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Everything posted by pickledilly

  1. There are various ways to assist in Jesus' mission to seek and save the lost. Some literally go out to “shake the bushes” in actively seeking people lost in darkness, going to places where the down-and-out are. Some offer ministries that attract those people to come to them with aid services. Some support such endeavors with prayer and finances. Some teach the Word and counsel others. And most important to all of us is to be the most authentic image of Christ we can be in living out ordinary life. As others around us see the good, bad, and ugly of a follower's life, there are opportunities to witness – often with times to tell of Jesus' redemptive grace in our lives, and many times without saying a thing. For them, to experience the love of Christ through the hands and feet of others is also a powerful testimony. The most critical thing we all can do is to pray for the lost, not just in general, but also specifically and individually. I question anyone being saved by being brow-beaten with God's Word, because Jesus doesn't redeem people by coercion. He reaches out to us before we know to ask, but we each must come to the moment of realization and acceptance for ourselves. So, as disciples concerned with seeking and saving the lost, we must understand our responsibility. We're to be that salt and light of truth, but we are only called to plant the seeds and nurture them with consistent love and faithfulness to that truth. I vividly recall a testimony from a young woman who came to speak at one of our youth meetings many years ago. She was drawn to Christ and redeemed from a homosexual lifestyle through the ministry of an older couple who began to invite her into their home and show love rather than condemnation in the opportunities they created to become part of her life and tell her the truth. No pressure, just consistent truth spoken with love in maintaining conversation, sometimes gently probing with questions. Sometimes I've had to back off, and mainly pray. While staying true, we must seek discernment from the Spirit on what to say when, and how to say it. The saving is His work, not ours.
  2. Praise to God that we sinners, separated from His holiness and eternal glory on our own, have a Friend who has come to rescue us! Without Jesus, I personally would have been lost to God forevermore with no hope of reconciliation. Jesus, my Friend, has reached out to this most unworthy one and laid down His own life in place of mine in order to redeem me from destruction. There is no one else who could or would have done such a thing. And even more amazing is that He did this when my heart was closed to Him, before I understood my desperate need and hopeless future. Jesus is a loving and loyal Friend. This should affect my relationships with people who are still lost in the darkness of sin and can't see their need for Someone to save them. In Christ, I am Jesus' ambassador and representation on earth. I am to speak His words and be His hands. I am to demonstrate His higher love to the unlovely. We aren't called to place ourselves in harm's way or cultivate close personal relationships with people who are deep in sin, but the example of Jesus is to reach out to them with genuine love and respect in order to share truth.
  3. When God gave His name as “I AM” to Moses, He made very clear the pre-existant eternal life, sovereignty, and presence of God apart from and before the creation of anything that was made. This defines the deity of God. As Jesus used the name “I AM” in His declarations of identity (in the book of John), He was clearly revealing His divinity and identity as God. Jesus is Yahweh: God who is Bread of Life, Light of the World, Gate for the sheep, Good Shepherd, Resurrection and Life, Way and Truth and Life, and the Vine. They are each powerful and supremely meaningful. He often reveals Himself to us through different aspects of His character according to our needs and circumstances. I particularly love His identity as Light, which overcomes the suffocating hopeless darkness of unrighteousness and evil, and the consequences of sin. And His identity as the Way, the Truth, and the Life. This covers showing me how to go where He's leading me, what I can believe is true and real without doubt or question, and the certain hope of eternity with Him. The ultimate “I AM” name is the Resurrection and Life.
  4. We don't obey Jesus our Lord immediately and follow His teachings when "Lord" is only a title to us, even a title we heartily agree with mentally, instead of the identity of His Person to us. I often have to pray like the desperate father who brought his demon-possessed son to Jesus after the disciples had unsuccessfully tried to cast the demon out. His plea to Jesus was, “If you can do anything, have compassion on us and help us.” When Jesus responded that all things are possible for one who believes, the man cried out “I believe; help my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24) He realized his faith in coming to Jesus had been based on the excitement of emotion and a mental faith based on what others had told him about Jesus. But that wasn't enough, and the man understood he must have his own personal faith of the heart. We need to ask the Spirit for discernment of our faith. Is it intellectual agreement that has no roots and won't hold up in crisis? Or is it truth and active trust that's planted and rooted deeply in our hearts? That kind of faith is what motivates us to follow Jesus' teachings and obey Him immediately.
