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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Patsy Laycoax

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Everything posted by Patsy Laycoax

  1. The aspects of Moses Prayer we should emulate is to interceed for others who aren't living for God,the unsaved and others who need our prayers. Moses offers his bold appeal upon the promises of God and God's character,love and mercy. To pray the promises of God is to know them from the Bible and tell them back to God with faith He will answer. The Bible helps us get our prayers answered by knowing what His promises are and His commands to obey and what His will is. This helps our prayers to be within His will because we get to know Him and what He is like therefore we more readily pray His will.
  2. The thing that the people had done that was so bad is they fashioned a golden calf and began to worship it thereby committing idolatry. A loving God can be angry because His nature and character is sinless and hurts or offends that perfect nature, much more than we can understand. They knew the true God had led them out of Egypt and yet the first chance they got they were committing idolatry. Yes, God's sentence to destroy Israel is justified because He was still going to raise a new nation trough Moses thereby keeping His promise to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Moses was in their line of descendants. Only because of His mercy through Moses prayer, He did not do it.
  3. We should continually ask for forgiveness because we continue to sin. We are not always aware of it, sometimes it is a sin of omission. Unforgiveness can block God's blessing because unforgiveness is sin and God cannot bless sin in our life. It also can block God's forgiveness because when we hold on to unforgiveness, we are saying we do not want God's forgiveness. Our heart is not in the right place to receive forgiveness.
  4. We seek to be independent of asking anyone for help because of our pride. We want to do it on our own without the help of others. We think people will think us a failure. We seek to be independent of God for the same reason and also because we feel so secure in supplying our own needs. We should ask God for our daily needs even though we earn a good living because God is the one who supplied that job or career. He is the one who gives us our health and strengh to do the work. Things can chage very quickly,we should never take God's blessings for granted!
  5. When we ask for the Father's kingdom to come,weare asking for His will to be done here on earth now and completely when Jesus returns to rule over all forever as our King! We ask for the Lord's wll to be done because we want to learn how we must pray according to His will. This prayer will affect our living by our lives being in His will and our trust and love for Him will increase and sin decrease.
  6. We hallow God's name by holding His name with great respect and reverance. We hallow it with our lives by obeying His Word. Using His name casually and living careless lives besmirches His name. We should come to God in prayer by recognizing who he is and what He has done and praising Him for it.
  7. The Lord's table is a time of intimate fellowship with Jesus because of the sacrifice He made on the cross to be able to offer the cup of the New Covenant to us who believe. And we take it in deep sincerity and love for Him and what He has done for us. What makes a meal memoriable with family and friends is the conversation and fellowship together. This insight makes my experience at the Lord's table more meaningful is to understand what the Lord is saying to me and and what He wants from me and to agree with Him and obey Him,thereby deepening my love for Him!
  8. The significance of the twelve apostles drinking the cup of the covenant is that it was binding them to the New Covenant. They corresponed under the ratification of the Old Covenant to the nobles of the children of Israel. The significance of us drinking the cup of the covenant is by partaking of the cup,we renew our committment to the New Covenant.
  9. The New Covenant differs from the Old in that the old,they had to try to obey the Lord without a new nature. That is impossible. In the New Covenant the Lord gives us a new nature through the Holy Spirit when we put our faith alone in His name. By that new nature we have the power to obey Him! The promises God makes in the New Covenant is,He will give us the Holy Spirit,purify us from all sin and forgive us of all our sin through His shed blood. The responsibilities of the believer are: we must be willing to repent of our sin and be baptized. We must walk in the Light as He is in the Light and to keep fellowship with Him and fellow believers. Also we must be willing to confess sin in our life.
  10. The Lord's Supper is a proclamation by the eating of the bread and drinking of the wine symbolizes His death on the cross as a sacrifice for the forgiveness of our sins. It is proclaimed to believers and unbelievers.This is important because it is an enacted sermon about Jesus sacrifice for sins.When the church shifts its proclamation to a differnt central theme,it loses it's power to win people to Christ and believers become lukewarm and forget their first love.
  11. The most valuable part of the meaning of the Lord's Supper for me is keeping me focused on the Lord's death,what he done for us,his love for us and what it accomplished-our eternal life and forgiveness of sin.
