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Everything posted by JustJeff

  1. The water of life is the Holy Spirit, given freely to all who will partake of it. That means of our own free will, accepting the Lord's conditions. This flows through all Spirit filled believers to our whole community, as long as we walk in the Spirit.
  2. Using Psalm 15 will aid in teaching children (and Christians) the proper steps needed to be righteous in God's eyes with emphasis on GOD. It seems start with walking right in God's sight and doing the right thing. This means being completely truthful, with everyone, including yourself, even if it hurts. We shouldn't gossip or attempt to bring evil upon others. At the same time we should despise evil and avoid it, not fellowshipping with the wrong crowd. Instead join with people who are like minded in their love of Adonai which means never to abuse or use the less fortunate. Then we will have our tents built on solid rock.
  3. In a world driven by pleasure and gain, when you see the wicked live in luxury with all the finest of this life available to them, it is necessary for the Word to remind us that our lack is only temporary. That while we suffer as wicked men and women crush us with their gluttony and scorn us with their contempt, we will be victorious. As our homes are torn down to make way for the rich of this world and our taxes go up to pave their roads to their worldly whims, we are reminded that there will come a day when our roads will be paved with gold and we will dwell in heavenly mansions. Psalm 1 taught me to meditate and by meditation in the Word I am able to make it. That was the intention of this Psalm.
  4. I can only imagine (sounds like an inspiration for a song) how it was when Emmanuel was with His disciples. He healed, He taught, He prayed, He worshipped, He sung hymns, He fellowshipped, He dined, and it goes on. Only when in His Shekinah can we experience total and complete Shalom, not just peace but, Shalom. Now, since He ascended, in order to be in His blessed company, we must qualify for His Kingdom for it is there that all this greatness and splendor will be made available to His disciples once again. I am greedy. I don't want a part of it, I want it all.
  5. I take nothing for granted in the flesh. While I am filled with the Holy Ghost I am still a man and subject to man's passions and weaknesses. I am working out my salvation with fear and trembling for scarcely will I be saved even if I am righteous. So, the answer to your question is I am the Lord's and I am now in His book but, until I reach the end of the narrow road, I like to believe that I am written in pencil.
  6. God is love. To understand the depth of His love you need to believe in Him for who He is, the Almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth and all that is contained therein. With that faith we come to know Him, that as His created sons and daughters we are His own. We have been bought with a price, that of the earthly life of His only begotten Son, who, while we were yet in sin, died for us. That is love. That is the basis of my faith. This realization has brought me to where I am today. Solely and wholly His.
  7. When it's over, it's over. When God renders His final judgment there will be no turning back to Him, no more forgiveness, no more mercy. The prospect of this is horrible and yet, it's gonna happen. Worse yet, man in his infinite pride and stupidity will curse God until his final breath and the naive will continue to insist that God is love and can do no such thing. I have much sorrow for the loss that will come.
  8. What led to the Jews captivity was their rebellion against God. The emptiness that they were now feeling was the same feeling Yahweh must have had when they abandon Him. I find that when I am in despair it is because I have forgotten my need to go through tribulation in order to gain the experience that I lack to be what the Lord needs me to become. It is the flesh trying to gain superiority over the spirit. I find it needfull to recall His benefits during this dry time and to know that as I go through, I soon will come to the oasis, the well of living water. I see this in these Psalms.
  9. As the Almighty Potentate, the ruler of everything and everyone, I have a most difficult time of keeping myself humble before Him. His love is such that He gives me great leeway and I am too often forgetful of He whom I serve. It is awesome just to think that He allows me to approach Him through His Son. This does keep me in check and allows the help I need to keep myself under subjection as I work to present myself as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to Him. I just finished another reading of 2 Kings. I believe that the leaders of every nation should make this required reading for themselves when they take office. Perhaps they might consider who the true ruler of nations really is and, the ramifications of their failure to do so.
  10. (Psalm 27) To seek His face and to be in His presence is to desire the presence of Adonai in your life, to feel Yahweh with you at all times. All things happen in El Shaddai's time, not ours. Though things seem hopeless they are totally in Adonai Tzavot's hands so, be strong and of good courage and learn patience.
  11. When I consider that Yahweh considers marriage as an eternal union, and that one is to cherish his wife as he would his own flesh. When I think of the excitement of the wedding and the thought of sharing my life with my bridegroom I am convicted, even in the midst of a mighty battle for my soul, that I belong to Jesus. I also press on, knowing that as I keep my integrity before Him, I will attain the marriage supper of the Lamb, the greatest victory of all.
  12. Quite simply put; we are in the world, not of it. We do not participate in the hedonism of the world order nor submit to the avarice that rules the day. We should be content where God has put us and live lives holy and acceptable to Him.