  5. The amazing title of “Only Begotten God” in referring to Jesus is a declaration of His identity as God. He has existed as God the Son with no beginning or end throughout eternity, whereas humanity is part of what He created. While we become sons and daughters of God through faith in Jesus, we were not born with that status or His character. Our relationship comes through a spiritual birth and adoption by the Father to accept us as His own. Jesus makes us righteous and Father receives and welcomes us as His children. But Jesus is completely unique from ordinary man. He is enthroned at the Father's side in heaven, divine in His nature as God and also willing to be the Father's Servant. To have even 2 children is great love multiplied and outspread. To have only 1 child is great love intensified and poured out on one. I have a friend who thought she'd never be able to have children, but was finally blessed with a now-grown daughter. Of course, every child is a special unique blessing, but there will never be another child born to my friend. That makes this one an unequaled treasure to her heart. When the Father sent His unique and Only Son to die for our redemption, He was sending His only Child. How His heart must have grieved.
  6. The reason is love. Jesus was willing to die for the atonement of our sin and the Father was willing to send His Beloved Son to do that because of their immeasurable love for humanity, the crown of all creation. It was for love of the Bride of Christ who would be assembled fromwith all who would believe in Him for salvation and relationship. To our minds, as human parents, giving an only child who is innocent to die in the place of the guilty an unfathomable concept that makes NO sense! The very idea of giving my child to die for someone else runs contrary to all that God placed in my nature and my heart as a mother. But the Kingdom of God is “upside down” to the world's understanding. And what great and pure love the Father has for us to do such a thing in order to bring us into the glory He created us for. I think of these words from this profound song by Stuart Townend. How deep the Father's love for us, How vast beyond all measure, That He should give His only Son to make a wretch His treasure. How great the pain of searing loss, The Father turns His face away As wounds which mar the Chosen One bring many sons to glory.
  7. Nothing but a human is beget (comes forth) from a human, and nothing but God is beget from God. Jesus came forth from God, sent by the Father (John 7:29) and anointed by the Spirit (Matthew 3:16;Acts 10:38). All three are the divine Persons of God, differing in roles but equal in essence, character, nature, status, power, and authority as God. While Jesus humbled Himself to release His equality with God for the time that He came to earth in human flesh (Philippians 2:6-7), He never lost or relinquished His identity. He was “reinstated” to His full position of eternal glory by the Father after becoming sin for us, submitting to our consequence of death to conquer it's claim over us, making perfect atonement, and being resurrected by the Father. The title “Son” was audibly declared from heaven by the Father when Jesus submitted to baptism (Matthew 3:17). Jesus came forth from God, as opposed to being created like man. The Jews understood the claim made by this title “Son of God”. The Son and the Father are both equally God, so it is the same in dealing with either One. They have differing roles in the Godhead and our example in the Lord's Prayer is prayer to the Father. But we're instructed many times in Scripture to call on Jesus (ex. 2Timothy 2:22). We have full access to the throne where God the Father and Jesus our Lord both sit in divine glory. 2Thessalonians 2:16-17 implies confidence in answered prayer to both the Father and the Son. When we deal with either, we are dealing with God. And we also know the Spirit is involved as He intercedes before the Father and interprets for us in our weakness in prayer (Romans 8:26-28). Yes, I know and love Jesus the Son of God!
