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Everything posted by Elder9

  1. Daniel's prayer to God was for "help", the 70 years were ending and he wanted to know what would become of his people. He wanted God to forgive their sins and again look favorably upon His people. Though they and their fathers had greatly sinned and rebelled against God, have mercy and help us again. The grounds for the appeal was because the bottom line was ... "they're called by your NAME". Where ever we go we're called "the children of God", so inaffect there's a lot more at stake here than just us. God sent Gabriel to comfort Daniel and give him assurance that He heard and would act in accordance to His word. And that Israel still had a future. Jeremiah 29:11.
  2. Daniel, is a true intercessor. Daniel has completely indentified himself with the sins of his people. He has taken ownership of their sins in order that God may hear and save. This model of prayer means that we can't outside and pray, we've got to get dirty. Or align ourselves with the guilty. It becomes necessary for Daniel to do this because of the nature of intercession. "Inter" to come into, means to become deeply involved with. Though he didn't commit these trangressions himself he was of the same people that commited them. He placed himself right alongside of them. It was not them any more but "us" or "we". He didn't take on their sins, but as a intercessor indentified himself with them in their sins.
  3. Daniel's demeanor is that of true humility, even though they have a personal relationship there is no taking either for granted. As was mentioned, God owes no man anything. And because the judgment is right there's nothing to bargin. He prepares by "confession" of sins (himself and the people's) a true intercessor. leaving no room for pride or arrogance. Humbly approaching the Living God. As preparations go, he "fasts" & puts on "sack cloth and sprinkles ashes" on himself. Denying himself and mourning for the sins commited, and the need for help. Israel as a Nation had turned from God, but the Prophecy didn't depend on their actions but on God's actions, but it needed to rehearsed to God that "we" have sinned and that's why we're in this condition now. But according to Your word its ending. Reliving or recognizing the seriousness of the situation at hand cause people to do serious things, fasting means that we're really serious about this. Though sackcloth and ashes aren't required, it reminds us of how mournful this is. Turning over in my mind who I am, and the people that I'm interceeding for makes me look at things differently.
  4. Daniel was encouraged by the writings of the Prophet Jeremiah, and knowing that God had said their deliverance would be after 70 years (and those years were now ending) knowing the faithfulness of God to His word Daniel was truly encouraged to ask and to interceed. Throughout Daniel's lengthy life in Babylon he'd become quite the intercessor. So it was rather natural for him to speak on behalf of a speachless nation. The trait, ... God had shown Daniel quite a few things, and had been with him and his friends through several tight situations. Through this Daniel learned to trust God and rely on His written and spoken word. Daniel found God to be Faithful. Relying on God became a trait that pronounces the relationship between Daniel & God. Prayer was a key to their relationship, they talked constantly. Daniel talked and God listened, God talked and Daniel listened. And nothing would stop nor interfere with that.
  5. It's difficult because what it opens up in us or exposes us to. No one relishes being outed or giving complete investigative privleges to to anyone. Scriptures says that we're openly exposed or naked before Him, whom we have to do. Difficult and painful. Now I've nothing to hide, nor is there anything hidden. Soon after conversion, and most recently after a time of reflection. It's a kind of "purging" prayer. I'm asking GOD to find all the stuff that I've (selectively) missed, and forgive me. Cleansing, overwhelming joy at knowing that for this moment the prince of this world can come and find nothing in me. That the loving GOD, who is now my Father, has washed me with HIS fullers soap, clean again to take on todays challenges. Yes, but not a happy one, nor completely commited one. I believe Peter wished that he had prayed it before he had spoken so quickly.
  6. Knowing that GOD has taken such intricate measures in "personally" designing me, He would not deliberately design me to fail. I've heard and often used the phrase "GOD has a plan your life", I really believe now that it started in the womb. I've recently prayed with a young Christian who's wife was having their first child and the doctors detected a kidney disease that would require a transplant, plus other complications. I gave him this very Psalm to read to encourage him and his wife. Doctors know in part, GOD see's clearly, we've just got to see what GOD see's. After myself and other Saints prayed, the child was born without any birth defects. The Doctor (a specialist from Africa) want to use his x-rays (there was something there) to encourage other parents that man isn't always right, and that GOD can change the word of a Doctor. Its overwhelming because of the emotional roller coaster ride that the mind takes. Weighing the Word of GOD. I know what it says, but did you read that? I mean, did I read what you just read? It's Awesome.
