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Everything posted by pickledilly

  1. Nothing of the natural realm of earth, including man, can be received in heaven on its own because of innate impurity, unrighteousness, and the taint of sin. A physical birth can only produce a transient human life on earth with an unregenerate soul that doesn't desire God and can't be reconciled to Him. There must be a spiritual transformation and redemption from above. That regeneration is only accomplished through faith in Christ, through which God plants His own divine “seed of life” in each new believer. The Father uses that faith as the “birth canal” for the Holy Spirit to deliver us as a new little child of God into the eternal life of the Kingdom of God. It's only this spiritual birth that produces a holy spiritual life that desires God and is fit for His holy Kingdom. I do think the best translation for gennaō anōthen is born anew, indicating a “starting over” with the connotation of birth from above. Other uses of anōthen in the N.T. are in reference to “things which come from heaven” John 3:31 “He who comes (anōthen) from above” John 19:11 [Jesus to Pilate] “You would have no authority over me at all unless it had been given you (anōthen) from above.” James 1:17 “Every good and perfect gift is (anōthen) from above, coming down from the Father of lights” James 3:15,17 “wisdom (anōthen) from above” [is not “earthly, unspiritual, demonic”] Spiritual birth is both “from above” and “anew”.
  2. Jesus revealed two related qualities about the Kingdom of God. It is not of the natural world, and it is of the spiritual realm. 1) No one can see or discern this Kingdom without experiencing the second birth, meaning being spiritually born anew from heaven. You cannot see or understand spiritual things in a spiritually dead state. 2) And no one can enter this Kingdom apart from being born of water and the Spirit. You cannot enter into eternal life without spiritual transformation. Nicodemus had questions and recognized that Jesus had to be acting in the power of God. He was seeking truth, but here he didn't grasp what Jesus was telling him. When Jesus spoke of being “born again”, Nicodemus immediately asked about a second physical birth. He focused on an unnatural “impossible” concept instead of what Jesus was revealing about God's promised Kingdom. He was hearing through the human reason and logic of his knowledge of God through Law. But he needed spiritual discernment and understanding in order to exercise faith in the God of that Law. I don't fault Nicodemus for his very human perspective and first response. And neither did Jesus, as He went on the challenge what Nicodemus thought he knew and bring more light of truth to this seeker's understanding.
  3. The second half of the time of Great Tribulation will be the most intense, with 3½ years of horrific persecution. This will be the time when “the power of the holy people” will be fully shattered and then finally brought to an end. The Greek word can also mean “scattered”. We know that God Himself has used persecution of the Jews to scatter them across the world in humiliation, but that scattering will be brought to an end as He gathers them back to Himself. Regardless of the particular meaning intended, the people of God will be completely humbled before Him, having absolutely nothing left of themselves or old religion to rely on. They will be stripped of their pride and rebellion, and will be ready to acknowledge Christ as their Messiah, their promised Lord and King, when He returns from heaven to end the desolation and deliver His people. In this, Israel will be exalted by God. God always warns before He punishes and judges. We see this over and over in the Old Testament records of the history of the Jews. And His judgment is never merely punitive, but is always for the higher purpose of refinement and restoration. The revealing of this difficult time is no different. He has warned. The whole earth will be affected by this cleansing process, and the warning is for all. While there is still time, before the onset of these days of unparalleled distress, everyone has opportunity to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. But even in judgment, there is hope in the promise that His chosen people will be restored to His original intention!