  8. Jesus was beloved and chosen by the Father to be His voice to the world, His representation on earth. We owe Him our respect to honestly listen and consider what He says just because of that! He is The Word, the expression of God's mind and heart to man. He was chosen to reveal the Father and to restore man's severed relationship with God. His words are the only ones that are absolute truth, the only words of life that can bring us into the eternal Kingdom of God. The Father urged us to listen to Jesus because His message is the most critical and important one we will ever hear. And as we decide who/what to believe, we can't forget the truth that faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ (Romans 10:17). Who and what we listen to most is what we will believe. As I take into account the setting of God's word from heaven spoken over the Son in Luke 9:35, I consider another aspect of this command to listen. Peter, John, and James were with Jesus on the mountain when Jesus' glory was briefly revealed in His transfiguration. Moses and Elijah appeared with Him in a glorified state, then disappeared to leave only Jesus before the disciples. Then the cloud of Shekinah glory descended on them with the voice of God exalting His Chosen One and exhorting the men to listen to Jesus. I can see this as a clear word from God to accept and value all that Jesus, the Word, had to say over all that had been given to them in previous times through the prophets. I think of Paul's opening words in his letter to the Hebrews that set up a discourse on the supremacy of Jesus. He said “Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days He has spoken to us by His Son...”. At the transfiguration when the prophets disappeared and only Jesus remained, this was a picture to me of Paul's words. God no longer speaks to man by giving His word to prophets. Those words of the first covenant were based on law, and they were fulfilled and put to death in Jesus when He was crucified. The words of Jesus are superior to the words of the first covenant, which are empty and powerless to bring us into relationship with the Father. God has now spoken to us by His Son, The Word, and this is the only One whose word we should seek and listen to. Knowing God's word of the old covenant is important and very instructive in understanding the new covenant in Christ. But when I want to know what God has to say now to me as His redeemed child, rather than seeking obsolete law, I must listen to Jesus. When I want to know where God wants me to go with my life, or how to relate to others, I must listen to Jesus. When I want to know what's wrong in my heart and my thinking, or how to rightly overcome challenges and adversities, I must listen to Jesus. When I want to know how to please the Father's heart, or understand my true identity and worth, I must listen to Jesus. My attempts are imperfect, but I do seek the voice of Jesus. He reveals His Word for me as I study the Scriptures. He speaks truth to me through His Spirit. The fact that I have any depth of personal faith in who He is and what He says is made obvious by my love of His Word and an ever-growing desire to live by it. It becomes living and active in my life as I learn it, internalize it, and yield to it. Right now I most need Him more explicitly in determining direction in this stage of my life. Many formerly open doors have closed and I am trying to be patient in waiting for a new one to open.
  9. The title “Branch” came from prophecies of Isaiah, who foretold the One who would come from God through the line of Jesse in beauty and glory to produce everlasting spiritual fruit (Isaiah 4:2;11:1). This Branch one day will finally be the “pride and honor of the survivors of Israel” when they come to spiritual understanding and acceptance of who Jesus is and are restored to God. A branch differs from the parallel use of the title “Root”. A growing branch gives visible evidence of the life produced from the source of life hidden within the root. The earthly kings and kingdom of Israel were cut down to a stump by God because of their disobedience and rejection of His covenant. Even as God chopped His covenant people back to the root, a future branch was promised that would grow from this stump that had a strong established root. The source and sustenance of the entire growth, the Root, remained unchanged, and at the right time the promised tender shoot came forth to grow into a Branch that established new life for the “plant”, God's Kingdom. Jesus the Christ is both the Root and the Branch. He is the foundation and support of the Kingdom of God on which the growth depends, the Root that did not die but “went dormant” for a time when Israel was cut down because of unbelief. And He is the Branch of new life that grows the spiritual kingdom. He is its spiritual energy and power that produces righteous fruit for the Kingdom through that growth.
