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Posts posted by BJB123

  1. 1) I try not to discriminate against anyone, but sometimes I do when someone comes in to church half undressed. I feel it is very disrespectful to the Lord. It really bugs me. I do, however, ask for forgiveness and I always greet these people and just leave the rest to the Lord.

    2) A lot of churches today want to get folks with good incomes expecting more tithes and offerings. God forgive me if I am wrong. The church pastors/leaders try to impress them and will go out of their way to get them to continue coming like taking them to lunch or having them over to their homes for dinner. My feelings are that all people need to be reached, the rich or poor. All people are the same in God's eyes and should be in the Christian's eyes. I do believe that relationships are very important and sometimes a relationship starts at a dinner table which in turn may bring the non believer into church so that they can hear the word.

  2. 1.)God chose to give us a "spiritual birth" (salvation) through the Word of Truth. God WILLS for us TO have salvation. We are saved by grace through faith (in God's Word). After we are saved, we have the Holy Spirit living in our hearts. God gives us free will to follow after Him.

    2.) There would be no spiritual life without God's word. THE WORD IS GOD. God's word is our avenue through the Holy Spirit to communicate with Him in spirit. Communicating with God through the spirit helps us grow spiritually.

  3. 1.)When we pray and read/study God's word daily and keep a close relationship with God, then there we be less double-mindedness. We must trust God in our trails and learn from our mistakes. We just have to grab on to God with all that is within us and hold on to HIS word in our hearts. I was taught "Pray and doubt, you do without. Pray and believe, you will receive. So when we pray, we need to believe that God will answer our prayers (his timing). We must believe God's Word..all of it. It is the truth.

    2.) Trials are given to us so that we grow stronger in our Christian Walk. Sometimes we think we cannot take anymore, but God always comes through. He is our rock.

  4. 1.) People blame God for evil because of their lack of faith. Perhaps they do not even know God so they just blame Him for the bad things that happen. People who blame God for evil do not read or study the Bible. Actually they do not know God at all.

    2.) God does not tempt us with evil.

    3.) No, God does not tempt sinful people with evil. The devil is the one with the bait.

    4.) I believe that God allows people to sin so that they will turn to Him and ask for forgiveness and repent to HIS will.

    5.) God allows evil so that people are put to a test and can exercise free will and make choices. The choice to serve God or to serve the devil. My choice is to serve God. The devil has already been defeated.....the devil will constantly stay in the face of people who are Christians. The devil preys upon Christians which is why it is so important to keep a very close relationship with God. He is our protector. God is God. That is all.

  5. 1) The values of trials in my life have strengthened me and my spiritual walk with the Lord. It helps me put my trust and faith into action. That is, trust in God and place my faith in Him to help me through my trials and tribulations. God always comes through for me. He is always at my side. I know that sometimes, we think we cannot deal with a trial/situation, but we can just as soon as we put it in God's hand. We just have to be patient and wait upon the Lord. WAIT UPON THE LORD.

    2) Satan will never destroy me through trials because I am covered by the precious blood of Christ. I have learned to stand my ground and stand in Satan's face with the WORD of GOD.

    3) God refines me through each trial and tribulation I go through. This happens as I turn the worries and trials over to HIM.

    4) I have grown in my Christian walk. I have learned to go to God and reach out to Him. He is my ROCK. He is the one who delivers. I praise HIS HOLY NAME.

  6. It is very important to be alert and on watch because the devil is out there like a roaring lion to kill, steal and destroy. We must pray at all times and in all seasons. We must be alert and attentive to our prayer life.

    We need to pray without ceasing giving God the glory and honor he so deservces. Praying gives us a much closer walk with the Lord. Praying enhances our walk with the Lord. To pray warfare prayers means "you better be ready to pray" (reading the word and praying). We need God's stregth and power during warfare praying.

  7. Prayer is very vital in Spiritual Warefare because we need the help of our Heavenly Father when we are in a battle with the devil. The Father gives us the strength and power to stand our ground against the enemy.

    Praying in the spirit is praying our heavenly launguage (tongues) when we do not know words to pray. The Holy Spirit interrupts the message and delivers it the Father. Praying in the spirit is like having a direct pipeline to our Heavenly Father.