  4. My understanding is that during the intense persecution of the End Times, many people will come to faith in Christ even as they endure the tribulation. I must go back to the fact that Michael established the context for this prophecy as being about Daniel's people, as the Jews (who as a people have rejected Christ as Messiah) will be “purified, made spotless, and refined” by their faith and fiery trial of persecution. Without the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit (after He departs so the antichrist can be revealed, 2Thess.2:6-7), they will essentially be on their own to persevere and endure, just as they were under the Old Covenant before Christ sent the Spirit to His Body of believers on earth. I think that's why there is such commendation for those who do hold firmly to faith until the very end. (I also wonder if these Jewish believers will be the only light of truth that leads others to faith as well.) This is basically the same process for everyone who believes on the Lord Jesus Christ today (except we have the help and empowerment of the Spirit). Ephesians 5:26-27 tells us how Christ our Bridegroom works to sanctify us with the Word so that we will be presented to Him “in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that [we] might be holy and without blemish”. We are refined to be more like Christ as we choose to die to things of our human nature and old Law in order to allow the presence of His life to live greater in us (Romans 6:11;7:6; Colossians 3:5a; 1Peter 2:24). The Church in our day needs to get serious about this in order to be ready as we await the day when Father sends the Bridegroom to come for His Bride! Times will be trying for everyone as we near the years of Great Tribulation. We need to set our hearts firmly on Christ, intensely study His Word, stay in close communication with Father at all times, share and live out truth before others, and be ready to take courageous stands in the face of opposition with the attitude of love. We need to be both bold and completely humble before God, and fix our hope and expectations on Christ. It is only by His grace that we can stand. Hebrews 12:1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking to Jesus, the Founder and Perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted. [ESV]
  5. Those who are spiritually wise and influential for God are promised that they will shine like the sun and stars for all eternity. Jesus confirmed this promise when He said “the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father” (Matthew 13:43). There is great honor and glory promised to them that will forever endure without diminishing. Part of that glory will be those who are also in heaven because of their influence. But I think it will mostly be that we will shine with the glory of Christ Himself, as we will then be filled with the light of perfect knowledge and complete holiness, fully developed in the character of Christ. We will be honored forever! I just cannot get my head around that! How humbling. As the Body of Christ on earth, we are commissioned to live as His ambassadors who spread the message of the Gospel of salvation. God uses our influence to that end as we are each building blocks for His Kingdom. So often we think of this just in the big concept of something like leaving home to go to a foreign mission field or accepting the call to enter pastoral ministry and preaching. But it's really about how we live our lives right where we are as we share the Word and minister to family members, coworkers, neighbors, friends, strangers. Our influence is very profound when others observe how we live out our faith and what we believe in the midst of hard circumstances. God has given every believer spiritual empowerment and unique gifts for the very purpose of advancing His Kingdom and building the Church. Outside of family and personal relationships, right now God is using my influence to impact my grandchildren, to teach a Bible class, to minister love through music to preschoolers, and to work with a teenage discipleship ministry.
  6. Daniel was assured by the angel Michael that at the time of deliverance for his people, there would be a resurrection of the dead. There would be some who would rise to everlasting life (based on their faith relationship with God) and some who would rise to everlasting shame and contempt before God. This is completely in line with New Testament teachings. John 5:25-29 records what Jesus said about resurrection. Everyone will respond to the voice of Jesus when He calls them from their tombs. All who have “done good” (cf. Ephesians 2:10; 4:24) will be resurrected to eternal life. This would be the first resurrection for the people of God who are forgiven of sin and redeemed in Christ - those who are called from the grave to meet Christ in the air (I believe this is the Rapture; 1Thessalonians 4:13-18) and those who are martyred in the Great Tribulation for not worshiping the beast or receiving its mark. They will all reign with Christ in the millennial kingdom (Revelation 20:5b-6) and be united with Him for eternity. All who have done evil will be resurrected to judgment before God, where each will be held accountable for their own unrighteousness. This is the second resurrection (Revelation 20:5a) as unbelievers are raised to face the Great White Throne judgment after the millennial kingdom of Christ's 1000 year reign on earth. In sovereign fairness and justice, just as God raises believers to reward their faith in Christ, He will also raise unbelievers to judge and condemn their rejection of faith.
  7. According to Daniel 12:1, God's people will be persecuted like never before in all of history during this unparalleled time of intense and great distress. It will be a time of trouble for the entire world worse than anything that has come before. This period certainly parallels the descriptions of a time of “great tribulation” referenced in the New Testament. Jesus described this event in the same way, “such has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be” (Matthew 24:21). John wrote of those who come “out of the great tribulation” in Revelation 7:14. It will certainly be a time of trouble like never before, but it is allowed only a certain span of time and will then be brought to a certain end.
  8. The antichrist has the character of a deluded madman with a god-complex. With great charisma he will forcefully rise to ultimate power and assume iron-clad authority over all things, as he exalts and magnifies himself over every nation, every world leader, every known or imagined god. In utter arrogance, he will blaspheme and speak unbelievable things against the God of all gods. Revealing himself to be a liar with sadistic contempt for everything sacred, he will break all promises made for religious liberty and will thoroughly profane and desecrate the holy places of God. He will be a controlling man consumed with war and dominance, and focused on wealth and control of the world's monetary systems. Even the strongest fortresses and world powers will not be able to stand against him, as he is helped and empowered by a “foreign god” (satan, most likely). He will heap lavish honor and elevated position on those who follow him with complete loyalty. It seems to me that his motivation is to be the supreme leader of not only the entire world, but also the heavenly realm. He wants to have unquestioned authority. As a complete narcissist, he wants to be revered and worshiped. The antichrist has one ultimate goal as he advances against every enemy. He will be focused intently on taking the glorious land of promise given to Israel by the God of gods. And he will not stop until he has set himself up on the glorious holy mountain of Jerusalem. His assault is described in 12:7 as “the shattering of the power of the holy people” (ESV). But hallelujah, there will be no help for him when he faces the true and living God, the King of kings!