  7. GOD has securely enveloped David, causing him to feel the presence of GOD in an unusual way. He can feel the hand of GOD pressing him in a pre-ordained direction. It's as if, should David desire to go West (and GOD South) GOD would win the decision. But its in a gentle loving way. Yes, I was placed in a way that was foreign to me and had no previous experience nor trail blazer to consult. GOD gave me assured guidance, in the way that I should take. I didn't feel as David felt "hemmed" in, but I know it was the hand of the Lord. Yes, it was assuredly for my good. It came at a time when I had reached the end of myself and needed to know that I wasn't out of the Fathers will. Complete joy. Comfort and gratitude. It's like being stranded on an sinking ship and you're wet to the waist with no hope of rescue, and suddenly you hear a voice saying "grab my hand".
  8. People seek to flee from GOD because of their actions either against or in opposition to His will. As soon as Adam heard GOD's voice in the garden he fled, we being his offspring have been duplicating his response and actions ever since. It's the thought of being found out or embarressed. Guilt or guilty conscience plays a good role in it as well. Another family trait stemming from our lack of knowledge of who GOD is, Cain lied to GOD about his brother only because he didn't really know who GOD was. We feel the need to hide from "fear, retribution, danger etc." its an instinctive response, solely developed by us to insulate ourselves from pain or shame. YES, I become ashamed of my actions or inactivity, and feel as though I can hide from GOD, whether using busy-ness, business or feigned ignorance. Some have used alcohol, drugs, sex or the TV. But its still a "Jonah syndrom". I find myself running right into HIS arms, even in my attemps flee.
  9. Hezekiah ask'd because of their relationship. Hezekiah loved GOD, and GOD loved Hezekiah. He had confidence that GOD would help him. It causes GOD to react based on relationship and not on works. Righteousness and Holiness is ascribed to us by Christ, though we daily contend for continuous right standing. If GOD should ask why should He grant my request, I have two responses (if one doesn't work the other certainly will), (1) I've lived all that I know how in accordance to your word, offering no excuse for failure only that I've tried. (2) Because of Christ, I'm found to be the righteousness of GOD in Christ Jesus. If my record won't work, here's Christ finished works. GOD will not reward disobedience. If my daughter disobeys me and ask for something, I still love her and will provide the daily requirements, but that's all.
  10. Hezekiah's healing is important because just like Abraham who having been given Promises by GOD but had no heir, couldn't see it being done. Hezekiah knew that GOD was merciful and that appealing to Him not on his behalf but on behalf of His Covenant promise may cause GOD to change His course of action. What did he have to lose? In order for David's dynasty to continue as promised by GOD, there had to be an heir, from his loins. GOD permits situations that require us to intercede, which is a great teaching tool. This was bigger than Hezekiah, and Hezekiah knew it, he now became part of the solution, in effect, Hezekiah said, but I don't have a son, what about your promise to David to whom you also said "once have I sworn that I would not lie to my servant David. It's not about me, but fulfilling your word to King David. GOD is not a man that He should , nor the son of man that He should repent. If He spoke He'll do it, if He said He'll make it good.
  11. It recognizes and declares who is being addressed, not just anybody, but THE LIVING GOD. It honors and exalts the receipent of this prayer. Hezekiah acknowledges the position of GOD. Faith has to have an OBJECT, the object of our faith is GOD. So when we pray faith is important because there has to be a reason or purpose why we're calling on GOD. If I didn't believe (through faith) that GOD is real or wouldn't hear me why pray? It becomes vain words. My faith is increased and rewarded knowing that my GOD is alive. Knowing full well that an omnipetent GOD hears me, causes me to be at ease. GOD expects us to expect great things from HIM. The greater the obsticle, the bigger our GOD is. Psalm 25 says when my heart is overwhelmed lead me to that ROCK that is higher than I.
  12. Spreading out this insulting (attack on GOD) message was letting GOD actually see what was written about HIM. It was a letting go of the responsibilty to reply and leaving it in GOD's hands. When I receive a bill in the mail with an enormous balance and high minimum payment rather tha become overwrought I quickly look at the address again only to find that it's not for me but a neighbor. So the response is not up to me. Hezekiah, knew exactly what he was doing. Casting all your care upon Him, because He cares for you. Don't fight giants, rather contact giant killers. The battle belongs to GOD, victory is ours, but the battle is His. We can apply this by learning from Hezekiah not to open someone else's mail. As was stated it was all about GOD, Hezekiah notified GOD that someone delivered His mail to his address, and here's what it says. Frustration, defeat, depression etc. it all happens when we take on more than we're able or suppose to. Turn it over to GOD, and watch Him fix it.