  8. 1)Christian employees should respect the employer and do the work ask to do as tho they are working directly for the Lord. Work diligently/caring and the best work the employee can do. Be faithful and dependable and honest.

    2) A good work attitude will help in difficult situations. Have a forgiving heart. Keep a good relationship with the employer. Always act and work in a Godly manner.

  9. 1) Adult children should obey, honor, respect and care for their parents.

    2) Exceptions to obedience is if the parent(s) are sick or on some type of medication that may cause them to request things that are not good or healthy for them physically or spiritually.

    3)Adult children should always respect and forgive their parents. Adult children should always take the best care they can for their parents.

  10. This is in response to revmrf. I whole heartedly agree with you. I too, have been married 49 1/2 years. Got an anniversary in May. Will be 50th. I agree with you. I thank God everyday for my husband. No one said Marriage would be easy. I have found that it is something you have to work on daily just as Christians have to work on their relationship with God and their walk with the Lord. You have to work on your marriage (young folks) Work on your marriage. I thank God my husband and I both are Christians. We did not start our walk, however, with the Lord until October, 1995. I can tell you this: God got hold of both of us like a whirlwind and began using us in a strong and mighty way. So Brother (revmrf), I agree with what you wrote in your reply.

    God bless you. We need to pray for the young people today that they to will work on their marriage as they do the Christian walk./////BJB123

  11. 1) An attitude of "Thanksgiving". We should always enter into God's Throne Room with Thanksgiving.

    2)Corporate singing is worshiping with our brothers and sisters in the Lord. Singing together in unity.

    3) Singing is how we worship God together in Church. We sing praises and glory to God our Father with our thoughts and spirit. Worship is the highlight of going to church. Hearing God's message from our Pastor is also so wonderful. When we worship God with song, insturments, etc., then God shows up and people are touched by God.

    4)When we sing, we have a song in our heart. We are singing to the Lord daily. Listening to Worship music will help you draw near to God. Worship draws us near to God.

    As an added note, if a person goes to church and does not worship they will most likely not get anything out of church service. Worship is what draws us into God's presence. We need to be in God's presence. There is no feeling so peaceful as being in God's presence. When we leave church, we need to take that feeling home with us.

  12. 1)A wife should submit to the husband the same as Christ is the head of the church and we submit to Christ.

    2)If the husband is not a christian or is carnal minded, then, the wife needs to try and explain to the husband in a kind and caring manner how submitting to his wishes on a certain situation could cause her to sin against God. The wife submits first to God in all situations. The wife can be a great tool in winning the husband to the Lord by living a Godly life and showing by her actions that the husband will no doubt come to know the Lord. The wife will need to to pray and ask God through the Holy Spirit for guidance and direction.

    3)The wife can verbally agree to disagree with the husband. Most husbands lean on their wifes for knowledge and guidance and help with their marriage and family.

    4)If a wife feels conflict with the husband and her conscience in knowing something is wrong, then she needs to pray and seek God's direction through the Holy Spirit.

  13. Paul warned strongly against sexual sin because sex (outside of marriage) is fornication and those that practice sex outside of marriage will not inherit the Kingdom of God. People must guard themselves in this area and not give in to fleshly things. They must practice self discipline. Unmarried Christians must be very careful not to fall prey to sex before marriage. Those that are married must be careful not to fall into the sin of ****. ******* will only cause you to fall into sexual sin.

    Sex within marriage is a part of our spiritual life as a husband and wife. Sex within marriage is a form of showing love to your husband or wife.

  14. Why is it so difficult to forgive those who hurt us? Answer: Maybe we feel that the person who hurts us does not mean it or maybe you always forgive them and they contintually hurt you. Maybe we feel they do not deserve to be forgiven. We must forgive.

    Who is our example of forgiveness? Answer: God is our example of forgiveness.

    What heart attitudes towards people are evidence of a forgiving spirit, according to vs. 32a? Answer: Being kind and tenderhearted, compassionate are attitudes of the heart that is evidence of a forgiving spirit.

    As I stated above, we must have a forgiving heart. Sometimes we do not feel like forgiving someone, but then we do it anyway because of what is in our heart.

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