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Everything posted by csreeves

  1. I believe that we learn how much more magnificant than we can ever image for His ways are not our ways and He is infanitate. "Holy Holy Holy" "Praise the King"
  2. I believe that we are seperate and unique for we stand for Christ in our daily decisions and lives. "We are in this world" to be the light and guide down the right path, to go out and join the non-Christians at their level of understanding explaining how our lives are different, and why they are and instead of shame, blame and indecent behaviour we can teach them if they are willing how it feels to be at peace with the blood of Christ as their shield yet "We are not of this world" we are just here for a second and we know where we are going after death for we have a living Saviour.
  3. If I had a friend that never spent any time with me then we would never have a relationship in which to truly understand and accept me where I am or what I believe With no relationship there could never be faith to know Christ thus couldn't know Christ's ways. I know that I know through humbleness that I serve God willingly without reservations and becoming meek and teachable.
  4. Obtaining righteousness through faith is Grace instead of following the law. This grace doesn't give us a license to disobey the law but it does combine following man's laws if the don't contridict God's grace and also to continue to grow through God. I entered my church a lost abused child and they showed me grace and love of Jesus even allowing me to cry until the baby food became a diet on solid food. Yes there are some who wants things done by the book or law and they have there say but also come to see they need grace too. Society doesn't believe there is any God they are more in tune with the, "Me me me's" Man thins laws way is the only way and men must have laws to live in society while Christians are given grace through Jesus Ressurection for he is the only one who has ever overcome death an being made rightousness through repentance we are justified in God's sight. To understand this non-Christians must put the god of their life-themselves- down and they don;t want to do this.
  5. Paul was hunting Christians to murder them he was a stickler for rules until the road to Emmaus where he me Jesus asking him "Why are you persecuting my people" and Paul heart was changed from stone to flesh which knows that he knows there is a Jesus. This experience changed Paul's life for he feels Jesus appointed him to be an apostle to the Gentiles and to go forth in all the world preaching the Great Commission as well as the 12 were preaching to the Jews. After this experience Pauls believed that to gain all the world's treasures was loss but to be a follower of Jesus was gain. My first 46 years was as Paul says loss for I could never get enough of the world, nothing would make me happy and then one day I met Jesus and after searching for what would fufil me I was sold out as even today to my Creator.
  6. The 144,000 all are praising God for his grace and love. The could have been the believers, or possible the martyered but they are always looking to God despite what others think.
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