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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Everything posted by blezed

  1. Why does God send Simeon to the temple on this day? God has promisedSimeon that he won't die until he sees the Messiah. The Messiah was to be at the temple that day. Why do you think this incident is recorded in Luke’s Gospel? Luke writes chronologically of what happened to Jesus. Therefore, this particular incident was in line with the history that Luke wrote about. How was Simeon’s prophecy over the Child fulfilled? Simeon's prophecy was fulfilled because all that he prophesied came to pass.
  2. In what sense has Jesus saved his people from their sins? Jesus bore the guilt of our sins. He suffered on our behalf. What does Isaiah 53:6 teach us about how Jesus saved us from our sins? Christ was led to the slaughter for the sin of the world. In what way is Jesus like a sacrifice for sins? The Lamb of God, spotless without sin gave his life for us.
  3. What does the Ancient of Days grant to the Son of Man? The Son of Man was given authority, glory and sovereign power. Why do you think Jesus used the title of “Son of Man,” even though most didn’t understand its importance? The title of Son of Man was used to show distinction between God and the prophesied Messiah. Title full of divinity and glory and power. What does Jesus’ authority mean to you and to your life? Jesus authority mean to me and my life is that because he has authority, dominion and power he is someone who I should exalt and praise.
  4. What can we learn from Joseph’s action? Joseph was obedient to what the angle told him to do. He did not ask any questions. How much do we have to know about the outcome before we say ‘yes’ to God? We should not have to know any of the outcome before we say 'yes' to God. Most of us do want to know ALL of the outcome. How can a good God allow infants to be slaughtered in Bethlehem? I will never understand why God allowed infants to be slaughtered but I trust him and know that the end results will be in our best interest Do you believe God honors them as martyrs for the Messiah? I do believe God honors them as martyrs. They were the first but were not the last. All of us that follows Christ may be persecuted for his name sake.
  5. Does gift-giving on this occasion involve love or mere custom? Gift giving involved custom. Whenever you came before a king, your presented them with gifts. How were the Magi’s gifts fitting for the Christ Child? These gifts were fitting because the gifts represented specimens of the products of their country. The significance in gold for Christ's royalty, frankincense for his deity, and myrrh for his humanity,ultimately his burial. What gifts can you offer Jesus that mean something? What gifts demonstrate your love? I can offer myself to be used by God. My time, talent and treasure.
  6. Why is the suddenness of Christ’s coming to fearful? Appearing suddenness might catch us unprepared. How were these verses fulfilled in Jesus’ day. How will they be fulfilled at his Second Coming? John the Baptist preached repentance to help us prepare for Jesus coming. Second Coming will be to judge those that have not repented.
  7. Why is it hard for us to value the time we spend in meditation and prayer? It is hard for us to value the time we spend in meditation and prayer because we are so busy with our daily activities. The devil is good at distracting us with other things when we try to meditate and pray. Which of the times of our day do you think the Lord values most? I think the Lord value most anytime you mediate and/or pray and consecrate strictly on him. How does listening to the Lord propel Anna’s ministry? By listening to the Lord, Anna's ministry is guided by what he is saying and she is able to relay that to others.
  8. Why is it important for us to know who governed the area at the time of Jesus' birth? It is important for us to know who governed the area at the time of Jesus birth to show that he he was neither a myth or legend and was born in history. What difficulties did Mary and Joseph face? Difficulties that they faced were the journey to Bethlehem, Mary pregnant and unmarried, scandal they both faced, and Jesus born in a stable. What do you think God allowed such difficulties? Difficulties were allowed to show humbleness. Why does he allow difficulties in our lives? Difficulties are allow in our lives to teach us that we are to be humble servants also.
  9. Where is love most at home – in times of strife or in times of peace? I think love is found most at home in times of peace. What does our passage say about the emptiness of winning as our ultimate value? Winning is not important anymore once you develop a personal relationship with the Lord. How can you bring peace from Jesus to your world? Who will it bless? I can bring peace from Jesus by keeping in his word and knowing him for myself. We all will benefit and be blessed.
  10. Why do we resist letting the Messiah govern our own lives? Why don’t we seek his counsel more often? I think we resist because we feel we can do things on our own. Also, we are people with a sinful nature and will struggle with doing what's right unless we let Jesus guide us. Why is surrender to his wise leadership so difficult for us? We feel that no one can guide our lives better than we can. What can we do about this hardness we find in ourselves? Acknowledge Christ, reverence him and respect him.
  11. According to verse 1, what is Jesus doing at present? What will he ultimately succeed in doing? Jesus is sitting on the right hand side of God. Ultimately he will make his enemies his footstool. What is the primary role of a priest? How does Jesus function as a priest who brings us to God? (verse 4). Primary role of a priest rules for Yahweh and acts as a mediator between man and God to atone for man's sins. Jesus was the Suffering Servant who in himself bore our sins and carried our iniquities. He gave himself as a ransom for all men.
  12. Why does Jesus provoke such negative reactions from some people? Why do people tend to resist any kind of authority? Jesus appears to be a threat to anyone that has authority or wants authority. We want to be independent of God and not be under any obligation to him. What should we do when we detect resistance in our own hearts? Constant prayer will help resistance in our own hearts.x Prayer changes things. What does it mean to “kiss the Son” (Psalm 2:12)? To kiss the Son means an act of submission.
