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Everything posted by jjj

  1. The process of what we do with the thought defines us. Yes anger will come upon us but that cross over moment when Christ overlays the hurt, anger or bitterness response takes us from the danger zone. The thought is taken captive and given to the Lord. We have that free will. It is not always easy but to harbour the thought in our heart will taint every other thought that we have. Instead of feeling the anger, hurt or bitterness . We will be the anger , be the hurt, be bitter. The same power of releasing Christ into your heart not only prevents the words of hate inspires words of love and blessing.
  2. People Pleasing becomes the focus of many churches. The socialization of churches to create an atmosphere that attracts those from the world often brings about the compromise that effectively abolishes the Old Testament. Certain themes (you have to wear a hat, you can do this you can't do that etc) reflects mans choices and can project legalism. This then creates conflict among members and other churches. They key I think is that every person, every family, every church needs to be in constant prayer to God to always be in the place, spirit and obedience that God reveals.
  3. As an artist the first thing I note is to show light you need to have the contrast of dark. God has always been in the free will mode and this is an important step. When you suffer - Reach out to be beyond your scope how can you glorify God. It becomes the process that is relevent. It is about trusting God , seeking him, getting closer in the trials. Jesus chose to suffer to identify with us. We suffer to identify with Him.
  4. A light has to connect with a main source to shine. If we are not ignited by the Spirit we are hiding under a bowl. This is a danger in the life of a Christian disciple because we miss the opportuntity to follow Jesus into the dark world. To miss being led by the Spirit means that our spiritual gifts are not used to God's glory.
  5. If we examine the physical and the spiritual response of man we can come to terms with the issue of Jesus' statement. Paul talks abut taking thoughts captive. When you have a prisoner you have options: you release them, torture them, incarcerate them , interrogate them. The same can apply to thoughts. The moment you bring it into a physical realm - you have responded. If you pray for your response it is translated from spirit to flesh, if you call a man fool, or murder him you have responded. If you bless, forgive or even understand you have responded.
  6. Salt as a preservative reveals to us that we can ,through our prayers and cares minister Christ's love to the world. We can claim back much that the evil one has stolen and introduce our family and friends to the lifegiver Christ. We can intercede and Salt as a Seasoning gives us the chance to work out situations through love and forgiveness , often surprising those of the world. This always adds something to the situation - a spice. A seasoning makes us more open to our brothers and sisters of the world.
  7. When we are persecuted we identify with Christ, this is not masochism, their is no pleasure in knowing that Jesus suffered and died because of 'our sin'. However stepping back Jesus identified with you and me - this is the Blessing, this is the kingdom of Heaven. We rejoice in what Christ has given us.
  8. A pure heart if achieved by the knowledge of Redemption. Knowing this truth discerns God. Chronic sinners can not see God because they are still caught up in trying to be 'good' and not fallling into sin. It is still all about them and not about Jesus.
  9. The righteousness is about being able to go to God with joy through grace. To know for sure that you have loved God and been righteous before Him and to know your sins and confessed your sins. The Blessing is access to Him. It is the desire to express your love by being righteous. This put you into a conflict with the world but it also means you need to seek the Holy Spirit to advise you. It keeps you close.
  10. The expectations of the time of Jesus were for a powerful, strong leader who would fight and take charge - this has only beem amplified by time. Today our heroes need to be all things (even supernatural), have a sidekick to reflect back the power and to have a dark side. We allow our leaders grace in their indiscretions if they are strong. Today we impose 'gentleness' by law - a distortion - anti abuse, no smacking of children, political correctiness etc. The gentleness of the nature of Christ is in total constrast with the world's ideal. Humility is really just honesty of who you are and the situation you are in. It is telling the truth. Puffing oneself up, boasting or self illumination doesn't leave much room for the Holy Spirit to come into a persons life. It is important to Christilikeness because it makes you open to teaching.
  11. Spiritual Poverty: Unless we go to the cupboard and see that it is empty and feel the hunger we are in a state of denial and ignorance. . Before becoming a Christian many people feel empty and have no direction or understanding of who they are. They mourn the potential of what they feel they could be. An experience common to Christians is to identify with Christ as he wept over Jerusaalem. To look at what happens in world causes us to realise that those who do not know Christ are destined to dwell in hell forever. To know Christ's suffering and God's frustration causes us to mourn. The promise of the oil of gladness gives us hope and understanding of what we have in Christ.
  12. The two parts of each Beattitude are: The conditions of the Blessing and the outcome of the Blessing. I think Jesus wanted people to 'go deeper' than just to hear nice words. I think he wanted people to think and identify with what He was saying. The relationship of the Beattitude to the Fruit of the Spirit is the behavioural response of the blessed one of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control.
  13. jjj


    Hi I hope I have done this right. I am really looking forward to this study that my son has highly recommended. I live in Orewa .
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