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Posts posted by BJB123

  1. Question 1

    I have been saved and set free due to Jesus shedding His blood on the cross. I have been redeemed and forgiven due to the blood of Jesus. I have been set free from the world of sin.

    My life would be in the shambles if I had not been saved/redeemed and set free.

    Without redemption, means I would not be here on this earth following through on God's Plan for my life. Without redemption, I would go to hell. Iam going to Heaven. I have been set free. Praise God for the redeeming blood of Jesus. I am reminded every Sunday at church about the "Cup of Redemption" when I take part in the Lord's Supper. It is all in the blood. FOLKS, IT IS ALL IN THE BLOOD. That is all that I can say.


    Pastor Ralph, I thank you for the Bible Study. It is so exciting to be a part of this study and set back and watch as God reveals Himself to me. It is almost like seeing a picture unfold right in front of your eyes.

  2. Adoption: We were adopted by God who loves us and wanted us to be a part of him and all of His adopted family. He wanted to provide us with all of our needs and to love and care for us. Nothing or no one can separate us from the love of God because He adopted us according to His PLANS before creation. We are His heirs. What a blessing to know that we are heirs of God. GLORY.

    It is encouraging to me to know that I am a part of God's family. I am His daughter. He is my Father (in Heaven and on earth). It gives me great peace to know that one day I will be in Heaven with him and all my brothers and sisters in the Lord. I will be with Jesus who shed his blood for my sins on the cross.

  3. To be HOLY means to be separated from the world and worldly things and be consecrated to God. God is Holy. We are to be Holy. We belong to God. We should try to be free of sin so that we can become just like God. HOLY!

    My sins have been forgiven when Christ died on the cross and shed His precious blood for me. I have to live a Holy life and REPENT when I do sin. We need to strive to be Holy and Blameless in our personal lives.

  4. There is nothing scary about predestination. If you are not a Christian, then it may seem scary. If you believe that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior, then you are not concerned about what has happened or what will happen. You just accept what the Holy Word of God says by your faith.

    It is comforting to know that God is in Control of all things. It comforts me to know that I belong to God and that whatever happens and whatever I go through, God is always at my side. He already knows what I am going through and he will carry me all the way through any situation. It comforts me to know that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior.

    Paul brings up predestination to remind us (the Church) that where we are at is not by accident but we are where we are due to Gods plan and purpose for our lives.

    Paul is praising God for "Hearing" of Ephesians to remind the Ephesians how special they were to be called by God to be His children and to answer His calling. We need to understand why we were chosen. We were chosen because he loved us and chose us according to His PLANS for us before creation. We need to follow Gods Plan so that we live our lives accordingly.

  5. Dear Friend,

    Welcome to the online Bible study forum for Disciple Lessons from Philippians.

    It's exciting to meet other people who are involved in this Bible study. Why don't you check in and share a bit about yourself, and what state and country you are from. Please do NOT include our e-mail address. Be discrete about sharing private things about yourself.

    Yours in Christ,

    Pastor Ralph

    Hello, my name is Betty. I am from the great state of GA, USA. I look forward to this Bible Study and what God has to reveal to me and teach me from the Book of Philippians.

    I have been a Christian for many years, but I still love learning new things about the great word of God.

    I am a retired Senior and am always anxious to learn new things.

    In Christ,


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