  9. God sees the events of our day just as clearly as He saw in Daniel's time. He has the “big picture” in full view and knows exactly what will unfold and to what end in His plan. We can take assurance in the truth that God is in full control and is at work through all the circumstances of the world rulers and geopolitics that are evident today. The troubling times we find ourselves in are no surprise to Him. We don't welcome or desire them, but they are a pathway to an ultimate and glorious end. He knows and cares about every detail about the struggles and failures each of our countries face and desires that all would turn to righteousness and humility before Him. But no matter how the nations fail, He has promised to be faithful to His Word and to His loving care for His children, refining and purifying us in the process. One of the most important things we should be doing is to faithfully pray for world rulers, whether self-instituted or elected officials. God Himself is the only one with the right, the authority, the power, and the wisdom to change hearts and use circumstances for ultimate good. Whether we see them as good or evil, we need to pray for them. In my alarm, frustration, disappointment, and even anger with leadership in America I need to be more diligent in this. Jesus changes everything!
  10. This prophecy was given in amazing detail that accurately played out in history. It wasn't just wide generalities, but specifics of kings, battles, victories, losses, and consequences that would span hundreds of years. Prophecies that told of Messiah's time on earth have also been fulfilled precisely. Micah foretold Christ's birthplace of Bethlehem hundreds of years before His birth (Micah 5:2). Zechariah 11:12-13 recorded the prophecy of His betrayal for 30 pieces of silver (the price of a slave, which revealed Israel's estimation of worth for their King and Redeemer) that would ultimately be used to purchase a potter's field when Judas threw it back in the temple and the chief priests declared blood money could not be placed in the treasury (Matthew 27:5-9). Prophecies of King David (Psalm 22 and 34:20) and Zechariah (12:10) foretold and described Messiah's death by crucifixion 400 years before that manner of execution was developed, even with the specific detail that none of his bones would be broken (which was most common to hasten death by crucifixion). What this confirms about God is that He is fully omniscient. He is outside the bounds and constraints of time, which He created as a finite parameter for human existence. In His wide and all-encompassing view, He sees what existed before time, what exists throughout time, and what will be after time exists no more. And so He has no problem in giving prophecy. He is simply revealing what He already sees from the first to the final second of time. His truthfulness and accuracy are confirmed by the fact that all fulfilled prophecy (excluding those yet to be fulfilled) has been exact. This, on its own, is enough to “prove” that God exists!
  11. The angelic messenger was immediately dispatched from heaven with an answer to Daniel's prayers, but was unable to deliver the message in a timely manner because of a spiritual roadblock. He encountered an ambush by a demonic power called “the prince of the kingdom of Persia” and was engaged in conflict for 21 days. The battle for breakthrough was so intense that the archangel Michael came to assist and the messenger was finally free to bring the word from heaven to Daniel. What a sobering revelation of the warfare going on in the spiritual realm as evil forces openly set themselves against the will of God. We can't really know what is going on in the spiritual realm, including when we engage in prayer. When I encourage others to persevere in intercessory prayer for another person, I always remind them that the evil one who has had control for so long will not likely give up easily – so expect things to intensify and look worse before they get better, but expect God to answer. We must deliberately choose to stay on the front line of battle in our role as prayer warriors and commit to pray through. And we're strengthened when we join together in the effort, following the example of watching each others' backs like the messenger (who came to Daniel) and Michael do for each other! The encouragement is our confidence and trust that God is at work on any prayer that will bring Him glory, even if we can't see it yet. We aren't alone in the spiritual dimension when we maintain consistent communication with Him. Our righteous prayers release assistance and answers, so don't give up because help is on the way!
  12. The vision of the Seventy Weeks given to Daniel was frightening and overwhelming as the Lord showed him the alarming prophesy of Israel's future. Challenging, surprising, intense, and stressful situations cause a genuine physical reaction as our adrenal glands respond with a surge of hormones for difficult experiences. Adrenaline prepares the body for battling stress and cortisol stimulates the release of energy. Sustained periods of “crisis” overwhelm and exhaust the adrenals, and there is a definite crash as the body and mind react. (A chronic state of adrenal overload leads to all kinds of long-term physical problems.) Daniel's distress and mourning taxed his entire body, incapacitating him for 3 weeks. I've always said that, on its own, grief is exhausting. He would have been physically and emotionally weak and probably sleep-deprived as he encountered the “man clothed in linen”. In this condition, he would have most certainly been weary and probably not as mentally sharp as usual. And now there was even more difficult prophecy to take in! I can't imagine his exhaustion and mental overload. Spiritual warfare is an ongoing intangible, unseen battle that's taxing because it causes tension and stress that drain the body, mind, and spirit. It requires persistence and endurance in Bible study, prayer, and service. And the fact that spiritual entities are at war with us takes it to an entirely different level of stress, whether we realize it or not.
