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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Everything posted by blezed

  1. Why do you think God seems to enjoy helping the Israelite's in impossible situations? God enjoys helping the Israelite's in impossible situations because is seeking to firm up the faith of his people. He wants them recognize that he is Lord. Why do you think God whittled Gideon’s army down to 300 men? (Judges 7:1-8). God reduced Gideon's army down so that there would be do doubt that the victory was God's and their own strength. What impossible situations are you facing in your life that need God’s intervention? God has been good to me. He has made a way out of any impossible situations I have been in. Praise God, I am not in any right now!
  2. Why would God send his prophet to instruct a corrupt king and an apostate people so they might win a battle against the Syrians? God sends his prophet to corrupt king so that he would know that he is God. What purpose is stated in verse 13? What is Ahab’s reaction? What does that tell you about his religious piety or faith? The purpose in verse 13 is for the corrupt king to recognize that God is Lord. Ahab wanted to know who would do the fighting and start the battle. Once told the plan, Ahab followed the instructions given.
  3. Why is a parent’s rebuke difficult for a child to listen to? Why is God’s rebuke difficult for us to listen to? Parent's rebuke is difficult sometimes because we feel that they are just being mean. We don't realize it at the time that they are trying to correct us from going down the wrong path. We look back on those rebukes and can see it was for our good. Same with God. His rebukes are for our good in the end. How does a loving but sharp rebuke help our children? How does God’s rebuke help us? Loving rebukes from our parents and God will help mold our behavior in productive ways. What would it take for you to embrace God’s rebuke like Solomon’s “wise man” (Proverbs 9:8). To listen and learn from the rebuke, it will take humility.
  4. Why do you think the author contrasts the “still small voice” to the wind, earthquake, and fire? Probably that God's presence is best conveyed in personal communication with his servants, not in some showy, spectacular display of power How does God’s voice comfort and renew Elijah? God comforts him by giving him new work to do -- a new assignment. Why is it easy to miss God when his voice is gentle and quiet? There is so much noise in our life and so little quiet that God's gentle voice gets lost in the clutter. We concentrate so much on what we are doing that we hear his voice but not tuned into what he is saying.
  5. In what ways does self-pity prevent us from discerning the Lord’s voice? We are too concerned about what happen to self in the past instead of seeing how God brought you out of the situation. What is the relationship of self-pity to pride? To entitlement? How does a sense of entitlement stand in the way of true discipleship? Self-pity is feeling sorry for self and having the tensely to blame others. Pride is how we think of ourselves. Entitlement prevents us of true discipleship because we think that when we do the right thing we deserve something.
  6. How might Elijah be “at fault” for being depressed? Is “fault” the right question? Elijah isolated himself from people who could have possibly given him strength. He allowed the situation to cause him to loose faith. I think fault is the right question. He is doing this to himself instead to continuing to trust God. Does God chide him for “lack of faith”? How does God minister to him? God sends an angel to get him in shape for the next phase of his journey to renewal and health. How do you minister to a friend who has isolated himself or herself in deep depression? I pray with that person and talk to them about Jesus. I use my life as a living testimony because I have been there. My faith is what brought me back out of depression. I definitely will try to get that person to do something outside the house. Sitting at home within the four walls gives one too much type to think of negative things. It always help to let that person talk about their situation and you listen without judgement.
  7. When we repent before the Lord, why is it important to put away the things that facilitate and tempt us back into our old life of sin? It is important to put away the things that tempt us back into old life of sin so that the new might live. Yes, we want to avoid extremism. But what is the value of a clear break with evil? What is the danger of not making a clear break with evil? The value of a clear break with evil is to avoid temptation back into the old life. It will lead to a conflict. You cannot serve two gods. You will love one and hate the other.
  8. In what way does Elijah have a ministry of “turning hearts back again,” of calling for true repentance? Elijah is seeking to bring his people to repentance from their apostasy and return to Yahweh their Father and God. He is demonstrating this by being obedient to God and showing the people that: Yahweh is the true God, and Yahweh is turning their hearts back again to him. How was this fulfilled in Elijah’s successor John the Baptist? (Mark 1:4-6). John the Baptist preached repentance. Why is this an important ministry for pastors and evangelists? This is an important ministry for pastors and evangelists because preaching repentance will save lost souls.
  9. What is the significance of Elijah “rebuilding” the altar of Yahweh? The altar was in ruins where the believers had sacrifice in praise and faith and joy . The significance of rebuilding the altar was to once again give praise and honor to God. What rebuilding needs to be done in your own worship practices? Your church’s? There are times that I just don't feel like doing the work of the Lord. I must grow stronger when feel that way. I need to do better is praying and studying his word. I do set aside time for that but I could spend more time. The church members need to get back to church. We have many that have not come back to the house of worship since COVID-19. They have gotten use to and prefer to do virtual. So much is missed by not being in fellowship with your brothers and sisters. What has caused your “altar” or practice of worshiping and living before the Lord to be broken down? How will you repair it? The condition of the world today. So much division and hatred. Sometimes I get weak in thinking why the Lord is allowing this. I must continue to pray for peace, love, joy and happiness. For those that have turned their backs of our Lord and serving man, position and power, pray that they come to their senses and know that thru Jesus all things are possible.