  10. I suspect that, with the network of spies and informants that every unjust ruling power has, the chief priests and scribes had dug up all the “sordid” details of Jesus' history as His popularity grew among the people and He became a threat to their power and position. So I imagine that they were first incensed by Jesus' family background. Who was this man of illegitimate birth from a scorned place like Nazareth to go around teaching as a rabbi with no credentials, claiming to be the fulfillment of Isaiah's messianic prophecy (Luke 4:16-21) and accepting accolades as the Son of David (Matthew 21:9,15)? And to them it must have seemed that the next generation of impressionable young minds was already being “brainwashed” into believing this impostor, as even the children in the temple were celebrating and praising Jesus with that title. The religious officials were enraged on every level. This title of “Son of David” was profound and held distinct meaning. It signified the Messiah promised by Yahweh through David's lineage (2Samuel 7:12,16). It recognized the coming king who would re-establish the throne of David for eternity and reign over God's everlasting kingdom. The Jewish leaders refused to accept Jesus as this One.
  11. Peter understood Jesus to be “the Christ, the Son of the Living God”. The Father had revealed this true identity of Jesus through Peter's infant but growing faith. Yet, Jesus commanded that none of the disciples tell others that He was the awaited Messiah. Events leading to the cross were to happen according to God's timetable. The death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus were to coincide with specific events on the Jewish calender at a specific time to perfectly fulfill all prophecy God had given. If it became widely known that Jesus was truly the Anointed One of God, the people or the Jewish religious leaders would have certainly interfered with God's plan as they would have taken Him by force to be coronated as their political king or to be destroyed. With His mind set firmly toward the Father's will, Jesus awaited the time when the Father would reveal that His hour had come. Until that time, He prohibited the disciples from telling others His true identity.
  12. I am grateful for all that is revealed in the messianic titles and all that will be accomplished in these prophecies about Messiah, but will choose a few from the lesson. Isaiah 9:6 - As Prince of Peace, Christ has already established peace between God and man, and will establish the peace that will reign over the entire earth. Discord, anger, hatred, or enmity in the relationships of man with each other will not be tolerated. How we long for such divine peace in this world! Isaiah 9:7 – As eternal King on the throne of David, He will establish an everlasting kingdom of justice with righteousness that will banish inequity, unfairness, and moral impurity. It will be a wonderful day when unjust people can no longer cause suffering and misery any more. Ezekiel 37:24; Micah 5:4 - As Shepherd, He will be the strong and compassionate protector, provider, and guide right here on earth that will establish security and care for people with genuine concern. Won't it be precious to have Someone we can completely trust to be totally in charge in every practical way! Isaiah 11:9-10 - As the Root of Jesse, His eternal Life will spring up and rise with majesty and glory to fill every inch of the earth so that no creature can deny Him and all will know Him for who He really is. How marvelous is the thought of our world filled with purity and holiness. Micah 5:2-4 - As Ruler of Israel, He will prove completely faithful to His Word and covenant promises as He gathers God's chosen people back to Himself and fulfills every promise He made to them. It will be glorious to see the full vindication of God's integrity and power in an undeniable way before the whole world. What treasured hope we have in the Anointed One of God!
  13. The words “Christ” and “Messiah” give title to Jesus as the holy One of God anointed and consecrated to deliver God's people from sin and establish the Kingdom of God here on earth. Young King David recognized that Yahweh was “homeless” on earth, and he desired to build a glorious permanent dwelling place for Him. But God expanded that desire in an amazing way. David's son, Solomon, would be allowed to build the house for God, but God was going to use David to build something much more enduring. God established a covenant with an eternal throne and kingdom to be established through David's line of descent. Even after the fall of Jerusalem and the end of the Davidic line of kings, the yet-unfulfilled promise of a coming Messiah King of the lineage of David with an everlasting kingdom gave hope to generations of Jews. In Jesus' day, many were longing and looking for Messiah's birth. When Jesus arrived on the scene doing miracles, signs, and wonders from God, the people became increasingly jubilant as they began to believe Messiah had come. However, their expectations and understanding were never in line with God's timetable and plan. The Jews were awaiting an earthly king who would restore their socio-political kingdom, liberate them from persecution, and dominate the world. Christ the Messiah did come to secure deliverance and usher in God's Kingdom, but in the spiritual realm as a Suffering Servant, not as the conquering political and military power they expected. So, on the whole, the Jews rejected Jesus as the Messiah, and a window of time was opened to extend His salvation to the entire Gentile world as well. We now live in the grace of that opportunity. The day is soon coming when Messiah, God's Anointed One, will return to complete the promises of the Davidic covenant and establish His eternal Kingdom and reign of peace on earth. Hallelujah!