  13. With the warning of judgment, God always gives hope and assurance of His ultimate good will, mercy, and final victory. Daniel was shown that the Jews would face terrible times of oppression and persecution. But he was also shown that they would be released from captivity to return to their homeland, Jerusalem would be rebuilt with its temple, and in the long view would be ultimately and completely delivered to be with God. There is no guarantee that Christians won't also face such times (although I don't think it will ever be equal to what has been prophesied to happen to the Jews). Indeed, history records persecution of believers and we see it going on today, with bias and growing oppression in America, and with cruel and barbaric reports from the Middle East and other areas of the world. But God has given us His prophetic word about how all will end and has a proven track record of fulfilling His Word. The assured hope and unshakeable certainty that GOD WINS is the lifeline we need when in the midst of suffering, whether that's individually or collectively. He has made concrete promises, He has proven His Word, and He will deliver His people!
  14. There are so many interpretations of 9:24 because the LORD chose not to reveal every single piece of the puzzle and we try to fill in the gaps for what we can't clearly see. We come at it from differing human perspectives, experiences, knowledge, spiritual maturity, faith. What we all should be mindful of is that not one of us knows completely or for certain the minute details of what the LORD is going to do or how He will do it, and He has determined that those details are not for us to know. I do believe it's clear that Gabriel's explanation of this vision is directly linked to the Jews and Jerusalem, so all understanding must begin there and center on them. For me at this point, here are my "interpretations" of the varied key parts of the prophecy of 70 sets of 7 years. 1)Among the widely varied interpretations among trusted Bible scholars/teachers, there are those who do believe the numbers of a literal 70 sets of 7 years are completely possible in the time line. I am no scholared expert and can only rely on what the Spirit shows me as I seek His wisdom in my efforts to study just Scripture for the most part, but I lean in that direction. I will continue to evaluate any change in that understanding and seek the Spirit's guidance. To me, this detail of numbers is very interesting but not crucial. It's all going to happen according to God's will, so we just need to stay ready. As an aside here, I came across an interesting article with a line of thought to consider that I've never seen before. It discusses calculation of the 70 weeks on the basis of a Jewish ”Sabbatical Week” solar-based calender that's founded on the year's agricultural cycles, not the cycles of the moon (which would quickly fall out of alignment with the seasons and requires the addition of calendar days to keep up). The intriguing premise here is that this calendar does not factor in Jubilee years, which followed every set of seven 7-year cycles (49 yrs.) but were never reckoned in the count of years (49 years + 1 Jubilee = 50 yrs). The author proposes that the “missing” uncounted Jubilee years (that were consecrated for celebration and rest from work) perhaps help explain seeming “discrepancies” or difficulties in the time line. Just a bit of food for thought to add to the discussion! (I make no endorsement of this website and disagree with some of its positions.) The online address is http://www.answersinrevelation.org/chronology/70weeks.pdf 2)The only Anointed One who can truly fulfill the purposes and work of the “70 weeks” is Christ Jesus. 3)The “prince who is to come” (ESV) is the antichrist, the future “man of lawlessness” who will ultimately be responsible for the abomination of desolation. He will cause indescribable suffering and persecution of the Jews that will affect the entire world. This warning about him is echoed by Jesus, Paul, and John. 4)This time of unparalleled intense oppression is the Great Tribulation, the 70th and final set of seven years for the Jews that has yet to be fulfilled. I think that the absence of any real clue or mention of the Church during this time of persecution here in Daniel or in the Revelation is meaningful. It is definitely a puzzle with pieces missing, but honestly, the more I study, the more firmly I think the Church will be raptured before the Great Tribulation begins. There are numerous unanswered questions and “problems” either way. But for all we don't know for certain, there is one thing I am positive of, a specific promise that I can't get away from. In 2Thessalonians 2:6-7, Paul wrote of the “mystery of lawlessness” which is already at work in the world, but under a restraining influence. That barrier to the full-blown height of sin is identified as a “he” who will continue to restrain it “until he is out of the way”. Once the lone suppressing influence is removed, the man of lawlessness is revealed (vs.7-8). I believe this “he” is the Holy Spirit, the only force on earth that could hold back the spirit of lawlessness. Prior to the revealing of antichrist and his rise to domination, the Spirit will withdraw in order for unbridled evil to be brought to fullness in preparation for its utter destruction. So one of two things will have to happen, as I see it. Either the Spirit leaves the Body of Christ here on earth or the Body of Christ leaves this earth with the Spirit. In a Word given specifically to His Body of believers, Jesus promised and guaranteed that the Comforter is set on us as a seal and will never leave us (John 14:16; 2Corinthians 1:22; Ephesians 1:13-14). I can only conclude that when the Spirit goes, the Church goes with Him. 5)There is a defined and definite end that's been decreed to be poured out on the antichrist who ruthlessly persecutes the Jews and desolates the temple of the LORD. The 70th week will complete and end Daniel's prophetic vision and usher in the millennial reign of Christ. God will fulfill His promise to deliver His people! These are my understandings, which I have peace about but am not going to argue over. I continue to examine other opinions and seek God's help in discernment of what I am to know. Regardless of differences, I know we're all called to be watchful and united, remain true to the gospel and spiritually prepared, stay strong and courageous in faith, and humbly intercede for others as we await the revealing of God's final manifestation of redemption.
