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Everything posted by BJB123

  1. The relationship between obedience and answered prayer is when we are obedient to God, He will answer our prayers in due season. We must pray that God's will be done. I do believe God shows "favor" to those who serve Him and are obedient to Him.
  2. "Laying Down our Life" means loving our brothers and sisters so much that we would help them first before ourselves placing others first, helping anyone in need. In a large congregation, we must attend Bible Studies and Sunday School, etc. so we can get to know one another through small group meetings.
  3. If anger gets manifested into the heart, it can turn into hatred and a hardened heart. If a person allows hate and anger to rule their hearts, then a spirit of murder pops in. A person must repent and ask God for forgiveness. They must pray and seek God daily.
  4. Cain was jealous of Abel and Abel's relationship with God. Cain 's hatred toward Abel led him to a spirit of murder. The worldly people dislike/hate Christians. The worldly people live in sin and do not have any understanding of righteousness nor do they have any interest in finding out.
  5. False teachers denied sin and its teaching. False teachers lived by their own laws and rules. People who do right are children of God. People who do wrong are serving the devil.
  6. God's seed, the Holy Spirit, will remind us of habitual lawlessness (sin). We can then walk in the spirit of Christ. The Holy Spirit sanctifies us so we grow in Christ and stay righteous.
  7. Self-will, rebellion, knows all, refuses authority, control and manipulates others are things that show up in attitude and actions. All are a sin. With an attitude of lawlessness (sin), one only does what they want and ignores the laws of God.
  8. We should be ready when Christ returns. We need to repent daily and ask God for forgiveness. We need to be washed by the precious blood of Jesus. We need to walk in faith and victory each day. We need to be prepared for Jesus return. I thank God for His Grace that carry us through each day.
  9. We are children of God when we confess our sins and accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. The Holy Spirit convicts us of our sins and then we are "born again" in the spirit of God. The "new birth" will change us through the Holy Spirit. We are new in Christ. The Holy Spirit will correct us into righteousness and right living.
  10. In addition to the Holy Spirit, we need spirit led teachers to help explain the scriptures that we may not fully understand. The anointed teacher will help prepare the Saint for ministry. Teachers are very special and have received the anointing to teach. I thank God for the teachers I have had over the years that have helped me and given me more understanding of the Word.
  11. Abide/remain/continue in Jesus means, we read and study the Bible and stay in prayer daily. A christian who studies and prays and becomes closer to God would be shown as ons who "loves" everyone. A christian that is not abiding in the Word and communing with the Father will "fall away" from God.
  12. The Holy Spirit that lives in us will lead us to the Truth. The Holy Spirit is our guide, our comforter, counselor, teacher and helper. The spirt brings truth. The Holy Spirit will remind us of Truths.
  13. The "anointing" is the presence of the Holy Spirit. It alerts people of false doctrine ref. antichrist. One reeives the Holy Spirit and anointing when they accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior All Christians receive the Holy Spirit and anointing when they get saved. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit comes later as a Christian grows in their walk with the Lord. At this times, a Christian will receive power and knowledge and are prepared to teach, preach, discern, etc. This is called the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.
  14. The antichrist "has not" been "revealed". John refers to the last days in vs.2:18 The "antichrists" are influenced by the "spirit of the antichrist." False teaching and false prophets. Immoral behavior unbecoming of Christians.
  15. **** **** of the flesh, **** of eyes, pride of life. It is difficult to see our own weaknesses because we allow pride to stand in the way of seeing our own heart. Worldliness will pass away. Worldly thing are of no value to our future with the Father. You cannot take material things with you to Heaven.
  16. The "world" means anything that is not of God. Things we love more than God. The "world" is full of sin and sinful things. Wanting more things, being prideful, wanting pleasures, etc. will keep us from our devotion to God.
  17. Little children means new believers in Christ and new believers are excited about being forgiven. All believers need to be encouraged by reading the Word. He encourages them by letting them know they have been forgiven, that they are filled with the Holy Spirit.
  18. If there is hate and unforgiveness in our hearts, we are only hurting ourselves. We must forgive those that have hurt us. We cannot connect with the Father with unforgiveness in our hearts. You cannot grow spiritually until you forgive others. We must repent to come into the light of Christ. We must get rid of hate and unforgiveness
  19. If we focus on the love of God, we will not be judgmental. Being judgmental is a sin. Love comes from the heart. Legalism is laws the we have to follow. We must keep our focus on the love of God, read the Bible and Pray daily.
  20. Jesus is our Advocate (spokesperson)to the Father. Jesus is always pleading to the Father on our behalf. It is comforting to know that Jesus is always pleading to the Father for us. Being forgiven comforts me. God's unconditional love makes you want to live a clean and sinfree life. Although, we may still sin we strive to be obedient to the Father.
  21. Confession is acknowledging your sin. Confessing our sins helps us to live a clean life. If we stop confessing, then we lose our relationship with God. God is faithful and just to forgive us of our sin. Forgivness means we are pardoned of our wrong doing. We have a clean slate.
  22. When a Christian continues to walk in darkness and continues to sin when they know better, then they will end up in hell. Self deception means you are only fooling yourself. You cannot fool God. God knows all. The blood of Jesus cleanses all sin. To get back in the` light of God, one must REPENT.
  23. Christians need to spend time with other Christians and get to know them, fellowship and worship with them. We can have a deeper relationship with God if we spend more time in the Word and prayer and communicate with the Father on a daily basis.
  24. 1. I believe I was responsible for Christ death on the cross due to my sins. Christ died for my sins. 2. I feel that every time I sin that I have hit the nails again in his hands. 3. Jesus prayed because he knew of our future. Father God gave up His son for my sins.
  25. A) Beatitude consist of two parts: The people who will be blessed such as poor in spirit and what their blessing will be such as the poor in spirit will inherit the Kingdom of God. Paradox is an easy way of understanding. C) The relationship of the Beatitudes to the fruits of the spirit is the response of the blessed one of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, etc.
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