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Everything posted by MannyVelarde

  1. Q2. Can we really know God until we can trust him with our whole lives? Have you surrendered your life to Jesus Christ? If not, why not now? If you have, what has that surrender entailed for you? How has God blessed you in return? Satan knows God - and he certainly is not saved. The key is it is surrendering your will to Him. When we call Jesus LORD - we are saying - I give you everything, I am your servant for you to use - for your kingdom - - basically, I have not rights except for those that you give me. Sounds bad - but it is great - - Jesus will provide everything pertaining to life and Godliness - - Trust and faith go hand in hand - - as we grow closer to God in Bible study and prayer and serving, we get to know Him better/closer and we will be able to trust easier. That is our growth - - God is our strong tower - our rock - our everything - - when the Spirit calls us - - we listen, we repent and Jesus becomes Lord of our lives - have faith and trust in Him. Yes I know this wonderful God and I am daily amazed at how perfectly He works through me to help others see His Kingdom plans for them. Without Him I am nothing and lost
  2. Q4. (21:33) How does the realization that God is El-Olam, the Eternal God, effect you? How does it alter the way you live your life? Gives me deep hope - that not only is He eternal - but He is not changing - - He does what He says He will do. - If we truly understood the magnitude of an eternal and unchanging God, we should be effected to live a more Holy life - - God instructed us to be Holy because He is HOly. It should cause us to reflect on how we are walking with Him - - to make Him our first priority. The fact that He is eternal - - says He will be with me, beside me, always loving, always caring, always growing me, always giving me grace and mercy. What a wonderful tool to use as witnessing - to have a Father that will never leave you or forsake you!
  3. Q2. (21:8-10) What motivates Sarah to demand Ishmael's expulsion from Abraham's family encampment? Is she righteous in this? Have you ever tried to force your spouse to act against his or her principles? Have you ever been forced yourself? Obvious motivation - jealousy - but the deep rooted problem is her "heart" problem - - she was not willing to wait on God. She wanted to make sure things were done "right - her way" As we study the word we will see it over and over again - - "taking matters into our own hands." So much the way we are - we know God's will and desires - but He just doesn't move fast enough for us. We are good manipulators - - we all need to seek God's answers - which He always will give us Yes - No - Wait a bit!
  4. Q4. (19:30-38) Why did Lot's daughters turn to incest? What does this tell us about their values? About their faith? Why does Lot turn to intoxication? What does this incident tell us about his faith? His hope? His influence? His choice of residence? What lessons should we learn from this story? I see this story as an insight to how we are today. For many of us "Christianity" is something we put on on Wednesday night and Sunday's and then forget about the rest of the week. Oh we have our quiet time and we do the outward signs, but we must reflect, is it really a part of essence, our life, our being, our very breath. For most of us I think not. We break the Bible, the Word down and pick and choose which application we want to use. So to with Lot's daughters. It never says that Lot and his daughters have great faith or obedience or walking with God -- it seems that everything Lot did, had a lot of the World's Ways in them. Therefore, when it came to time of choices, they unfortunately were poor ones, that caused grave consequences. That is how it is for us today - - the more we study the Word, pray and apply that Word and Wisdom - - the closer we grow to God because we get to know Him better and know His ways - - so we can walk in His steps. This question has caused me to reevaluate where my walk is and by the power of my Lord, I am going to pray to the Spirit within me - - that God said would cause me to walk in His ways!
  5. Well baptism of course started with the Jews, not the Christians. Remember the story of John the Baptist? It actually comes from a ritual immersion ceremony in Judaism called the mikveh. One takes this bath to finalize becoming clean after a period of uncleanliness. Baptism/immersion in the Mikveh is a symbol of conversion both in Orthodox Judaism (adopted Jewish children for instance are baptized), Messianic Judaism, and Christianity. Jesus was baptized before His ministry - John the Baptist was baptizing before Jesus came into the picture. It symbolizes the cleansing that our repentance brings. I as a believer in Jesus do not consider them equal or water baptism. Circumcision is a sign of the Abrahamic covenant that is still in effect and will be until the New Jerusalem is established. God said it was everlasting. Abraham was declared righteous BEFORE he was circumcised because of his FAITH in God. We too are righteous because of faith. Water baptism is NOT essential to faith but is an act of obedience to the divine instructions of our God. Any additional requirement to salvation is dethroning God. The thief on the cross is a prime example. Baptism is not a sign of the New Covenant - the only requirement is FAITH as really it had been since the beginning - - Abraham has faith - he is righteous. Women couldn
  6. Q2. (16:7-9) Why does the angel ask Hagar something that the angel already knows? ("Where have you come from, and where are you going?") Why does she send her back to Sarah? Have you ever reacted and got yourself out of the place God wanted you? I believe the angel asked because of confession. It made Hagar stop and reflect to see where she was coming from - to do a self evaluation - - perhaps confession of any sin that may have been in her heart that could have added to the trauma of the situation. God made Himself known to Hagar and now by sending her back to Sarah perhaps he is showing her His plan for her to bring her closer to Him. He is making her humble to realize that God's plans are not always our plans - there are consequences for doing things out of God's will. Although Sarah is the one that manipulated and tried to force a son for Abraham, Hagar was also a willing person in the process. There are consequences for disobedience and I believe God sent her back so she could repent and be restored back to her place with God.
