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Everything posted by MannyVelarde

  1. Q3. How can a wrong understanding of determinism and predestination keep us from the kind of gutsy prayer that Moses prayed? What do you call a belief that our prayers make no difference to God's response? We would be very presumptuos to think that we pray just to get response. We pray because God instructed us to pray. Many people believing in predest. think they don't have to do anything because the outcome will be what God wills. Prayers make a difference to us because they give us communication to God, we are spending time with Him, learning His will better and learning how to respond on this earth in His direction.
  2. Q2. What aspects of Moses' prayer of intercession should we emulate in our own prayers? Upon what logical grounds does Moses offer this bold appeal to God? What do you think it means to "pray the promises of God"? How does knowing the Bible help you get your prayers answered? How does this help our prayers be within God's will? I think Moses prayer was bold but I also think he knew God and prayed in accordance with that knowledge. We can not pray contrary to God's character or God's will for our lives. Prayer is more for us - then changing God's mind - it aligns us within His will. For our times, knowing God is through His Word - we can know God's will from the words of His Bible - the more we read and study the more we can pray according to His will.
  3. Q4. Why should we continually ask forgiveness? How can unforgiveness on our part block God's blessing? How can unforgiveness block God's forgiveness? We live in this sinful flesh - and will continue to sin. Repenting and acknowledging our sin is the step to changing us. If we are sinning - then we can't have fellowship with God or witht he body of Christ. If we refuse to forgive someone, there is a block horizontally and verticaly in our relationships. Unforgiveness makes the person we aren't forgiving - a god, taking the true God's place. This doesn't mean we have something to do with God forgiving us, He does so unconditionally - - but we must be truly repentent for the forgiveness to cover us - - walking towards the light!
  4. Why do we seek to be independent of asking anyone for help? Why do we seek to be independent of God? Why should we ask God to "give" us daily bread so long as we can earn a living for ourselves? We don't ask others or God for help because it implies maybe weakness. I think it also reflects on how our parents treated us. If we had a standoffish relationship growing up then it is hard at times to approach the Father for things, we get used to doing them ourselves. Our daily bread means many things. God wants us to work, to eat, to have the things necessary for life. He wants us to rely on Him for everything, He will provide. He doesn't want us to be a burden on anyone - - employment/working has been a condition since creation in the Garden - Adam was to work it and take care of it. On this earth we are to do the same, all for the glory of God.
  5. Q2. In what sense are we asking that the Father's kingdom should come? Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth? How should this prayer affect our living? We are on this earth for God's glory. The kingdom come is the body of Christ and ultimately the final Kingdom when He comes to redeem His people. We are on this earth preparing for an eternity of worship with God in His new kingdom. God is perfect and holy and has given us instruction how to live - - His will is done on the earth. The good things and the bad - - all things are filtered through His fingers. We should pray constantly that we are in His will and living out His instructions. We should relinquish control and allow God to work in and through us.
  6. Leviticus teaches us how to approach a Holy God - Jesus' death opened the way into the Holy of HOlies for all peoples. To hallow His Name is to live a life accordidng to His instructins. To live for Him and honor Him in all we do. Our job is to constantly strive to be in line with God's precepts - - acknowledging His greatness to all we meet. Jesus came as our Savior and as our Rabbi to show us how to live on this earth, preparing us for Heaven. He is our example and we need to reflect His image. What besmirches His name is when we fail to acknowledge God. When we try to mold HIm into our image, when we go disrespectivly into His presence. We need to go before Him in humilty. In the modern church we are losing reverence for Him.