  15. Humans just have the innate desire to be right! And so we sometimes disagree and even argue with each other when we encounter difficult passages of Scripture that don't give us all the information needed to define one clear interpretation. We end up with best-guesses and thoughtful opinions that can lead us into dissension. But such arguments are really a revealing of human pride and they are a distraction from the foundations of faith that really matter. The important thing is that Christ is coming again, no one knows the time for that event except the Father, and when Christ does return it will be in His identity as a conquering King to put an end to sin, to deliver the chosen people of God, and to reclaim His creation that was given over to satan when man fell from grace!! In the mean time, the Body of Christ is called to unity and peace, even when we differ in understanding. According to Romans 14:1-5, we are to respect differing levels of maturing faith, avoid quarreling over opinions, allow for differences of understanding in matters that are not crucial to the gospel, abstain from passing judgment or despising each other, rely on God to be upheld in truth, and do all to honor the Lord (vs.6).
  16. To me, it's important to begin by noting that Daniel had specifically prayed about God's chosen people and His holy city (chpt.8). In 9:1, Gabriel specifically identified the answer was tied to Daniel's prayer as he revealed the overall purposes of the Seventy Weeks and said that they “are decreed about your [Daniel's] people and your holy city.” This prophecy affects everyone, but is directly about the Jews and Jerusalem. The ways Jesus fulfilled the six tasks that relate to the 70 weeks for the Jews and Jerusalem in verse 24 was interesting to consider and research. I don't normally reference commentaries in answering our questions, but found Barnes' Notes on the Bible to be helpful. 1. The first purpose of the “seventy weeks” is to “finish the transgression” (ESV). I've always understood this as the time period God uses to bring an end to the rebellion of His chosen people and their rejection of Messiah. But the Hebrew word actually means “to shut up, restrain, withhold” - not “finish”. The 70 weeks is about the process of restraining their sin, not the end of it. Messiah came to atone for sin and complete the requirement for sin offerings. Barnes says, by God's mercy and choice, this essentially shutters or covers His eyes to the sin that otherwise lies openly exposed before His righteous eyes. So as He looks on those who are redeemed by faith, sin “can no more be regarded as existing.” Jesus has fulfilled this hope for believers, as His Holy Spirit residing in us now restrains sin in us. 2. The second purpose is to “put an end to sin”. I've seen this as the Jews' acceptance of Christ as the final victory over sin. But the Hebrew word means “to seal” - not “end”. Barnes likens it to a seal that's been placed over what Jesus has done, a seal set on what covers sin before the eyes of God. What has ended is the effort to atone for sin! We know this hasn't been fully realized in the world, but Jesus will finish that work in the future. It has been sealed to be so. 3. The third purpose is to “atone for iniquity”. The Hebrew word used here means “to cover or appease”. The blood of Jesus was presented as the pure and holy sacrifice on heaven's altar so that we can have eternal atonement/pardon for our iniquity and the righteous cover of Christ over our sin. Any further offering of atonement sacrifices by the Jews has been rendered void of meaning, and it actually dishonors Him as they choose to remain bound with rituals and external laws rather than accept liberty in what He has completed. Only their acceptance of Christ's work of atonement will appease God's holiness and cover their sin. Barnes' says that these three things to be done within the 70 weeks are specified in regard to sin. For the Jews, sin would be restrained, sealed up, and covered over. Three necessary things remained that would be done to complete the work: bring in everlasting righteousness, seal up the vision and prophecy, and anoint the Most Holy. 4. The fourth purpose is to “bring in everlasting righteousness”. The Hebrew word means “to come, arrive”. The eternal, unending righteousness of the Kingdom of God arrived on earth with Jesus' first advent. His righteousness now in us is perpetual and unchanging. So, not only would sin be restrained, sealed up, and covered over in the 70 weeks, but the “method would be introduced by which man would become, in fact, righteous and holy.” As believers, we already know this is in Christ alone. 