  7. As Westerners, we don't understand the seriousness of Covenant. Eastern people do. Abram knew what a covenant was - a pact, a treaty, a promise. In this country we take our contracts too lightly - look at divorce - bankruptcy - job and church hopping. If it gets inconvenient or boring - we get out. But in the East, it is serious business when you enter into covenant with someone - - it is a pact that is meant to be kept and if not kept - consequences come. When God gave Abram the instructions to get the animals - Abraham was not told what to do with them - He knew what to do. In addition, when MOses was recording the story he was not led to add commentary explaining what was happening, he knew his readers would know what was going on. As God (represented by the smoking pot) passed thru the pieces - Abram feel into a deep troubled sleep - he became depressed, because he knew that he himself would be expected to pass thru the pieces as the other person of the covenant. When you pass thru the pieces, you are saying "if I don't keep up to my part of the bargin and I break this covenant, then you can do to me what we have done to these animals - cutting in two and spread my blood. Abram was fearful because all that was required of Him was to walk in God's ways with faith. Abram understood he was a sinner and would not be able to live up to this. But God in His perfectness and love, stopped Abram and the fire pot passed through. God is represented by smoke and fire all thru the Bible, so at that moment that the firepot went between the pieces, Jesus was condemend to die for our sins. God showed Abram the promise of the Messiah - and by Abram's faith he was made righteous - Abram understood the serious of the promise and Abram knew that God was a covenant keeping God - the promise was true and would be kept. For us, we know that in the end we will be victorious because at the 7th trumpet "the mystery of God is finished!" Abram looked forward to the sacrifice of the Messiah and we look back at the first coming of the Messiah - - His blood sacrifice - the perfect atonement - for all of our sins!
  8. What this verse and supporting scripture says is that God has always intended for our salvation to be through faith - faith in a coming Messiah and faith in Jesus after His death and resurrection. Incorrect teaching has surfaced thru the years to say that the Law given to Moses and the atonement system in the Old Testament was what saved them. It has never been the law that provided salvation - - it has ALWAYS been faith. Our works will never help, it is our heart that is set on faith - belief, life change and seriving faith It is a beautiful and righteous plan
  9. Frustrated, is not the word I would use - - sometimes I feel weary that things don't come to pass so soon. We all give a request to God and He always answers - with a Yes - No - or wait - - it is our lack of trust in Him to do it that makes us manipulate or "take matters in our own hands" God does not tell us why He delays - - nor does He have to. He is God, we are not. The closer we get to Him, the more we see His fairness and perfect plan in all He does. Deuteronomy tells us "the secret things belong to God." In the end - all the prayers will be answered and the Mystery of God will be finished - - He will be shown that His judgment and ways are just. Right before the trumpets of judgment are sounded incense was added to the prayers of the saints - - and throne to the earth - Revelation 8:3 Another angel came and stood at the altar, holding a golden censer; and much incense was given to him, so that he might add it to the prayers of all the saints on the golden altar which was before the throne. 4 And the smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, went up before God out of the angel's hand. 5 Then the angel took the censer and filled it with the fire of the altar, and threw it to the earth; and there followed peals of thunder and sounds and flashes of lightning and an earthquake. 6 And the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound them. It is awesome to know that He has our best interest in mind and when we don't wait on Him - He is merciful to forgive and redirect us on the correct path - - We just need to fill our days with more of Him, and less of us - as the song goes! Keep looking up!
  10. To me it reflected the God focus of Abraham. He didn't need the riches obviously - he had wealth - and he didn't want to give the credit or honor for those riches to anyone other than God. He was humble and he was a man of principal. But the key is that although he had no need, perhaps he saw the need of those around him and encouraged the king to give to them. He was a leader as God instructs with integrity, faith and servitude.