  12. An extreme symbolic inpretation could cause a person to fail to grasp the full signifcance of the elements ahd the Lord's Supper as a whole. It might not be any more than just what they see, the cracker and the juice or wine. It would lose so much of its meaning. The balance is to not go to eeither extreme.The craker and wine do not change,Ido not think,they are symbols but very important and meaningful symbols. They are to highly regarded,not to be taken lightly because they do represent the real person of Jesus Christ and his sacrifice! God help us to come to his table truly saved and humble.
  13. The status of the Lamb who sits beside him who is worshipped shows that he is God, one person of the trinity,the Son of God and is also worthy of worship.
  14. The significance of us reigning with Christ is we will serve as kings under Jesus the King of Kings to administrate his reign on the earth. the sense that we are priests,we can go to God directly and do not have to have a another human to intersede for us!
  15. The Lamb has triumphed by shedding his blood on the cross to redeem us back to God,some out of every kindred,tongue,people and nation. Thank you Jesus!
  16. The Lamb itself represents Jesus Christ. Standing after being slain indicates rising again from the dead. Horns represent complete might and strength. Eyes represent the ability to see everything fully. The number seven carries the idea of completeness or perfection. To summarize the Lamb has the qualities of being a risen living Saviour who has complete or perfect strength and power who sees everything to the smallest detail.
  17. Jesus the Lamb is here called the Lion of the tribe of Judah because Jesus came from the tribe of Judah and Judah was pictured as a lion. He is called the root of David because Jesus,the Messiah descended from David.These titles signify that He is all-powerful and has authority above everyone and everything.
  18. We anticipate a future Passover Meal each time we celebrate the Lord's Supper because in !Corinthians 11:26 Jesus told us to do this in remembrance until he comes at which time he promises to drink it new with us in his Father's Kingdom. Matthew 26:29
  19. This is my blood of the covenant which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins fills us with sorrow because they cause us to realize what a terrible price Jesus Christ had to pay for our forgiveness. At the same time they fill us with joy because we now can be forgiven of our sins and it shows how very much he loved us. Now we will be able to spend eternity with him! Praise the Lord!
  20. 1 Corinthians 11:27 says we are not to partake of the Lord's Supper unworthily. So if we have unforgivness in our hearts then we are sinning. In order to partake we must forgive. Matthew 26:28,Jesus said when they took of the cup,this is my blood shed for the remission of sins and Matthew 6: 14-15 says that if we do not forgive others,he will not forgive us.
  21. We have been set free from the slavery of sin in the sense that we are no longer in bondage to it.Nor do we have the heavy burden of sin we had before Jesus set us free and we no longer will have to pay the wages of sin. Jesus Christ by his sacrifice freedus from the chains of bondage to sin,lifted our heavy burden of sin and paid the wages of sin for us so we won't have to by spending eternity in hell. Thank you Jesus! We need the Holy Spirit to guide us,convict us when we sin and comfort us. Without the Holy Spirit we would only have our fleshly nature and all it can do is sin. It is im- possible to live a life free from the bondage of sin ,the burden of sin and in the end pay the wages of sin without the Holy Spirit, he gives us the power to live for God.
  22. All humans are the slave,we are enslaved by sin,we were born sinners. God offers the ransom,his only begotten Son,Jesus Christ's blood to pay for our sins.The ransom is not paid to satan because its purpose is to defeat him, not pay him off. It is not spelled out completely in the New Testament because it is not a perfect analogy of the slave-ransom analogy.
  23. We do not belong to ourselves. We now belong to the Lord Jesus Christ because he paid sin's price on the cross to buy us back from the slavery of sin. This should affect our daily lives by taking all decisions and choices in life to him and do what he would have us do. Also anything he might lay on our heart we should also do. The way to know is through Bible reading,prayer and the preaching of God's Word.
  24. Jesus received the punishment due me when he hung on the cross and took my sin upon himself,God who cannot look upon sin, turned away from him for a time. But Jesus being a perfect sacrifice,God could turn to him again as soon as the payment was complete. If Jesus had not done that I could not be saved and would be separated from God forever. I am so thankful Jesus loved me and took my place.
  25. The Servant acts as our substitute to bear our sins because on the cross our sins were applied to him and he became our substitute for payment of our sins. If he had not done this we would have to pay for our own sins and that would mean we would spend an eternity in hell. Praise God we can accept his sacrifice for our sin and spend eternity with him!
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