  13. You can only give what you are willing to relinqish completely. Praise belongs to GOD and is not ours to hold. It's not until we learn to let His thing go that we are able to be free. (Possessions, hold us in bondage i.e. Howard Hughes) Praise becomes difficult because we don't want to give it, when we're ready to give proper praise it opens us up to giving more (possessions). We tend to hold back, as if not wanting to give everything, but able to take something back with us. (After all, its ours isn't it?). The Earth is the LORD's and the fullness thereof, the World and they that dwell therein. Job, said naked I came into the world, and naked I'll go out. Since I wasn't born with pockets, whatever I've gotten since being here came from someone/somebody meaning GOD. The more I give the more GOD gives me to give, Praise will open that window of blessing, its up to me to determine how wide it'll be opened.
  14. To the Only Wise GOD, Saviour of All mankind, Merciful and Longsuffering, Compassionate Deliverer. The things that GOD has done for me and Saved me from, & provided for me and mine become the backdrop for my approach to Him. Every day GOD proves Himself worthy of my praise to Him. Through His acts of Kindness and Great Grace to me, I'm able to start with what He means to me. In its beginning "Hollowed" be thy name, and end "Thine is the Kingdom, Power and Glory". Recognition of the Greatness of the All Powerful Everlasting GOD. How Great Thou Art, Handel's Messiah, and the songs that He puts in my spirit as I attempt to worship Him (no rhym or reason) just His illumination of Himself.
  15. By extolling His Person, voicing His Goodness, declaring His Might and focusing only on HIM. True praise will LIFT HIM up, as we settle down in Him. He is exalted by our desire and thurst to experience His Presence in our midst. Thereby forgetting about ourselves and concentrating on HIM. It causes us to Grow in grace and in the knowledge of Him. And to cast all our care upon Him, focusing on the HELP and not the NEED, meaning that we will praise Him anyway, regardless of life's outcomes. Job, shaved his head, tore his clothes and then "worshiped" GOD. We need to increase our "worship and praise" to GOD who is worthy of it all. If we will learn early in Christian life what David has recorded by experience we'd be better Christians. "I will praise the LORD at ALL times His paise shall continually be in MY mouth".
  16. We bless GOD as we declare to Him His Greatness, reflecting on and then openly voicing it to the heavens. First we think of GOD in the various ways that He's come to our aide. As Mighty Almighty GOD, or GOD of Peace, or LORD of Host etc. this usually starts the mind and tongue to working in sinc. I will bless the LORD at ll Times etc. We are blessing or ascribing to Him Greatness. Our freely given acknowledgment of His Greatness, our total recognition of His Revelation to us, and our desire to wholesomely cry out in pure praise in that illumened Revelation. GOD is looking for TRUE worshipers, those who don't need a musical instrument or choir director or worship leader to get them started. It breaks out of us involuntarly. Empty repetitious, memorized cliche' or empty platitudes. Void of true meaning only asking. Scripture encourages us to enter into His presence with praise and His courts with Thanksgiving. The Formal posture or position of approaching Royality.
  17. It means that we're so much consumed by our actions against The Living GOD, that to say that we're godly sorry doesn't really fit. I'm thinking of how Peter must have felt when he denied Christ and Christ looked him in the face. What could have been more regretable? How much more broken could any human be at that time, denying The Christ? Thinking if I could only die now, because I don't want to face tomorrow. Crushed in spirit, playing those words over in the mind, you forget what any joy could have ever been. True repentence comes about only through or because of brokenness. Because it cause's us to give up or of ourselves. Start taking responsibility for our actions, as well as accepting the consequences. It makes us see who we really are. And its not pretty. And requires action on our part to remedy it. It makes us exposes our weaknesses.
  18. Yes it is possible to have a pure heart, in so much as we as Paul regularly confessed his sins daily to be considered perfect. In Christ we find our pure heart towards GOD because of His finished works. I'm looking at pure heart as right standing and not as not guilty or sinless. GOD's method of bringing about a pure heart is found in "heart transplant" through JESUS CHRIST, He said He would give us a new heart. It provides us with confidence to approach a Holy God, and as He looks at our heart He see's the heart of His Son. Our part is to surrender and comply. When the Prophet Nathan confronted King David about his sin, he surrendred (admitted & complied) with GOD's prescribed punishment, death of the child. Thereby providing King David with a pure heart to approach GOD. His sin had been dealt with.