  14. Jesus is our Mediator between God and man. Man has been separated from God by unrighteousness and sin since the day Adam and Eve rejected God's authority in their lives and chose rebellious disobedience. Jesus is the Man of Heaven who came to earth in flesh for the purpose of taking the responsibility for our sin on Himself and bearing God's judgment in our place. This has created the restoration of relationship and peace with God made available only through Jesus. Now having perfectly fulfilled His mission and returned to His place in heaven, Jesus arbitrates and advocates for those who have placed their faith in Him. There is no one else who is capable and acceptable before the Father to span the gap between God and man, to mediate the Father's covenant with those redeemed through faith in Christ, to intercede on our behalf in heaven. This is true in the broad sense of the universal Body of Christ, but the relationship established with Christ by saving faith is individual and His mediation is also personal. Scripture teaches believers to each pray for others. We're also to pray together in unity of faith and like mind, and there is great power in such corporate prayer. I know that there are moments in life when shock, grief, illness, and pain can “knock the wind out” of any believer, and we need someone faithful in prayer to bear us up before the Father for a time. But each believer has a personal relationship with Christ that He expects us to value and ultimately rely on in an individual and personal way. If we put our hope in the person who prays for us rather than in Christ our Mediator, much is lost. In carrying on the mission of Christ, we do have a degree of position and authority as a go-between for others. It's like we are in the middle, holding onto Jesus with one hand and reaching out to people with the other hand in order to make a connection between the two. We have no power or ability to be the Mediator or to establish peace between God and people, but we have the responsibility to introduce others to the One who can. The first step is evangelism as we mediate the truth with testimony of Jesus as the Way, the Truth, and the Life. When a person takes the hand of Jesus in their own faith, that is followed by discipleship as we keep pointing each other as believers in the direction of spiritual growth. We can teach and mentor others to develop in that personal relationship with Christ, but it must be in the way that leads them to rely on Him as their only authentic Mediator with God.
  15. Jesus came into the world to bear its sorrows. As that Intercessor, untold inner and personal sorrow was inflicted on Him. He was rejected and persecuted, ridiculed and reprimanded, misunderstood and shunned – even at times by those who loved Him. His life in flesh was headed only in one direction, toward the cruelty, shame, and suffering of the cross. There, the greatest sorrow of all would bear down as He took on man's degenerate shame and the Father turned away. But Jesus' focus was never set on the sorrows of earth or His own heart. His focus was always set firmly on the Father and their relationship. His primary attention was directed toward heaven at all times. In that, Jesus was always encouraged by knowing that earth's suffering and pain is only for a season but the glory of heaven is for eternity. He was strengthened in the Father's joy that flooded His spirit. Peace blanketed His heart. The wisdom of God guarded His mind. He trusted in the Father's goodness and perfect plan. The future honor set before Him was the hope that saw Him through whatever He faced. Jesus knew pain and sorrow have a purpose, and that when used by God they always lead to glory. This is the way we must also face sorrow. It's a certainty that this world is going to contain and inflict suffering and grief. That's the nature of man's sin that currently rules here. But believers have an eternal relationship with the Father, a glorious home awaiting us in heaven, the joy of the Father to strengthen us, the unexplainable gift of peace from Jesus to comfort our hearts, wisdom from the Spirit to protect our minds, the goodness of God and His flawless purpose that gives meaning to suffering, and the absolute assurance of His faithful presence in our lives to guide and uphold us. I have lived the truth that it is absolutely possible to experience sorrow without allowing it to dominate my life. Is it easy? No. Can it be done in my own efforts and ability? No. But when our focus is set on knowing the Father's love, trusting Jesus the Word and Life, and yielding to the Spirit's guidance and empowerment (in spite of how we may feel) we can live through it with a divine joy that can't be taken from us! And we will learn lessons about our glorious and faithful God that cannot be learned any other way.