  7. Q2. (4:11-13) What is the basis of Paul's contentment? Does this contentment undermine ambition? What is necessary for us to achieve this kind of contentment? Jesus the only basis of contentment - the only true peace and rest. Does not undermine ambition - actually it makes us more ambitious to serve our Lord we were doing it for him. To be content for us - is to focus on Jesus and serving Him completely. Study learning His Word - living the walk - telling others
  8. Q1. (4:11-12) How can a "prosperity doctrine" threaten Christian ministry? To what prime motivation in us does such a teaching often appeal? In balance, what does the Bible teach about poverty and riches? Prosperity doctrine - is not doctrine - is is taking away from Jesus. We come to faith because He deserves worship and praise - NOT because we get something. Prosperity teaching is all about ME and what I can get. The Lord came to serve and not be served - he came humbly - - prosperity teaching takes away from the poor and makes the richer - richer. Riches are not always monetary value and things - riches are helping someone in need - a hug - the things of Heaven - - not materialistic stuff for our pleasure on earth.
  9. Q4. (4:8) Why is mind control necessary for success? For mental and spiritual peace? What have you decided to focus on instead of your anxieties? How is this working for you? OUr mind must be disciplined to concentrate on the God things. It is a ground for Satan to use and we must be constantly filling it with Godly thoughts. Then when the attacts come from Satan we will be equiped to combat his arrows with Godly ways. The more time spent in prayer and study of God's word the more we will walk in the Spiritual realm - - Refocusing is a constant battle in my life. My mind wonders and the world is full of "candy" for the eye, ears, nose, etc. Discipline and choice are the factors in where you spend your time. I know this is silly, but I continuosly ask the question "how would Jesus respond?)" Helps me to reflect on His character and see Him more clearly.
  10. Q3. (4:7) How does making our requests known to God help build a relationship and trust? What is God's part in the promise of peace? Everytime we commune with God - we know Him better - - the more time we spend, the more His ways and character are made known. As we see how God answers our prayers (not always the way in which we would answer them) we can see His divine wisdom and purpose in our lives - - which helps us to grow more like Him.
  11. Q2. (4:6) How is a request in prayer altered by the presence of thanksgiving in the prayer? How does thanksgiving affect our faith as we pray? We can know that we are righteous because God says we are and we can know that God does ansyer prayer - - for that we must be thankful - - and willing to accept His answer. Thanking Him shows our faith. Thanking Him takes the focus off of us and our requests and puts it back on God.
  12. Rejoicing - comes from within - - rejoicing is a feeling that most of the time in glad rejoicing comes out in some form of expression. The key is rejoicing always in the good times and bad - - rejoicing that God is in control and loving you - - even when things on earthly measurement are not so good.
  13. Q4. (3:18-21) Why is recognizing and affirming your citizenship and allegiance vital to discipleship? How does it keep us from the temptations outlined in verses 18 and 19? What are the dangers of a church combining and confusing the concepts of temporal patriotism with a Christian's true citizenship? Jesus said you can't serve both man and God. We must recognize our allegiance to God so we can putoff the ways of the world. When we walk ini Jesus path, the temptations will be easy to fight off because our eyes will be on the prize - will be upward to the Heavens, using the power of Jesus' name. The answer to part two is very simple - we can in no way make something else be it a belief, a person or patriotism a god. God is jealous and the danger of confusing the two, would that we might become more zealous for the "cause" than for God.
  14. Q3. (3:17) How can Paul be so bold as to ask others to imitate him? Why are we so hesitant to do this? How does God use imitation in building disciples? Who is likely to imitate you? Because he had lived what he preached. He was sinful, to the point of executing believers, but he saw Jesus and was converted and made an about face. In Jewish thought back then the teacher/rabbi would have disciples/talmidin that followed the rabbi and wanted to emulate their behavior. I believe that Paul was saying, following me - - because I am following Jesus - - be like me - - because I strive to be like Jesus, truly a Rabbinical apporach. We hesitate for fear of rejection of people or perhaps because we know in our hearts we need to be better at our walk. The closer we walk to our Lord, the easier it will be to be boldl, to tell others to follow in our ways. I pray that the groups I lead will desire to be more like me because they see Jesus instead of me.
