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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. Man, by his nature, is an ungrateful being. To be thankful is unnatural. Until we are transformed by the power of His grace, the only way in which we say
  2. It is manifest in both. Joy is a passionate response that springs forth from our new heart. It flows through us and is expressed in our actions.
  3. Have you ever driven the highway with your eyes transfixed to the rearview mirror? Were you prepared to react to unexpected events that were just ahead? When we
  4. Paul seeks to nurture new believers in the way of the Lord. Paul intends us to imitate his righteous behaviors, to become more Christ-like
  5. When we affirm our citizenship, we testify as to where our heart is. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. (Mat 6:21) Why would we treasure earth's trinkets above the treasures that are laid up for us in heaven. All that we desire awaits us there. Knowing our true citizenship keeps us focused on the prize Paul referred to in Phi 3:14. When we confuse domestic patriotism with our citizenship with Christ, we misplace our priorities. We can't get bogged down turning our communities into Christian cultures. Do you actually think you
  6. To know Christ is to develop a close personal relationship with him, through his word, through prayer, to become Christ-like ourselves. Before we can develop a relationship at that level, we must have faith in Christ. Without faith, he will be a mere acquaintance, and his power will not be seen in our life. Conversely, if we aren
  7. Righteousness through law observance is an easy to understand principle. You obey the law, and you are recognized as righteous. The problem is in the implementation. We find the law unfair and ignore it. We find excuses to take exception to the law when it is inconvenient. We see the law as applying to others, not ourselves. And in an emotional moment, we fail completely to recognize the law exists. Despite the seeming simplicity of lawful righteousness, we just can
  8. Imagine that you were born into a family of wealth, prestige and respect; of unmixed Jewish blood; son of a Pharisee; a privileged Roman citizen. Imagine you attended the finest university and studied for years under the celebrated rabbi Gamaliel, graduating as a rabbi
  9. Paul had planted the Philippian church and showed great love and affection for its people. In sending Epaphroditus to serve Paul, the Philippian church was without the leadership of their senior pastor, and others had filled the void with mixed teachings. Paul expressed concern with false teachers and Judaizers among the Philippians. Paul exhorted the Philippians to place their brother
  10. The motives of certain Philippian leaders were self-serving, using the word of Jesus Christ to fulfill personal needs or a desire for power. Paul tells us in Philippians 1:12 that
  11. As odd as it may sound, it was God's prevenient grace and a radio ministry that stirred my heart and convicted me of my need for Christ. Since then I have sought instruction through many channels. In fact, I am that
  12. When we serve Jesus as a willing slave, we do so out of privilege, not obligation. Jesus symbolized this servanthood when he washed the feet of his disciples during the Last Supper. We serve in this manner from our heart, in an excellent manner to honor our King. When leaders serve out of preference, it is because they expect favor in return
  13. When we overcome obstacles and struggle with events in our walk with Christ, we honor God. We could have chosen an easier path, a simple route that had no adversity
  14. Paul instructs us to walk in the path of righteousness
  15. How can we be assured that God will exalt us when we humble ourselves? Because he told us he would
  16. In submission to the Father, Jesus set aside the glory that was rightfully his as God, to become man—the ultimate humiliation. When his work on Earth was complete and the hour of his crucifixion was at hand, Jesus prayed to the Father to restore his glory. “I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work that you gave me to do. And now, Father, glorify me in your own presence with the glory that I had with you before the world existed.” (Joh 17:4-5) Jesus did not need to cling to his equality with God, for he is God.
  17. When we understand that God is in control (and he is always working all things to his providential plan), we have nothing to fear
  18. When things are going well in our lives, it's easy to express faith and confidence in God. It's when our lives are disrupted by unexpected challenges that our true self emerges. When we persevere in faith and seek God during seasons of hardship, our witness attests to the power of God's hand in our lives.
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