  16. Recently I read a most interesting perspective of Daniel 7. The four beasts of the prophecy were brutes, the animals of man's lower nature that is essentially immoral and self-concerned. Mighty earthly kingdoms have been established by such beasts throughout the history of the world. It seemed nothing could topple them, but each one found themselves suddenly crumbled and destroyed because they are products of sin that have been judged by God. The Son of Man came to forever defeat man's lower “animal” nature and to redeem humanity from the sin that binds us in it. His redemption frees us to access the higher spiritual nature by the power of the Spirit. This is the degree of God's own image and nature that He chose to place within man at creation (Genesis 1:26-27) – the nature of spiritual goodness and morality that sets us above the animal world, that crowns us with glory and honor (Psalm 8:5). His deliverance establishes us to reign with Him in the eternal righteous Kingdom that He gives to the Saints of the Most High God. This defines the value He places on humanity, our proper estimation of Him, and our relationship with Him. There is nothing on earth or all creation that can overcome or defeat Jesus, the Son of Man, so we have no excuse to indulge fear and be paralyzed by it. There is nothing or no one who has any dominion, power, or authority over Jesus, so we owe Him all loyalty and allegiance. There is no one else who is divine from heaven, so we must trust Him as pure truth and give Him our obedience. There is nothing and no one of creation that can match the glory and majesty of Jesus, so we should be humbled in reverent worship and loving adoration. The choice is clear and sure: submit to King Jesus and His eternal spiritual Kingdom, or remain under control of a beastly ruler of earth as a part of the judged and doomed kingdom he represents.
  17. Daniel's prophecy revealed the divine nature of the “one like a son of man”. This One would majestically come to earth with the clouds of heaven. He has access to everlasting God, the Ancient of Days, on the throne of heaven. He is given dominion, glory, and sovereignty that no one on earth can resist or deny. There is no one anywhere who is greater, mightier, or more glorious. All people of all nations and languages will ultimately serve Him with reverent awe. No other is worthy of the world's adoration and praise. His dominance and reign is everlasting, never to be given to another earthly ruler. His universal kingdom will never be destroyed because it's not of this world – it is spiritual. His power is matchless and His sovereignty is unquestionable. In all of this, we see the righteous, moral, powerful, sovereign, and eternal nature of God Himself. I think it was no accident and nothing of chance that Daniel was given this title “one like a son of man” for the prophecy. As Jesus grew up studying the Scriptures throughout childhood and as His understanding of His identity and purpose fully developed and clarified into manhood, He knew Daniel's prophetic description was a name that distinctly revealed His identity as Messiah. It seems to be one of the more obscure names, as Daniel's usage is the only one in Old Testament Scripture that defines “son of man” as Yahweh's divine Messiah. But that link is clear. And it was quite clear to Jesus, who chose and used it exclusively as His title of identity to the Jewish world.