  13. According to verses 17, 18, and 20, what was the shepherds’ response to finding Christ? They immediately headed to Bethlehem. When they saw the baby, they spread the good news to Mary and Joseph of what had been told to them by the angel. The shepherds returned home glorifying and praising God. What was Mary’s reaction to the shepherds’ story? Mary's reaction was pondered in her heart that the shepherds had told her.
  14. Why do you think the angels shocked the shepherds with their radiant glory? Why not something more low-key? The shepherds were shocked because they were sitting and talking in darkness when the brightness came. It was not distant but close. It was not low-key because of the importance of the announcement the angel was about to give and wanted to have everyone's attention. What is the content of the good news? The content of the good news was a savior had been born and his name was Christ the Lord What allows the shepherds to authenticate this news? The shepherds were able to authenticate this news by a sign that was given. They would find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.
  15. Why do you think God sent Jesus into this world when he did? What does it mean that he “redeemed” you? This was something that was predestine and this was the right time. To redeem us, deliver us, save us from sin. However way you want to put it. What does it mean that he "adopted" you? It means that we might receive full rights as sons and daughters. What is your inheritance? My inheritance is, as co-heir to Christ, I can receive whatever he receives
  16. Why do you think God has a special place in his heart for the poor and disadvantaged? God has a special place in his heart for the poor and disadvantaged because he is love and cares about the justice for the weak and powerless. He does not judge by how they look but what is in their heart. Who are the unloved, overlooked, and looked-down-upon in your city? The unloved, overlooked and those looked-down-upon are the poor, elderly and minorities. What are you doing to demonstrate Messiah’s love and justice to them? I treat people the same as I would like to be treated for starters. Those that I know are in need I try to help. I follow the Holy Spirit guidance's for those that truly need help and not just out to monopolized on their situation.
  17. According to verse 1, what is Jesus doing at present? What will he ultimately succeed in doing? Jesus is sitting at the right hand of the Father. He will make the enemy as a footstool under his feet. What is the primary role of a priest? A priest rules for Yahweh and he acts as a mediator between man and God to atone for man's sins. How does Jesus function as a priest who brings us to God? (verse 4). He gave himself as a ransom for all men.
  18. What do these verses tell us about Joseph’s character? His faith? Joseph was God-fearing, compassionate and righteous man. Joseph faith was bold and resilient. When he takes Mary home to be his wife, how does this affect his reputation in Nazareth as an upright Jew? His reputation an an upright Jew was tarnished. He is seen to acknowledge his own sexual impropriety, unworthy of an upright Jew, but he was obedient to God.
  19. Why is a never-ending Kingdom such an anomaly in world history? There will be no end to the Kingdom of the Son of God. Other kingdoms or world powers will come and go but Jesus kingdom will be everlasting, will not pass away and will not be destroyed. Why is just and righteous government so rare? Just and righteous government is rare due to greed and power. Government favors the rich and powerful more so than the poor. What justice will Jesus bring to you when he comes? Jesus will bring justice and righteousness for the poor.
  20. Paraphrase in your own words the amazing titles given to Jesus in Isaiah 9:6. The amazing titles given to Jesus tells me that this child will come to be a Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. This will be someone that I can go to help with all aspects of my life. If I am troubled he will be there to guide me, his power will give me strength, he will give me peace and comfort me in my time of need. Most of all his live for me is everlasting. How should knowledge of his titles affect our relationship to him? Knowledge of his titles deserve me to give him respect, praise and honor.
  21. Why do people choose to live in darkness when light is available? (John 3:19). People choose to live in darkness when light is available because they don't want to give up their lifestyle the would be displeasing to God. Why do people seem to resist the Light of Jesus? People seem to resist the Light of Jesus because of the enemy, Satan. Why do you sometimes hesitate to step into Jesus’ full light? The hesitance comes about when people think of the cost to follow Jesus. How did Light transform the reputation of Galilee? Reputation of Galilee was transformed by Light through teachings, miracles, healing and commands that drove out demonic influence from victims. How has light transformed your reputation in your circle of friends? Light transformed my reputation as one that loves the Lord and will always give him the glory and honor.
  22. To whom are blessings promised through Abraham's descendant? Th offspring and seed of Abraham for all nations. In what way does Abraham’s sacrifice of Isaac prefigure the Father’s sacrifice of Jesus? Abraham willingness and obedience to sacrifice his only son and God sacrificing his only son and Jesus obedience.
  23. What does the image of a lion tell us about Judah’s descendant? Judah's descendants will be strong and powerful. How does Jesus qualify for the promise of the ruling scepter? Ruling scepter is to come from the tribe of Judah. Why is obedience so hard for us? Why is it so important for us? Obedience is hard because it requires humility and submission unto Jesus.
  24. (Luke 1:39-45) Why did the angel put Elizabeth and Mary together? The two were going thru similar circumstances. One, young and bearing the son of Jesus. One, older and bearing the man that would introduce Jesus to the world. How is Elizabeth a comfort to Mary? Elizabeth was able to give Mary some wisdom and comfort to. How is Mary an encouragement to Elizabeth? Mary was also able to comfort Elizabeth. To whom has God sent you to give and receive comfort? God has sent me to give and receive comfort to my ministry sister's at my church.
  25. (Luke 1:26-38) What honor did God bestow on Mary? Favored by God to give birth to Jesus. What would this honor cost her? Her reputation would be destroyed. What does her response to the angel indicate? Stated the she was the Lord's servant and whatever the angel said would come to past. She trusted and believed What discipleship lesson can you learn from Mary’s response? To be humble and submit to God.
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