  11. Abraham showed that he had his priorities in order. Lot received the choicest land. In Chapter 13 it says that he went back to where he had built the altar and worshiped God. So he sought God before parting from Lot. He was God focused first. When Lot got into trouble - Abraham was famly focused second. He had his priorities in order and showed that God was with him in the battle because of the success. Abraham also showed humility in the victory by refusing riches offered to him he refused. Abraham also showed obedience to Melchezidek by giving the priest 1/10th and taking care of others even after Abraham refused the riches of the victory. Abraham always showed he was God centered - loving God with all his heart soul and mind (keeping covenant) and loving his neighbor. We should emulate the integrity, honesty, humility and priority setting of Abraham. Loving God, loving neighbor -- being obedient
  12. The relationship reflects the fact that our God is a covenant God and that He remembers His promises. It shows God will keep His covenant promise forever. As we grow in this study - - we will see the beauty of worshiping our Covenant God - - and the comfort we can know that He remembers, He loves us and provides for us.
  13. Abram had faith enough to leave his hometown and the comfort of what was known to him and be obedient to God. We all have times of "taking matters into our own hands" time and again in our lives. As we grow as believers, we begin to also grow in trust in our Lord. It is not as if He has to prove Himself, but that we are reeducating our response system, to trust in Him. As we will continue this study, we will see the trust that Abraham had, after he and Sarah began to grow in God. Yes Abram was morally wrong and their choices were poor but I believe that God uses their example to show us His mercy and grace. Grace of God abounds all throughout the Bible from Genesis to Revelation and Abram and Sarai's sin, has showed us the hope that God forgives those repentant hearts - - just like He does us today.
  14. In Eastern countries, marriage is a serious covenant between the two. We in the West do not take a covenant seriously -- look at our divorce rates (in church as well); bankruptcy cases, defaulted mortgages, etc. A marriage covenant for a Bedoiun tribe was recently described by a Bible teacher who lived among the tribe for 6 months. The father of the groom and the father of the bride would take a lamb and slit it's throat as the blood poured into a trough. Then the fathers would stomp in the blood one at a time and promise that if their son or daughter was not the best husband/wife as they are promising, then the other partner could do to the father what they had done to the lamb. They were promising their lives on behalf of their children. This story is real and recent. Yes God hates sin, and adultery is sin and the breaking of a covenant. God is a covenant God and must judge harshly for unrepented sin. But He is merciful and when a heart is truly sorry and repentent, He forgives and remembers our sin no more. He has made the perfect plan! Glory to God
  15. Calling on God's name means to get personal with Him. To realize He is the most supreme of all, it is a title of reverence - He is the I am. In ancient times a name was carefully considered for the meaning behind it. In our limited languages, now words are sufficient to explain God's name which original Hebrew YHWH. Many scholars differ on the exact meaning, but to believers it means that God is my every breath. Abram was giving honor to God acknowledging the perfectness of God's direction in Abram's life - saying to God all you require - here I am. To call on the name of God means the same to us as Abram, that we acknowledge the greatness of God, the total perfection and power of God and rely on His strength and direction for our lives. Not a religion that we put on and take off - put a part of our being everyday, as breath is to our body for life sustaining, calling on God is essential for our soul.
  16. To step out in faith as Abram did is truly remarkable to me. Abram at the time he was called was thought to be a pagan - not really knowing God. But what is implied is that when Abram heard God's voice - - he knew exactly who God was and knew he had to obey without questions. For us today, do we have that same reverence/awe/respect/attitude for God when He calls? I pray daily that all believers will have the faith that is listed as a spiritual gift - - that faith that comes from trusting God. God provides many opportunities for us to prove or show Him our faith - - but many times we run to man for counsel, or want to do it the world's way The original word for faith "pistis" implies believing, and acting upon it. Satan knows who Jesus is but acts not according to His plan and ways. We know Jesus and need to step out in faith -- and He will supply the rest for us. Each day for me is an adventure in faith - - doing it one day at a time - - listening for God's voice - - what a glorious way to live on this earth! Shalom Manny
  17. We all should act as if Jesus is coming in our lifetime. We need to evaluate how we live this life of a believer. Ask the questions, Am I telling others of Jesus? Do I miss opportunities to tell them about Him? Many times I fall short and it grieves my soul. I pray daily for boldness to tell the world. 2 Peter 3:11-12 says Since all these things are to be destroyed in this way, what sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, ... We are to live holy and Godly lives - - even hastening the coming of the day. We should never be satisfied. We should always desire to do more and do it better...We should be filled with joy and happiness - - in expectation of His return. Shalom!
  18. Salvation has always come from faith, our faithful God. The covenant was stated way back in Genesis 15:17 - - when God showed Abraham, that this covenant was made by God to man. Abraham was justified by faith, not by the law. The instructions/torah of God show us how to live bountifully on this earth and prepare us for a life in heaven. When we fall in love with God, we want to do everything to please Him, it is not about our works making us perfect, it is about our heart attitude that desires to be perfect for Him. It is only by God's strength that we can perform. Ezekiel 26:26 - God says "A new heat I will give oyu, and a new spirit I will put within you; and I will remove from your body the heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. I will put my spirit within you and make you follow my statues and be careful to observe my ordinances." It is quite simiple, we are obedient to God's instruction because we are saved by grace and God puts His Spirit within us and writes the laws on our hearts and minds, causing us to obey. The practicing of sin is habitual sin - - an attitude of sin - - knowingly choosing the wrong way consistently. Why important to God - - because we were created in His image and for His glory, by obedience, we honor HIm - - we reflect Him so others can see Him through our life. Glory to God - " He has given us everything pertainint to life and Godliness."