5. The fifth purpose is to “seal both vision and prophet”. Jesus' completed work set a seal over both of these. Barnes' says this should likely be understood in a general sense of all the visions of future events seen by prophets that would be sealed or shut up by the 70 weeks, since they all pointed the Jews to the coming of Messiah, who has now come. “The fulfillment would, as it were, close them up forever”...as a “book that is fully written and sealed up”. All those prophecies would be manifest to them in Jesus and the resulting fulfillments would “confirm and seal all that had been written”. Since the time Jesus came to earth, God no longer communicates His Word by Jewish prophets of old, but “by His Son” (Hebrews 1:1-2). Jesus has proven the authenticity of Jeremiah and Daniel's prophecies, and all the rest of Daniel's sealed predictions will be confirmed with the full completion of the entire 70 weeks. 6. The sixth purpose is to “anoint a most holy place”. The Hebrew words literally mean “most holy” (place or thing). This has been interpreted in different ways: a most holy place (ESV), holy of holies (Young's Literal Translation), the most holy (KJV). Because I believe Daniel 9:24 clearly assigns this time of “70 weeks” to Daniel's people and their holy city; respectfully, I do not believe it is for the Church. I do believe we currently live in a span of time (the last days) before the fulfillment of the last “week” (Daniel was given no evidence to either confirm or dispute this; technically, he doesn't specify that any of the 3 parts of the 70 weeks run in direct sequence, for that matter). Our anointing as the Body of Christ in this age of grace is with the Spirit (2Corinthians 1:21). Barnes' suggests this 6th purpose ultimately refers to God's holy dwelling place with man in the New Jerusalem where the very presence of Christ Himself is the highest anointing that could ever be made and the most holy place that ever could exist on earth. Hallelujah!
  17. The essence of Daniel's prayer was recognition of the Jews' sinful state, confession of national transgression against Yahweh and His law, and the plea for God's mercy and restoration of Jerusalem. I don't know how to outline the various grounds of Daniel's appeal any better than Pastor Ralph has done. 1. God's precedent. 2. God's glory. 3. God's righteousness. 4. God's personal identification with Jerusalem. 5. Worship in God's temple. 6. God's personal identification with Jerusalem. 7. God's mercy. God was faithful to His promise to hear and answer the cry of repentance. Verses 20-23 record His answer. Yahweh sent his angelic messenger Gabriel to assure that Daniel was greatly loved by God and that an answer from heaven was dispatched even as he began to plea for mercy. Gabriel revealed that he had been sent to give Daniel insight and understanding [about the seventy weeks of Jeremiah's prophecy and their purpose (9:1-2)].
  18. I believe that as Daniel read the prophecy of Jeremiah, he understood in a way like never before the purpose of the exile and captivity of the Jews in Babylon. God had reason and intent in it, and He gave the promise of mercy when the purpose was completed. In ignoring divine warnings, God's people had abandoned Him long before the Babylonians took them by force to a strange land and destroyed Jerusalem. Even then they were in an apostate condition. Their captivity was a righteous judgment from Yahweh meant to turn their hearts back to Him so He could pour out mercy and restoration. These were Daniel's people, their God and heritage were also his, and he also bore the consequence of judgment against them. They needed a kinsman to stand in the gap. To intercede for another is to take on their burden as your own. I believe you must internalize and feel it yourself in order to even begin knowing how to rightly and fully pray. Righteous Daniel identified himself with the sins of his people because he could not authentically pray for them without associating himself with their condition before God. That is NOT a call to take the sins of others as your own; it is a call to understand and gain perspective to pray in a meaningful and effective way and to bear another up before the LORD when that one cannot or will not do it for him/herself. This is a picture of Jesus as He later came as the ultimate Intercessor/Mediator. Jesus accepted and took on the burden of humanity's sinful condition in order to represent us before the Father. Although He never accepted our sin as His own, He internalized and felt it all in order to identify with us and to rightly and fully destroy it. Not just in theory or mental knowledge but with His own experience of humbling Himself before the Father to see our need and take on our burden, He knows our utter depravity, unfaithfulness, and pride. He knows the shame of our rebellion and failure, the anguish of our wicked hearts separated from our Creator, the tormenting distress of having God turn away from us because of our sin. From hanging on the cross through supernatural darkness as He took on that sin to put it to death, He knows the blackness of our iniquity. In our place, he experienced the resulting wrath of God against sin and knows the judgment ahead for those who are never redeemed to God through faith in Him. Jesus identified with us in our condition of sin in order to intercede on our behalf with God. He's the only One who can stand in the gap for us.