  15. Q2. (3:14) What is it like to be called upwards by God? Have you ever experienced this? What causes God's call to become dim in our hearing? How can we renew our hearing of his call? What is the content or specifics of this message or summons or call? We are all called, but the question is do we answer. I think being called upwards is to live in the Spiritual most of the time. A goal every believer wants to obtain. I currently am unemployed at 61 and the prospects of new jobs is not good because of age, but God has called me upwards to rely on His provision daily. My favorite scripture about being called is Isaiah 6 printed below - it is a perfect picture of our salvation 1 In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord seated on a throne, high and exalted, and the train of his robe filled the temple. 2 Above him were seraphs, each with six wings: With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they were flying. 3 And they were calling to one another: "Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory." 4 At the sound of their voices the doorposts and thresholds shook and the temple was filled with smoke. ACKNOWLEDGE GOD'S HOLINESS 5 "Woe to me!" I cried. "I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the LORD Almighty." ACKNOWLEDGED HIS OWN SINFULNESS 6 Then one of the seraphs flew to me with a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with tongs from the altar. 7 With it he touched my mouth and said, "See, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for." WE ARE SAVED BY GRACE 8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" GOD CALLS And I said, "Here am I. Send me!" HE RESPONDS 9 He said, "Go and tell this people: " 'Be ever hearing, but never understanding; be ever seeing, but never perceiving.' THE MESSAGE
  16. Q1. (3:13) How can the past get in the way of our quest to know Christ? What do you need to "forget" so that you may focus on Christ today and tomorrow? Is there forgiving you need to do so you can grow in Christ? The past is still the path that God directed us to get to our faith today. If we can't see the saving grace of God and the past sins n our lives are forgiven, we will forever miss the blessings God has in store for us. We have to remember that we are new creations, with a new man in us - - Forget the past, I don't totally agree, as the Israelites were told before enterint the promised land, remember from where you came and who delivered you. We must remember that it is God's calling that brings us out of the past. What we must forget is that we are no longer under the condemnation of our past, we are forgiven, and with that we must be able and willing to forgive ourselves, in order to grow in Christ.
  17. Q1. (3:2-6) How does "confidence in the flesh" show up in your congregation? Have you ever struggled with it? To put it simply - we are blessed with much artistic talent and people who want to serve. But I am weary that we will do everything so well, that we will fail to see when the Holy Spirit might leave. I just mean that we must always rely on God's strength, God's gifting and die to our own fleshly desires. I have seen the church today, lower the standards of church to entice the world to come - - God is saddened by this condition - - we must pray that we keep God in the center.
  18. Q4. (3:8-10) What does it mean to "know" Christ? Does this mean to have faith? Or to have a personal relationship? Is it possible to have a personal relationship with Christ without faith? Is it possible to have faith without a personal relationship? Where are you on your quest to know Christ? Satan knows Christ - we must have faith and call Him LORD. That implies that whatever Jesus/God calls us to do we do. In Hebrew thought obedience brings intimacy. We must have that personal relation with Jesus in order to get to know him. say I know Him better today than I did one year ago. Faith and relationship go hand in hand. The original greek word for faith implies an action to show our faith - - our founding faithers, the patriarchs all stepped out in faith - - Abraham especially - - coming from pagan origin and leaving all he knew to God with God's lead. I desire everyday to do it better than the day before by the Holy Spirit. I study His Word daily and have a Bible Study group in my home. I hunger and thirst after HIs ways - I came to faith late in life and desire to draw near!