  18. The truths of Jesus originate from who He is as God, but the “truths” of any culture originate from the flawed imperfect nature of man. His truths are immutable, unchanging, consistent; man's are shifting, inconsistent, changing as kingdoms and philosophies come and go. His view of truth definitely contrasts with and differs from man's. Here are a few examples. The world view based on the truths of Jesus understands man's place as a creation of God with a unique plan and purpose for each life as it's designed to glorify God. The humanistic world view based on man's perceptions of truth believes man to be an evolved creature of no more worth or purpose than any other creature. The biblical world view innately knows the value of all stages of human life because every stage bears the image of God. The humanistic world view holds no such respect and is willing to get rid of “inconvenient” life such as the preborn, the physically “imperfect”, the infirmed and disabled, the elderly. The biblical world view recognizes man's accountability to the sovereign power of our Creator. The humanistic world view esteems man as his own god, accountable to no one. The biblical world view sees money as a tool for the kingdom of God. The humanistic world view sees money as a mark of success that is its own god. The biblical world view understands Kingdom principles such as “the least will be greatest” and “love overcomes hatred” and “abide in Christ” and “die to self”. The humanistic world view says “power=greatness” and “love is for the weak” and “I'll do it by myself” and “I'll do what I desire for myself”. So the truths of Jesus are very different from the supposed “truths” of man and culture. In order to be anchored in Truth, we first have to know what Jesus says is truth. We have to know His Word. And then we each have to receive it personally as truth for our own lives, not some vague general principle. I belong to God. I was created by Him with a unique purpose for my life to bring Him glory. I am accountable to God. I value and respect all human life. I worship God, not money. I am successful when I submit to His plan for me. Keeping focused on Jesus and His Word will help me hold on to His truth and wisdom more effectively.
  19. As the authentic Son of God who is the Word of God, Jesus is trustworthy in everything He says and does. Jesus is the full and truthful witness of the mind and person of God, something only possible because He is God. Jesus was faithful in His witness at the cost of His own physical life. The proof of His accurate and perfect witness is the resurrection, when the Father raised Him from death to be eternally restored to His rightful position in heaven. It is important for believers to share testimony and give witness to others of things our Rabbi has taught us in our own personal lives. We're to be salt and light of His truth to the world around us. Seeing and knowing how truth has impacted and changed our lives is a powerful witness to hurting, hopeless people as we give testimony of God's love, truth, and faithfulness. I do try to respond to moments of opportunity, but I know I need to be more deliberately aware of those moments. Because of my position in Christ before God, I am already confident of resurrection and eternal life with Him. May the assurance of that truth make me more sensitive to opportunities to offer His Words of direction, encouragement, hope, or challenge. And may that truth of my standing with God be my courage and strength to be faithful to my witness for Him, no matter what I may face.
  20. Jesus is the expression and communication of the mind and personality of God put into words for humanity. The Word of God to man is Jesus, meaning Jesus is that Word. He came as the physical and audible manifestation of God. He has only spoken Words from the mind and heart of God, never from the mind and heart of man. I think John called Jesus the Word of Life because Jesus was also the physical manifestation of the eternal and infinite life of God (1John 1:2). In his gospel, John tells us that all life and light originate in Jesus (John 1:4,9). As the source and bearer of the light of all truth, He who is life is also the “true light which enlightens everyone”. He gives understanding and direction to light our way with the truth He speaks. Verse 14 tells us that Jesus came in the fullness of divine truth. He didn't come as a mere representation or spokesman of truth, but as The Truth. It is the truth of His Word and His identity that is our source of enduring spiritual life. It is only The Word who has reconciled man to God and brought us into spiritual fellowship with Him for life in eternity. This would make the life-filled and true words of Jesus the most important and valuable words we can ever know. It should be our highest priority to read and study the record we have of His words in the Scriptures. But we're called to take it to the higher level of meditating on them with the Spirit's guidance, internalizing them with His wisdom, and applying them to our lives with His power. If this is what pleased the Father in Jesus, this is what pleases Him in us. As the Body of Christ, we're now to be a manifestation of His Word to the world. There is no more important mission for a follower of Christ.
  21. Jesus, through His Spirit, is my primary Teacher of the Word. I listen to others and do Bible studies like this one, but look to Him for explanation and understanding as I study the Word and meditate on it. There is always room for major improvement in the amount of time I spend with Him, communing with Him throughout the day. And I could always do better at really drawing from the example of how He lived His earthly life, things He did, who He spent time with, what His priorities were. Those are also part of the invaluable lessons the disciples gained from living with their Rabbi. I do see myself as teachable and want to know His wise counsel for me, but know that the application of what I learn is usually the hardest part.
