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Everything posted by Jewell

  1. The belief of a demon focuses on the negative and is self-centered, the belief of a practicing Christian focuses on the positive and is others-centered, the belief of a non-practicing Christian falls somewhere in-between.
  2. We are responsible to the degree that we can help and are led by God to help, both inside and outside the church.
  3. Faith is dead and means nothing if it is not accompanied by setting the example (walking the talk) through how we live - then it becomes alive.
  4. There would be no selfish or self-centered actions (no personal agendas) - all things would be done to God's glory. We would see more answered prayer, we would see more miracles, we would see more love.
  5. We receive the Spirit when we ask Christ into our hearts. The amount we are "filled" is what we allow - it's a continual reality - we have to make room by removing the bad from our lives, our hearts, our souls for the Spirit to fill us. I think it is the same as being filled with the fullness of God.
  6. We're prevented from comprehending the far reaches of Christ's love when we don't put Christ first in everything - thoughts, actions, words. When we put Christ first, when we remember what he did for us out of love, we have no choice but to follow him. We become a new person who desires to please Him in all we do and say.
  7. I believe these two concepts are inter-related in that when we accept Christ into our hearts he sends the Spirit who provides our strength.
  8. By showing regard for the wealthy, we are implying they have no need for mercy.
  9. The Royal Law, or King's law, was our King, Jesus Christ's second commandment, only loving our God comes before it. It sums up the Mosaic Law into the two commandments. Showing favoritism towards a rich person is a selfish act, putting one person above or below another, breaking the law against both.
  10. When we show favoratism to one, we are judging the rest as not good enough. And often we show favoratism because there is something in it for us (the selfishness, therefore the evil thoughts).
  11. In order to not discriminate, we need to have the innocence of a child. Children don't notice the difference of race or color. Children don't know when a person is rich or poor. We adults teach them. And when I notice that someone is different than me, I am, in that thought, discriminating. Whether we want to or not (or whether we're willing to admit it or not), we all discriminate. What I try to do is to bring myself in contact with those that I know I see differently, to get to know them better - it's the best way I've found to work through and past the differences and find what we have in common. When I see what we have in common and not the differences, then I've taken another step towards not discriminating. I don't know, or haven't seen, that my church is attempting to impress any particular person or type of people. From what I have seen, they reach out to everyone with the same purpose - to teach them about Christ.
  12. We should approach God with boldness, courage, and confidence so we can receive mercy and find grace when in need.
  13. Paul was careful to be humble about his call because he knew it was a gift, something to cherish, given to him by God. His example can help us remain humble because it's a reminder that we have all sinned and only through Christ's death can we have life.
  14. The mystery that Paul refers to is the new revelation that all, Jew and Gentile, are God's heirs. Where before the Gentiles were treated as second class, they are now on equal footing with the Jews.
  15. God's revelation to his apostles and prophets is our authority for faith and practice because it is God-breathed, given by His inspiration. Minimizing or straying from or superceding that revelation can lead us in numerous directions with no guidance but our own, which is usually self-centered. The danger of denying that God reveals himself to us and to his church would also tend to lead us to our own understanding, which is very limited.
  16. We are promised wisdom for the asking. The condition is belief without doubt. Trials turn us to God for direction and guidance (wisdom).
  17. To remove the double-mindedness, we must become single-minded in our love for God. Trials bring us closer to God when we have no other place to go and strengthens our character, thereby our faith.
  18. This says is so well. I'll just add my "ditto" on this one. Thanks Steve!
  19. Access to the Father means that we no longer have a go-between, the priest, who communicates for us. We talk with God direct. The Holy Spirit hears our thoughts and translates our deepest feelings as the intercessor. Jesus enables this through his blood, his sacrifice, removing the barrier between us and God.
  20. Jesus fulfilled the law when he lived his life without sin then became the sacrifice for our sins, opening for us to God. The significance is that all, Jews and Gentiles, have access to the open door, to God, to eternal life with Jesus Christ.
  21. If we're out of touch with being "lost", it is difficult to relate to where they are and just what they need to hear. Remembering instills in us the importance of witnessing and sharing Christ's love. A friend or co-worker who doesn't know Christ always seems to be looking for something they can't find. They are, literally, lost.
  22. People have a tendency to blame. It takes the ownership away from ourselves and makes it easier to deal with. It's one of those human nature things. Why blame God? Maybe because we know he's the one who can fix it so easily if he chose to. I don't believe he tempts us, but he does allow evil. To allow free will, he could not do otherwise, but we each make our own choices. Free will - it allows evil and it allows good, it allows sin and it allows righteousness. The choice is always our own.
  23. Trials in my life have provided a growth opportunity, a chance to become a better, strong, more mature Christian. I have let Satan destroy relationships in those trials and yet I have also let God refine me. There is, at times, a repetitiveness to our trials, almost a second (or third or fourth) chance to learn and do it right. I have changed in a way that, when I once ran from God, as Jonah did, I now run to him. Rather than take the easy path just because it's easy, I take God's path. And I stumble at times, but as I learn more, I stumble less.
  24. Faith is belief without seeing, without proof. Being a God-given revelation, we cannot take credit for having it. Can we be condemned for lacking it? I believe we can when it is offered and we reject it. Faith is like love - you can't see it or hold it, but you can feel it. It is what makes a person strong inside, in their heart, mind, and soul.
  25. We were created to worship God. That is accomplished in many ways, one way is in doing good works that will bring Him glory. The difference is those works that are done for God's glory and those done for our own (selfless vs selfish).
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