  10. What is the danger of syncretism? Believing in everything and committing to nothing. What currently competes with your allegiance to Jesus in terms of time, focus, commitment, etc.? My belief in my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I have witness the Lord to come thru for me time and time again. Why is there competition, do you think? How long will you go limping between two opinions? There is competition because so many things of the world seem more desirable than serving the Lord. It has been many years ago that I turned my life over to the Lord. I no longer put the desires of the world before God.
  11. What do we learn about Obadiah from this passage? Obadiah was the official in charge to Ahab's palace and a devout believer in the Lord. What do we know of his faith? Of his courage? Of his fears? Obadiah was strong in his faith to the point where he risked his life to save the lives of 100 prophets. He was courageous in what he did, however he was fearful of his life if it was found out. If you were in Obadiah’s situation, how much courage would you have shown? I believe in helping people in trouble. Sometimes I respond without thinking thru the danger. However, I do not think I would have been an courageous as Obadiah if I thought about it.
  12. Why does God send Elijah to a poor widow rather than a rich man? The power of God is awesome. He was showing to Elijah as well as the widow woman what he can do. Faith played a big role also. Did both of them have to faith to believe God's instructions. If God sent someone to you to provide for, how would you respond? Appreciative.
  13. What is the appropriate role of common sense in our lives? Common sense generally guides us to do the right thing based on knowledge and judgement. Does that supplement or contradict faith in God’s ability to work miracles outside the natural order? It does not supplement or contradict faith. I think it works together.
  14. What does God feeding Elijah by ravens tell us about God? It tells us that God will supply our needs because he cares about us. What does eating food sent by ravens tell us about Elijah? Elijah is putting his trust in God. What do we learn about God’s provision for us when we obey him? God will supply when we are obedient to his word.
  15. What kind of courage does it take for Elijah to go before King Ahab with a message of drought? It took a lot of bravery to go before the King knowing he could be killed. What dangers does this bring to Elijah? Death! Why is “speaking truth to power” so difficult when the power structures are corrupt? Speaking the truth when corrupt people have power can be difficult because you do not know what will happen to your life or the life of love ones.
  16. (James 5:19-20) In the light of James’ emphasis on active faith vs. dead faith (2:17), why is the role of finding and bringing back the wandering sheep so important? It is important because you will be saving that person from death and back to the Lord.
  17. (James 5:14-16) In the healing prayer, what is the role of oil? Anointing with oil was a symbol of the presence of God's powerful Holy Spirit and anointing with oil is used to set apart or ordain leaders, priests, and holy things. What is the role of the prayer of faith? The role of prayer of faith is what heals the sick person. What is the role of faith? The role of faith is truly believing in what we ask for. It is putting our faith in action. What is the role of confession of sins? By confessing your sins to a fellow believer, you are making yourself accountable of that sin and letting go of that sin to God.
  18. What is the elders’ role in prayer for the sick? Men/women of great faith called to pray over sick and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. What must be their spiritual qualifications for this ministry of prayer? Mature believers who are full of faith.
  19. According to verse 14, who is to initiate prayer for healing? Why might this be important? James instructs the sick person to "call the elders of the church." The sick person does not have to rely on his/her own faith but call for the faith of others.
  20. (James 5:9) What does our grumbling and complaining say about us? About our faith? About our patience? Our grumbling and complaining shows our impatience and discontent. Complaining shows our unbelief, distrust and unwillingness to wait on the Lord.
  21. (James 5:7-8) What can happen to us Christians if we lack the patience to eagerly expect Christ’s return? Why is patience so vital? If we lack patience to early expect Christ's return, we can lose our faith. We will begin to doubt God. Patience s vital because it helps to keep us ready for His return.
  22. (James 5:5-6) What is the spiritual danger of our demand for comfort and luxury? The danger of our demand for comfort and luxury is that we become arrogant. We come to expect this standard of living as our right. We easily begin to make decisions based on our own creature comfort rather than on God's will.
  23. What danger is James warning us about in verses 13-16? James is warning about boasting and bragging. We should show more humility. How can we be humble in our planning without being indecisive and wishy-washy? We should seek the Lord before making decisions and be patient and wait on Him.
  24. In what way does criticizing a neighbor cause you to be a judge of the law? Criticizing a neighbor cause you to be judge of the law because it conflicts with the law of love. Why do you think it is so tempting to criticize others? It is tempting to criticize others because it is easy to see the faults in others. Also, jealously causes us to criticize others.
  25. (James 4:4) Why does James refer to church members as “adulteresses”? Because he is referring to believers as married to God. What does the adultery consist of? When we are married and have a relationship or flirt with another man/woman or put the world before God. Who is the aggrieved husband? What is wrong with friendship with the world? An aggrieved husband is Christ. Friendship with the world you become an enemy of God.
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