  13. I learn that in order to properly worship Adonai we need to recognize and verbalize His diety, His maginificance, His awesome might, His holiness, His glory, His fearfulness. I immediately saw Holy, Holy and parts of others whose titles escape me as hymns that to me are as contemporary today as they were when they were written.
  14. The incredible reality that God Himself designed him, from father to mother to creation, led the psalmist to conclude that he was God's creation and that Yahweh was constantly with him. He asks his heavenly Father to search out any evil within him and take control of him by leading him the right way.
  15. I feel that Christianity has lost the concept of hell because it is no longer being preached (yeah, I know, no religion bashing). Therefore, if you cannot be taught about hell, how can you accept the punishment of hell? No way. God is the Judge and we will be judged for our choices in this life. If we do the crime we must do the time. Each and everyone has to make the decision to serve the Creator by obeying Him via His commandments. If we choose a life of sin and rebellion against Him then we have failed Him as His creation and are not accepted of Him. We are worthy of His jutice.
  16. To have such an understanding of the Word that you cannot only interpret it but, see yourself surrounded by it in creation is awesome. That is the link here and as the sun comes down or the moonlight casts its pale glow, the psalmist is enveloped in the Word. I have at times been blessed to feel this but it is quite clear that the psalmist has been overwhelmed by God's visual splendor. That in itself is a great prayer. In verse 14 David is asking for acceptance of his whole being, humbling himself to his power; the Lord God Almighty.
  17. Adonai is the Creator, of everything. Despite our humanity, Adonai has given us charge over His creation as we are His children, He alone is worthy of our praise. He is love. Adonai has given us His only begotten Son, to experience our life, to die for us in order to have victory over death. Adonai is love. God has given us dominion over all the earth and we are to love and care for it as He does us. We are responsible. God is love.
  18. Lately, with all of the problems of Christian leadership being brought out in the open, and those in the congregation who continue to hold them blameless, I am driven toward a deeper commitment to the Word. Those 144,000 are worthy because they are faithful. Despite all of the trials and temptations, they do not take their eyes off of the Word. In spite of those who try to lead them astray, Jesus is Lord and no other. As I ponder this I feel the thing to emulate is a commitment to the Word, and to abide in it forever.
  19. The Antichrist and false prophet will (are?) work in tandem to undermine Christianity with the end result being that all weak or lukewarm Christians will submit to the delusional authority that God has given the Antichrist. In this manner all those who endure to the end will be saved. Glory!
  20. The theme of Revelation is the final victory over Satan, started at Calvary by the shed blood of the Lamb and applied in battle by His disciples. Satan is overcome by His blood and the testimony of the Lord's saints who willing give their lives to remain steadfast and become martyrs rather than lose that testimony. It is in our bodily death that we will ever be with the Lord and it is by our death to sin and to those in sin around us that we can qualify to be with Him through our bodily death. Consequently, if we fail to give up the world and the things that are in the world we will remain in sin.
  21. The woman and the dragon symbolize the battle between the church and the devil. During Jesus' time the Adversary attempted to prevent the Lord from establishing His doctrine, ultimately the church, and was defeated on Calvary. Presently, Satan is still at war with the church and has infiltrated her with an influx of worldiness. This has led to many succumbing to the flesh and a corruption of the truth, the doctrine of our Lord. It is tragic to witness the fall of so many but those who are steadfast until the end will see the great victory of the Lord and His assumption to the throne as the true ruler of the world. Pray that we remain faithful until the final victory.
  22. These two are true and faithful witnesses and their reward is eternity with our God.
  23. Knowing that mankind has rejected our Creator, inspite of His great love for us in sending and sacrificing His only begotten Son to give us the path back to Him is bitter indeed. To know that most of mankind will perish because they continue to rebel against God, even as they are suffering the end of all things as is now known, is grievously bitter. It is sweet to trust in Jesus and realize our blessed hope. It is sweet to be marked by God as His own, to have His love abide in us and that our place with the Lamb and the Father is assured for evermore. Amen.
  24. People from all nations, races, languages will stand before the throne of God and the Lamb, after they have gone through great tribulation. I note in the KJV that it says "after they have gone through great tribulation" which could indicate the personal trials that each of us as Christians must go through in order to win the race. Once, when completely in the Spirit of God, our spirit can do nothing else but worship Him, as shown here. I don't see the correlation between 7:14 and the 1st vs of Amazing Grace. I do know that I was a lost wretch and blind and by the Lord's amazing grace I'm now saved and can see the truth.
  25. God ever loves and cares for His own. Ezekiel 9 demonstrates that God will mark or seal those who are His true servants, to save us from His final and great wrath.
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