  19. Daniel approached Yahweh in prayer with a completely humbled spirit, stripped of all self-will or ego. He intentionally prepared himself with fasting to demonstrate his denouncement of any pride before God and with sackcloth and ashes to demonstrate his utter grief and mourning for the sinful state of the Jewish exiles and their transgressions against Most High God. This was so very important here because the people had assimilated into Babylonian culture, including the false gods. For the most part, they had forgotten and abandoned their God and were so far from Him with such hardened darkened hearts that they had no interest on their own to turn back to Him. They were living as people who are cursed, not as a people favored and chosen by God. Daniel accepted the burden to intercede on their behalf and internalized their sin with his actions of preparation. His example of admitting/rejecting personal pride to humble his heart and of bearing genuine sorrow for another is a guide for all of us when we take on the burden of interceding for another. Authentic intercession is not for the weak!
  20. If we are to only reference verses 1-2, I would say the Word of God given in the books of Scripture was what motivated and encouraged Daniel to seek God for the forgiveness and restoration of Israel to its homeland. He knew God's Word to be truth and He knew God to be faithful to His Word. As He read Jeremiah's prophecy, he saw that Israel's captivity in Babylon was to be seventy years and realized the end of that defined time period was drawing very close. He had already seen in the vision that the Jews would face something truly horrific “many days” into the future, but for now this expectation of returning to their homeland must have been one of the most exciting and encouraging moments of his life! When faced with understanding, interpreting, and delivering interpretations from Yahweh, Daniel's practice since the days of his youth had always been to first seek the LORD. Only God could explain the mysteries of the prophetic dreams and visions He gave. The vision of chapter 8 was so difficult and distressing that it made Daniel physically ill for days, and only God could help him process and accept its message to record it and have it sealed in his heart. And now here was this glorious promise of deliverance revealed to strengthen and encourage Daniel. The exiled Jews needed to be made aware and ready. And so Daniel began with intense intercessory prayer. Before trials and trying times come, God is always faithful to prepare His people warning and instruction, and with His hope and encouragement - whether they be long-ago saints of the Most High or today's children of the Father.
  21. The repeated assurances of the truth that "the saints of the Most High" will ultimately receive the kingdom and possess it forever would be a most precious hope in times of profound persecution and oppression. There have been many horrific times in human history for the Jews, but they all pale in comparison with the times of this future prophecy. Yahweh has given this promise with the emphatic emphasis of repeating it 3 times in this interpretation to drive home the truth that He will raise them up from crushing persecution. God will ultimately redeem and honor His chosen people just as He has said! Many prophecies in Scripture have dual meaning, with application apparent in the natural realm and further application in the spiritual realm. Some of this prophecy can be said to mirror the intense persecution of Jews by Antiochus Epiphanes, but certainly no one could say that the entire prophecy when “the saints of the Most High” will receive and possess the final eternal kingdom has been completely fulfilled. That event is yet to come when Messiah, Jesus Christ the King of all kings, returns to earth to establish that enduring kingdom in His Second Coming. Maranatha!
