and being a daughter of the Living God! Oh, I can't wait!
  12. Q1. (Hebrews 12:3-4) Spiritual warfare can be lost by weariness. Why is spiritual warfare so wearying? Why must we continue to resist, on and on? Have you ever been overcome by Satan because of weariness? People come against us, and they want to argue. They won't stop! Pretty soon, we get to the point where we just give up! If we give up, the devil has won! Now, he can move in and make things worse for us, and he will, too! Yes, on two fronts. The first one is my husband. He is not saved, and he is constantly dogging me because of my faith. The second was, I had been trying to get Disability, and I got turned down 3 times. The devil just wouldn't shut up! "Where's your god, now? He must not love you-he didn't help you!" On and on! I will not turn away, nor will I give up! God has a plan, and I'm just waiting for Him to show me!
  13. Q5. (Hebrews 12:1-2) Who are the "great cloud of witnesses" mentioned in 12:1? What analogy to the life of faith is offered in 12:1? In what way is Jesus the "author" or "pioneer" of our faith? How did he live by faith? In what way is he the "finisher" or "perfecter" of our faith? All of the people mentioned in chapter 11 are the witnesses. These people are our example for moving forward in faith. No, they were not perfect. They had the same battles and struggles that we have. But-they also had the same armour that we have! They had the word of God! They had faith as a grain of mustard seed! They saw the prize waiting at the end of their journey, and they knew that Jesus would come and complete the path that leads to eternity! I got to go shout! Bye!
  14. Q4. (Hebrews 11:8-31) What was the powerful motivating factor behind the actions taken by the people mentioned in these verses? What was this faith based on? At the Red Sea, how did the Israelites' faith differ from that of the Egyptian army? Did Rahab have real faith or was she a shrewd opportunist -- or is there a difference? They all were depending on God to keep His word! They had faith and believed that God would take care of them. They all stepped out in faith, believing that, no matter what happens, God would be there with them, and that He would see them through! He will do the same for all of us who believe!
  15. Q3. (Hebrews 11:23-28) How did Moses' faith affect his willingness to suffer? What kind of vision did faith create for Moses? What kind of vision does faith create for us? Moses looked beyond the comfort and priviledge that he would have been entitiled to, and chose, rather, to keep his eyes focused on the promise and hope of a better country. He chose to stay connected to his own people and his own heritage! Glory to God! You can seek money, and popularity, and all that those things bring. Give me Jesus! I choose Jesus! I don't need no stinking mansion on earth! I'm going to a mansion built by God! I got to go shout! Bye!
  16. Q2. (Hebrews 11:13b) In practical terms, what would be the characteristics of a believer who lived his life as an "alien" and "stranger" here on earth? What is the balance between "in" the world but not "of" it? (John 15:19; 17:13-16; 1 John 4:4-6). The way I see all this is-this place that I live in-this house, this address-it is not my home! My home is with God Almighty! I have to be here, and as such, I try to get along, without compromising my faith and beliefs. But-in my heart I know that all this is only temporary. Some day soon, I will be in the presence of the Lord God Almighty, and He has prepared a new place for me to live. I will then be "home"! Until then, I am expected to make the best of my stay here, and do what I can to lead others to Christ by planting seeds, and giving my time and talent to further the Kingdom. We should be going about, doing our Father's business!
  17. Q1. (Hebrews 11:8-19) Abraham was on a faith-quest, looking for a city (verse 10) and a country (verses 14-16). How does his faith-journey encourage yours? In Scriptural typology, what is the final "city" which we shall see? (12:22) What is the final country of which we are citizens? (12:28) I'm looking for and waiting for the same thing that Abraham was looking and waiting for. And so it goes. New Jerusalem Kingdom of God
  18. Q4. (Hebrews 11:11). Which part of faith is related to (1) the depth of Abraham's confidence in God? Which part of faith is related to (2) the real existence and power of such a God? How would you describe a faith that lacks either element? Based on verse 11 (not on verses 1-2), formulate in your own words a definition of faith. I accepted Christ's free gift of salvation by faith-the Holy Spirit came into me, and gave me the ability to believe that God is Who He says He is-the word of God cemented that belief. I know that God is real, and that He sent His Son to die for my sins-the sins of the whole world! I have had prayers answered-I have received miracles ( or what I believe are miracles) and I have witnessed others having received the same. I have been told that I rely too much on God, and that I need to work some things out for myself-I tried that, and my life was a disaster! That is why I rely on God! He fixed everything for me, and I love Him and trust Him with all my heart!
  19. Q3. Every religion has its own kind of faith. What is the content of the Judeo-Christian type of faith that sets it apart from any other? What is the basis of Noah's faith (11:7)? What is the basis of our faith? How does faith grow (see Romans 10:17) All I know is, I take God at His word! I read it every day, and that is how my faith grows. The Word of God tells us all we need to know to grow in faith, and to actively seek God. Noah took God at His word, and built an ark!
  20. Q2. (Hebrews 11:6) The first element of faith is belief in God's existence. Why is the second element just as essential to true faith? What does it mean to "seek" God? What difference does it make whether or not you believe God will reward seekers? Seeking God to me means a lot of things. Reading His word every day-praying in the Spirit-being obedient. Jesus said that when we're being good to others, we're being good to Him. Also-when others criticize us for believing and being dedicated to seeking God, we stand firm and don't back down-these are what I believe to mean seeking God. I believe that the word of God is true. God wants us to believe Him, and know that He will keep His word-otherwise, what's the use? All the things we go through because we believe-for what? Because we know that there is a better day coming! Mansions, and streets of gold! We can not comprehend what waits for us there!
  21. Q1. Using Hebrews 11:1-3 as your source, how would you put in your own words what faith is and does? To me, faith is believing that God can and will do what He says He will do. That simple. I haven't seen God, but I know that He is real, and that I can depend on Him to keep His word.
  22. Q4. (Hebrews 10:35-36) Why is perseverance in faith hard sometimes? Why is perseverance so important? How is Christian fellowship important in perseverance? (3:12-14) What can we do to encourage other Christians in this sometimes difficult journey? Perseverance is very hard sometimes, and it is so important! God wants children who can stand when everything around them is falling apart. People will turn their backs on you-family, even! Some will critisize you because of what or how you believe. Some will want no part of you! The Bible says that we must suffer because Christ suffered, and if we want to be like Him, then we must suffer, too. We can remind each other that God is with us, and that He will help us get through. Also, we need to remind each other of the future that we have to look forward to because of what Jesus went through for us. Our pea brains can not even comprehend the blessings that await us when we are finally with Jesus!
  23. Q3. (Hebrews 10:26-31). (In your discussion, please resist the temptation to slam another Christian who might understand the security of the believer differently from you!) What kind of sin is expressed by the phrase, "deliberately keep on sinning" (10:26)? Is this talking about sins related to the weakness of our flesh or apostasy? What elements in 10:29 contribute to your understanding that this is indeed flagrant apostasy, not garden-variety sin? The one who rejects Jesus' offer of salvation-cleansing from sin repeatedly. No, thank You Jesus!! I believe it is that one that can't see anything wrong with what they are doing, although a saved person might look at the activity and see that it is sin-the conscience is no longer bothering that one.
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