  19. David is GODLY sorrowing in his rebellion against his GOD. He doesn't mince words neither, knowing that GOD know's all things (not like Cain) he didn't try to minimize nor hide his sin. David clearly spelled out discriptively what he had done, pains takingly discribing in language plain an simple the magnitude of his transgression, mainly towards the GOD that he loves, but I don't think limiting it by neglecting the husband & wife he sinned against as well. One cannot generalize a request for "pardon". One needs to be specific of their offences not savoring in them but agonizingly bringing to bear the truth of its effects on relationships and emotions. David declares the pain it must have caused GOD to see His Servant King flaunt his authority in GOD's face. So for that reason david left no doubts to anyone who would read his account, of his actual sinful actions against GOD.
  20. It requires faith because asking, while at the same time not believing that your request will not go any farther than your lips is vain or empty requests. kindred to repenting because you got caught not because it offended it becomes mere platitudes. That faith is based on "relationship". Knowing GOD to be compassionate we ask. Constantly being in touch with GOD. David said "I will call on the LORD as long as I live because He hears me". (Psa. 116: 2) Developing a relationship, Enoch walked with GOD and was not because GOD took him, as some poetically put it, "Enoch, don't go home today come with me to my house".
  21. Abraham showed persistaence by imposing himself upon GOD, in reducing the numbers until he felt comfortable in that it covered Lot's immediate family (wife and any children). It's necessary because it shows GOD just how serious we are in what we're asking. Like any child at Christmas time they continue to ask for a particular toy until they've gotten the assurance that their parents knows exactly what they want. Yes, my wife and I were asking GOD for a daughter to give to Him much like Samuel, and it seemed like it would not come to pass. After three mis-carrages we were determined to keep this before GOD (blessed is the man that has his quiver full, and a daughter would have filled my quiver) GOD delivered (wife too) our daughter is 20 years old today. It was challenging, painful when I would go into the basement and see baby clothes we had brought. But worth it.
  22. I think that God was expecting nothing less from Abraham, he was in fact His friend. Abraham had grown in his relationship with God. From his call to leave everything and follow Him, Abraham was growing in this friendship. But it was feared and delight, he reverenced God's pressence and relished their time. So the boldness demonstrated by abraham was built on mutual trust and respect. It pleased God because He saw in Abraham the reflection of His own character of mercy and intercession, on behalf of others unable to ask or do for themselves. By my boldness (confidence) in coming to Him and asking what only a son/daughter or friend would ask. Given that He's invited us to ask condidently, now comes time to put up or shut up. Here's a situation (that's personal, a relative is involved) God is going to act, and He lets me know His intentions to see what I will do. His delight would be to hear me entreat for that relative.
  23. Abraham demonstrated humilty by recognizing who he was talking to, and the position that it put him in. I'm talking to "GOD". And knowing what he had to ask, starting at 50, and having to keep reducing the number meant having to continue to ask the same question only with a lesser number. Why not start at 5 or 10 and work up? I don't know how many there may be so i'll start high and work my way down, but i'm still talking to GOD. This negotiation is not your average deal making, all deals are FINAL. God says that we can BOLDLY come into the throne of grace. But we must understand where it is that we're going. I my boldness is "confidence" not arogance.
  24. Abraham argued from God's own righteousness. That the judge of the whole earth would in fact act or do righteously. What God expects from us He Himself demonstrates. I believe that Abraham really put the ball in God's court, by asking Him what God would have asked of him should the situation arise. In essence, God you'd expect me to act right, now you do the same. The character of God is RIGHTEOUSNESS, He cannot act in contradiction to Himself. I believe that because God knows His children, (far more than we know ourselves) He wanted Abraham to pull out of himself the knowledge of God, that was self evident. It was another classroom experience, God teaching by hands on lesson His expectation of us, as He Himself would act.
  25. I feel very comfortable with God being "Sovereign". Doing what He wants to, how He wants to, Whene He wants to. If God moves me to intercede for others even when it seems as though He's already made up His mind or a course of action its got to be for a reason. We learned earlier in our model for prayer, "in earth as it is in heaven". i take that as a model of what God wants to do in earth. The world has already been condemned to destruction. But yet He sent His Son to seek and save that which was lost, and He loves the world the reason for the Son coming, and He still is god who changes not. It depends on my understanding of "outside" of His will. His will is that none should be lost, and that all come to repentence. So God will answer prayer for mercy, in accordance to His will. His word has gone out of His mouth, "find sinners, save the willing", His will is that His word of mercy finds them and they repent before His word of judgment finds them and condemns. Answer, YES.
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