  22. Daniel described the “one like a son of man” as coming with/on the clouds of heaven to be presented before Most High God, the Ancient of Days. In the visions, the Father commends the” son of man” by giving Him dominion over an everlasting kingdom that will never pass away and can never be destroyed. This indicates that he speaks of a divine spiritual kingdom unlike the transient kingdoms of earth. In His authority over this kingdom, the “son of man” is glorified and exalted. He is served and worshiped by all people, nations, and languages on earth. The “son of man” is revealed to be Jesus through several clues that were much more obvious to the Hebrew reader than to us at first glance today. [1] In Scripture, only God Himself comes with or in the clouds (ex. Psalm 68:4, 104:3; Isaiah 19:1). [2] Only One who is holy would be presented before the throne of the Ancient of Days, and no mortal human being qualifies. God will not entertain sinful humanity in His presence (Psalm 5:5; Habakkuk 1:13). [3] The Son of Man was given authority and dominion over a kingdom where He would be glorified by all the world. Isaiah 45:22-23 foretold this honor would be for God and no other. And for us, Philippians 2:10 identifies Jesus Christ the Lord as the recipient of this recognition by all people, nations, and languages. [4] The Son of Man will have an unending dominion over an eternal kingdom. Many years before these visions as he interpreted Nebuchadnezzar's troubling dream, Daniel had revealed to the king that “the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that shall never be destroyed, nor shall the kingdom be left to another people...it shall stand forever” (2:44). For us, fulfillment of this is described in the future history of Revelation 11:15 where heaven praises Christ's take-over of all earthly kingdoms with His own reign over His everlasting kingdom. Jesus intensely studied the Hebrew Scriptures as a child just like every other boy. As He grew past the age of childhood instruction, I believe God Himself taught Jesus rather than an earthly rabbi (Isaiah 50:4-5) and the Spirit used the Scriptures to awaken, quicken, and enlighten His full and mature understanding of His divine identity and purpose on earth. At the age of 12, He surprised and distressed his parents by staying behind at the temple in Jerusalem to listen to the teachers while His family unknowingly left without Him to return home after Passover celebrations (Luke 2:46-47). He asked questions and astonished the teachers with His intelligence, understanding and apparently brilliant answers to their own inquiries of His knowledge. Jesus studied, learned, and likely questioned the prophecy of Daniel 7:13-14, where “son of man” was understood to be a Messianic title. In recognizing Himself in those scriptures, He assigned the title “Son of Man” to Himself when He entered His own rabbinic ministry. Every Jewish person who knew the Scriptures (that would be all of them!) understood His claim to be that Messiah.
  23. The Ancient of Days is the eternal Most High God, and all the nations, peoples, and rulers of this world are accountable to His justice and judgments. This includes the beastly evil nations of Daniel's visions. These hellish nations are all removed from their dominions by God. The fourth beast is killed and utterly destroyed in the stream of holy consuming fires, while the lives of the other three are prolonged for “a season and a time”. We don't see much restraint anymore of evil dominions and world leaders, and it often seems that they are unhindered and free to do as they desire. That makes it more difficult to believe that God is truly in charge because it seems that evil is running the show. But, in His perfect timing, God will fulfill His Word, demand accountability for all they have done, and execute the full wrath of His judgment on these domains of evil and rebellion. No earthly ruler who has been allowed a position of leadership will escape God's scrutiny of the record and motives of service. Another problem with our understanding is that it's very difficult for us to grasp the timelessness of the Ancient of Days. His view is outside of the boundaries of time in which we live. What seems like "forever" to us as we wait for judgment against evil is actually but a moment in the grand scheme of God's plan and work. He is faithful to complete what He has begun!
  24. ****My apologies, this was an error in posting!
  25. We are so often very casual about God and things that have been consecrated to Him and His service, calling Him “the man upstairs” and such. We take for granted things He has done and given, many times thinking it was our own doing. Sometimes we misuse or misappropriate things provided in and by our churches. We forget that we are the living temples who are now His consecrated dwelling place on earth and ignore the respect that should be shown to our own bodies and minds. We dishonor Him by accepting and participating in worldly things without – or in spite of – conscience. We accept the dishonesty, deceptions, and compromise of the world's philosophies because it makes things easier. We become apathetic about the authority and commands of our Sovereign that should govern our thoughts, words, and deeds. This all comes with the battle going on between our innate human nature and our new spiritual nature. I know because I've failed miserably to some degree in all these ways during my life. This condition of failure can't be overcome apart from a humbled heart and contrite spirit that cries out to God for understanding, mercy, and power. It's an ongoing daily endeavor to trust Him completely and submit all to Him. I certainly know that there's been improvement in my life as I've grown in my faith in Christ, trusted in the Father's good plans for me, and developed in a relationship of learning to love Him. There are still many weaknesses that trip me up, but also some concrete successes in seeking to honor and conform to God's holiness. For example, I will not drink alcoholic beverages because I am convicted that violates the holiness of a clear mind available to the Spirit's control. I simply cannot take something that doesn't belong to me because that violates the holiness of integrity before God. I don't watch R-rated movies or read trashy books because that violates the holiness of a clean heart. I will not buy or wear clothing that is shameful to wear in public because that violates the holiness of a pure relationship with others. I can't completely ignore someone in true need because that violates the holiness of God's compassion. I choose not to argue with other believers over matters that are not essential because that violates the holiness of unity in the Body of Christ. I will not take the name of the LORD in vain because that violates His flawless character.
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