  22. When we speak and claim any truth from the Word in the name of Jesus, the full force of His power and authority are brought into the circumstance to be applied as He chooses. He chose to make application of that power and authority through the disciples for healing and casting out demons as they prayed and acted “in His name”. They spoke as authorized representatives of His power and authority, which are undiminished today. He can still use His might and sovereignty as He chooses for His glory. Speaking or acting in Jesus' name does demonstrate the concept of power of attorney, as one is given the legal authority to act in the stead of another according to how that person would speak or take action. Of course, believers do this according to the leading and power of the Spirit. Another analogy could be that of an American ambassador to a foreign nation, who speaks according to the goals, values, and rights of the U.S. government and citizens. When baptized by the living presence of the Spirit, we are endowed with the legal right and responsibility to speak and act as Jesus would if He was physically here, according to His nature, character, and goals. We are sometimes afraid to fulfill this role in the world for different reasons. The main root for any of those reasons is fear that is greater than faith. It is listening to the voices in our own heads rather than the voice of Jesus. When we choose to wait on His voice and act on it, He is faithful to give calmness, peace, confidence, and boldness for the task.
  23. When we pray “in Jesus' name”, we are coming before the Father “in Christ”, according to His nature and character, clothed in his righteousness (Galatians 3:26-27). I certainly do pray using this phrase, in recognition of my position and standing as God's child made possible only through Jesus. It's an identification with the presence of Christ in me. It's my acknowledgment that only through Christ do I have access, audience, and an answer to my prayer. It's also a reminder that I am His representative in the world, called to intercede for it just as He did. I never thought of praying “in Jesus' name” in terms of being limiting before! But that does describe what I do know about praying according to the character and will of Jesus, which is that of God. To pray in His name is to only pray for what God purposes and desires. Only for what He has spoken. Only for what He knows is right, and true. Only for what is pure and good. Only for what honors His nature. Only for what brings Him glory. That requires a definite limit on prayers that are born of my own interests and benefit.
  24. Jesus promised His followers that just as the world hated and persecuted Him, it will hate and persecute those who take His name on themselves (John 15:18-20). He is the Truth, and truth is the way to liberty and freedom. But the truth also challenges sin and defines guilt, which the natural mind/world vehemently resists. The world-view and culture of our day certainly reflects this in a major way. My own life has been so flawed, but yes, I've seen this resistance. People refuse the painful light of truth. And they often reject the people who bear that light. We have to remember not to take it personally when people reject us, revile us, ridicule us, and outright seek to hurt or destroy us. I've experienced some of this and been betrayed in standing for Jesus and biblical truth, but never in a way that truly cost me anything but personal grief. When faced with shame or persecution, it would be easy to soften the message or to just be silent. But when we refuse to compromise the truth in a loving way, we show that we are not ashamed of Jesus or His gospel message, and that His love is greater than the world's hatred. Our consistent testimony with an attitude of love in the face of persecution can sometimes become the catalyst for change in someone else's life.
  25. The name “Jesus” was specifically and individually given to both Mary and Joseph for this child. “Yahweh saves” was the name that linked Jesus to the prophecies of the Old Testament that revealed the promise of God's Anointed One who would come for the salvation of His people. It identified this baby as the One who had now come to fulfill that mission of delivering His people from sin and its consequences. Jesus completed that mission by taking sin upon Himself and putting it to death as He died on the cross at age 33. Jesus has saved me from the power and penalty of sin! His redemption and forgiveness have been applied to my life through my faith in Him as my resurrected Lord and Savior (Romans 10:9-10). In the day-to-day of my live, this is being worked out as I learn to resist and overcome sin by the power of His Spirit in me. In the eternal sense, I will never have to face the wrath and judgment of God because Jesus is my Salvation!
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