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Everything posted by awylie1949@yahoo.co.uk

  1. Christ is victorious and has all power. If we are united to Him. what Christ has becomes ours so we can be victorious over sin. Our eyes must look upon His face of beauty to the extent that the dazzling sights of earth will grow strangely dim and will lose its allure and attraction. We have to faith to believe that this is true and we have to live so close to Him. The effect in our live will be glorious and we can praise God for Jesus and His salvation and victory that is ours. How wonderful
  2. Death cannot hold us. Death could not hold Jesus. If we are with Him then we are in Him and He in us. Jesus rose victoriious over death and the grave and so can we . We have to abide in Him.. We can claim the power to resist temptation in the Word and by asking Him to help and comfort and strengthen us. Best not to put ourselves into harms way though
  3. The death Paul is speaking about is an actual death verified in history, the death of Jesus, the savour of the world. Gods own beloved dear Son. The sin came into the world by Adam and we have descended from Adam. Salvation has come into the world through one Man Jesus so if we know Him then we share with Him
  4. When we go into the water we die to sin . When we come up we are resurrected to new life where sin cannot hold us
  5. The point we move is when we accept the salvation of Christ and His authority. We must go to Him and ask for His forgiveness. Our sins were nailed to the cross so if we died with Him then we are resurrected with Him
  6. Because Adam was the first man created through which sin came down into the world. Christ came from heaven from God and is Gods son and in Him is imputed all righteousness of God and when we know Him as Saviour His righteousness comes to us by grace that we dont deserve. If Christ isnt our Saviour or our Head then his death for sins cannot be effective for us. Christ was the perfect Lamb of God through which He gave His life for our sins
  7. I think of Tony Blair where he committed the young men of the Uk along with the president of USA who committed his young men to go to war to fight the evil in the various countries. He committed them to make the ultimate sacrifice in paying with their lives
  8. Reconciliation means reconciliation of differences to bring someone to the same point as someone else. to bring a person to the cross of Christ. Unless there is that there would be eternal and total separation between man and God and neer the twain shall meet. They meet at the cross of Christ. We commit sins every day but if we ask for forgivness God will grant it and we are being saved each day. Jesus is saving us every day
  9. We have to cling to God so closely. Satan is out to destroy, he is the father of lies and he is powerful. Praise Jesus, God is allpowerful. I like psalm 91 and the analogy about Gods wings. We are like scurrying chicks where we have to be in the darkness because outside the lights of the world will blind us to the beauty of Christ and the path that leads to righteousness. Christ died when we were at our worst. Such undeserved grace. If we belong to Him, He will love us more
  10. The problems that we run into will develop our perseverance which in turn will strengthen our character, deepen our trust n God and will give us greater hope and confidence about the future
  11. I think justification means believing in the sacrifice of Jesus and being made righteousness as if we never sinned. What undeserved grace
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