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Eager Bver

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Everything posted by Eager Bver

  1. Jesus teaches that it is spiritual, one must be born again of the water and the spirit. Nicodemus did not understand Jesus because he asked how can a man that is old be reborn. He spoke from a natural side.
  2. Two men sold all they had to purchase something of greater value. The Kingdom is worth us giving up all to follow him and have treasure in heaven where it will not be corrupted. We are tempted to value it so little because it is spiritual and we deal more with natural things and possessions. It helps us to appreciate its true value knowing that things of God are forever, his peace, his salvation and his promises of eternal life. God loves and wants them to follow him.
  3. Poverty and self-sacrifice is not a religion. To make it a religion is inadequate because you must focus on Christ and the things of the spirit. To self-sacrifice without love profits you nothing. He asked him to follow him to show that he loved him more than money. The man was offered a chance at eternal life with Christ. He loved money and his possessions too much. He had money as his god.
  4. Jesus knew that possessions had him bound. It troubles us because of the uncertainty in living not knowing how we are to make it from one day to the next. It would cause us to live trusting God instead of things on a daily basis. The spiritual dangers of wealth: power; don't rely on God.
  5. When he used "lightning". People will be going about their daily lives doing whatever they want. He also reminded them of the flood and Sodom and Gomorrah. We should be awaiting his return.
  6. The Kingdom of God was present in the Person and ministry of Jesus when he cast out demons and also when He healed people. The Kingdom of God is present today in us through the Holy Spirit that lives of dwells in us as Christians.
  7. Continual asking is so essential to our looking forward to the Kingdom because being persistent will pay off. We can't get discourage as it will show a lack of faith and our impatience of trust. Being persistent in prayer shows how bad you want a thing, that you will not give up.
  8. Yes, Jesus meant you cannot seek wealth and God at the same time if wealth or money is all you think about leaving Him out of the picture. This is not exaggeration as one's devotion can be swayed. Someone will get less attention. This statement is not figurative. Jesus meant what he said. This is definitely literal. We are to seek God first and He will add wealth. Yes, wealthy people can serve God for real as long as they remember that it is God who gives us power to get wealth.
  9. When we allow the holy spirit to direct our lives, fruits of the spirit begin to show in us. Having a hunger for righteousness causes one to read the word and desire to grow in God. The manifold growth comes from one's personal spiritual gift at work in the individual.
  10. I think pleasures is the most dangerous of the thorns because people will do anything at any cost to make themselves happy. Their thinking becomes warped, right is wrong, and wrong is right. They know things are wrong and make excuses that God understands. They lose sight on God and the things of God.
  11. Repentance is central to the Kingdom of God because one has to live right and not partake of evil doings. Baptism is important to converts to the kingdom because Jesus said we must be born of the water and the spirit. Christ cannot reign in an unrepentant heart as the person would desire to do things contrary to the will of God.
  12. John's baptism offended the Jews' national pride as they were taught the law from Moses. Baptism was not prevalent in their day. Those persons who had repentant hearts welcomed John's baptism. The Pharisees and Sadducees resisted as baptism was not written in the law.
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