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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

John Weir

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Status Updates posted by John Weir

  1. I feel much as you do. But would love to have riches as I believe I would give most of it away. Hedonism seems to me to lead to worry and anxiety as it can never satisfy. But the wrong attitude to 'riches' is a god that destroys people.

  2. So glad to see you doing this Bible Study Sean. Sure you'll enjoy it as I am. Will be discussing it with you.

  3. We're almost the same age and we also have 2 grown sons and 4 wonderful grandchildren. Our lives have been financially stressed since 1990 but we have survived by God's grace and mercy. Our sons are helping us currently as we allow God to build the business I am in. See my website : www.cartimports.magix.net/website. Looking forward to making contact with you.

  4. We're just about the same age, and I quite agree that our attitude to riches is critical. We're blessed but poor by our peers' standards, but if we were wealthy I would love to give most of it away.

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