  19. Lovingly, wanting only the best perfect place for us to dwell. Some believers will have suffered greatly and when He comes for us to give us rest. He has always sacrificially loved us and now has given us that perfect place that we will dwell with Him in abundance for ever
  20. Water is so necessary for life. We can go days without food, but no more than three without water. If you reflect on times when your thirst was so great and that first sip of water is truly divine. I think of that as Jesus says those that thirst. Until we have that personal relationship with Him, we are constantly trying to satisfy this unquenchable thirst in our soul. In our sinful states before Christ came into our lives, we were so very thirsty for something and then we see Jesus and we are quenched, it is that first drink after devastating thirst that truly is divine and satisfies even to the core of our soul. We are bathed in Jesus and have the gifts of life. They are free, Jesus paid the price. Water cleanses, it washes away the sin of our lives. Jewish folks do a mikvah bath to cleanse after repentance. As John the Baptist was baptizing. Jesus is the water, His Word (Bible) is water - Hebrews 10:23 says for us to be washed in the water - - to be bathed in His word The Spirit and the Bride are the Bride and Groom and we should invite all we meet to the feast - - to know Jesus and never again be thirsty.
  21. I see it as the returning to the Garden of Eden, as it was in the beginning. We were created to commune with God, and we will walk with Him as did Adam and Eve. Why it can only be done in heaven? Because only with the return of the LORD and our redemption and transformation into perfect bodies - - we will be perfect at that time, our God can be with us as He intended. I look forward to long walks with the Father just chatting!
  22. The Bible says in 1 John 4:13 - That John was writing this epistle so we would know that we have eternal life. He was writing against false teachers who were promoting Gnosticism and salvation belief other than Jesus. The gist of the letter was that we could know by believing that Jesus came by water and blood and that God has given us eternal life in his Son. If we have the Son we have life. We can know we have the Son because we love our neighbors as ourselves and because we keep God's instructions. God gave us the perfect example of love by coming in the flesh to die for us and likewise we should lay down our lives for our brethren. It is an act of will, to give to someone in need, not just those folks in our lives, but all folks that the Spirit brings to us. Can we be sure? the answer is yes. It doesn't mean that we will not slip and commit a sin - - we will - - but the key is that it is not habitual - - it is not a lifestyle or a thought process for us. We should not let our heart condemn us when we don
  23. Frightening - - because we are convicted that we missed the mark somehow. It makes us think if we have confessed everything, are we really going to make it. Did we forget to confess and what about the sins we don't even know about that we have commted. The mercifulness and fairness of God is never in question, but the fear is from within ourselves. Are we sincere, did we confess it all, and then there are those we loved still not saved. So the question prompts me to get very serious about prayer and sharing - - this great message of a just, loving, gracious, merciful Savior, Jesus. Time is short and the fields are ready for the reaping!
  24. A little late on this reply Admonished - - because the betrothed - - is a serious commitment in Jewish families. It took a writ of divorce to break that contract. We many times on this earth do not take our betrothal to Jesus serious enough and walk in the world's ways many times. I am sad, but encouraged because He forgives me for all and remembers no more. With the feast, it is a part of the covenant relationship, a meal is shared and back in ancient times, it was the highest form of honor to share a meal with your covenant partner. As we will do in heaven -- glory that we will be sitting down to the perfect everlasting feast with our LORD, our groom !
  25. It is the most perfect title for Jesus. King of Kings, Lord of Lords. It is said to call Him LORD means to say "I will humbly be His bond servant, obedient to all He commands to serve Him." WOW - - what a pleasure it is to serve this most gracious and loving God . He is the head of everything and we can seek His will and wisdom in all we do everyday. His attributes are ours to share and it all enables us to be abassadors for His Kingdom. It gives our life meaning and joy. EPH 6:19 Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, [20] for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should. Not only are our lives changed on this earth because of He is Lord of my life, but what I love about the words King of Kings and Lord of Lords - - is that it sums up what happens in the end - - we win - - in Daniel 7 - - verse 26 - then the court shall sit in judgment and his dominion shall be taken away to be consumed and destroyed. The kingship and dominion and the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven sahll be given to the people of the Holy ones of the mOst High: their kingdom shall be an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall seve and obey the. - - Jesus truly will be the King of Kings. REJOICE - SHOUT HALLELUJAH!
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