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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. When we favor one over another, we are making judgments as to which is best
  2. I believe the tongue is the most difficult part of our flesh to control. The tongue is a master of gossip, lies, manipulation, deception, and anger. While we may not physically strike another, our tongue can inflict pain and injury which heal slowly
  3. The perfect law is the law of liberty. It is perfect because it is flawless and divine. It brings us liberty and freedom
  4. Because we attend church and Sunday school regularly, we look down at our pagan neighbors. We help out in the church nursery, attend the women
  5. God promises to give abundantly, without finding fault, to all who ask
  6. How can you know that you have faith until your faith is exercised? God often sends us trials so that our graces may be discovered and that we may be convinced of their existence. When trials push us to the breaking point, and we realize that we alone are unable to overcome our predicament, the truth of God
  7. Trials have strengthened my faith in God and brought me closer to Christ
  8. My thanks Pastor Ralph for making this study available. It was both insightful and thought-provoking. I see Abraham far clearer than before. Your website has been a treasure for me. In the midst of mentoring a young confirmand earlier this year, I discovered your website and your series on the Gospel of Luke. It added greatly to my mentoring efforts. May God continue to bless you in your efforts to bring the richness of his word into focus for all of us. I look forward to the many other studies you offer. Peace be with you.
  9. From the time he turned away from polytheism to follow the calling of the
  10. Sarah was dutifully subservient to her husband Abraham. Barren for most of her life, her faith in Yahweh remained imperfect and immature up to the point she conceived Isaac. When Abraham told Sarah that they must leave Ur, Sarah packed the household, out of respect for her husband
  11. Those of us who have children can imagine the pain and heartache Abraham felt when called upon to sacrifice his son Isaac
  12. I learned to trust God when I put my faith in his provision for my life.
  13. Trials that God places before us give Satan the opportunity to implant doubts in our mind that God is a loving God
  14. God has blessed Abraham with peace and tranquility, welcomed by a man of Abraham
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