  19. Q3. (3:9) How does righteousness obtained through faith differ from righteousness obtained through law observance? How seriously does righteousness by law observance infect your congregation? Society's view of Christianity in general? Why is this concept of justification or righteousness by faith so difficult to grasp? The law NEVER made them anyone righteousness nor saved anyone. God has always been a God of Grace - - showing lovingkindness and mercy. Jews before Christ looked forward to the Messiah coming and those of us who come to faith - Galatians 3 - It has been by faith and that faith implies obedience. Law or torah is God
  20. Q2. (3:2-6) Why isn't Paul merely neutral about his religious pedigree? Why does he consider it loss, dung, an obstacle? In what way could your religious background be an impediment to your faith? Religion is from man's ways, not God's intention. We begin to feel WE are doing something to 'cause our righteousness and then we lose focus of God - - just like Paul didn't want to do. We then get tied up on the "things" we are doing instead of the "heart" in which we are doing them. Our religious background could make us lose the love we have for God and for other people - - WE COULD begin to love the religion instead of God. I have seen so many people be hung up on the trappings of their "religion" even after studying God's word for truth and fail to leave the institution of religion. They become stagnent not growing in their faith. Jesus warns us in Revelation 2:12 "To the angel of the church in Pergamum write: "The One who has the sharp, two-edged sword says: 13 I know where you live--where Satan's throne is! And you are holding on to My name and did not deny your faith in Me, even in the days of Antipas, My faithful witness, who was killed among you, where Satan lives. 14 But I have a few things against you. You have some there who hold to the teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak to place a stumbling block in front of the sons of Israel: to eat meat sacrificed to idols and to commit sexual immorality. 15 In the same way, you also have those who hold to the teaching of the Nicolaitans. 16 Therefore repent! Otherwise, I will come to you quickly and fight against them with the sword of My mouth
  21. Q4. From what you've read in Philippians so far, what seems to be the Philippian church's chief problem? How does Paul's description of Timothy's character speak to this problem? How does Paul's call to honor men like Epaphroditus speak to this problem? They were whiney stiff necked people, grumbling alot - much like our churces today! They loved Paul and needed to learn to emulate their leaders because they were emulating Jesus. Timothy was beloved of Paul and had proved or shown that he walked the walk. Epaphroditus was respected and also had proved himself to be walking in the faith. Both men were willing to die for their faith, exactly the example the Philippians should follow and we should as well
  22. Q3. (2:22) What is the significance of serving Jesus as a "slave" as opposed to serving him as a preference? What does it say about the quality of our service? Of our commitment? What is wrong with leaders who serve out of preference? Serving as a slave - - means to obey the Master without question. When preference comes in - it will always lean to our way instead of God's way. Same is wrong with the leaders - if they do it their way, then they are not serving God - but their own interests - - and we in turn will serve the man instead of God. We serve God out of love and faith and obedience.
  23. Q1. (2:19-21) Why was Timothy's selfless concern so rare among church leaders? Rather than pointing the finger at others in your church, consider yourself. What things has Jesus had to deal with in your life that has helped you to become genuinely selfless and focused on the concerns of others? How has he refined you? (Of course, he is still at work in us!) Church today has become "man's own agenda." We have gotten away from the purity of the Word of God. We have books and plays and sermon topics that do not always edify God. We are all quick to run to people and other books - - before we run to God. Currently, the Lord is taking my wife and I through stripping. I have lost my job and at my age it is becoming increasingly hard to find another. He is providing our needs day by day and it is truely glorious - to watch. I can get to a pity party for a moment, but then I must get outside myself and look to helping others. As Rabbi's say, there is always someone worse or something worse in our lives, than our experience.
  24. Q2. (2:22) Who has come alongside you to teach you? What potential leader in your church needs someone to come alongside them? Do you have a person or two that you are mentoring "as a son with a father" or "a daughter with a mother"? Our church has accountability partners and I facilitate a 12-step recovery group. Our purpose is to mentor our new members and walk beside them as they grow in the Lord. We all need that mentor in our lives that can keep us walking the straight and narrow road.
  25. Workingi out our salvation is growing up in the Lord. We start out as baby believers and grow into the image of Jesus. We are so afraid to say we live by Bible precepts -- God has given us instruction on how to live a perfect life on this earth and God takes us through circumstances so we can learn these precepts and grow more like Jesus. BEing obedient - - living in God's will and for His purpose.
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